#᛭   —   [RELATION]  not  even  the  sun  can  rival  the  warmth  of  your  love  [KAZUTORA & BAJI]
deathfavor · 5 months
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@kyukicho said: "Yo, Tora." There's a little less emphasis in Keisuke's words than normal. A little less bark as if he's contemplating something on his end. "It ever bother ya that I ain't really a sappy romantic? Like I don't do all that cliche stuff?"
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   The sunlight is warm against Kazutora’s face as he lays on the ground of Baji’s room, lazily flicking through the pages of a magazine without really reading it. It’s a comfortable silence, warm and cozy in a way that his place never is. He’s contemplating an afternoon nap when he hears Baji call him. It’s strange though. It sounds softer than usual, like he’s distracted by something else. “ Hmm? “  Kazutora closes the magazine and tosses it to the side while he turns to look at his boyfriend. “ What’s up, Kei? “
   The question causes his eyebrows to raise in surprise. Since when did Baji worry about things like that? Especially when it’s Kazutora, who would knowingly lick knives and bleed for just a scrap of affection. He digs his claws into the smallest bit and curls around it tightly. If anyone would know that, it’s Keisuke. Maybe it’s because Kazutora gives his all in love; intense and passionate like there is no promise of tomorrow. He puts effort into holidays and random days. Has he done something to make Baji worry? The thought makes him frown slightly and he sits up with a soft jingle of his earring.
   “ What brought this up? “ He asks, and then addresses the question with a shake of his head. “ Nah, not really. I know that’s not your thing. “ Kazutora stands up so he can lean against the side of Baji’s bed to gaze down at him with a smile. “ Besides, you might complain but you always go along with what I want to do. So if I wanted to do something horribly cliché, you’d go along with it. “ That did mean it depended on Kazutora to plan it, or speak up about if he wanted something. ( This is already more than he deserves. ) “ Maybe sometimes a surprise would be nice. But it doesn’t really bother me. You’re always there when it matters most. “  He tilts his head with a smile, bending to give him a quick kiss and fondly tuck a strand of black hair behind Baji’s ear. “ You’re Keisuke, I love you as you are now. Lack of sappy romance included. “ He grins playfully, teasing with his last statement. “ And we go on midnight rides or star gaze sometimes, that’s pretty romantic. “
   He bites his own bottom lip, a surefire sign he’s thinking. “ Why? Did I do something to make you think that? “ He asks after a minute, his pulse picking up with a thread of anxiety at the thought, and voice soft with concern.  
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deathfavor · 7 days
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@kyukicho said: Tires screech to a halt. Heavy boots clomp on pavement and metal of the ascending fire escape. Baji practically hauling his ass up to and through the open window of the apartment bedroom. "Ten minutes!" He breathlessly panted, picking himself off the floor where he had landed. "I still got ten minutes." Firm hands grasp either side of Kazutora's shoulders. Holding him steady to plunge straight into a hard kiss. With a broad grin he professes. "Happy Birthday Tora! I ain't got much cash but I got a full tank a gas an' enough ta buy a late night snack by the ocean."
happy birthday kazutora
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Kazutora sits in the dark, lounging back against the pillows on his bed while the music blasts in his earbuds and drowns out any noises. It's nothing special, never is. Although the breeze floating in through the open window is nice. It's like a siren song that invites Kazutora up to the rooftop again. He considers it. He considers it while he toys with the lighter in hand, flicking it on and off with an vacant stare. It's easy to lose yourself to the flames, to feel nothing but the heat singeing your skin and watching it's destructive hunger. Relatable.
He flinches when someone leaps through the window and he drops the lighter, yanking out his earbuds by the wire while he hops up. It's instinct now, to prepare for a fight. He blames juvie for that more than anything else.
" Baji? " He makes a surprised noise and drops his hands to his sides to look at the other boy on his floor with a perplexed expression. The other's mumblings do not help. Ten minutes for WHAT?
" Eh? " The noise gets trapped in Kazutora's throat when he feels the other give him a bruising kiss. But he answers in kind - angles his head a bit more to kiss him better, to meet strength with strength until the other pulls away.
He's about to ask what the FUCK was going on, but Baji offers his explanation. Oh. Right, his birthday. He gives an amused snort, lifting his eyebrows. " Isn't that exactly what I described to you when you were panicking a bit on if your lack of romantic skills bothers me? " He looks AMUSED. " Creativity is not your strong suit. " He teases, bending to fetch the lighter he dropped and shoving it into his pocket. " That sounds good though. Let's go. " He moves towards the window to climb out first ( birthday rights! ) before he pauses, half in and half out the window. "...Thanks Kei. " He adds softly before continuing out the window.
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deathfavor · 5 months
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@kyukicho said: [ SHIELD ] - BajiTora
reassurance prompts [ SHIELD ]: sender deliberately stands in front of the receiver to protect them from a targeted attack (verbal or physical).
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It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. The tiger does not make a noise despite how beaten up and bloody he is. He manages to remain standing in spite of the older and stronger delinquents that have been beating on him.. Kazutora still can't fathom what he's done to earn the Black Dragons sudden fixation on him, but it's brutal and relentless. And there is no one to tell. He could tell Baji, but this isn't Baji's problem and the last thing is he wants to do is drag his only friend into this mess. He wants to eat junk food and laugh and go to the movies or arcades or just get into mischief with Baji; not this. Although he's not sure exactly how many more lies he can come up with to excuse all the bruises and scratches and other injuries.
He's tired, and he's not exactly sure how much more he can take. He manages to deal with two more before a punch sends him stumbling and crashing into the hot asphalt. He needs to get up. But he can't. His body is too worn out and refuses. Which means its about to get a lot worse. A shadow covers him and he's ready to be struck, but the blows never come. He frowns, suspicious. Maybe when he looks up he'll ge punched in the eye. Kazutora hesitates but lifts his head and stares in surpise at the figure shielding him.
" Baji? "
Oh no. Kazutora feels his heart drop at his best friend's arrival. He struggles to try to push himself up, looking towards the delinquents in concern. But at least for now it seems they've had their fill - other than the jeering and taunting comments they make. Kazutora turns his focus back towards Baji, brows furrowed with confusion. " Weren't...you supposed to to be helping your mom with stuff this afternoon? " He mumbles, but his gaze falls out of shame. Baji's probably going to be upset that Kazutora's never mentioned this or said anything ; but Kazutora really thought he could keep it a secret.
Damn it. Today was really an awful day so far.
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deathfavor · 7 months
@kyukicho said: ❝ look at him like that again and you’ll won’t be seeing anything. ❞ - bajitora
Possessive, territorial, and jealous starters
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The lascivious stares of others is not an experience that Kazutora is unused to per se. He's had plenty of people tell him how pretty he looks or their eyes fall to the ink across his throat, or an outfit or this or that. Most were respectful of it. Some weren't. Many of those who weren't had also learned that they could look but not touch unless they wanted to be sent limping to the hospital. ( He'd spent some days in solitary confinement for it too, but worth it. ) He supposes this really is Baji's first time getting to see something like this up close and personal when some douchebags won't fuck off.
Kazutora's attention immediately turns towards Baji when he hears his boyfriend snarl. It probably shouldn't earn as big of a reaction as it does. He doesn't even care much when the douchebags end up scurrying away with their tails between their legs. His eyes are focused solely on the feral, possessive look that Baji has. He'd be a liar to say that didn't have him feeling a bit warmer than seconds ago.
" Keisuke ~ " Kazutora's voice comes out smooth, a siren allure to it as he grabs Baji's shirt and pulls him closer to him. His fingers rest against the bottom of Keisuke's stomach, slowly sliding upwards till he can grasp the edges of Baji's jacket near the collar. " That was hot as fuck. " He remarks, shameless with his stare and lips curved upwards into a smirk. " Like, really hot. "
They both know Kazutora can handle himself just fine. He prefers it. But something about that look, that possessiveness, has Kazutora's rapt attention. He's all but purring when he holds his boyfriend close. He presses their lips together, grinning into the kiss as he imagines feeling that snarl vibrate in Baji's chest. His tongue darts out, teasingly licking Baji's bottom lip without pushing for more. Now he's playing a tease, excitement rushing under his skin. Keisuke had always been protective, long before shared kisses and admitted feelings. But possessive? At least so openly? That was something new that Kazutora found himself quite fond of.
He makes a soft noise into the kiss just to push Baji's buttons further. ( He wonders if that will be the thing that makes him snap or if he needs to push more to see what would happen. ) His tongue gently flicks one more time before Kazutora pulls back, eyes dark with smug, bratty delight. " Guess you gotta stake your claim more, huh Kei? " He remarks, leaning back and loosening his grip on Baji's jacket. " I mean....if just anyone thinks they have a chance at me? " He challenges with mock innocence, eyes wide as he looks to the side. He manages to pull it off for a few seconds too before the devious smirk peeks through.
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deathfavor · 4 months
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@kyukicho said: sender kisses receiver to taste the blood on their busted lip - bajitora
blood, blood, gallons of the stuff starters
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Kazutora lazily looks over his shoulder towards Baji and the burning car, flames reflecting and dancing in his golden irises as he offers a smile. Adrenaline burns white-hot in his veins from beating down the assholes that wouldn't lay off and leave them alone, and it had only been fed as he'd watched Baji burn their car in retaliation. ( He'd looked captivating like that. ) The tiger throws back his head and laughs when the car explodes and the next thing he knows, Baji's dragging him through the alleyways and into some abandoned building. Oh they're so bad but it feels so damn good. Even the dull throb from his busted lip just makes him feel ALIVE.
His back hits the wall and then Keisuke's kissing him and Kazutora groans into it as he kisses him back. It tastes like blood and adrenaline, the smell of gasoline and heat, danger and thrills. Kissing Keisuke is as easy as breathing. Everything about it just feels right. His hands grab at Baji's hips but it's HIS legs that nearly buckle when he feels Baji's tongue slide over his wounded lip.
Pleasure and pain blend together in sharp contrasts that twist in Kazutora's system. It hurts but it feels good, it feels like it electrifies every nerve in his body and he gasps into Baji's lips. He WHINES and digs his fingers a bit more desperately against his boyfriend's hips, a shudder shaking his whole body.
" Fuck. Do that again, Kei. " Kazutora chokes out when they part with aching lungs. His stare is dazed and helpless and so smitten, like Keisuke is the only thing in the world. He might as well be. Kazutora doesn't do anything he cares about halfway, would rather be devoured and ripped apart by love than fade into nothing.
He jerks when Baji's mouth crushes against his again because Baji's never been good at saying no to Kazutora even when he should. Not that it matters in this case. He throws his head back and presses every whimper into Keisuki's lips and drags him desperately closer till they're flushed against each other. Kazutora's only standing thanks to the combination of the wall behind him and Baji in front of him. He could burn here and now be happy. Even when teeth scrape against his lip he just chokes and shudders.
An already glazed stare watches Keisuke lean back, eyes immediately dropping to Baji's bottom lip that glistens with his blood. He watches the tongue dart out from between fangs and inhales sharply. Oh he's SO fucked, so down bad for him. But it's not his fault his boyfriend makes everything ridiculously attractive. Or the fire in his stomach, the hands clawing to keep Baji close to him. Not his fault at all.
" Keisuke ~ " Kazutora practically sings, lashes lower and he tilts his head up to let his tongue dart out and slowly lick the trace of his own blood off of Baji's lip with a devious little grin.
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deathfavor · 4 months
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@kyukicho said: thanks for saving my ass. - bajitora
person of interest sentence starters
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   Kazutora drops himself into one of the booths, the smell of fast food heavy in the air. It makes his mouth water – despite his freedom now it was still something he savored. Then again, juvie had changed his relationship with food rather considerably. He became fiercely protective over it like an animal guarding its kill from coyotes trying to steal. He might offer to share, but anyone who tried to take without permission would limp away beaten and bruised.
   “ I can’t believe you forgot a whole report. “  Kazutora snorts, taking a sip of his drink with a cheerful smile.  “ You would’ve been history. Lucky for you that I had to read that book in juvie. God it was so boring too! “ He scrunches his nose and makes a face at the memory. “ I could have sworn it was a new type of torture to give them an excuse to beat us. Guess it’s just required after all. “  He props his chin up on the palm of his hand. “ Seriously. If you think school sucks, its even worse in juvie. Plus you’re kinda doomed if you fail. They grade harder than the guards hit. “ This kind of talk is something he’s more accustomed to; it takes a moment for him to realize how it might sound. Especially when he’s never mentioned that in the letters. Still better than home. “ Uh…Not that it happened often or anything. “ He clears his throat and then straightens when their food is brought to the table.
   “  Yes! “ He gives a soft cheer as itchy fingers make quick work of the greasy paper and he bites into the burger. If he makes a noise, he’ll deny it later. Right now he savors the explosion of flavor and meat. He chews, managing to swallow before he speaks. “ Fuck man, it tastes like heaven. “ He bends his head down and takes another few bites in quick session almost as if he’s afraid someone is going to take it away. He grabs one of the fries and munches on it before he refocuses on the conversation.
   A sip of cold soda helps wash everything down before he speaks. “ You’re welcome though, Kei. Glad I could help you get a good grade on it. “ He offers a softer smile. It made him feel good to be able to help Keisuke do well and get such good grade on the paper. “ Bet your mom was pretty proud of that high score too, huh? “
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deathfavor · 10 months
@kyukicho said: ‘ you haven’t eaten in a long time. ’ -bajitora
the road starters
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   “ ‘s fine, Kei. “ Kazutora mumbles when he feels Baji trying to nudge him from where he’s curled on Baji’s bed with his eyes shut, drifting in and out of consciousness. It’s been like that all day – Kazutora had hung out and crashed at Baji's place the previous night and then had remained for the day. In fact, he'd barely moved since that morning. He can vaguely recall when Baji had mentioned something about leaving – it must have been a school day. It hadn’t mattered; he’d stuck to his spot curled up and tucked into one of Baji’s hoodies. Morning had bled into afternoon, which had bled into evening, and now into twilight and Kazutora can’t remember most of the day. 
   His eyes slid shut again, cracked lips pressed together as he tries to go back to sleep again as he faces the wall. He can hear Baji setting something down, but he doesn’t think about it much. Maybe he should have. Evidently Kazutora’s definition of things being fine and Baji’s definition did not match up.  Because abruptly Kazutora feels strong arms around his waist, dragging him out of the corner of the bed and into Baji’s arms. Normally he would protest and put up a fight, even if it was just in play while laughing and giggling. This time, he’s limp and lets himself be dragged without a fight or any verbal fuss. 
   Kazutora’s head lolls back into Baji’s arms, dull eyes focused on Baji’s face. Oh…He doesn’t like that expression. Even in his haze, that frown makes him feel bad, like he’s worrying Baji. Maybe he is. ( He most certainly should be with his unfocused stare and pale complexion. ) His lips tug down slightly in response. “…Don’t feel good. “ He manages to force out, his eyes drifting till he spots the plate of food. So that's what Baji had been holding. 
   He doesn’t want to eat. But he doesn’t want to worry Baji. “…If I eat a bit, can I go back to sleep?” He sighs, as if speaking this much had exhausted him, his gaze slowly shifting back towards Baji as he shivers despite being warm to the touch. He can manage...at least a few bites probably.   
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deathfavor · 1 year
@kyukicho​​ said: “ I’m right here. You won’t go through this alone. “ ( Baji & Kazutora )
a long overdue response whoopsie
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  Kazutora’s silence is unusual. Normally he does something, whether it be a laugh and comment of yeah yeah I know Kei or him sinking against Baji’s side and taking the offered comfort to teether him back to the present. He doesn’t normally sit and stare at Baji in silence without any visible reaction. Finally his mouth starts to open like he might speak, but then it shuts without a noise having left his lips.  
   He turns his head away from Baji to stare at the tree branches. Baji was here…but was he here? Here with him? The sick sensation in his stomach grows as he considers it. He chews on his bottom lip, trying to ignore the thoughts that start to fester like open wounds. Maybe that’s exactly what they are, the open wounds of Kazutora’s damaged mind. Of course Baji was here. It was ridiculous to think otherwise. Wasn’t it? Hanma’s words whisper back in his head like a vulture circling a carcass that it wants to tear into with a sharp beak and talons. His eyes squeeze shut and he keeps face hidden from Baji’s view. It’s ridiculous to entertain those thoughts.  
  “  Yeah.  “  He feels like he’s choking to death just on that one word. It scratches at his throat, struggles to form on his tongue, and lacks any conviction behind it.  He stays silent, each swallow painful and suffocating.  “  Hey, Keisuke? If I…If I…  “  His tone is serious and haunting even if the words are few and far between.  “ If something happened, would you...  “  He tries to restart what he wants to say, or rather, what he wants to ask. Except he can’t. He can’t force the words out, his throat strangles them before they can even be spoken.
  He wants to know. He’s afraid to know the answer to his question. He’s afraid the answer will be a lie. His jaw clenches, fingers curling into frustrated fists as he stares away. He’s glad Baji can’t see his expression even if he probably knows what it looks like. Whatever. Kazutora pushes down the questions that twist inside him like squirming ants. Ants… He forces his hands to relax and stands up, pressing a smile onto his face.
  “  Nevermind.  “  He says it like that word will magically make the last few minutes be forgotten, climbs up to his feet.  “  I’ve uh, I’ve gotta go. “  He wonders if his attempt at a smile looks as shitty as it feels but he says it all with casual ease. “ See you tomorrow, ‘kay?  “  He turns away to start to before pausing and turning back.  “  You still wanted to go see that new movie, right? You haven’t seen it yet?”  Or has he? Well, Kazutora hasn’t at least.  “ We could go see that.  “
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deathfavor · 11 months
@kyukicho said: [ maybe ] - gimme early bajitora!
different kinds of kisses [ maybe ] sender and receiver are best friends and experiment with a kiss to see where it goes
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" Chicken. " Kazutora teases Baji as they sit on Baji's bed like they did most days. They were rarely ever at Kazutora's place considering his disdain for the place. More days were spent either out or in Baji's room than anywhere else. The fact Kazutora had a jacket there and some books there spoke to the frequency. " The great, big, bad Baji can beat up ten people aaaall on his own, but he's scared of a little kiss ~ Oh everyone would go wild if they knew. " Playful naughtiness twinkles in golden eyes, the movie they'd been playing forgotten about. He wouldn't tell, but that wouldn't stop Kazutora from being a playful brat about it.
It was, of course, all show. Kazutora was the one to bring it up, but that didn't mean his heart wasn't pounding in his chest. Especially when it seemed Baji was considering it. He swallowed his nervousness behind false bravado - except now it seemed like his bluff was being called by Baji's rebuttal. Kazutora huffs, crawling over closer to Baji till their knees touch and the distance drastically shrunk.
Baji looks handsome like this, the sun igniting the depths of his eyes and accentuating his defined features. It makes his heart race just a bit faster in his chest. He's always loved that look of bold determination, or when he's at his wildest with flames of destruction dancing behind him and blood speckling his face. At his roughest and at his softest, Baji was beautiful. Oh. Right. The kiss. Kazutora blinks, snapping out of his thoughts as he hovers close to Baji.
Kazutora lifts his hands, gently raising them to Baji's face while his thumbs brush against Baji's cheeks. He...wanted this to be good. He wanted to do it right for Baji. The blood rushing in his ears seems to down out everything else, gold eyes flicking over Baji's face one more time before he slowly leans forward to press their lips together while his eyes flutter shut. At first it's little more than a brush of lips, before he slowly presses more into the kiss Shy, gentle, and then bolder when he feels a bit more confident. He leans into the kiss more even as his heart pounds in his chest, his hold more confident, a drop of desperation in it before he parts. But he lingers closer, lips brushing over Baji's with every breath, waiting to see Baji's reaction.
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deathfavor · 1 year
@kyukicho​​​​ said:  ╳ bajitora
send  ╳ for my muse to take a bullet/blade for yours
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  Kazutora knows something is wrong before he can pinpoint what exactly it is that is. Everything should be fine, because it’s Baji and Kazutora standing victorious as usual in the center of a bunch of defeated punks who thought just because of their numbers they could beat the two. It should be fine. His instincts tell him something else. There’s the same ominous feeling that he remembers from when he would creep down the hallway towards the kitchen when he was hungry for a snack and his father would appear. It was the same feeling from juvie when you knew you should turn your head the other way and see nothing if you knew what was good for you and to avoid being caught in the crossfire. This isn’t his anxiety, it’s something more animalistic, a survival instinct deep in his chest that has his gaze turning away from Baji and the sun for a moment.
  A flash of silver and a clenched fist. That’s all the tiger needs to identify the threat before it can strike.
  He doesn’t even say Baji’s name. It won’t do any good when Baji is grinning and bragging on winning the little challenge and Kazutora almost wants to laugh if it wasn’t so sad. That bright, smug smile of Baji’s that he loves won’t last longer than a few more seconds because the odds aren’t in his favor. The tiger is fast; but he’s unarmed and throwing himself as a shield to protect Baji from a hidden strike. He couldn’t let anything happen to Baji. Not with jail time and not from some hidden blades. He won’t let anything happen to him.  
  The blade sinks into his abdomen and Kazutora stumbles backwards, right into Baji. Only, this time Baji’s strength has unintended consequences. Because the other teen doesn’t even seem to move from the impact of Kazutora’s weight or that of the ambusher. He’s like a steel wall. Dependable and unyielding. But in this case, it provides a surface to halt Kazutora’s fall and allow the blade to sink in deeper and draw out a pained whimper that neither adrenaline nor tunnel vision can prevent from escaping as his head falls against Baji. He needs to protect Baji. The tiger hasn’t fallen without his own catch though; the attacker’s arm caught in his claws and refusing to let go.
  Kazutora responds by slamming his head against the bastard’s face and hearing the sickeningly satisfying crunch of shattering bones. Once, twice. The fucker goes down llike dead weight and Kazutora bites the inside of his cheek to stop a scream when the knife twists on the way down. He stares as the knife clatters against the street, silver blade soaked in red. It’s…it’s probably not that bad.  One of those looks worse than it is situations.
  “  Hey, Baji.  “  Kazutora can only watch as his vision starts to swim and his hand clutches pointlessly at his side.  “ That makes it so I’ve beat one more than you. Won that challenge. “  Kazutora offers a grin as he tries to stand up and take his weight off of Baji.
  He doesn’t even manage to stand on his own feet without Baji, he just crumbles into the asphalt like a felled beast.
  It hurts. It hurts so much. Kazutora swallows the words like shards of twisted, sharp metal the scrape his throat. It’s okay because Baji is okay.  “  Must’ve slipped.  “ Words that are whispered from trembling lips. He’s lying and they both know it. He hadn't even stood up and there was nothing to slip on anyways. I’m scared Baji. Wide eyes stare up at him fearfully despite all the brave talk and spark that he shows. Am I going to die here? He doesn’t know, he doesn’t know how bad it is or isn’t.
  Maybe he deserves it though if he does.
  "  Hey. I want that leopard shirt you said was ugly. 'Kay? My prize for winning. You should get a matching one.  “  He grins, hiding his eyes when he squeezes them shut. Fuck, it really hurts.  
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deathfavor · 11 months
@kyukicho said: Keisuke grins, fanged and mischievous. His tiger looks so good he could devour him with eyes alone. His own devil's pitchfork clicks on the ground as he comes up to him. Arm wrapping around Kazutora's waist as hand smoothes over the soft fabric on the small of his back. Chaos and mayhem had nothing on them.
"Damn, where ya' been hidin' this outfit?" He purrs. Nuzzling against the crook of his neck and nipping at tiger tattoo. "Happy Halloween ta me~" Kissing up his boyfriend's neck to plant a long firm one on his lips.
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Kazutora is practically glowing under the praise and attention he's won today - his costume has certainly been well received by the people who have seen it today. He had lost time to make up for after all, so of course he'd had to make it extra good this year. Mission successful and the day was far from over.
He turns his head when he hears the scrape and click of something approaching him and then lifts his lips into a downright devilish grin that fits the look perfectly even when he arches beneath Baji's hand against his back. If his tail could move, it'd be swishing back and forth.
" That's for me to know. " Kazutora answers with a sly smile. " Can't have you finding out what other surprises I have in there after all ~ " A quiet gasp escapes his lips at the nip before he melts under the kisses being pressed to his skin. " Hee ~ Guess you're getting your treat early. I'll just have to tempt you into all sorts of trouble. You'll follow me, won't you Kei ~ ? " He asks playfully, licking Baji's bottom lip before he gives him a proper kiss, wrapping his arms around Baji's neck as they kiss. " Happy halloween indeed. " He grins, adding a playful nip before he eyes Baji's outfit up and down. " Hmmm. Definitely a treat. Should I take a bite ? " He purrs before he laughs. " So I take it you really like this, huh ~ "
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deathfavor · 7 months
@kyukicho said: ‘ i can easily imagine spending the rest of my life with you . ’ - BajiTora
soft suggestions starters
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Kazutora swings his legs off the edge of the pier while he unwraps the snack he'd grabbed from the gas station. He takes a bite of it and hums cheerfully, watching the sunlight reflect off the clear water. It's a peaceful afternoon where happiness tastes like the sweet in hand and feels like warmth on his skin. He glances over cheerfully at Baji to see him munching on his own snack before he looks back ahead
" Mmph? " Kazutora makes a surprised, puzzled noise when Baji suddenly speaks out of the blue. That's not the kind of comment that Baji normally makes. Not the future, not really vocalizing them outside of some of the rougher times. Kazutora chews and swallows before he speaks.
" Yeah? " He grins, gold eyes bright with delight. He doubts either of them had thought any differently. But it's rare to hear Baji use words to share his thoughts on this. He's excited. Kazutora tilts his head back for a moment, watching a seagull fly overheard as he contemplates what words he wants to say. " I can too. "
" Tell me about it. " Kazutora asks instead with a bright smile, leaning closer to nudge his shoulder with a teasing grin. " You don't have to write it so you can use big words. Tell me what the future looks like in your mind. Please? " He sticks his bottom lip out in a pout before he smiles again and goes back to kicking his feet and munching on his snack. " I want to know what it looks like in your eyes. "
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deathfavor · 1 year
@kyukicho​ said: “Blood? Are you bleeding?” Baji for Kazutora
concern rp meme starters
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    “  Don’t worry about it, Baji...  “  The words feel heavy on his lips even as he answers cheerfully while staring down at the sink and water red from blood. Kazutora has the distinct impression that he’d just answered the other incorrectly.  (  Well, he had. He hadn’t even answered the question.  )  Baji might not be the brightest out of everyone but he sure as hell wasn’t going to miss that fact.
   Kazutora hadn’t expected to run into Baji. It’d been one of the nights without plans with anyone, and Kazutora had ended up out fighting. Not as Valhalla’s number three, (two, really, considering Hanma was essentially the head), but just as the tiger. Violent and wild, who you could hear by the sound of his bell if he wanted you to. And he wasn’t afraid to take on those bigger and stronger. So he’d fought and fought. He’d fought till his knuckles bled and he knew he’d have nasty bruises the next day, besides his bleeding lip and nose. Not to mention the white shirt he was presently bleeding through. But Baji wasn’t supposed to have caught sight of him, it’s why he’d ducked insider the nearest building for the bathrooms - to wash off the blood and avoid someone he’d spotted in the distance that seemed all too like Baji.
   But the elusive tiger wasn’t elusive enough apparently. Because it’d felt like only a few seconds before Baji had come barging in to the otherwise empty bathrooms and spotted the blood in the sink and Kazutora holding paper towels under his bloody shirt. Kazutora hadn’t yet looked at the injury either, just started using paper towels to try to stop the bleeding, but he was sure there was a gash there from a sharp piece of wire that he’d fallen against in one of the fights. It was nothing but sheer coincidence they’d been in the same area, and the luck was against Kazutora it seemed.
   “  Man, blood’s not that unusual ya know?  Don’t get all so worked up. “  He grins and ignores the pain that making the expression causes from his split lip, ignores the fresh drops of blood that raise to the surface of his lips.  “  You’re out with others, right? Don’t worry. It’s not that bad. I can call Hanma or someone if I start bleeding to death or some shit like that.  “  His free hand waves casually as if to dismiss Baji’s concern. Liar, he’d probably deal with it himself. Fuck. What shitty luck, he didn’t want to worry Baji over this or steal his attention from whatever he was doing. “  We can hang out tomorrow, yeah? Or call me later and we can chat.   “  He pushes the conversation forward to distract from his situation.  “  So don’t worry about me. I’m tough. Whoever you’re with will think it’s weird if you stick around much longer. “  He pushes the laugh past his lips, still playing it cool. At least it didn’t hurt that bad.
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deathfavor · 1 year
@kyukicho​ said: "Damn, ya' pick some wild ass places ta' hang out sometimes." Baji huffed, finally finished climbing the last of the stairs to the rooftop. "Ya' aren't the easiest one ta' find sometimes, ya' know?" A small teasing remark but there held a bit of genuine concern. Knowing that Kazutora likely didn't want to be found. Which was precisely the time he needed to be the most.
Baji approached the wounded tiger with steady caution. Not for himself. No, Tora would never harm him. But for the other, worried he would flee again and leave Baji searching once more. Taking his time to come sit next to him on the hard ground.
"You're like some damn hide and seek master." But hide as he would, Baji would always look for him. Always find him no matter how long it took. That was just who he was, never giving up no matter how difficult, not when it came to Kazutora. That's just how it was and always would be.
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   It took ages to find a spot where the tiger thought he might be okay, where he could finally stop running through the streets and alleys like a caged animal tasting freedom. He’d managed to find some old building that looked like no one had touched it in a decade at least, even in terms of graffiti. It seemed fine though, so Kazutora had taken the six flights of stairs up to the roof till his muscles burned and he was gasping for air. And then he’d sat on the edge, legs tucked to his chest and his cheek resting against he knees. He’d turned off his phone before he’d even taken off, but the impulsive thought to throw it and watch it shatter crossed his mind. He didn’t, for once he had thought about the consequences (namely the pictures he’d lose), but it had crossed his mind. Instead, his eyes squeezed shut and he curled his hands into the fabric of his pants. He looks so small compared to the backdrop of the city.
   He wasn’t sure how long he’d been there, only that the sun had started to sink. And it didn’t matter. There was nothing but an empty home waiting for him. If he vanished, if he ran, would anyone even notice? He swallowed, trying to stop how his lips trembled. He turned head down so his forehead was pressed to his knees, fingers curling into his dual colored hair.
   Kazutora’s head jerks up when he hears Baji’s voice suddenly, caught off-guard by the sound of another voice. One that usually fills him with warmth. He stares dumbfoundedly at Baji, and he isn’t sure if it’s relief or despair in his chest. Both maybe. Baji had been looking for him? How long? Then comes the guilt, the shame, the vicious voice in his head sneering at him that this is just another reason for him to be disliked. Who the hell wants some fucked up, wounded tiger when there were softer, better things out there? He was being a burden. Again.
   Kazutora’s silence is just another red flag that something was horribly wrong. After all, he normally responds to teases with ones of his own, or at least scoffs. Instead, he just stares at Baji, watching him approach the edge and sit beside him. He wants to reach out, but he keeps his hands to himself. At least he does not turn tail and flee. Not from Baji.
   “  Never played.  “  He doesn’t trust his voice, and the way it shakes with just two words reaffirms why. ( Although it’s true, he never has played hide-and-seek. He didn’t have a childhood to allow that. )  “ Baji...  “  It’s too much. He can feel tears fill his eyes until his vision is blurry, and then they’re spilling down his cheeks before he can stop them. “  I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Baji!  “  He sobs, his body unable to suppress how he shakes and the weight of his pain any longer. Sorry for being a problem, sorry for being a burden, sorry for worrying you, sorry sorry sorry sorry!
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deathfavor · 11 months
@kyukicho said: "That one, with the red interior!" Baji whisper shouted in excitement at the sight of the parked car. "Bastard nearly ran that dog over the other day. Been lookin' for him." Pipe in hand, Baji circled 'round the nearest car, watching the alley for anymore passersby. Luckily it was late enough that most of the street were empty.
"Got the lighter fluid?" He grinned back at his companion. Hunting down this asshole's car had been priority number one for the evening. Seemed like he was holed up in some nearby bar. Guess he was walking home.
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" Oh, you actually found the car? I'm impressed. " Kazutora finishes the text he was sending before he snaps his phone shut and puts it into his pocket. " Great, so we can get this party started! " Namely, the two of them trashing the car. Kazutora really hadn't needed any explanation for why he was being recruited to wreck some car. If Baji wanted to, then he was down for it. Although the explanation did make sense for why Baji was being so picky this time unlike the past times that they'd raised hell. " That makes a lot more sense now. "
He peers out as well to glance around the street, but it is predictably empty. Well, except one guy but he looked absolutely trashed and looked like he was probably passed out. So the standard. Kazutra trots along after Baji while he gives a look over the car just to roll his eyes at the question.
" Duh. " He slings the bag from his shoulder, opening up the middle pouch to reveal a few bottles of lighter fluid. " Got plenty of it ~ You didn't say the car size so brought a bunch just in case. " He flashes his canines in a devilish grin while pulling one of the bottles out. " And yeah, I got the lighter too. " He flourishes the lighter just to prove his point. " So ~ ! Got a particular strategy to wrecking this thing? " It is Baji's prey after all. Kazutora's simply here to have fun and help. " Or just start going wild? "
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deathfavor · 1 year
@kyukicho said: [ SIT ] - Bajitora
soft action prompts [ SIT ] sender straddles receiver while in bed and runs their fingers along their body while they talk.
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   This tiger was all too happy to lay caged on the bed beneath Baji, his eyes aflame in the sunset hues that paint the room in hazy, vivid colors. What was there not to like? For Baji, Kazutora would happily roll on his back and expose his belly instead of claws and teeth that he gave the rest of the world. He was also just as happy to climb into his lap and demand his attention, and Baji could almost never say no to him no matter how he might grumble or complain. This was new when there wasn’t some sort of roughhousing involved and instead just them chattering, but that was fine with Kazutora. 
   A squeak breaks Kazutora’s story as he feels Baji’s hand trail over his skin. Goosebumps break out over his skin and a bright shade of red covers his cheeks – whether from indignation or embarrassment was debatable. There’s an attempt to stumble on through what he was saying, but he’s all but forgotten what he intended to say while he stares up at Baji’s fanged grin. Bastard knew exactly what he was doing. It makes his chest feel swell with a warm sensation to see Baji looking at him. 
   “  Baji!  “  Kazutora whines, abandoning all pretense of trying to continue the conversation. “ Stop that. You know my skin is sensitive! “ He pouts, but it doesn’t last more than a couple seconds as he squirms beneath Baji. “ You’re distracting me! ” Even if he was thriving under the attention. 
   It was true, enough so that Kazutora often sat down and cut off the clothing tags so they wouldn’t irritate him. This wasn’t irritating though. This he purred for, except for the fact that it was very distracting to him. His muscles twitch and tremble under the light touch tracing over his body and all Kazutora can do is try to furrow his brow and pay attention to whatever Baji is saying. Except he can’t. 
   He squirms again, shivering under the gentle touch. “ How am I suppose to focus on what you’re saying, Baji? “ But god if he didn’t love that smile and being the center of his attention. 
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