#adding to the list of bad decisions kazutora makes this week
deathfavor · 1 year
@kyukicho​ said: “Blood? Are you bleeding?” Baji for Kazutora
concern rp meme starters
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    “  Don’t worry about it, Baji...  “  The words feel heavy on his lips even as he answers cheerfully while staring down at the sink and water red from blood. Kazutora has the distinct impression that he’d just answered the other incorrectly.  (  Well, he had. He hadn’t even answered the question.  )  Baji might not be the brightest out of everyone but he sure as hell wasn’t going to miss that fact.
   Kazutora hadn’t expected to run into Baji. It’d been one of the nights without plans with anyone, and Kazutora had ended up out fighting. Not as Valhalla’s number three, (two, really, considering Hanma was essentially the head), but just as the tiger. Violent and wild, who you could hear by the sound of his bell if he wanted you to. And he wasn’t afraid to take on those bigger and stronger. So he’d fought and fought. He’d fought till his knuckles bled and he knew he’d have nasty bruises the next day, besides his bleeding lip and nose. Not to mention the white shirt he was presently bleeding through. But Baji wasn’t supposed to have caught sight of him, it’s why he’d ducked insider the nearest building for the bathrooms - to wash off the blood and avoid someone he’d spotted in the distance that seemed all too like Baji.
   But the elusive tiger wasn’t elusive enough apparently. Because it’d felt like only a few seconds before Baji had come barging in to the otherwise empty bathrooms and spotted the blood in the sink and Kazutora holding paper towels under his bloody shirt. Kazutora hadn’t yet looked at the injury either, just started using paper towels to try to stop the bleeding, but he was sure there was a gash there from a sharp piece of wire that he’d fallen against in one of the fights. It was nothing but sheer coincidence they’d been in the same area, and the luck was against Kazutora it seemed.
   “  Man, blood’s not that unusual ya know?  Don’t get all so worked up. “  He grins and ignores the pain that making the expression causes from his split lip, ignores the fresh drops of blood that raise to the surface of his lips.  “  You’re out with others, right? Don’t worry. It’s not that bad. I can call Hanma or someone if I start bleeding to death or some shit like that.  “  His free hand waves casually as if to dismiss Baji’s concern. Liar, he’d probably deal with it himself. Fuck. What shitty luck, he didn’t want to worry Baji over this or steal his attention from whatever he was doing. “  We can hang out tomorrow, yeah? Or call me later and we can chat.   “  He pushes the conversation forward to distract from his situation.  “  So don’t worry about me. I’m tough. Whoever you’re with will think it’s weird if you stick around much longer. “  He pushes the laugh past his lips, still playing it cool. At least it didn’t hurt that bad.
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