#ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄɪᴀɴ. / max ernest.
svcrecy · 2 years
[ @clickonmedotexe: fuck it i dont know max but i wanna know him ]
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❝ You... want to know me? ❞
( It. . . wasn't often that happened. Then again, it wasn't often people came out with statements like this, either. )
❝ I mean-- yeah! Wow. Cool.
Actually, not cool. Not not cool, as in, I hate that, because I don't, obviously- I mean, who would hate compliments? Unless they really didn't feel good about themselves or they thought you were lying or something- but not cool as in I'm using that word wrong. I think. I mean, I still don't even know HOW you can use a word wrong- unless you're using it incorrectly, I guess- like saying stationery instead of stationary- but I don't think it's like that? Why do we even use the word cool? We don't mean it's actually cool, as in- getting compliments doesn't earn shivering from anyone- so why cool? Why not another temperature? Can't I say that compliments are lukewarm or smoldering or a little above average- or maybe it's weather that it's tied to. As in, ❝ how's the weather today, Max-Ernest? ❞ ❝ Oh, it's really cool out ❞ - then, that's a measure of weather as much as it is temperature, because while it's still the temperature, obviously, it's kind of also the weather, because you can say that in response to someone asking the weather and they'll be like ❝ oh, okay. ❞ and so if that's an acceptable answer, then it must be a measure of weather too, right? So can you use other measures of weather? What about windy? Can you say something's windy if it is being affected by wind, I mean? I don't think you can-- ❞
It was beginning to become apparent why nobody wanted to know him.
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svcrecy · 2 years
[ @clickonmedotexe. // X ]
( Max-Ernest almost wished he'd been given none. )
( Ten words was too close to zero to be any help & yet too seperate from 'shut up' to stop him feeling even a glimmer of hope at it all. )
Admittedly, ten words couldn't even contain the full extent of how restrictive ten words could be, but ten words could still change . . . a lot.
Ten words could still compose jokes.
Ten words could encompass 'I love you's and 'I'm sorry's and so many other terms he'd give almost anything to hear from someone else. Ten words could have changed the course of his life. Ten words could certainly get across what he was trying to say now.
❝ Sorry. ❞
One down. Nine to go.
( Max-Ernest didn't know if that was an apology towards breaking and entering this office itself, or just for rambling nonstop at the first person he'd met. And, for once in his life, he doesn't even pause to ponder it. Not verbally, at least. )
❝ Your arm's very nice. ❞
( Read; lack of. Though Max-Ernest considered his left arm to be pretty admirable too. )
❝ How do I leave? ❞
Perhaps the second most burning question still lingering in his mind- the first, of course, being something along the lines of ❝ I don't suppose you've seen anyone else around? ❞ / ❝ I was meant to meet a friend here and by now I'm terrified for her oh god can you help? ❞ / ❝ Were my first assumptions about you being a murderer actually founded in truth? ❞
Max-Ernest opens his mouth & then closes it again, working through each word he's spoken one-by-one.
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Nine. That came to nine.
❝ Please? ❞
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svcrecy · 2 years
[ @omnitheplayer ] - - [ STARTER CALL. ]
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❝ So-- you're not human. Right? ❞
He's encountered many strange people & things & creatures & experiences in his travels, & yet none of them seem to quite be on the same level as Omni.
( Everyone was too human for his liking. Apart from the ones who weren't. They were too inhuman. )
❝ Is that- is that rude? To ask, I mean? I guess- well, obviously you're not human, 'cause I know that. It just seemed. . . Well, surprising. So what are you? How does it work? Can you tell me about it? ❞
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