#ᵈᵉᵛᵉˡᵒᵖᵉʳ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉᶰᵗˢ ( headcanons )
apmeka-blog · 7 years
although the forest is incomprehensibly vast, to the point where it could take you days for even the most experienced pathfinder to travel from one segment to the other, there are clear indicators about which (and more importantly: whose) territory it is you’re currently in. some are more subtle than others, but if you’re lost in the forest, it’s good to look for these signs to see how deep you are in, and how royally fucked you are.
1. Outskirts / Inland. Typically the wolf’s domain, the edges of the forest that lead into the human’s mainland is home to these spirits. Although they can be seen anywhere in the forest as they rove, most of their territory is clearly marked by rend trees, the volume of their howls and well trampled paths. Sometimes prey carcasses litter in areas where they’ve hunted and left the rest to the scavengers and the forest itself
2. First clearing: Fox Burrows. These are generally “clear” areas where the trees aren’t so densely packed and the light filters in from the top where the leafs aren’t quite as thick. There are small, deep burrows (often covered by natural debris) which the foxes use to travel in a huge network of tunnels. This clearing used to be home to the entrance of the burrows before the wolves took this area in a power play involving a certain prince.
3. Sacred grounds. Not one particular area, but further into the forest’s heart you’ll come across pathways that seem absolutely clear of anything, aside from very short cut grass, disturbed soil and out-of-place flower life. These grounds are the god of life’s domain, where animals are laid to rest to become one with the forest. There are some larger mounds, similar to graves for bigger animals. They are marked by crows and ravens that often nest near these areas. It is considered highly disrespectful to tread on the grounds if you are not intending to bury something. As mentioned in a previous headcanon: walking with shoes or heaven forbid disturbing the graves will get you killed.
4. No Spirit’s Land. Unofficial name for the dove’s roosts, where the plantlife is overgrown to the point of hazardous. Only two kinds of spirits have managed to successfully navigate these lands without death: The king of boars, and flight-based spirits. The pollen that surround the area is almost like a choking gas, the grass is tall enough to, as Hana stands at 5′6′’ (with boots), be at her ribs, a number of overgrown tree roots. This area is also the closest to the centre of the forest where the first tree is. 
5. The First Tree. Where the god of time resides, it’s a clearing in the forest where the first ever tree was planted lives. It’s unnaturally huge, and is rumoured to beat with the heart of all spirits in the forest. 
There are more, but here’s just. Part 1 i guess.
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
if you think that hana has a giant ass bunny mascot suit (hugs are allowed).. you’d be correct
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
i’ve been looking at the emotes for the mech and it seems like the joysticks control everything, right? at least that’s true for the upper half (or gunner half, however you want to see it as) i mean you see d.va lightly push the joysticks forward when the mech starts moving
but --- if you look at some emotes, like bow, or game on, and most prominently the dance emote --- she’s NOT controlling the lower half (or mobility half) of the mech with those joysticks. they’re primarily directional + cannon controls.
we never see d.va’s lower half of her body and it seems like she’s laying on her stomach (which i actually think is more the perspective of the mech), but what if things are hooked up to her legs? all the movement she is doing is likely mimicked slightly with her legs. 
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
also i feel sorry for anyone who tries to be funny and cute and wake hana up with a surprise because 100% the outcome is her pointing a gun at you with such conviction and deadass looking you straight in the eyes until more lucidity catches up with her
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
(realistically) how I want a d.va short to go with + minor predictions: questions answered regarding meka / the state of south korea, told through a narrative by hana, scenes cut between battle, showcasing a blurring of lines between reality + the persona she adopts and the heavy pressure of acting, competing, being d.va, leading to a crescendo of tension, generally a faced paced action short until the final moments where hana either discovers overwatch on her own merit in a batman’s gambit bid played by High Powers or is sent there by the korean government for some ulterior motive unknown to hana. 
nothing “new” told essentially, just expanded upon what we already know through voice lines (think eichenwalde) and her personality with maybe one or two hints to a bigger conspiracy that proves it’s a global affair rather than just linked to overwatch / un / talon. might include a follow up comic involving lucio and how hana and he make up the new / next generation of overwatch heroes, with allusions to the old team. generally meant to be fun, not too lore-involved, but with nods to sadder in hindsight content.
how i do NOT want the d.va short to go: overly cutesy, community pandering nonsense with her shown lacking basic hygiene skills, flippant towards regulations to a point that is beyond her cocky persona, like, court-martial flippancy, more questions added for the SAKE of questions being added rather than actually contributing to the overall lore, bastardising her character for the sake of a cheap laugh rather than satire on how people in universe would view d.va, 
any, ANY god forsaken instance of hana needing to be “saved” that wouldn’t be realistic to the strengths we already know, any instances where she is shown to be a liability (for example: saying she doesn’t know how her mech works VS her cockiness / mercilessness risking her team which is far more interesting)  -- to a point where it wouldn’t make sense. 
what will actually happen: d.va will be one of the characters that doesn’t get a short
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
like honestly i don’t talk about this because technically it’s something hana has already dealt with and moved on but d.va is the best thing she’s created for herself whilst also simultaneously being the worst possible choice hana could’ve done to handle not only the pressure of being a female in esports (geguri comes to mind) but also a celebrity icon that essentially paints her as the face of south korea. 
when people think south korea they think d.va in overwatch. when tourists visit, everywhere they go it’s d.va. she IS the face of south korea. she represents her country in the most literal way both publicly and as a military figure. speaking of military, d.va helped hana deal, in her own way, an approach to warfare. but that’s a slightly different topic for another headcanon, so circling back around to the point:
d.va is no longer just a “mask” for hana. no longer just a “persona.” -- and when she was slightly younger and first dealing with these social pressures she honestly. lost a part of herself. lost a part of hana because she essentially.. retreated in of herself and almost “permanently” became the mask. the overly sugary cheerfulness she was forced to put on lead to an apathy that .. never really went away. not entirely. it rears it’s ugly head in more perilous situations but it’s more or less a coping mechanism.
anyway i have a lot of feelings about hana / d.va. she loves what she’s created and being able to pretend to be cheerful in the wake of such unrest but in the same way she hates being her so, so very much.
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
things that i love about hana: yes, she’s as adorable as a handful of baby bunnies but if you dare underestimate her you’re in for a world of hurt because you can be both an accomplished soldier and cute as heckie.
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
hana is that one friend that gets you a custom lamborghini for christmas and if you protest you’ll end up getting two
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
honestly passing the boar’s trial ( @heridesagain ) was such a monumental achievement for hana. not only would she have been the first human to do so, but the very fact of how eye opening it was. suddenly, the trees didn’t sound so muffled, she could actually feel the earth and the grass on bare feet. she felt, for once, APART of something. her soul’s voice had finally been heard. it was the first and likely the last time she laughed, the first time she was drawn to utter tears because she finally felt like SOMEONE, not just a drifter between two worlds.
she lost her way. she lost her sense of self. rediscovering who she is.. connected her to the forest in a way that went beyond what the mark symbolises. she felt.. alive.
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
i’m seeing that height post go around and well it’s probably pretty good to keep in mind almost everyone wears some kind of heels (and footwear in general often add to height)
that being said my hana is still 5′4′’ barefoot and 5′6′’ with heels.
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
au where everything is the same but hana has more tattoos
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
wishlist hana braiding the local werewolf’s fur: “listen i know you wanna rip and maim but don’t you want to look fabulous doing it?” part 2: “did you get blood in -- I JUST WASHED YOUR HAIR THIS MORNING.”
with a vampire: “hold on i got this --” cuts her finger “ow, ow -- ow regret --” offers it. “now will you settle down i’m trying to stream on this young night.” alternative: “you ever want to see yourself in the mirror??” makeup time.
some monster: why aren’t you scared of me? do i not shock you? hana, flashing back to the time she made an oni breakfast and often demands her attention: humans are the real monsters monster: hana: monster: do you.. wanna talk about it
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
even though hana’s been cut from the song bank accounts, she does still meet with her father from time to time, whom she had a greater relationship overall, in secret. usually dae-seong just showers her with gifts and they play starcraft sometimes. he offers every time that he could pull a few strings to get her out of the meka programme and into his fusion energy company, especially now given her expertise with the tech, but hana declines everytime. she’s got a duty, now.
he’s still very much proud of her, though.
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
hey heres an unusual headcanon question for you guys.. what is your muse’s writing style?
hana’s is entirely short hand. looks like a first draft but is actually her finished piece. chaotic ideas that are very deeply thought out and interconnected if you take the time to decipher her anagrams. there’s a lot of dashes and apostrophes that don’t belong. “hana why is half this text redacted?” “i’m not letting the government and torbjorn steal my ideas.” also that field report you wanted under 5k words? enjoy reading 30k.
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
Cyber76 is entirely Junker!Hana’s creation, dubbed ‘Robocop’, because she needs someone to protect her shit when she’s out scavenging out of Junkertown and sometimes she can’t do it with Roadie or Junkrat. there’s always good scrap to be had out there that lesser scavengers might overlook without a keen eye for engineering like her.
i need a 76 for this aaaaaaa
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apmeka-blog · 7 years
y’all should like, hc what your muse wears for jammies
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