#—  ❛❛  //  𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞   ¦  ⁿᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ˢᵗᵃⁿᵈˢ ᵃ ᶜʰᵃⁿᶜᵉ ʰᵉʳᵉ ᶦⁿ ᵐʸ ʷᵃʸ   ・ 「 main / default ! 」
gnosticreign-a · 2 years
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@divitaclara​ asked: "Can I kiss you?" [ Гора~ ]
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soft laughter, an easy smile, even as the former archon leaned in close to his dear friend. to hear him ask after all the time they’d been together was actually something that zhongli quite cherished; perhaps it was the knowledge that despite neither being entirely human, this was something that truly seemed...well, human.
“老铁, you can kiss me as much as you please.” a gloved hand raised, a finger over zhongli’s lips before he winks. “but i will have to return them tenfold.”
was this a challenge? no, but he did want to see how childe reacted to such a declaration.
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rewovenfate · 2 years
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@mylupical​ asked: "Lulu"
Kaeya says in a small voice, tugging gently on the ponytail.
if it were kaeya as an adult, diluc would have had half a mind to tell him to bug off. still, the small and gentle voice, along with the childhood nickname, made it hard to get angry.
"there’s better ways to get my attention, but...what is it, kae?” he felt too aware of how rough his voice sounded, even trying to be careful not to scare the now-child.
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rewovenfate-a · 2 years
@glacialwaltz​ | call
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“sir kaeya. i didn’t expect you until much later.” it was the late afternoon, but still, he’d thought jean would’ve kept him busier than this. diluc didn’t even spare the knight a glance as he continued, “is there something i should know?”
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
@nulltune | call
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a glass of juice was placed near her, and while his expression could be unreadable most times, his tone was gentle. "i figured you'd probably appreciate something sweeter, judging by your expression. you have something on your mind?"
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
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@visionlcss​ asked: "i  don’t  know  if  you  can  hear  me ." (diluc to kaeya?)
↪  𝑴𝑶𝑶𝑵 𝑲𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 . | accepting!
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"and if i could, what would you say to me?”
he wasn’t sure what to expect, really. more harsh remarks, showing that diluc hadn’t allowed his walls to lower? the outstretched but nervous hand approaching reconciliation, before pulling itself back? the latter being all the more painful than the former, as the latter gave him too much hope.
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
@fatecrafted ( eila! ) | call
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"it was quite a surprise to hear from jean that i wasn't the only one who had left the knights...moreso to hear that it was you." his tone was casual, even as adelinde placed their drinks on the table. as he sipped at his juice, he looked over eila with a gaze one could only recognize as appraisal.
finally, he continued. "i don't wish to pry, of course, but i will offer my support should you need it. the desire to travel often has its own dangers, and sometimes...a place to return to is sorely needed after a while."
and, perhaps, moreso with the safety of an old friend.
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
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@divitaclara asked:
◆⟢ « So you are a repeating offender. » The trail of his voice grew enlightened in nature and roused in feverous delight.
The Dark Knight Hero was a myth that slinked through the gossiping tongues of the Fatui. An alluring tale of a shadow that blended in with those that truly walked within the shade and frightfully crept in the minds of the most unforged of recruits that had yet to properly grasp their own blades. Yet the reputation was more palpable amongst some of the Harbingers, whom of which felt the fiery sting of each thorn that this brazen vigilante left in their skin. Every little ruckus this protagonistic figure caused brought a smile to Tartaglia's lips, and even more so now that he would have the pleasure of feeling that sting for himself.
And color Tartaglia impressed by the work that had been done by Diluc's hand. The amusement was well written into his youthful face, and inappropriately so to the recruits that believed that maybe their young Harbinger would spare compassion for them. However, it wasn't a matter of the operation's integrity of flow, or even the health of those that ran the operation to Tartaglia. Not when his sights were narrowing on a brand new avenue of thrills and thusly would become the only matter he so involved himself with.
« Hah! How excellent. Now I get to see what all the fuss is about. You've managed to leave a memorable mark on a lot of us Fatui—especially this poor lot. »
[ For Diluc, ahaha. ]
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diluc ragnvindr was a man that was difficult to surprise, even on nights like this, where both monster and man lurked with hearts blacker than the night. it was he who would bring light to their wickedness, a fire of justice wrested from his chest, from the vision that lay at his hip.
( and once, from the delusion that he'd worn upon his hand. )
tonight was a different sort of night. after all, no member of the fatui had seemed absolutely delighted to see him, moreso as diluc was surrounded by the men he had taken out. the redhead's brow furrowed, those scarlet eyes examining the other before he spotted the insignia.
at that, he drew his claymore in front of him. gloved hands held the blade steady, even as his feet spread into a position to keep himself steady should the stranger make a rush at him.
no, not quite a stranger. the description lined up with the eleventh harbinger, the one known as "tartaglia". from what he'd heard, he had to replace signora in mondstadt for the time being, and apparently kaeya had spoken to him a few times.
charles wouldn't have known that a fatui harbinger was in the bar, even if the circumstances behind the "bickering" kaeya was described to be partaking in seemed odd. diluc berated himself for not taking a closer look into it.
"from the sound of it, you're looking for a mark or two yourself." despite his words, his tone was cold, almost withering, as if counterbalancing tartaglia's delighted one. "but unless you want to end up like your men, i'd suggest backing off."
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
@fatecrafted​ | call
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“miss honorary knight! you’re back!”
little legs carry the spark knight at top speed to the traveler, and she nearly falls over when she screeches to a stop. however, klee’s balance quickly recovers, before she beams up at the other blonde.
“klee just got out of solitary confinement, so you’re just in time if you wanna--!” scarlet eyes glance around, before she lowers her voice, an ineffective whisper accompanied by giggling. “if you wanna go fish blasting with klee! and maybe we won’t get caught!”
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
@lyriccl | call
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"it's still quite surprising that master diluc has taken so quickly to you. he's almost always been married to whatever mission he's had on his mind, you know."
one would presume that the topic of conversation was quite brazen, but the cavalry captain made sure of one thing: that diluc himself wasn't the one tending to angel's share tonight. nope, it was just charles at the counter, thankfully.
"that being said...if it wasn't you, it'd be hard to picture another." kaeya sipped at his wine, a slight smile easing on his features. "and i think you'd be a good sister-in-law."
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
@lunaetis ( lumine! ) | call
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"you do have a way of arriving just when you're needed, don't you?"
a slight smile eased upon his features, even as he sipped at his juice, glancing over to lumine from the letter he was reading. as diluc set the cup upon the desk, his gaze returned to the letter.
"i've just received word of a growing abyss order base. it seems they wish to interfere with dawn winery's suppliers. i would normally handle this on my own, but the problem comes with the location..."
placing the letter on the desk, a pen was soon brought out, even as diluc began to mark areas on a map.
"that is, there are three of them. the first seems to be the base itself, but they'd been biding their time to prepare camps. with those camps ready and functional, the worst that destroying the base alone will do is simply cause delays."
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
@geleum | call
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"klee's not in trouble, i promise!" kicking her legs in the chair, klee leaned forward to beam up at the cavalry captain. "lisa said she had a book for me, and told me to wait riiiiiiight here so she can get it."
the little elf paused, before her eyes widened. "oh! does lisa have a book for you too, kaeya? or were you looking for me?"
she'd been a good girl, she knew that! there wasn't any fish-blasting done recently, that much she knew, so hopefully it was something that required her assistance rather than her being in trouble.
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
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@cynopclis​ asked: ❝ i have a duty. so do you. ❞ ( @ capitano )
snow white & the huntsman starters | accepting!
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although his features were hidden in the darkness of his helm, there was no mistaking the thoughtful pause nor the eventual slow nod of the second harbinger’s consent. the general was right. if they wanted the best outcome, they would have to work together.
a damn shame. il capitano would have been content to let the fools who dared muck around in the fatui’s name get their just desserts, but this mission would be trickier without the extra manpower. that, and pierro would likely prefer to have a lot less casualties in sumeru after la signora’s death.
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"i suppose i can assist you...for our duties.” for now.
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
@siphondeath ( the tsaritsa! ) | call
rosalyne’s funeral had proceeded smoothly, albeit with some verbal trifling here and there from the other harbingers. the frozen crypt where la signora’s body now rested was kept watch over by several harbingers equipped for the task, trained to guard the vaults across the various banks that the fatui held control over.
night fell over snezhnaya with the blanket of darkness, but not all were asleep. indeed, besides the guards who ensured the tsaritsa’s safety, the first harbinger strode through the halls, making his way to her chambers. there was no question as the guards stepped aside for him, even as pierro raised a hand to knock upon the door.
"i return, your majesty. are you still awake?”
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
@divitaclara​ | call
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“oh, so you’ve returned from...let me guess, liyue again, hm? do spare me the details, i’d rather save my time from someone with more to offer.”
childe’s odd friendship with liyue’s former archon was amusing, but meritless at this point. the tsaritsa already had what she’d needed from the mercantile nation, so it was a waste to let liyue continue to dwell in her mind. as it was, she had to ensure those deployed in inazuma were doing their duties without a hitch, but...
the recent news from the tsaritsa was also troubling her.
"the only details i’d like to hear would be that of if you’ve heard anything from scaramouche. it seems our balladeer has...fallen off, as it were.”
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
@visionlcss ( pervases! ) | call
"pervases! brother! you’re just in time.”
glancing up from the fire, bosacius grinned at the other yaksha, gesturing at the arrangement. beside him, freshly caught fish ( with some electro still sparking across their dripping bodies ) were waiting to be cooked.
“i’d, uh, luckily come across some fish while taking care of some karmic debt. would you like to join me?”
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gnosticreign-a · 2 years
@visionlcss​ ( shizuko! ) | call
the new messenger the tsaritsa had brought in was quite useful, and seemed to be especially helpful to some of the other harbingers. pierro, being one to rarely show up with the others due to his work, had mostly heard about “shizuko” rather than actually met her. an inazuman, that was for sure, and he’d also picked up that she had no vision, as well as no desire to pick up a delusion or any equipment.
being in such a mild-mannered position seemed to be the most she wanted. pierro certainly couldn’t fault her, as most positions in the fatui otherwise held risk to varying degrees. as he was one of the last lines of defense to the tsaritsa herself, he was well aware of the risks involved.
today seemed to be different, as a knock on the office’s door would soon prove.
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“come in.” he had nothing confidential upon the table, and the gnoses were locked away for safekeeping.
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