#— ⟢ sharp teeth & no conscience ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ HONESTY DAY.
sybcritics-blog · 5 years
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choi jungwoo tag drop !!
“  ━━ ◤ interaction. ┊ name. ◢ “  ━━ ◤ sms. ┊ name. ◢ “  ━━ ◤ twt. ┊ name. ◢ “  ━━ ◤ snap. ┊ name. ◢ “  ━━ ◤ paring. ┊ name & name. ◢
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vodkctonic-blog · 5 years
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tag drop !!
— ⟢ interaction ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ CHARACTER NAME. — ⟢ sms ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ CHARACTER NAME. — ⟢ twt ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ CHARACTER NAME. — ⟢ snap ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ CHARACTER NAME. — ⟢ paring ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ NAME & NAME.
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mcnypieces · 5 years
[For 1 Local Idiot Tsundere known as Bartolomeo] Dude just admit you've got a raging heart-on for Aya already!! You should tell her, lord knows she'll never approach you about it.
heart-on // : ✗ ✗ ✗
     A choice of words not too dissimilar to the ones the cannibal might’ve used. It is likely he would have responded in a similar way to a situation unrelated to himself and been quite proud of it. Unfortunately, the taste of one’s own medicine is not very pleasant .
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     ❝ And what makes you guys think that, huh-dabe?? ❞ A laugh that begins cocksure and tapers into a nervous, uncertain chuckle. Fingers rake troubled through stray strands of a comb loosening the more they ran through it. It is as though he intends to tame it in a way that is perceived as smooth and play-offish, but it’s apparent by the sweat on his brow that Bartolomeo is struggling to make that image a reality. ❝ Is that why everyone keeps asking me stupid shit and beating around the bush? Because they think I like her?? As in like, love h ── ❞ It had only taken multiple accounts of badgering and a homicidal threat. A sharp suck of the teeth cuts words short and agitated expression as it rests pensively still for a fair while .
      The feeling returns in the quiet of thought. Soft, warming. It sunk deep into skin as if seeking to comfort him. Lately it was this feeling that kept his hands clean and helped him to rest at night. Seasickness was nothing to a stomach wrought with feathers. The edge of teeth dulling without use, a subconscious smile painting heated skin with milky whites. She had let the beast out of his cage; she freed him to roam, undisturbed, in house and home. Aya did not fear the merciless creature skulking beneath bared teeth. Unabashed she took beaten hands within her own. She allowed nails so rigid and unkempt to caress delicate scales and had not flinched. Abrasive snaps in public had never settled the right way in anyone. He was a delinquent, priorities missing and brimming with mischief. A violent mind grew close to chaotic, merciless thoughts as it went along its war path. But the mermaid halted that reasoning. With every part of the jaw around her he felt his humanity slip. It scared him to be so ruthless as he had been throughout the entirety of his life; to be that which had become himself. Bartolomeo didn’t want to show her his teeth. He sought arms rested gingerly around her form, the cross of fingers his guardian sign. To rest the edge of his chin against the foundation of rose locks, tickling skin as he pressed a sincere smile into it. So long had the phantom feeling of that touch lingered on his hands that he wondered if it would ever go away. No matter the ways piled on to cope with the fluttering of his chest, his only comfort was the sweet sound of her voice .
     Realization blossoms against the bone of cheek in patches of petals. Dulling edges, softening the jeering scowl upon which his image had been crafted. Fingers run to face scattered along varying degrees of heat, a pop of red beneath a bright green. The expression was nothing short of smitten .
     But reality was not far behind silent epiphanies. He could still feel the roughness in his hands. It scraped against his features like the deadened edge of a blade. The feeling disrupts the joy sinking into them and jerks him away by the scruff of his neck. Lately it was not as though Bartolomeo had not known. He knew. He knew what it meant to be so choked up around someone that it was impossible to speak. In truth a part of him had always known from the moment Aya had taken his hand. But it was constantly kicked out of his reach. He could not stay in that comfort, indulge within without thinking. Every time it surfaced it was tagged so simply with the same reminder. You know what you are. A pirate, a hooligan; the cannibal with stained hands and a penchant for disrupting the peace. He killed people. He laid waste to idle islands with his own ideals and feasted on the innocent without a conscience. Yet now, he had truly been given one .
     All at once he recalls his promise to protect her. From everything, everyone, that would ruin her happiness or threaten that docile way of life. No matter the heinous figures fabricated and pushed to the forefront of the mind, there was only one that would constantly stand in front of all of them. That person was himself; He had to protect her from himself .
    ❝ I don’t, I… ❞ a pause, hesitation immediately correcting itself, ❝ I can’t. I won’t. ❞ Honesty is a pill hard to swallow. It strangles him in the midst of speaking. ❝ I don’t want her to. In fact, every day, I hope she doesn’t come back or ask about it… Because I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna be able to keep my promise-dabe . ❞
    So little said and yet he finds himself absolutely winded. Not even a shaking breath brings it back enough that he might speak without his voice cracking .
     ❝ For fuck’s sake… I’m just trying to do the right thing here-dabe . ❞
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amethystina · 7 years
Ironwinter "You need to go." or "I don't want you." because I could use some angst please.
Is this angsty enough for you, nonnie? Because I aim to please ;D
Of all theterrible things Bucky had done, this might actually be the worst. Tony wasstaring at him in confusion, coffee cup halfway to his lips. Perhaps Buckyshould have picked a better time for this, but he wanted to get it over with assoon as possible.
“I’msorry, what?” Tony asked, but his words lacked their usual confidence.
“Isaid, we should break up.” Bucky managed to maintain eye contact, but ittook everything he had.
Tonyblinked, his coffee cup lowering. Bucky could see the walls beginning to slamshut — Tony always hid behind them when he felt insecure or hurt.
“Okay.I admit that was sudden.” Tony sounded indifferent, but Bucky knew better.It was the carefree kind of nonchalance that Tony used whenever he felt likehe’d lost control of the situation. Unsurprisingly, his boyfriend of six monthssuddenly dumping him without warning qualified as one of those times.
Witheffort, Bucky kept going, reminding himself that he had to do this. There was no other way. “Yeah, I know,”he said. “We gave it a try, but I don’t think it’s gonna work.”
Bucky hatedhimself.
Tonyswallowed — the tiniest of hint that he was coming apart — but he clearlyrefused to show any weakness other than that. The walls were up, leaving Tonylooking polite yet distant — as if he was talking to a complete stranger. Apart of Bucky would have preferred if Tony had yelled at him, but he knew thatwasn’t how Tony worked.
When he wastruly hurt or upset, Tony always went unnervingly quiet.
“Well,I guess that settles it then,” Tony replied, turning his back on Bucky onthe pretence of refilling his coffee. The cup was already full, but Tony seemedto need the distraction.
He didn’teven ask for an explanation. Bucky had one prepared, just in case, but he’d knownall along that Tony would accept Bucky’s decision to break up without complaintand simply assume it was his fault. When it came to things like these, Tonyalways blamed himself.
Buckyswallowed. “It’s nothin’ you did,” he said, trying to soften theblow, both for Tony’s sake and his own conscience. “I’m just—”
“Spareme the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech, okay?” Tony interrupted. His smilewas sharp — so sharp Bucky almost flinched. “I’ve heard it enough times toknow it really is me.”
“Tony,no. You’re wonderful—”
“Butnot wonderful enough to be your boyfriend. I get it.” Tony shrugged andcarefully maneuvered around Bucky to leave the kitchen, probably heading forthe workshop where he could lock himself away for the foreseeable future.“Honestly, you only have to say 'I don’t want you’ and I’ll get the hint.Don’t try to sugarcoat it.”
“That’snot what I'm—”
“Willyou be moving back to your own floor?” Tony stopped just inside thedoorway, face blank. “If so, I’d appreciate it if you cleared out yourthings from my room before the day was over.” Tony’s words were clippedyet polite, and he wouldn’t meet Bucky’s eyes.
“Tony,I…” Bucky fell silent, realizing it was no use; Tony had every right tobe mad at him. “Yes. I’ll get it done,” Bucky replied softly.
“Good.Now, if you’ll excuse me.” Tony left the kitchen without a second glance,his shoulders tense and head held high.
The momentTony disappeared out of view, Bucky buried his face in his hands, trying not tohyperventilate. His heart was beating loud enough to ache, but that was nothingcompared to knowing just how much he’d hurt Tony. It didn’t matter what Buckysaid — Tony would blame himself andprobably withdraw from everyone around him while he tried to regain hisbearings. That was what had happened when Pepper left him.
Buckyblinked away the tears, allowing the guilt free reign. Breaking up with Tonywas the last thing Bucky wanted, but he had to — for Tony’s sake. Thishad gone on long enough.
Why hadBucky been stupid enough to think he deserved someone like Tony? He knewwhat he had done, but he’d hoped it would never come to light — that Tony wouldnever find out. The entire time they’d been together, Bucky had been battlingthe guilt, but that had been a small price to pay for the privilege of wakingup next to Tony every morning. Theproblem was that Bucky had been selfish — far too selfish. Tony deserved to know, but Bucky had kept it from him.
Bucky regretted that now. If he’d come clean at the beginning — beforethat first, wonderful kiss in Tony’s workshop — none of this would havehappened. The anonymous emails with their attached pictures wouldn’t have hadany sway over him.
The last email had even included a video.
He’d watched himself murder Tony’s parents in cold blood, over and overand over again. That wasn’t something Tony should have to see. It was, in alllikelihood, something Tony wouldn’t be able to forgive, either. So Bucky woulddo what it took to keep that video away from Tony, even if it meant succumbingto blackmail and breaking up with him.
Tony deserved better than the cowardly liar who had killed his parents.As much as it hurt, breaking up with Tony was for the best.
“We’ll find out who’s doing this.”
The softly spoken words made Bucky look up. Steve was standing in thedoorway, his expression pained but determined — he must have been listening inon Bucky and Tony’s conversation. Or maybe it was the devastated look on Bucky’sface that made Steve appear so sad.
Bucky didn’t know when Steve had found out what he had done. He wasgrateful, though, because when Bucky came to him after the emails had startedarriving, frantic and afraid, Steve hadn’t flinched. Bucky had been surprised,he could admit — he hadn’t known Steve knew — but it had made things alot easier. He’d had someone to turn to, and someone to help him figure out hisnext course of action.
Neither of them liked lying to Tony. It hurt to go behind Tony’s back,time and time again, and Bucky knew that the longer they kept quiet, the worseit would get. He knew Tony would find out eventually — he’d realized that longago — but he still kept postponing it, not wanting to ruin the small bubble ofhappiness he’d been able to create together with Tony.
Now that was gone. Bucky’s secrets had cost him the very thing he’dtried to protect by lying, and he only had himself to blame. It was his fault. And,to make matters worse, Tony was the one who would suffer the most from hismistakes, not Bucky.
The thought of hurting Tony was unbearable.
The initial plan had actually been to tell Tony everything, but theblackmailer had put an end to that by threatening to send the video to themedia. Bucky had still wanted to tell Tony, video be damned, but Steve hadreminded him that Bucky had already had a hard time winning the approval of thepublic. A reveal of this magnitude — him having murdered Howard and Maria Stark— would cause a backlash that would be near impossible to control. Especiallyif anyone found out that Steve and Bucky had both known, but kept it from Tony.All of the Avengers would get pulled into that kind of mess, not just Bucky,and they couldn’t risk it.
And so Bucky had reluctantly agreed to find the blackmailer first, then tell Tony.
But that was before the new demand came — the one telling him he had toend his and Tony’s relationship, or else Tony and several notable reporters wouldfind that video in their inbox within a couple of hours.
The fact that he and Tony were together was public knowledge — it wasone of the things that had made Bucky’s standing with the public a little rocky— but the demand made very little sense. Bucky couldn’t understand what theblackmailer was trying to gain. What was the endgame?
He’d still done it, in fear of what would happen if he didn’t.Everything was turning into such a mess.
“Buck, we’ll solve this,” Steve said, stepping closer.
Bucky gritted his teeth, his shoulders hitching. “And then what?You think he’ll forgive me?” He glared at Steve, even if he had donenothing to deserve Bucky’s anger. In all honesty, Bucky was more angry withhimself. “I murdered his parents, thendumped him with no explanation whatsoever. Tony and I…” His throatclosed up and he had to swallow to be able to keep going. “We’re over. Ishould have told him from the start, then none of this would havehappened.”
Steve placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder and he had to fight the urge toshrug it off — Bucky didn’t deserve to be consoled. If anyone deserved support,it was Tony, not him.
“We’ll figure it out.” Steve probably hoped for his words tobe comforting, but Bucky knew they both were grasping at straws. Two weeks hadpassed without any results in their search for the blackmailer, and he hadbegun to lose hope. They didn’t even know what the blackmailer’s goal was,since Bucky breaking up with Tony couldn’t be it.
There had to be something they had missed.
One thing Bucky did know for sure was that as soon as he andSteve had found the person responsible for the blackmailing, Bucky would tellTony everything. He was done keeping secrets. Their relationship might bebroken beyond repair, but Tony deserved to know. Bucky would come clean andthen, if Tony was willing, try to salvage as much of their friendship aspossible. He didn’t dare to hope that Tony would still love him — not afterwhat Bucky had done — but maybe they could remain friends.
Even that would be more than Bucky deserved.
A week later, Bucky realized what he and Steve had missed.
The blackmailer wasn’t trying to hurt Bucky or ruin hisreputation — their target was someone else entirely, and had been all along.
It was Tony they were after.
“Bucky, don’t do this to yourself,” Steve pleaded. Buckyignored him and kept watching the surveillance video playing on his tablet.
Tony was sitting at one of the tables in his workshop, his head bentover his soldering. Tony’s feet were bare, one of his legs tucked under him —he always looked so much younger when sitting like that — and his hair wasmussed in that casual, handsome way Bucky loved.
Bucky loved many things about Tony.
U was helping, holding a magnifying glass to make it easier for Tony tosee the smaller components of the circuit board he was working on. The scenewas comforting — Bucky had seen it in person more times than he could count —and he could almost pretend, at least for a couple of minutes, that everythingwas fine.
Deep down, he knew it wasn’t, though.
Bucky watched until the flicker came — distorting the image withmisplaced pixels — a split second before the video abruptly cut off. Withouthesitation, he pressed play again, starting over. The black screen lit up andTony was back at his workbench, hunched over his newest project, with U at hisside.
“Shut up, Steve.” Bucky didn’t even feel guilty for snapping.He couldn’t take his eyes off Tony.
Heshould never have taken his eyes off Tony.
“It’s not your fault,” Steve said. There was so much pain inhis voice, and Bucky knew he should be kinder — he wasn’t the only onegrieving.
Bucky didn’t reply. Steve was wrong — it was Bucky’s fault.
He should have insisted Tony come along for the mission, even if it wasjust a simple investigation into a suspected HYDRA lair. He should haveconvinced Steve not to let Tony stay behind. He should have asked Tony to comeout of the workshop before they left, if only so that Bucky could see him onelast time.
The Avengers had been halfway to Germany when they got the news.
Even if they’d turned the Quinjet right back around — heedless of themission they were abandoning — it had already been too late. There was nothingthey could do.
According to the report, the initial explosion had nearly obliteratedtwo entire floors of the Avengers tower, and the resulting fire had destroyedwhat little might have been left. Miraculously, the fire hadn’t spread muchfurther than the topmost floors thanks to all the security measures Tony andJARVIS had put in place.
Two whole floors were gone, though — Tony’s floors — and there was noquestion about them being targeted specifically. The explosion had been causedby a bomb, not a gas leak or one of Tony’s projects going haywire.
The fact that the Avengers were now homeless, currently housed in anold S.H.I.E.L.D. base, didn’t matter half as much as the fact that those twofloors were gone — and Tony along with them.
Bucky had been told that the chances of finding Tony’s remains werelow. If the explosion hadn’t erased every single trace, the fire had. Whateverpieces that might be left would be too small, easily disappearing amongst therest of the debris.
Tony was gone.
The only thing Bucky had left was the video of Tony’s last minutesalive. He guessed he should be grateful Tony had died quickly, but knowing thatdidn’t help. It didn’t ease the heaviness in Bucky’s chest, or lighten thegrief threatening to suffocate him.
He hadn’t cried yet. Bucky wasn’t sure why. Perhaps the anger kept himgoing, or maybe he was still in shock. Hours had passed, but he hadn’t cried.If he did, it would all become real.
He wasn’t ready for that. Not yet.
Not ever.
“Did you hear me, Bucky?” Steve asked, concern lacing hisvoice. “It wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known.”
Bucky didn’t reply at first, taking a slow, deep breath. His gazecontinued to rest on Tony — a recorded ghost of the real thing, but the onlyone Bucky had left.
“I’ll kill them,” he said. “I’ll kill them all.”
There was a beat of tense silence before Steve spoke. “What?”The amount of horrified alarm in that one word was almost impressive.
Bucky gritted his teeth, hard enough that his jaw ached. “I’llfind out who did this, and I’ll kill them. Every single one.”
“Bucky, you can't—”
“I can do whatever the fuck I want,” Bucky snarled.“I’ll kill them for what they did to him.”
Fortaking him away from me.
Bucky knew Steve was upset — shaken and uncomfortable in the face ofBucky’s anger — but it was high time Steve learned. As much as both of themliked to pretend everything was like before, Bucky wasn’t the same as he hadbeen back in the day. His time with HYDRA had changed him. They could ignore itall they wanted, but he was still the Winter Soldier — with all that entailed.He wasn’t righteous like Steve, and he wouldn’t hesitate to use everything hehad learned if it meant he could avenge Tony’s death.
Bucky would do whatever it took to see justice done.
“You know I can’t let you do that,” Steve said, voice low.
The words caused a pang in Bucky’s chest — he could admit that — but hepushed it down. Putting strain on his and Steve’s friendship was the last thinghe wanted, but there were things Bucky couldn’t forgive.
This was one of them. Someone had to pay.
“I know,” he replied. Finally, for the first time since Stevehad entered the bland room Bucky had been assigned, he looked up and metSteve’s gaze. “But that won’t stop me. You won’tstop me.”
Bucky wanted revenge, and he would get it even if it meant goingthrough Steve. Failure wasn’t an option.
Steve looked pained, but didn’t reply. He probably couldn’t find thewords.
When Steve didn’t speak or move, Bucky looked back down at his tablet.Tony was still there, by his workbench, with his circuit board. His feet were bare,leg tucked under him, and his hair was perfectly tousled. For another couple ofseconds, Bucky could pretend that Tony was still out there, working on hisprojects and cooing at his bots. This was all he had.
The image crackled and cut off, the screen turning black.
Buckytook a deep breath and pressed play.
( If you want a happy ending, you can find that HERE )
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