#— ⟢ born without a zip on my mouth ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ HEADCANON.
yourstrulyaiko · 2 years
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╰┈➤ featuring; boku no hero academia! drummer! bakugou katsuki! x lead singer! fem! reader  
જ about; Heartbreaks. Aches. Dreams shattered. You feel like there was no bridging between you and your goal as an artist. Especially since the bridge that connected you that was your ex-boyfriend, Shindo, who you met at club. Now, that you’re separated. You thought, that was it. No more. Well, you thought wrong.
જ contents and warning; profanity cause bakugou is on it, asshole bakugou, cigarettes, smoking, angst, drummer bakugou, band au, fluff, romance, drama, paparazzi, cheating, break ups, toxic relationships, getting physical (the bad kind) and many more that I have definitely missed.
જ author's note; I actually have a lots and lots of chapter about band au which needs to be revised and re-written. unedited.
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First therapy sessions are nerve-wracking.
You were really fucking anxious ironic ngl ahaha.
And you have to go there regularly at this therapy office cause you know
mental health. mental health is free unfortunately.
Apparently tho you have to go to the same damn therapist office as Bakugou.
Imagine your shock when you see him there. Bakugou at the therapist office.
“Oi!” He barks, “The fuck do you think are you doing here?”
The audacity of this man.
“Well, what the fuck do you think I’m here for? A tea party?” You scoff.
You don't want to entertain this man so you just ignore his angered 'HUH?!' Frankly, you're already stressed and you don't want to pile onto it.
Bakugou grumbled and stamps his way to the seat opposite yours.
Thank fuck.
You don't him sitting next to you.
As the time clicks away. Both you and Bakugou are both beginning to feel anxious.
You're drumming your fingers on the plastic chairs you're sitting on and his leg bouncing up and down.
The shaking is making a jiggling noise of his keys from his pocket.
It's making you feel even more nervous.
"Stop that." You hiss.
"You fucking cut it off. That shit is annoying." Bakugou barks back.
"Like you're not the loud one, dip shit."
You're defo making it worse. You could just stay quiet but your mother has said you were born without a zip on your mouth.
Thankfully, your therapist comes out.
"Well, you two are getting along well." Nemura laughs, "Sorry, to cut the sexual tension short, Bakugou. I'm going to need (Last name) with me now."
Angry. You get up and take your ass into her office and sit yourself on the a chair.
Not gonna lie, it feels so uncomfortable the thought of sharing your problems with a stranger for them to pick apart.
You didn't even hear ask how you are. You just stared at your hands on your lap,
Then, Nemura ask again.
"(Last name)." She finally gets your attention, "How are you?"
"Wel... I mean... I'm here so, I'm not okay."
Nemura laughs.
"Darling. People don't just come to therapy just cause they have a problem. They come here for a good mental health in general."
You stay quiet for a while. You're appreciative that she's patient with your answer.
You tell her, you're not because you can't get over your boyfriend.
There's still nights that you would still sob yourself to sleep. It's been reoccurring.
You left out the part where he's choked you out before.
She doesn't have to know that, right?
After all, Shindo didn't mean it. He just wants the best for both you.
He's always pushing you to the best of your abilities.
Nemura drops a question that makes you uncomfortable
"Do you still call him?"
You clench your jaw.
Don't lie. Your brain screams
She can sense that you're lying. But she doesn't press things on,
You'll open up eventually.
"Why do you think you still cling onto him?"
You reach your neck and scratching it.
A sign of a soothing behaviour
"I don't know... Maybe cause he loves me and I love him."
Now, she turns the table back to you, "How so?"
Nemura wants you to clarify. Especially when she caught the word 'maybe'
A sign of uncertainty.
It makes you stop on your tracks.
How so?
How does Shindo show he loves you?
You're sure he loves but how does he show it?
"He... He says sorry after he..."
Hurts you.
Nemura looks you encouraging to say it. Admit it.
But, you're so ashamed.
So humiliated.
"After we argue."
"After an argument, you and your romantic partner are supposed to sit down, communicate and comprimise. That is what a partner is supposed to do."
Supposed to.
You're speechless. You can't form words together.
What are you supposed to say?
This is what you thought love was? This is the impression you have.
You chew the inside of your cheek trying to dissociate yourself from the conversation.
Wiping your hands from the fabric of your sweatpants.
You swallow the ball forming in your throat trying to hold back your tears.
"Not all forms of love is great. Not all is healthy. Some will tell you this is the right way. It happens. Sometimes walking away is the best form of love." Nemura says.
"What if you give it your all? You're happy. Everything is great. They have everything they want at home. Why do people still walk away?"
You're crying at this point.
You don't understand anything at all.
"Because temptation is everywhere and selfishness is still human. But, that is up to the person to fall for it and stray from the path or keep going the path home."
It hurts your chest. It's hard to breath.
It feels like someone is keeping your head underwater and won't let you up
You still don't understand. More like you refuse to understand.
Selfishness is not human.
How can it be?
You slowly emerge out the door and shutting it behind you.
You forgot that Bakugou was sat there.
You're a whole ass mess. You have tears still streaming down your face.
You're staring off blankly before making your way out of the place.
You don't acknowledge the blonde at all.
He's looking at you. He doesn't say anything.
You leave.
Slowly, more tears began to drip.
You use the sleeves of your hoodie to wipe away the tears but more began to flow.
Then you began to break down and rack in hysterical sobs.
It's painful.
Nemura's words echoed in your head, "Sometimes, we're taught to receive the love we think we deserve."
@nonomesupposedto @dumb-cxm-slxt @xviternity @bluebreadenthusiast @chuugarettes @somebodyfuture3
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vodkctonic-blog · 5 years
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tag drop !!
— ⟢ interaction ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ CHARACTER NAME. — ⟢ sms ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ CHARACTER NAME. — ⟢ twt ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ CHARACTER NAME. — ⟢ snap ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ CHARACTER NAME. — ⟢ paring ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ NAME & NAME.
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empiresled-a · 6 years
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                        TAG DUMP.      candice lerae   —   #cupcakelerae  ,  part two !
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positivelyamazonian · 8 years
Asky anon to do what I do best: ask (? So, did Lady Angeline and Marie Cornel ever met? If so, what happened? If they didnt, what would happen if they met? Like, their toughts about each other. That's it, Anon out. PS: *crossing fingers to not trigger any important spoiler*
Welcome back to my humble abode, Asky anon. :) So, headcanon time? Let’s go for headcanon time! Take a seat, I’m gonna be long and boring as usual ;D
I’ll try to answer without giving major spoilers because I’m not sure how I’ll do what you’re exactly asking - and there’s a chance I won’t do it at all, but just in case you want to avoid any kind of spoiler, don’t read below this hot Chris Hemsworth! :D
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Now, let’s go for it.
In general, Lady Croft is pretty much uncomfortable with anything related with Kurtis, and that includes his branch family - or the only member that’s still alive, Marie. We can say she is there for Anna, because she wants to be with her grandaughter and because she sees her as a chance to redeem herself from what she did to Lara - provided that there’s no way things can be fixed between her and Lara.
But that starts with Anna and ends with Anna. As you’ve already seen, she tries to avoid Kurtis and she doesn’t want to know about him or his past, or his family. 
Now, has she ever met with Marie Cornel? It’s been 14 years since Anna was born and it would be a bit absurd if they hadn’t met - just for the sake of being realistic. Anna has spent a lot of time with both grandmas - in the Navajo nation with Marie, living among the Diné (as they call themselves), but also in Surrey, England, with Lady Angeline. Now, Lady Croft is not really fond of travelling for need - she just enjoys travelling for pleasure, but Marie is used to move across the world - practically is the only kind of life she has ever experienced. 
So, we can say they had indeed met. What happened? You can imagine Lady Croft’s reaction when realizing the other grandma is a Navajo Indian (btw, I know the Diné people hate the word “Indian”, so, sorry for that, I’m using the word from Lady Croft’s point of view). I wouldn’t call Lady Croft a racist in the strict meaning of the word, she’s not really evil in her heart, but she’s a British lady, raised among highborn people, and the only contact she has had so far with other kind of people are just fantasy imaginations about how helpful is she being with all those charity balls and donations she used to attend with her husband, Lord Croft. She’s maternal at best with “those poor people who need our help”, and yeah, that’s a form of racism - well-meaning, but racism anyway. She’s not just aware of it, and she would certainly be horrified if someone called her a racist. 
Then, we can say she’s not amused or delighted to see the other grandma is an American Native, and much less when she discovers that - oh, wait, nope, spoiler here. *zips mouth*
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It’s not a big deal anyway, but I don’t like to spoil what I’m certain I’m gonna include ;)
What about Marie Cornel? As you can imagine, she’s pretty used to be seen as different by most of the white - and even non white - people. Even her own son’s not alike to her - Kurtis resembles his father, Konstantin. 
Of course, being used to be looked at as different doesn’t meant she would take any shit on that.
The chief police leaned over and examined the photographs taken from the crime scene. Then he sighed and threw them on the table, and looked at the two women before him. A young and an old one - two Indians, one from the very India and one who must be a red-skin or something…
“I’m Navajo, inspector.” Marie said. “Stop looking at me that way.”
- LILITH’S SCEPTER, chapter 36, Purification
Marie will deal with this gently and politely most of the time, except when she’s nervous, upset or feeling weak in any way. Then she’ll explode or act uptight. She’s a tough woman, enough tough to earn Lara’s admiration and respect - as you’d probably noticed in Lilith’s Scepter. In fact, both Lara and Marie recognize and respect each other because they’re so alike - tough women used to fight their way on.
Of course, Lady Croft knows nothing of this and she’d be certainly derogatory - for she despises Lara’s way of life. Only that she’s too polite and educated to say this to the face. Lady Angeline will never act rude or unpolite towards Marie, but her face expression will betray her most of the time - and Marie gets this. Under normal circumstances, the Navajo woman will avoid any kind of confrontation - just as for the same reason Lady Croft will avoid that too: Anna.
That means they’re enemies? Of course, not. They just avoid each other, and it’s much more Lady Croft’s attitude than Marie’s. They’ve been raised in different worlds, they are the opposite kind of woman to each other, they simply can’t understand each other. So, most of the time, they will tolerate each other for the sake of their common granddaughter, and that’s all.
What’s Marie’s opinion on Lady Croft? She just sees her as Kurtis sees her, as everyone who’s not highborn would see her - and how Lara sees her too. But further details will be provided in the fanfic, not here. :)))
In general, Marie is very polite and diplomatic - but she’s also fiercely proud of her Navajo origins as much as she will have no restrains to fight whoever despises her for that, and she’ll certainly remember anyone trying to throw shit on her that the blood of the Diné - the Navajo people - is also running through both Kurtis and Anna’s veins.
Just imagine Lady Croft being reminded her grandaughter is half-blood. Well, rather than half-blood, a mix of Navajo blood and ancient German blood combined with aristocratic British blood.
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Ok, enough of this nonsense. Ana out :D
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