#— ygmsh
cheolhub · 11 months
IM SO SO LATE BUT I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU GET ME SO HIGH CHANGED THE TRAJECTORY OF MY LIFE FOR GOOD. READING THAT FIC IS NOT ENOUGH I NEED TO PRINT IT OUT AND HAVE IT FOR BREAKFAST !!!! i still owe you a review on that btw bc i forgot to rb it again after reading t__t but on a not-all-caps note, i genuinely enjoy ur writing very very much <3 i love the casual, laid-back tone u always manage to put out in ur fics, but you still manage to paint a vivid image of the scene anyway hehe ILY SAR <3
HELP KAI ITS OKAY HELLO DHSHSVDV TBIS IS SO FUNNY,,, the amount of people who like ygmsh has made me love it so much more likeebdb omg 😵‍💫 THANK YOU SO MUCH <333 and dw abt the rb!! it happens to me all the time >< i still owe so many of ur fics some rbs w feedback AND I WILL GET TO IT !!!
thank you for the compliment 🥹 it really means so much!! ofc ily more <3
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hvghes · 1 year
ygmsh playing by the nbhd
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tobi-momo · 3 years
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hope you dont regret it.
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— synopsis. back from Miyagi for a simple month, a welcome back party reignites the one relationship he wasn't expecting. yours. it was obvious you hadn't forgotten about what happened in high school, neither did he, but maybe he could mend the relationship back together. could he?
— warnings. none.
— word count. 300+
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“Are ya ready to go back home, Tsukki?” Koganegawa chimes from the seat behind the blond male, tapping his fingers along the felt seats of the bus.
“Sure.” His eyes inspected the blue, weaved threads of the seat in front of him without a blink, eyes not even watering or stinging with dehydration.
“Why the long face, Bro? You’re goin’ home for a little while! It’ll be fun!” Tsukishima had rolled his eyes with annoyance, begging his headphones to distract him from the trip ahead of him, and from the irritating boy behind him, the one who would just never. Stop. Talking.
With a couple of taps of his fingertips hitting the glass screen on his phone, his playlist started up; a deafening relaxation encasing his senses and not a thought in his mind about anything at all. He didn’t care to be back. Why would he?
He could feel the brakes screech from under him as the bus came to a stop, a bored sigh exiting his lungs. He takes his headphones off, letting them rest around his neck as he gathers his belongings. A suitcase, and a bag. Everyone had told him that he needed more than that, but he didn’t see the point. What would he even need it for?
The air was different, back in Miyagi. It was cool, lacking the refresher, but it was easy to inhale. Fewer problems to endure while taking his last step off the bus, the soles of his shows smacking the black pavement.
“Alright! Let’s get this thing started!”
The air was the same. Still cold, refreshing. It had the same spike of belonging and homeliness making the hairs on his arms stick up. But, he didn’t care. He wasn’t here for long anyway. The trees didn’t even look any different. It was like he never left. It bothered him.
“When’s the party?” He breaks the reminiscing silence, turning to face the energized setter.
“Uhh, in a couple hours, that way we have time to unpack and settle in and everything.” Tsukishima nods, gripping the strap of his bag a little tighter.
The flowers that flew effortlessly through the air and the petals that came loose and blew past his face gave him a nostalgic tingle running through his nerves.
He was back home.
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— author's note. SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT MY ONLY DEFENSE IS THAT ITS THE PROLOGUE AND TECHNICALLY IT DOESNT NEED TO BE. expect longer chapters than this tho! i hope you guys will enjoy this <3 btw the only thing that proofread this bitch was grammarly.
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bchanslvr · 2 years
anyone else mad but not mad that ygmsh and softcore blew up? like it was like my little haven and now everyone knows about it so it feels like so overplayed and like a tiktok song now and i hate it but i also don't because those songs are so good and the nbhd deserve more credit than sweater weather. no? okay
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literateleah · 3 years
4) yes he’s white bread but he’s MY white bread
psst. jason grace playlist out now
double psst ygmsh by the neighborhood is on there for the valgrace truthers. 2021 is our year
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aaaaaaglock · 6 years
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"Eu queria não duvidar disso Eu gostaria de nunca ter contado tudo isso Mas você tinha que saber Eu nunca quis te machucar, embora Eu tivesse todos os meus motivos Eu não sabia que eles não se misturariam com suas emoções." - YGMSH (em Porto Seguro Airport)
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cheolhub · 11 months
like i said ur works are out of this world & all are my favs!! but try me damaged me the most loooord i need to put that in a frame. & sleeping beauty too!! oh my gosh needy seokmin was… he got me rolling on the floor giggling kicking my feet pls. you get me so high felt so pure to me too, you write bsf2l the best 🥹🍒🤍
TRY ME! i loved that one... i feel like it low-key deserved better but i digress... SLEEPING BEAUTY WAS A REALLY FUN ONE TO WRITE. i love needy smut sm,, it was kind of a disaster, but i still hold that one rlly close to my heart <33 YOU LIKE YGMSH TOO OMFGGG THANK UUUUU!!! vernon owns that trope and i will be writing a bf2l with him after i finish this cheol fic im working on!!! i have alrdy started planning it in my head ^^
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cheolhub · 11 months
you get me so high has gotta be my fave
i wanna eat it
- 🛼
ANOTHER YGMSH LOVER OMFHSHEG i love this. i love vernon stans.
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tobi-momo · 3 years
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nobody seemed to hear us, but we said it.
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— synopsis. back from Miyagi for a simple month, a welcome back party reignites the one relationship he wasn’t expecting. yours. it was obvious you hadn’t forgotten about what happened in high school, neither did he, but maybe he could mend the relationship back together. could he?
— warnings. cursing | drinking | implications of smoking (not from any of the characters, not depicted either) | kinda poor writing
— word count. 1.3k+
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The alcohol was boring. The bitter taste of the IPA he took occasional sips of made his tongue sour and his eyes squint in annoyance. Everyone around him had been enjoying the event a lot more than him, he could see from the blaring music and the dancing and the shot-taking in the background of it all. It was boring. It was all so boring.
He nonchalantly shook girls off of his arm as they try to prop their breasts up and caress his bicep, “just wanting to dance”, and he rolled his eyes at the comments that his teammates (Koganegawa) throw at him, telling him he needs to lighten up, or he just needs to drink a little more to loosen out a bit.
“C’mon, Tsukki, just one dance?” A random girl had pleaded while hanging off his arm. Her lip poked out in a pout and her cheeks were red from the alcohol, but there was nothing in her eyes. He wondered if he had missed the gleam of desire or the sharp tint of lust in her pupils, but one glance confirmed that she just wanted to be with somebody for the night. He figured she was probably lonely, something he would never admit to.
“I’m good.” He returned his sights to the wall in front of him, half-covered in bouncing people and red Dixie cups being held in tight hands. He felt her hand slack down and her eyes roll, a grunt of irritation seeping into his hearing as she left. It was probably for the better, though.
He looked around briefly, only seeing his teammates either jumping around—Kyoutani, who grumped on the chair across the room—or people he had never seen in his life that just wanted to have a good time. If he didn’t see anyone he had met prior to leaving, what was the point of being here at all?
That was when he realized the hotel room got a little crowded as people kept entering, and he wondered if they might get kicked out if this continued. As he leaned against the wall, he questioned himself. He liked to do that. Maybe he should just leave. Although it would be a hard task, squeezing himself between sweaty bodies and he knew he’s probably going to get whipped in the face with hair and a couple of arms, but the air was getting too hot and he couldn’t breathe the same way with all the smoke in the air. So he got off against the wall and placed his half-empty beer bottle down on the dresser beside him, taking his jacket away from hanging on his arm and puts his arms through the sleeves, turning his torso sideways to walk out of the crowd with his body still intact. He cracked the door open, which surprisingly, there was no one before him in the hallway before he shut it behind him.
He could breathe again.
It was refreshing, even though the air wasn’t exactly chilly, it felt nice going down his esophagus and clearing his lungs. All he had to do was find his mother’s place, now. He walked down the hallway towards the elevator, pressing the L button before he backed up against the wall and waited for the doors to slide closed.
He wasn’t expecting anyone to stick their hand through the metal gates, but nevertheless, unexpected things happen all the time in the life of Tsukishima Kei, like the one time Kyoutani tripped over his shoelaces during practice before he jumped up to hit the ball, falling on his face in front of the whole team. He chuckled at that. The person who had been stumbling inside the metal box was heaving, frantically picking up their stuff as what he guessed they dropped just now—he wasn’t paying attention as he recalled a certain memory.
“Shit,” they whispered as they bent down to pick their phone up off the ground. They stood up after grabbing what they needed and flattened their clothes, then leaned against the elevator frame. He looked over with a newfound curiosity, his head tilted to the side while his eyes scanned over what they were wearing. Nothing extravagant, he noted as his eyes scooted upwards.
It was only when they lifted their head to say sorry that he lost his train of thought. Completely stumped, was he. Eyes wide with his breath slowed down almost to a complete stop, he stared.
And so did you.
• • • • • •
“You promise to love me forever, Tsukki?” You question with your hands carrying his, your eyes beading with excitement. He looked at you like he was nervous and he didn’t know what to say, his fingers curling in your palms and sweating a bit. Though, when he looked at you, he couldn’t stop the way your smile bled into his veins and rushed through his entire body, placing one of his own on his face.
He takes a deep breath and readjusts himself in your grip, “I promise!” He shouts it with determination, relishing in your giggles and throwing your hands up in the air with him.
The adults that surrounded you two, his parents and yours, clapped for you as if it were a link in matrimony. They cheered and laughed with you, praising you both for “being the luckiest people on Earth”. He smiles again, believing every word they said all the while holding your hand in his.
Lucky. Was that really what you were?
“Shit,” you mumbled again, only this time it came out as if you hadn’t seen something for a long time. He supposed he couldn’t blame you for that. “Ah, Tsukishima,” you marked awkwardly, dealing with the shocked stare he handed to you. “What-what are you doing here?” You stuttered over your words with an inhale as you get a grip on the event that just had to happen right now.
“Party.” He uttered out.
“What? You, a party? No way,” you offered a smile.
“Uh, I was just leaving,” he clarified, finally getting a grip on his vocal cords. “What floor?”
“Oh, just the Lobby, I’m heading home.” Your head turned back to the wall before you, waiting for the doors to close again.
“You still live here?” He muttered, a confused brow creasing his skin.
“Huh?” You turned your head again as the doors shut, thankfully not hard enough to cause whiplash, “yeah, I do. Pretty boring, right?” You chuckled it off, your lungs suffocating in the uncomfortable atmosphere. “I just haven’t had anywhere to go since college, so. But!” You raised a finger, not to let him jump to conclusions. “I have my own home. The market here is pretty cheap and I didn’t want to live with my mom.”
He nodded in understanding, finally allowing his neck to guide his head face-forward.
“What about you? I heard you joined a professional volleyball team, I’ve seen you on TV.”
“You’ve watched me play?” Even if your faces were turned away from each other, you knew exactly what his face looked like at that exact moment. You cursed yourself for it.
“Only a little bit, when I don’t have anything else to watch.” Did that come off as mean?
“I see. Well—”
The elevator dinged and the doors glided open with a crowd on the other side, rushing inside the box. You both dashed out of it, observing the rest of the passengers press practically all the buttons there was on the dashboard and argue over what food they wanted for dinner. Your heads slowly reclined back to each other, the same thing dressing both of your features. People.
A smug smile quirked the corners of his lips up before he turned around, walking towards the exit of the building. You slightly frowned at his hurry to get away from you, this feeling of something unresolved rising in your stomach.
“Hey,” you called over, watching his body halt and switch directions. “Wanna have a couple drinks?” You asked politely, raising your shoulders, “catch up?”
He nodded. Maybe the beer won’t taste that bad, he thought to himself while he waited for your legs to line up with his.
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—author's note. HI IM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE AND THE FIRST CHAPTER TOO 😩 ive been swamped in school work and im just trying to get caught up. im trying to make this story as captivating as possible, (yes i havent finished writing it, im that impulsive) so dont be afraid to send me suggestions! (i already have one and y/n is an artist 😌 - painter to clarify)
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tobi-momo · 3 years
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"If you can just let me know if it's okay, to call you when I'm lonely."
— the neighbourhood
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— synopsis. back from Miyagi for a simple month, a welcome back party reignites the one relationship he wasn't expecting. yours. it was obvious you hadn't forgotten about what happened in high school, neither did he, but maybe he could mend the relationship back together. could he?
— pairing. tsukishima kei x reader (gender neutral -> they/them pronouns)
— genre. fluff | ANGST | comfort | timeskip | second chance | best friends to strangers to friends to lovers (im so sorry)
— warnings. cursing | kind of suggestive content | alcohol | semi-soft tsukishima (?) | will add more later on.
— status. just started
— schedule.
as often as possible
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01. hope you dont regret it.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS — (chapters may be added or removed later)
01. nobody seemed to hear us, but we said it. 02. ... 03. ... 04. ... 05. ...
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01. would you come with me?
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tobi-momo · 3 years
hi momo! if you don’t mind me asking, how come you feel anxious about the fic with tsukishima? i think it’s an amazing idea, and the song choice was AMAZING; i love the neighbourhood :p i hope you’re having an amazing day, and please, take as much time as you need to reply. <3
hope anon 🍡☁️🧸✨
hi darling!! im nervous because im afraid that after i post it people are going to be waiting and its not gonna be good like people wanted it to be, and people are going to be disappointed 💀 im really happy you like the concept though :)
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tobi-momo · 3 years
can I be part of the tag list please?
yes of course darling!
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tobi-momo · 3 years
Hello! Is it okay to ask to be added to your Tsukishima story “You get me high”? It looks very interesting and I’m excited to read it 💕 Thank you!
yes!!! thank you so much darling <333
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tobi-momo · 3 years
Could I be added to your “you get me so high” master list please? Thanks in advance!
absolutely !! thank you so much <3
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tobi-momo · 3 years
Hello! Sorry for the inconvenience but I was formerly @/purplxlarkspur in your taglist and this is my new handle because I re-branded my blog. If it’s okay to add me still on your taglist it would be much appreciated hehe.
Also that was a solid chapter!! I love it so much!
omg thank you so much! don't worry about it of course I'll add you and thank you for letting me know!
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tobi-momo · 3 years
taglist:D pls?
im guessing this is for you get me so high so yes i will add you!!!
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