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myjinri ยท 1 year
what's the worst rumor you've ever heard/read about yourself? you've got to erase one myworld album from existence, which one are you picking? would you rather never dance again or never write/produce music again?
what's the worst rumor you've ever heard/read about yourself?
"are we talking about a rumor that I was most offended by, or an unbelieveable rumor someone made up? i really can't remember every rumor i read because i stopped looking for them around 2018 or 2019 after i realized it wouldn't stop nor was everlast really going to do anything about it. however, there's been one topic i've been monitoring for a couple of years now that kind of fits both, so i guess it really doesn't matter."
"i remember reading a thread on twitter and seeing someone was overanalyzing my interactions with staff and male individuals, which was weird, but i had thought was harmless. the more i kept looking, it was shocking to see there were groups of people who genuinely believe that I essentially slept my way to the top. into the group, into my songwriter/producer position, into my solo career. literally anything i do, i had slept with someone important to get it. it was like it was entirely impossible for someone like me to have gotten there fairly, and it angered me because i did not spend seven years training just for it to get reduced to that.
there was an entire discourse about 24 hours and whether or not i was a dick-crazed woman who needed to be taught how to be a proper lady. firstly, i was raised extremely well, and secondly, it's a song i didn't write or produce. not like that would've mattered because 'the company gave that song to her for a reason'. honestly, that was crazy to read. any male idol or celebrity i was close to, i was trying to seduce and corrupt them. i drew the line with true north because they are like kids to me.
the most ridiculous part i read from all of that? people forming rumors that the reason mirrorworld had that hiatus after debut was because i was irresponsible and got pregnant. i couldn't help but laugh at that.
i'm sure these days they're still complaining about me and nitpicking everything i do. if they want me to be the bad guy, then i'll be that. nothing i do will change their minds."
you've got to erase one myworld album from existence, which one are you picking?
"if this was an interview, I'd say 4 walls because we weren't complete as five when it was released. it's such a cop out answer and so far from the truth. at most, i'd want to rerecord and release 4 walls as 5. from the other albums, it'd be too easy to list an album I didn't work on, so those are excluded. OMG is also excluded because that's also too easy out of the albums I worked on.
i would get some backlash with my pick, but i'd erase the mirror festival. i was literally fucking around on a few of the tracks that made the final cut. i was literally one foot out the door writing "hey, now weโ€™ll be okay" in psycho. at least the songs turned out decent? but there's nothing i regret more than working on so many songs for album when I was considering leaving because i only burnt myself out even more writing for the solo album i released shortly after.
but if I picked out of the entire discography i'm erasing from.mirrorworld. love bomb was an annoyingly persistent earworm and the light inside of me dims ever so slightly every time i hear the intro."
would you rather never dance again or never write/produce music again?
"making me pick is fucked up. i rarely like anything, and i have to pick one to never do again? honestly, each has its pros or cons. there's a lot to consider as well. if i give up dancing, am i just standing on stage during myworld performances? am i essentially going to only release ballads for my solos? if i give up songwriting and producing, that could be even worse. I would hate to have signed a contract and release music i cannot connect with at all, but i'll easily never write or produce again. i'm more known for writing and producing than dancing, and i think that's a problem. dancing is my first love above anything and anyone else and it's the sole reason why i am in the position i am today. i cannot give it up, it means too much to me. i need to take a long break from writing and producing anyway."
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myjinri ยท 1 year
tag dump.
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