#‘Dream is very serious and will defeat nightmare no matter the cost’
sandeewithtwoe · 4 months
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Rough start
Nightmare has been changing scripts for a very long time, so when Ink learned he was about to meet the “hero” that would defeat him, he was very excited. Later he got mad that the hero also changes scripts lol
Ink belongs to comyet/myebi
Dream belongs to Jokublog
Core Frisk belongs to dokudoki
Ink: That’s it, you’re going back to the Omega Timeline and Core is babysitting you for a while
Dream: What?! But if I stay in the Omega Timeline, I won’t have enough energy to fight my brother!
Dream: (Wow, I really messed up…)
Core: Don’t worry about Ink, he’s been fighting Nightmare solo for 400 years during your absence. He’ll be fine
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songofseraphine · 5 years
Nightmares and New Acquaintances
 Part Four of The Song of Seraphine
A/N:  Hello there and thank you again for following along with this story! 
No real warnings just the use of langauge.
Part One      Part Two     Part Three   
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“You can’t be serious about this, Seraphine.  How do you know it will even work?” Will said as Sera was saddling up her white speckled horse, Vega.  
              “Because it has to, Will,” she said while shoving past him to grab the saddle bags she had already filled with supplies.  “Faye cannot be the one to run, we both know she wouldn’t make it a week out there on her own.”
              “So it has to be you to go?” he said.  He was watching her as she fastened the bags to the saddle. She spared a quick glance in his direction but immediately regretted it when she saw the mix of emotions on his face. “We should stand up against him, Faye.”
              She laughed at him almost too bitterly and shook her head. “Him and the entire village, Will? He is our mayor, the people adore him. Who will they believe?  The man they admire, or two farm girls and a village boy they don’t know?” she said as she finished tying off the bags.  She checked the straps of the saddle one more time and let out a frustrated sigh before turning to face him.  “This is not what I want,” she said as tears she had been holding in began to freely flow down her cheeks.  
              She didn’t see Will close the distance between them but in a matter of seconds she was wrapped up in his arms and for a fraction of a moment she felt safe.  “Then stay,” he said and Sera attempted to push him away.  “Sera, I love you.  We will protect Faye.  We will hide her when he comes looking.  You don’t have to do this,” he said, now begging her.
              Sera shook her head and stepped further back from him. “It is too much of a risk.  If he were to ever find out we were hiding her, he will not only kill her but he’ll slaughter us as well,” she said but Will shook his head even though he knew his argument had been defeated.  “Will, I love you… and I always have, and always will love you… But I need you to do this for me, please,” she said as more tears fell.  “I need you to continue living as if she is me.  I need you to do that so well that you both begin to believe it,” she said.  She crossed the space between them and put both of her hands on the side of his face then claimed his lips with her own in a passionate kiss.  She knew it would be one of their last and she fully intended to remember it forever.  She rested her forehead to his and closed her eyes.  “I have already asked her to do the same, so please, promise me that you will take care of her.”
              He put a hand under her jaw and made her look into his eyes as if attempting to argue one last time.  But he nodded, knowing it was no use and he kissed her once more.  “I promise,” he said then wiped away her tears with his calloused thumbs.  
              Sera nodded, kissed his hand and backed away from him. “I love you, Will,” she said then quickly mounted Vega and rode out of the barn then away from her home without looking back.  It took everything in her to not glance back at her loved ones as she listened to them calling her name.  As she rode the scenery changed and she was in a field, long overgrown, and there was a different voice calling out to her.  This one was deep, and rough but it was familiar to her.  The voice belonged to Geralt.  She jumped off of Vega and began running through the fields in search of where his voice was coming from.  His voice was getting louder and louder until she pushed through more wheat and locked eyes with a set of golden orbs staring back at her.  Then she was met with a jolt.
                Sera’s eyes shot open and she sat up from the small bed at the inn she had stayed at for the night.  It had been many months since Seraphine had left the area surrounding her village.  She found herself now outside the kingdom of Cintra, selling pelts and meat of the game she had collected during hunts at the local market.  She was making a decent amount of coin from the pelts, decent enough to allow her to stay in places as nice as the inn she found herself at.  She could honestly say she was happy, other than the occasional pang of loneliness she still felt.  It was only the occasional dream, such as the one that had just woken her in the middle of the night that fueled that feeling of loneliness.  This one was different though, with it ending with a vision of Geralt.  She hadn’t seen him in nearly a year and thought that she most likely never would see him again.  She thought that maybe the reason she dreamt of him was due to the catchy tine the musicians had played in the last tavern she visited.  But then again he had appeared in a few of her dreams before that, jut never as close as the one she had just woken from.  
              Sera rubbed her eyes and looked to the window.  The sun would be up soon and she would be heading out to continue her hunting.  There was no use in going back to sleep.  Instead, she rolled out of bed and began to dress herself, humming the catchy tune from the tavern.  She pulled on her cloak and ate a few pieces of cheese left over from the night before, then pulled on her worn boots.  
“Oh valley of plenty,
Oh valley of plenty,
Woah oh oh,”
she sang with a smile.  She didn’t know Geralt well but she knew there was no way he actually liked that song.  She grabbed the rest of her belongings and left a pile of coin on the small table as payment for her night’s stay at the inn.  She left the inn then headed to fetch Vega from the stables. Luckily being up this early meant less socializing and a more likely chance of her getting ahold of better game on her hunt.  Vega let out a snort as soon as she saw Sera, making her smile.  “Missed you too girl,” she said as she began saddling her up. “It’s going to be a good day, Vega. I just know it.”          
              Vega neighed and moved her head as if she was nodding.  After Sera had everything situated she mounted Vega and rode off towards the woods.  A fine mist coated the woods but it wasn’t too distorting to the eye.  Sera found these moments, just before the sun had risen, to be some of the most beautiful.  The world had a purple glow to it, giving it an essence of calm that Sera enjoyed.  It didn’t take very long for her to catch sight of some fresh tracks.  From the looks of it, they belonged to a rather large stag too.  Sera grinned and directed Vega to follow the tracks through the brush and rocky terrain. The woods she travelled through were close enough to the mountains to have a stray rock here of there.  It made the hunt a bit harder but still all the more interesting.
When they started to look fresher she hopped off of Vega and gathered her bow and quiver then gave her a pat on the side, directing her to stay put.  She went deeper into the forest as quietly as she could until the stag she had been following came into view.  Its ears perked up and it looked off in another direction, just missing where she stood.  She knew if she moved any closer it would bolt and she would lose her chance.  So she stilled, waiting for it to calm down and return to grazing before she readied her bow.  She took a deep breath and aimed her shot.  It was quite a distance but she knew with the right amount of concentration she would make it.  She pulled the arrow back just a bit further then let the arrow fly, disturbing the silence of the forest with a sharp whistle of an arrow cutting through the air.  She grinned as the stag attempted to run but quickly fell, succumbing to its injury. She ran over to it and whistled for Vega who shortly appeared on command.  “We will get a good amount from this one,” she said while kneeling down next to the stag as it took its last breaths.  Sera rested a hand over where its heart would be.  “Thank you,” she said then stood to fetch some rope from her saddle bags.  She tied up the stag and after having Vega kneel she moved the stag to the behind the saddle and tied it off.  She knew Vega was strong but thought it best that she avoided adding her own weight for as long as possible.  Instead she grabbed the reigns and pulled her along.                
              They didn’t make it ten feet when Sera jumped due to a blood curdling scream. “Stay here, Vega,” she said while grabbing her sword that was strapped to the saddle.  She sprinted in the direction of the scream not knowing what she would be met with.  Out of all the scenarios she picture she did not expect what she came across.  A woman stood atop a cluster of rocks with a stick in her hand and she was waving it at the small pack of wild dogs below her. Judging by how she was dressed, she appeared to be high born.  The shiny green silk of her gown looked as though it cost the same as a new saddle would or even a new sword despite it being smudged with the grime of the forest. Sera unsheathed her sword and whistled at the dogs.  She got the attention of one of the wild dogs along with the fair-haired woman on the rocks. The dog snarled at Sera before charging towards her.  Sera swung her sword once it was in range, nearly cutting its head off in one swing. The woman screamed, eliciting more snarling and barking from the two remaining dogs.  Sera controlled the urge to roll her eyes at the woman’s hysterics. “Hey!” she said and the two dogs turned their attention to her, foaming at the mouth and baring their teeth as they charged towards her.  They attacked simultaneously and she took one down with her sword in her right hand while the other attacked her left arm, which she was using to block.  He let out a cry as she fell to the ground with the remaining dog on top of her, dropping her sword in the process.  It released its hold on her arm and snapped at her face while Sera attempted to fight it off.  She held it back with her good arm and reached for a stone nearby with her left hand which was now covered in blood.  The stone was slippery due to the warm liquid that coated her fingers, but she finally got a firm grasp on it and swung it at the dog’s head.  It yelped and jumped back far enough for Sera to reach for her sword.  Once she had it in her hands she sat up and pointed it at the dog just as it was charging her once more.  It ran right into the sword and fell to the earth without another sound.
              Sera stood, using the sword as an aid.  She held the sword in her bloody hand while her right hand held onto the wound, attempting to stop the bleeding.  “Oh, goodness,” said the woman.  Sera watched as she, very ungracefully, climbed down from the rocks she had previously claimed as a sanctuary.  She reached Sera and acted as if she were going to reach out to her but hesitated in doing so.  “Are you alright?” she asked despite clearly seeing that Sera was, indeed, not alright. Now that Sera had a better look at her she could see that they had to be near the same age.  The woman had ashen blonde hair that was in a braid that went down to her waist and piercing green eyes that popped even more due to the color of her gown.  She would admit that she was rather beautiful.  “I’ll take you back to the kingdom, you need a healer,” she said, pulling Sera from her thoughts.
              She looked at the woman then down to her wound which had not bled all over her good hand.  She whistled for Vega who soon appeared with the stag still strung to her back.  She reached into one of the saddle bags and pulled out a scrap piece of cloth she used to wrap tightly around her wounded arm. “The kingdom?  You’re from Cintra?” she asked and the woman nodded, looking slightly confused.
              “Yes… I am princess Pavetta,” she said making Sera’s eyes widen.  “I know, I am a fool to even be out here, especially alone.”
              “I was not going to say that.  After all, I am also out here alone, your highness,” she said with a poor excuse of a curtsy.  Sera stuffed the remaining cloth back into the saddle bag and tuned back to Pavetta. “You said you have a healer?”
              She nodded.  “One of the best in the kingdom.  You’ll most likely heal without scarring,” she said.  Sera liked the sound of that, not having a scar for once.
              “We aren’t far from the kingdom so please, your highness, you may ride Vega. I will walk,” she said while taking ahold of Vegas reigns.  
              “But you’re wounded,” said Pavetta with true worry gracing her features.
              Sera smiled at this.  “I have had much worse, Princess,” she said with a shrug then nodded towards the saddle. Knowing she wouldn’t win the argument, Pavetta mounted Vega with ease and they began moving.  “My name is Seraphine, by the way.  And this, as I mentioned, is Vega.  I apologize for your travelling companion but it seems you caught me right after a hunt,” she said referring to the stag that was right behind where Pavetta sat.  
              Pavetta shrugged her shoulders.  “I have seen worse, thanks to my mother,” she said.  Sera let out an amused chuckle, thinking about the brash Queen Calanthe.  “And please, call me Pavetta.  There is no need for formalities.”
              Sera nodded and continued walking.  “Pavetta, you do not have to tell me, but why were you out there alone?” she asked, taking a glance back in her direction as she spoke.
              “I… went for a ride,” she said with hesitation.  “My horse got spooked by the wild dogs and took off.”
              Sera nodded, despite thinking that she sounded like she was trying to convince herself of that lie.  “I see,” she said, pulling Vega now onto the main road.  “A bit of advice, Pavetta, if I may?” she said and looked back to see she was waiting for her to continue whatever she was going to say.  “You are going to want to practice that if you want it to sound believable,” she said then watched as her cheeks turned a dark shade of red.  “Whatever the reason, it is safe with me.  When they ask I will say I found you just as I have.”
              “Thank you,” she said and Sera nodded.  Soon they arrived at the gates of Cintra and the guards announced Pavetta’s return as soon as they approached the castle.  Before Sera knew it, they were surrounded by people.  Handmaids, guards, a healer, and several onlookers, all of them swarming her with questions.  Sera was quite impressed with how well Pavetta swayed them into believing that her horse left her stranded in the woods.  She still held onto Vega’s reigns until someone, a stable hand from the looks of him, took them from her grasp.  Panic quickly filled her senses but Pavetta was quick to calm the feeling with a gentle hand on her uninjured arm and a look of reassurance.  “My friend and my savior, Seraphine, is injured. Could you please tend to her?” she said to her healer as they began walking into the castle.
              He took one look at Sera and quickly nodded.  “Of course, your highness,” he said then began to usher her through the castle in the opposite direction as Pavetta.
              Sera looked back at her new acquaintance.  “I will send after you soon and I will be sure that Vega and your stag are properly taken care of, Seraphine!” she said, making Sera relax enough to follow the healer confidently.  
 A few hours later Seraphine was completely bandaged up thanks to the healer.  Almost immediately after leaving the healer she was whisked away by some maids who led her to the throne room.  Queen Calanthe stood with Pavetta just to her side while Sera stood below them, just as a regular subject of their kingdom would.  “My daughter says you saved her life,” she said while staring down at Sera. While the village Sera came from was technically under the Queen of Cintra’s rule, she had never seen her before. Now that she stood in front of her she could understand what everyone meant when they said she was an intimidating woman.  Still, Sera stood tall.
              “Yes, your majesty.  I was out for a morning hunt when I heard her scream,” she said while keeping her eyes locked with Calanthe’s.  “There were three wild dogs trying to get to her, I was just in the right place had the right time.”
              Calanthe’s mouth turned upwards just a hair and only for a second but Sera still caught it.  “And what made you brave enough to best three blood-thirsty wild dogs?” she asked.
              “Because, your majesty, I used to go village to village and kill animals like that, along with the occasional monster.  I am just used to it,” she said.  
              This got the queen’s attention.  Her eyebrows rose with both amazement and curiosity.  “Well, Seraphine, there will be a betrothal banquet my daughter in three weeks time.  Please, join us as our guest of honor as a token of my thanks,” she said. Sera didn’t have to think too hard about the offer, three weeks of free food and a nice, warm bed was enough persuasion for her.  “Additionally, I would like to offer you a gift.  You may have anything you want… within reason,” she said making Sera lock eyes with her again.
              “I would be honored to take a seat at your table, your majesty.  And do you truly mean anything?” she asked and the queen nodded.  “May I take some time to think about it?”
              “Of course,” she said with a short nod.  “Welcome to court, Seraphine.”  Sera bowed her head, mostly to show respect but to also hide her smile. It was about time she had a true break.
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forthegrail · 5 years
Shirou!Percival Interlude
Lingering wills: The choice to become a Hero of Justice
Text Log.
Mashu: Mmmmm Master vc: Mash what’s wrong?
Mashu: I don’t know, but I’ve been having strange feelings all day, as if I feel like crying but don’t know why.  I’ve tried everything to make it go away, I thought it might’ve just been a chemical imbalance but it seems I was wrong.
Shirou: I’m afraid that’s because of me, hello Master. Mashu, I’m afraid I’ve come with a urgent matter that needs to be resolved. It seems my saint graph has been rejecting my existence. Percival has stopped sharing his existence with me. I can’t even hear his voice anymore.
Mashu: Rejecting your existence? I’ve never heard of such a phenomenon before, has something happened to Percival? This morning when he brought be breakfast in bed with fresh squeeze juice and the latest copy of Sh***** J*** he seemed his usual self to me.
Master: Percival brings you breakfast every morning?               Did we really need to censor Sh***** J***?
Shirou: I had the same thought but when I spoke to him he said that nothing was wrong, but he did give me some advice.
n  Flashback
Percival: You can’t feel the me that you fused with anymore….mmm today is nothing important so you haven’t forgotten a birthday, and you’ve been a good boy as far my stalking has showed me…
Shirou: Perci get serious! This is very important without the ability to trace my weapons I’m not going to be able to be of assistance to Master or Mashu!
Percival: I am serious, I know myself better than anyone and the only thing that would make him outright try and end your shared existence would be because he’s upset at you directly. Otherwise you’d just be upset and take your aggression out passive aggressively like me.
Shirou: So what should I do?
Percival: Confront him, I’m a reasonable guy…..Well when it comes to the people I care about most I’m reasonable and seeing as I lent you my body, my memories, and entrusted the hero of justice title and the sword Galahad gave me I can’t help but think he trusts you even more then he would me.
Shirou: But how?! He won’t speak to me, I can’t hear his voice or hear his heart beat with mine. It’s like he’s not even with me anymore!
Percival: Maybe he’s not, maybe he’s hiding in the one place where you two can speak to each other. A world where reality’s fabrications are designed for the specific needs of fulfilling dreams and miracles can take place. Whatever happens I know you can do it, Kiritsugu and I always had faith in you. Whatever happens remember that you saved both of us from the darkness in our hearts…my little brother.
Shirou: ….I see thank you Perci.
n  Flashback end
Master: So you’re gonna use your noble phantasm to confront Percival               What connection does this have to Mashu’s pains?  
Shirou: That’s the idea; my best guess is as for why Mashu is hurting so much must be because of the bond between most of our servants. Perci  loved Galahad that much is clear from the memories I’ve seen of them. So much so even this resonation is possible in a world of miracles.  
Mashu: Percival…It seems Galahad must be very upset if the pain is this severe.
Shirou: I’m sorry for dragging you into a family dispute like this, but will you come with me to confront this problem?
Master: Of course, I’m happy to help.               I can’t have my favorite Kohai hurting without doing anything to help.  
Mashu: F…favorite? There is no need to apologize in a way you’re family to us here too.
Shirou: Mashu, Master…Thank you for this! Alright Servant Percival deploying noble phantasm, I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body and fire is my blood.
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unaware of Despair,
Nor aware of Loneliness.
Withstood sacrifice to create weapons, remembering the love of another.
I have no regrets. I am his legacy!
A hero is born, Unlimited Dream works!
-          In a instance Master, Mashu are enveloped in a soft light appearing in the endless fields of Camelot. A pleasant field with a castle off in the distance that can never be reached. Standing in the center of the grass is a familiar figure. Percival stood back straightened hands on his sword the exact same pose Both Chaldea Percival and Shirou made when summoned.
Master: ….              Percival?
Percival: Hello Master of Chaldea that is currently in contract with Shirou Emiya, Galahads vessel it’s also good to see you, I’d ask if you were happy to see me but I already overheard everything. You shouldn’t had brought them here Shirou. They have no business butting in our family affairs.
Shirou: Galahad is worried about you, Mashu is worried about you, I’M worried about you! Why have you severed our bond? I’m being the Hero of Justice you always wanted me to be so why are you trying to separate us!?
Mashu: Percival, you have to tell us what’s going on, why are you suddenly rebelling against senpai? Why are you suddenly against Shirou?
Percival: ….I really am a monster aren’t I?
Master: …..               What do you mean?
Percival: You were such a young boy, you had no one…and Kiritsugu and I took you in. We gave you a home, hope, family. But it costed you so much, we forced fed you hopes and dreams that you never wanted. I forced you into taking a title and name that were never meant for you, in my selfish act of extending your life you are now here chained down by a contract forced to fight for a world that isn’t ours. I forced my love on you and all these new memories and emotions confiding you into a nightmare that you can never escape. I love you too much to let this continue further, I’m going to kill you Shirou.
Shirou:!? Mashu!? Master: Kill Shirou?!               You can’t be serious!
Percival: I’m very serious, in this world of dreams any miracles can happen. That is the reality that we have created for ourselves. A beautiful dream that shall go on forever endlessly fighting as a Hero of Justice until our spirit breaks and you become something similar to the red archer, or even that alter that carries the same name in time. I refuse to throw this fate onto my little brother, so I’m going to do the one thing a big brother can when watching his little sibling suffer with no escape other than death. I’m going to save you. Then when this dream ends, and when I am alone again I will destroy this version of my saint graph to the very core burning it in flame so that this existence can ever be summoned again. Forgive me; hate me in your final moments. Master of Chaldea in this world my power is beyond then what you can imagine. This is my dream! This is the world where my nightmares manifest I do not wish to kill you, but I will not let you stop this. I’ll simply disarm you and beat you into submission so that you cannot interfere.
Mashu: Master Servant Percival’s power is steadily rising! Preparing to engage combat! Waiting for your orders.
Master:  There is no way we will let you hurt our friend!              Mashu, protect this beautiful dream!
Mashu: Understood Master!
-          Combat happens, Servant Percival is defeated-
Percival: Ugh…-heavy breathing-
Shirou& Mashu: AHHHH
Percival:….(Galahad…is stopping my ambition…that selfish fool…)
Mashu: Lord Camelot! Shirou: Trace On! Excalibur Gallatin!  
-Percival ‘s armor is cut through shattering as his body starts to give away becoming translucent-
Percival: Ahh…it seems you’ve regained your power completely Shirou, I’m glad. I knew I didn’t stand a chance once I saw that spark in your eyes. But still…
Shirou: Perc—Big brother Percival, what happens now? Are you going to permanently disappear?
Percival: Sadly I cannot, our souls are connect but the balance has shifted, your soul is dominating mine, all the power I had held back in order to summon myself has been drained from me. All that will happen is that I will return to simply being your guide. A soft voice that whispers reminders of how proud I am of you.
Mashu: Percival, I felt so upset fighting you. I didn’t want to hurt you and yet I was angry that you would step this far selfishly. Shirou is our friend, he has his own right to decide if he wanted to stay here with us or end his own life. He might be your little brother but that doesn’t mean you decide if he lives or dies. Everything has a right to live and to die.
Master: Everyone has the right to decide               If they want to live or to die.
Percival: ......Well spoken…from the heart. Maybe that’s why I was enjoying our fight so much, Mashu you really are Galahads legacy just as Shirou’s mine. You’ve taken his strength and ambitions and made them your own beautiful dream. I can’t wait to see the ending to your tale from within Shirou, I’ll be rooting for the both of you.
Shirou: Percival before you go there is something I’ve always wanted to tell you. I don’t blame you, I chose this path myself. You did guide me down this path but it was my choice to follow through. I wanted to become a Hero of Justice that would make you proud, I wanted the power to protect the people I care about most and it’s thanks to your love I can. I want you to rest knowing that Master and Mashu are safe, I promise!
Percival: Ahaha…I could never resist that adorable face of yours, even if now it looks similar to mine you’ve really become your own man. I’m sure whenever his spirit is Kiritsugu, Irisveil, Illya, are proud that you carry the Emiya name. Unfortunately I can’t hold this form any longer, take care and remember, being able to love you has been an experience that I'll always keep close to my heart. And that these are memories are the ones that when you feel alone I'll wrap you in when the world gets cold and you forget that there are people who are warm and loving always here by your side.
-Percival disappears-
Mashu: Confirmation of enemy saint graph has disappeared…I…
Master: Mashu…               You’re crying.
Mashu: Ye—yes it seems to be Galahad. He’s calmed down now, the pain is gone but I can’t help but feel a lingering sadness.
Shirou: Don’t feel sad Mashu, Percival isn’t gone. He’ still with us, living on inside me waiting to see how we’ll walk down this new path he’s guided towards. And now that I know he’s supporting me, My resolve is even stronger to protect the memories that we share. Even if our world is gone, and I’m forced to fight again and again, now I remember I’m never alone.  That is more than enough of a beautiful gift to keep me going. Let’s return, I’m sure Big brother Perci is probably pulling his hair out wondering if we’re okay.
Shirou: In monologue, “Big brother, thank you for everything. I promise by the hope that you gave me, I’ll always continue fighting for what’s right.  Because I’m not just a younger version of that red haired archer, or just another person that shares his face. Nor am I just Shirou Emiya or Percival knight of the round. I am the accumulation of the love and support of so many people that guided me to where I am.  I choose to be a hero of justice because, I have no regrets. I am his legacy! A hero is born, Unlimited Dream works!
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thedistantstorm · 5 years
Phoenix Protocol 21
Zavala x Awoken Female Warlock | Mid/Post Forsaken | Slowburn | Gratuitous Descriptions of Light | Self-Confidence/Self-Worth Issues | Redemption
When the Traveler’s Light was returned to the Guardians after the defeat of the Cabal, it did not manifest itself the same in everyone. Miyu, an Awoken Warlock, finds herself struggling with her abilities, her Light feeling different and not her own. With her Vanguard preoccupied with grief and all eyes turned to the Reef, she finds herself turning to an unlikely source in an attempt to rediscover her connection to the Light and define what it means for her as a Dawnblade.
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Ikora's study smells like lavender. To the outsider, it only exaggerates her usual aura of reserved calm. She looks steady, peaceful. To Miyu, it is only further indication that she feels unsettled.
It has been four days since the incident.
Three days since she'd been back to the Tower. Three days since Ikora and Zavala had their official, loud enough for the Jovians to hear them (Shaxx's words, not hers) argument on leadership and grief and plenty of other things that most of the Tower heard. Two days since Ikora had sent her a message: half angry, half hurt but all self-loathing with an undercurrent of remorse.
The door is open so she steps through, centuries of quick footwork making her steps virtually silent. Ikora's eyes are focused on a text propped in front of her, frowning as she studies it.
Miyu takes a breath, wills her hands to be still and speaks. “Do you have a moment?”
The Warlock Vanguard looks up immediately and backs away from her task. “Of course,” She says, almost tripping over her words. “Please, take a seat.” She gestures to a bench, covered with a strangely detailed tapestry. Miyu complies. “How are you feeling?”
Her bright eyes link with Ikora's golden ones. She thinks of the Speaker, and of visions and of what is best and right and what she should say.
“If I told you I'm fine, would you believe me?”
Ikora shakes her head, just a fraction. “I…” Her eyes harden with her lack of surety, “I don't know.”
Miyu nods. Lays a pale, trembling hand on Ikora's arm and pretends not to notice Ikora examining her fingers. They twitch, a result of still-frazzled nerves, though they are mostly the color of her skin and not a pinkish brown-black like they had been. “I’m not angry with you,” She finally says. The gesture is a stretch, but she pushes through. “So please don't be angry with yourself, as it pertains to me.”
“You almost-”
“Died. Permanently. I've been told.” Miyu removes her hand from Ikora's forearm to tuck an errant strand of hair behind her ear. Zavala’s been regarding her like she’s made of glass. She doesn’t need it from Ikora, too. “I'm sorry for worrying you.”
“You,” She frowns and Miyu knows worry isn’t quite the word her Vanguard would call it. The Speaker's words flash in her mind. Overwhelmed might be the correct word, but it would certainly entertain Ikora's wrath. “I-”
It's a rarity that the Warlock before her cannot find the words. It helps her feel confident. She might make it through this conversation after all. “I know we have not seen eye to eye lately, Ikora, but there is something I would like to ask, if you're still willing.”
“You were the one who told me you didn’t want to go to Mercury,” Zavala tries his best not to growl, “You told me you would be furious with me if I attempted convince you to see Osiris.” He pauses. It does nothing to temper his frustration. “And yet, Ikora has just submitted a request to allow you to leave that states that you asked to go.”
“I asked her to speak with you,” Miyu replies mildly. Zavala’s eyebrows rise, as if he cannot believe she’s just said that. The Warlock sighs. She had expected as much, after all. “Look, I know you two are fighting but-”
“Our disagreements on other affairs aside,” He begins, voice rising like a wave making landfall. It takes everything in her not to shrink back at the bite in his tone. “She nearly killed you! Her lack of judgement almost cost you your-”
“Don’t you think she knows that?” Miyu holds out both hands. She really, really doesn’t want to fight. He just needs to let her go. “Zavala, listen to me.”
“Regardless, I don’t think this is a good idea,” He says, frowning deeply. “I don’t think you should leave the Tower until we can be sure that this won’t happen again.”
Miyu shakes her head. “And if we can’t?” She questions, her voice flat. It's telling of her own discontent. “Tamashii brought me back a lot when I fought with Ikora. It wasn’t like it was just one resurrection!”
“Still. I’m worried for you.” He gestures to her and she knows she should have kept her hands behind her back. Not that it would have helped, she’s spent a great deal of time with him since things had transpired in midtown. “Your hands are still shaking. You told me they were still painful yesterday. How are they now?”
“Getting better,” She answers. “But don’t change the subject. I need you to let me see Osiris.”
His eyes narrow, examining her. She forces herself not to fidget. “What changed your mind?”
Miyu breathes deep. Forces herself to look him in the eye. “You.”
Azure eyes blink at her in surprise, his frustration and anger momentarily set aside as he studies her. He breathes out an incredulous, “What?”
“You’re the one who said that if anything could help, it was worth looking into. Even if you are at odds with Ikora, and even if you don’t like Osiris.”
“If you step into the Infinite Forest, I won’t be able to come for you, if something happens. I won’t know-”
Miyu closes her eyes. She’d thought about that, but it didn’t matter where she was. There was always some danger associated with living, immortal or not. She takes a breath. “I’m not going to die. Not permanently.”
“You don’t know that.”
“No,” She concedes, “But I have a good Ghost, and I’m not going to launch myself headfirst into danger.” She rounds his desk, eyeing the newly repaired cracks that have been filled with resin. Shaxx had provided her with his account of things - as well as an apology for meddling. He hadn’t believed it possible for the two of them to develop feelings for each other - more specifically for Zavala to return her budding feelings - but the unrestrained outburst was an undeniable tell.
“I know,” He says finally. He leans back in his desk chair, and she takes it as permission to drop into his lap. His arms draw up around her. “I just worry. I do not want...” She presses her lips to his cheek, but he turns after a moment and captures her lips with his own. “If you really must go, I’ll allow it. But I’m not thrilled.”
“Thank you,” She breathes, tense shoulders relaxing. “And, I know.”
“I only ask one thing.”
“Okay?” She tips her head to the side, waiting.
He remembers her telling him once that she was never selected to be one of Ikora’s Hidden because she has always been an abysmal liar. Her fists are clenched too tight, and her eyes are darting from side to side. Maybe Ikora believed her but...
Zavala rears back far enough to pin her with serious, knowing, sad eyes. Her stomach drops, but she can't look away.
Of course he knows.
“Tell me the truth, Miyu. Where do you really plan to go?”
He dozes lightly beside her, his lips twitching, the muscles of his legs flexing as if mimicking a slow rendition of his gait. She slides her palm down his arm when he begins jerking slightly every three to four breaths, whatever lucid dream he’s experiencing transcending into something more like a nightmare.
When his eyes snap open, they’re brighter than usual. He looks at her sharply, as if he hasn’t spent the last hour or so unconscious. She presses in closer to him, and he kisses her with a fervor she’s not anticipating. It’s like she blinks and they’ve discarded their sleepwear, resting skin to skin from hip to shoulder. She’s pliant, laying back against the bed, looking up at him with unguarded, semi-glazed eyes, the very picture of everything he both wants and needs.
Zavala licks her lips and kisses her once again but rolls over beside her without pushing for anything more. She blinks up at the ceiling, in the dark, lashes beating almost silently against her cheeks. Tilts her head toward him. “You okay?”
There is no answer. She takes it as a no. He makes no effort to explain.
It could be so many things. She is not foolish enough to think he's over the fact that she tried to lie to him. Aside from that, there have been numerous harrowing reports from the Reef. The Awoken are demanding his support. They've sent emissaries to discuss terms. The Festival of the Lost is nearly upon them and they've already lost so much that reflecting upon it for the duration is almost more than he can bear.
Her fingers slip down his face in a too-gentle motion, contrasting with the quick flip of her body up and over to sit on top his abdomen. He opens his eyes after several dips of her fingers down to his shoulder and back. She smiles sadly at him, the same way he’s looking at her. “When I tell you,” She whispers, unable to find the strength to say it at full volume in the quiet of the room, “When I tell you that I love you, I want to say it with all of me. I know that’s unfair, I shouldn't have lied to you, and I know I’m being selfish, Zavala, but please-”
Miyu lowers her lips to his, not trusting the words to say everything she means. When they make love, neither of them speak.
Afterward, she stares up at the ceiling, catching her breath. “Part of me wishes I could go with you,” He says, quietly. She does not turn to him, afraid that he'll hold back based on some unconscious shift in her gaze. “Ikora asked me if we truly needed a Vanguard, when we-” He sighs, “During our argument. ‘The Guardians practically police themselves,’ she'd said.” Soft fingertips follow the musculature of his forearm to find the hand between them. She links his digits with hers. “She's not entirely wrong.”
Miyu stares upward still. “Are you saying you'd rather resign?” She asks, softly.
He looks over at her, his eyes sending extra light flickering down the side of her face. “I thought you would argue with me on it. At least disagree.”
She half-smiles. Zavala sees the twitch in the muscles in the side of her face. “You fight enough with yourself, I think. Plus, you've done this for a long time. No one would fault you - either of you - for wanting to step down. No one is exactly begging for your job.”
“It is not all it's cracked up to be. I do not know how much more I can take.” He squeezes her hand harder. “Are my decisions correct? Will the consequences of my actions or inactions doom those who cannot protect themselves? Am I-”
“‘He has always had such unshakable faith,’” Miyu interrupts him. She sits up so she may look upon his face, still naked and luminous. Twin quicksilver eyes seem to see right through him, shaking him to the core.
“What did you just say?”
The Warlock does not answer, posing a question of her own. “Anata.” Dearest. “Who is the one who speaks for the Traveler?”
“No one.”
She smiles gently, shaking her head. His brows furrow in confusion. “Everyone.”
He persists. “There is no Speaker, not since-”
“We are all the Traveler's voices.”
He has spent enough time around Warlocks to know when one is seeing something he does not. “Miyu, where is this coming from?”
Silence worms between them for a few moments. “I can't tell you everything,” She finally gushes, “But I promise you that your efforts are realized, and the burden of your duty does not go unseen.”
“How?” It is a brittle word, cracked under the weight of stress and and grief. Her heart burns for this man. She cannot allow him to think so little of himself, of his duties, or his sacrifices.
She does not take the sheet with her, when she rises.
“Get up. We're going for a walk.”
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herperlo-d · 8 years
How To Be A Saviour Without Trying
In which Tseng meets Cloud way before CC and as a result, saves the future
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Interlude 1] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5]
Chapter 6: Get Angry, Solve a Mystery
Reno was good at being a Turk- excellent at it even. Need to assassinate someone? He’s your man. Need to get information out of a super-secure facility? Give him the name and you’ll have it within a week or less. Need to hack a computer? He could do it right here, right now. Ask, with the right amount of money and he’ll do it for you, and if he can’t, he’d ask (read: blackmail) someone to do it for you. Either way, he’ll get the job done.
Being a Turk was easy- it’s nice; a very welcomed change from the slums under the plate. He gets a roof over his head, three meals a day, a steady income and a much longer life expectancy. Not only that, the best thing about being a Turk was that he gets a family he never had- a little dysfunctional, but still a family that he treasures with all the heart he has left. He honestly never thought that he could ever get something like this; not until a scary Wutai dude he tried to pickpocket on a dare picked him off the street and dumped his filthy ass in front of the head Turk.
Gaia bless Tseng.
Reno unashamedly admits that he was a great hellion to everyone those few months into Turk initiation (A.K.A death camp). But in his defence, the initiation itself wasn’t a very nice process either and he guessed that his hellion ways had paid off, seeing that he was here in a Turk suit and the other initiates were either six feet under or locked tight under nondisclosure agreements. He concedes that he may or may not have caused Tseng early wrinkles and grey hair- plausible deniability and all that jazz. The law jargons were mostly Rude’s strong suit.
Other than Tseng (the Bossman) who he totally loves in a completely platonic way, there was Rude, his partner- the bestest partner anyone could ever wish for. Man, Gaia bless Rude too, that big softie. Rude can deny it all he likes, but Reno was a hundred percent sure that he saw him happily playing with the village kids that one time they visited Kalm.
Now, back to the Bossman. A Gaia-sent he was, a saint he was not. You should hear the company gossip about that guy. In terms of sheer intimidation, Tseng was nearly on par with the SOLDIER generals. Reno always loved to use the ‘If you don’t wanna tell me, I could always get Tseng.’ line to intimidate people into talking. Works ever time. (Shut up Rude. If it works, don’t question the method.)
Apparently, if you were to believe the rumours, the Bossman once went on a mission to Nibelheim during a blizzard and survived the sub-zero hostile conditions wearing only his Turk suit. He also defeated a feral, fully-grown Nibel dragon and a pack of mako-crazed Nibel wolves together with only his bare hands. There was a group of cadets who swore up and down that they once saw the Bossman make a notorious gangster boss cry in less than ten seconds then proceeded to single-handedly take on and destroy the rest of the man’s gang without breaking a sweat.
Reno cackled loudly to himself, leaning back on his office chair and spun around obnoxiously with his legs splayed- just because he could. How ridiculous. The Bossman was good- scarily efficient and horrendously competent at everything- but he didn’t think that any of that was possible for a non-mako enhanced person… Well, except for the one about making the gangster boss cry. That once was quite believable. The Bossman… was very good at making people cry with only his works. Veld always loved to send Tseng when that time of the year for budget meetings rolled around again. There was a reason why the budget for the Department of Administrative Research was secretly the largest behind the Science Department. The Military and Weapons Development Department may pretend all they like, but the Turk’s budget had been higher than theirs for the past three years.
Reno, being the rebel that he was, almost always gets into trouble, which leads him to getting a long rehearsed dressing down from Tseng at the end of the day. Rude, being the awesome partner he was never leaves Reno to get scolded alone. Reno was this close to proclaiming his eternal love for that guy. They must have been soul mates in another life.
Anyway, he’s getting off track. The year after he became an official Turk was one of the most blissful years of his life- until the week of the opening of the SOLDIER applications.
Worst. Week. Of. His. Life.
Seriously. It was even worse than that time he had to dress in drag and hide in the Honeybee Inn for five whole agonising days (don’t ask). It had been horrifically traumatic. Everyday was just work, work and more work. Just when he thinks that he’d finished his pile, a gopher comes by to dump another pile on his desk. Gaia damn these SOLDIER wannabes.
When day three of Hell Week dawned, Reno was so ready to set his whole desk on fire just to get away from the disgusting paperwork. But being a total mind reader, Tseng glared at him from his office and very calmly told him to get back to work. Honestly, what must a guy do to get a break around here?
Then something worse happened. The Bossman became cranky. It was Reno’s worst nightmares come true. As Hell Week progressed, the Bossman just became more and more irritable. And when the Bossman gets irritated, he gets mean. On a particularly bad day, Reno honest-to-Gaia saw the Bossman make fifteen different people cry. He would swear on his custom made electric rod that one of them was a SOLDIER Third. It wasn’t even a sniffling kind of crying, but an all out bawling, questioning-your-usefulness-in-life kind of crying. Turk recruits were dropping out left and right like flies hit with pesticide.
Reno was utterly terrified.
Rude was just mystified at his partner’s sudden good behaviour, but being the greatest partner he was, he just shrugged and went on with his work. Reno was definitely buying a wedding ring for him the moment they get some free time. Do wedding earrings count?
Reno prayed for a miracle to happen every night.
And a miracle came.
The Bossman came into the office one morning with a smile. A smile! Reno had shocked himself with his electric rod to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming. The smile wasn’t really noticeable, but Reno spent a better part of the year learning how to read the Bossman’s limited facial expressions and that small tick of his lips was practically a beaming grin. Reno just had to find out what made the Bossman so happy.
Did he finally get laid? Find The One? Get the jackpot in the lottery? Reno was dying of curiosity, but he knew better than to snoop around his desk. The Bossman always knew when someone touched his stuff. He learnt his lesson from the last time he tried to snoop. (Let’s just say that the sewers are an awful place to do missions in and leave it at that)
He even calmly (not)-shouted at Reno to redo his paperwork only once. It was creepy. He asked around, but it seemed like nobody knew why the Bossman was in such a good mood. It doesn’t matter. Reno will be watching him carefully and the Bossman will definitely slip up sooner or later. He could be patient when he wanted to.
Cloud glared at the innocent package resting on his bunk. It dully stared back at him. Cloud rubbed his eyes and slowly counted backward from ten. Nope, it was still there, in all its plain paper glory. Cloud paced from one side of his bunk to the other, examining the package in all directions, but nothing could prove that it was anything other than an ordinary square box wrapped in brown paper and woollen twine. It was ordinary enough, commonly found in any shop above the plate, but what had Cloud so suspicious was the fact that he knew of no reason why someone would give him a gift- and also that he was reasonable sure that this was from the same person who had given him that salve.
Once was bad enough, but twice? This was serious.
Plucking up his courage, Cloud carefully pulled on the twine and unwrapped the package. A thick blanket fell out, as well as six vials containing strange liquids and a weird bracelet that had two semi-spherical indents of about half an inch in diameter. Cloud picked up the vials first. Just as he had suspected, the same neat handwriting greeted him. The six vials were each labelled ‘Potion’, ‘Hi-Potion’, ‘Ether’, ‘Elixir’, ‘Antidote’ and ‘Remedy’.
Cloud stared, gobsmacked, at the vials in his hands and boggled at the amount of money that had just been given to him. If he remembered correctly, the Ether alone cost about one thousand and five hundred Gil and the Remedy added another thousand Gil to the whole package.
Cloud… was struck speechless. Just who was sending him these things?
He placed the vials aside- he’d think about it later. Right now he was still in shock. Picking up the bracelet, he turned the odd thing in his hands. It was made of steel and gold with titanium lining the indents, curving outwards like a mini clasp. Cloud slid the bracelet onto his wrist and it rested a little loosely on his bony wrists. Looking closer, Cloud realised that the indents were the perfect size to fit his materia. Fishing one from his locker, Cloud slid it into one of the indents and it fixed into place with a soft click. Almost instantly, Cloud could feel the power of the Fire materia swirling through the bracelet, waiting for his command. He marvelled at the bracelet, popping out the materia and popping it back in just to feel the rush of power, ready for him to use.
A memory surfaced in his mind, unbidden.
A chat beside a roaring fire, feeling more relaxed than he had for a long time- a sense of annoyance at the strange man-Tseng- sitting across him.
‘What did you equip it with?’
Cloud didn’t know what the Hel he meant by equip so he said exactly that to Tseng, watching with a bit of satisfaction when Tseng’s eyebrow rose in surprise.
Was this what he meant? Cloud took off the bracelet again and turned it here and there, watching the shiny metal reflect the artificial lights above head. The accessory looked brand new and very expensive. Cloud licked his lips nervously, rubbing the smooth face of the bracelet with his thumb. He set the bracelet aside with the vials and picked up the final item from the package- the blanket.
In contrast with the other gifts this one looked the least expensive, but it was still worth a lot, in terms of sentimental value. The blanket was obviously old and home made, soft cotton patches sewed together lovingly to make a beautiful patchwork of colours and material to form a large, thick, cosy quilt. Cloud ran a finger down the stitches. Some of them were uneven and roughly done. There were patches of cloth that were sewn together using the same thread, but they were clearly different than other patches, some looking older as though the quilt was made bits at a time then sewn together. Cloud also spotted some areas where some of the stitches were pulled out and redone or were pulled too tightly. Underneath the patchwork, a different material served as a bottom layer, sealing in the feathers stuffed into the quilt. It was a half-silky half-grainy material that shifted easily under Cloud’s hands. From the stitching at the corners, Cloud could tell that the second layer was only added recently, much later after the original layer was completed.
Cloud folded back the blanket and pressed it to his lap, thinking hard to himself. He picked at the blanket, rubbing it between his fingers. Could it be a gift from a friend? Cloud half dismissed that thought. There was no way that Lee or any of his group mates could afford any of the gifts, even if they had pooled their money together. But then, the was one other…
The foreign silky material became whole easily under his needle and thread. Cloud looked over to the sleeping man laid across the furs not two metres away and went back to mending the torn clothing.
‘Tseng of the Turks, nice to meet you.’
Cloud mentally laughed at the weird name, and offered Tseng of the Turks some wolf meat.
‘Turk is another name for the Department of Administrative Research of the Shinra Electric Power Company.’
Affection, comfort.
Don’t go so soon.
We’ll meet again.
Cloud shook his head and scoffed to himself. As if that was remotely possible. Gaia only knew if Tseng would even still remember that kid from some cold ass mountain he nearly died on.
Cloud heard footsteps coming down the corridor and quickly packed up the gifts, storing them neatly in the false bottom of his locker with the helf-empty jar of bruise salve and the box of Asfel.
Not a second later, Lee and his group mates burst the room to drag him out for their next class, chatting happily about how he had finally managed to master that flip he had been agonising over for the past week. Cloud smiled a little under the easy conversation. All thoughts of the gifts were pushed to the back of his mind for later examination.
There was a prickling feeling at the back of his neck.
Someone was watching him.
Cloud casually glanced around him, but couldn’t spot anything out of the ordinary. His eyes narrowed. That was the third time in a day he felt that someone was staring at him. At first the feeling hadn’t been so obvious, but as he settled into his routines and became more comfortable with the area, instincts honed by years of hunting and being hunted zeroed in on the observing presence. The person didn’t have any malicious intent, if not Cloud would have noticed the person a lot sooner, but it was persistent and a complete unknown, which set Cloud on edge. His fingers itched for his knives and materia, but they were still safely stored in his locker.
Cloud’s brows furrowed in mild annoyance. The prickling feeling had come and gone for the past week or two and it was driving him to near paranoia. Lee had taken to following him around more when he realised that Cloud was flinching at nothing during random moments of the day, sometimes acting completely normal for a couple of days before that agitated buzz caught up with him again. Cloud appreciated his concern, but the situation was driving him to wits end. He felt boxed in and suspicious at everything and everyone. The mysterious, expensive gifts hadn’t helped any, even if they were useful.
The prickling sensation was back and Cloud immediately whirled around, ignoring Lee’s indignant squawk at being ignored, and scanned the long walkway. He spotted a person turning away, rounding the corner at the end of the hall, a familiar blue cloth fluttering behind them.
Cloud let out a silent snarl and sprinted after the stranger- his stalker, dodging the other cadets, Lee running after him, shouting out questions. Cloud gritted his teeth and slid past the corner, boots squeaking on the floor as he caught his footing and abruptly changed directions, only to slam headfirst into someone’s chest.
“Woah there! Careful with where you’re going, squirt. What’s gotten you in such a rush?”
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swipestream · 7 years
Fantasy and Adventure New Release Roundup: 2 December 2017
With the holiday season now upon us, this roundup of the newest releases in fantasy and adventure is bursting at the seams, featuring a wife pressed back into her former role as an assassin, a desperate fight to save a friend from a magical kangaroo court, the first hard-boiled detective fighting the Klan, and a quest for revenge that will not end until a murder’s head sits upon a pike.
*     *     *      *      *
The Awful Truth About Forgetting (Books of Unexpected Enlightenment #4) – L. Jagi Lamplighter
What she knows, she dare not tell.
Rachel Griffin should be having an amazing freshman year. She has the Princess of Magical Australia and crazy orphan Sigfried the Dragonslayer for friends and a handsome sorcerer boyfriend romancing her with charms magical and otherwise.
But otherworldly forces conspire against those she loves.
While all others can be made to forget the truth, Rachel cannot. When she runs afoul of the hidden force hiding these terrible secrets, Rachel must face her most desperate hour yet.
This on top of winter fairies, missing friends, Yule gifts, flying practice, and a rampaging ogre…oh, and schoolwork.
Then there is the matter of a certain undeniably attractive older boy…
*     *     *      *      *
Ghost in the Glass (Ghost Night #2) – Johnathan Moeller
Caina Amalas was once a deadly Ghost nightfighter, a spy and agent of the Emperor of Nighmar. Now she only wishes to live quietly with her husband.
But civil war grips the Empire, and Caina’s skills are needed against the cruel sorcerers of the malevolent Umbarian Order. Now Caina has a deadly problem.
Specifically, she carries the Ring of Rasarion Yagar, a relic created by the tyrannical necromancer-king who once ruled Ulkaar. The deadly sorcerers of the malevolent Umbarian Order wish to seize the Ring for themselves, as do the sinister priests of the ruthless Temnoti cult.
And to make matters worse, the Ring is not the only powerful relic of Rasarion Yagar.
And unless Caina can escape her foes, the wielders of those relics will kill her…
*     *     *      *      *
Graduation Day (Schooled in Magic #14) – Christopher G. Nuttall
Frieda is one of Emily’s closest friends, a young girl she saved from Mountaintop and brought back to Whitehall. But Frieda found herself the victim of a deadly soul-destroying plot – and the true target may well be Emily herself. Now, after Emily saved Frieda from a magician who was slowly driving her mad, Frieda stands accused of attempted murder – and worse. She must now stand trial for her crimes.
Worse, Fulvia – Matriarch of House Ashworth – has returned. Humiliated by Emily, years ago, Fulvia burns for revenge – and the chance to regain her lost power. Calling in favors from all over the world and rigging the trial against Frieda – and Emily – it looks as if her time is finally at hand. With no clear proof of Frieda’s innocence – and a jury that can be manipulated at will – Fulvia has all the leverage she needs to bring Emily to heel.
Gathering her friends around her, and calling in favors of her own, Emily must find a way to outwit a kangaroo court and save her friend from a fate worse than death, little realizing that Fulvia’s true target is Emily herself …
… And that Fulvia’s desperate quest for revenge will bring the entire world crashing down.
*     *     *      *      *
Head Down (The Valens Legacy #4) – Jan Stryvant
Things are starting to look up for Sean, he has a safe place to stay, allies, way too many wolves and a couple of dangerously cute werefoxes around now as well. However the other Councils now know that he’s serious, after the raid on Gradatim that left several important people dead.
Battle lines are starting to be drawn and the Council of the Ascendants realizes that they’re next in line and starts to take precautions while the other councils start to play politics and jockey for position. Even the Council of Vestibulum, the most powerful in both Reno and the rest of the country, is starting to be concerned.
And how could any conflict between these major powers be complete without the assassin hired twelve years ago, being brought back to deal with the son of the man he killed?
*     *     *      *      *
Knights of the Open Palm (Race Williams #1) – Carroll John Daly
The first hard-boiled detective Race Williams, runs up against the Klan in his premiere adventure, which leads him to fast and tragic action. Plus two other early Daly hard-boiled classics: “The False Burton Combs” and “Dolly.” Story #1 in the Race Williams series.
Carroll John Daly (1889–1958) was the creator of the first hard-boiled private eye story, predating Dashiell Hammett’s first Continental Op story by several months. Daly’s classic character, Race Williams, was one of the most popular fiction characters of the pulps, and the direct inspiration for Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer.
*     *     *      *      *
Lifemarked (The Fatemarked #5) – David Estes
The Four Kingdoms and the fatemarked face the most powerful army the world has ever seen…
In Phanes, Roan Loren, the Peacemaker, has high hopes for a united response to the threat from the Horde, but swiftly realizes the only true ally he has is his arch nemesis, Bane. Meanwhile, Rhea Loren, a new mother with a secret must decide whether to protect her child or share what she knows with the fatemarked…
To the north, Annise Gäric, Tarin Sheary and their allies are hunted mercilessly by the army of barbarians known as the Horde, led by her long-lost uncle Helmuth, now known as Klar-Ggra. While she seeks refuge in the east, Tarin once more struggles with his own demons…
In the west, Ennis Loren and his brothers, including self-proclaimed king of the west, Sai, return to Knight’s End against the advice of the fatemarked, who they despise. Secretly, they plot another attack on the south…
In the east, Gareth Ironclad returns to Ferria hoping to find a unified people with a common enemy, but instead faces a fractured kingdom uncertain of its future. But when he makes a drastic decision, everything begins to unravel…
In Calyp, Raven Sandes returns with the most unlikeliest of friends: Gwendolyn Storm. But when tragedy strikes at the heart of the empire, the survivors are left behind and forced to pick up the pieces…
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Necrosis (Omens of Gaia #1) – H. C. Damrosch
A tyrant has conquered the land she holds dear; friends and family slain to build a kingdom of despair. Her own faith has fallen into doubt…
She must escape, no matter the cost.
Visions of light and shadow beckon from beyond the world’s edge; haunting dreams, waking nightmares, rivers of energy beneath the earth…
There is a warrior who would oppose death itself to uncover the secrets of his birth.
Subhuman and superhuman creatures arise to test them; powers of earth and spirit whose revelations shake the very foundations of reality.
Is it wisdom to believe, or madness…?
Only by coming to terms with their own humanity can they defeat the Lord of the Necrow.
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Shadow Games (The Collector Chronicles #2) – D. K. Holmberg
Born of shadow magic. Gifted with the power to control the flame that burns within her. A master strategist. Tested by the mysterious Collector.
With the Collector thwarted, Carth realizes that until she uncovers his allies in Keyall, he will continue to threaten the city. When the city is attacked, the ruling tribunal blames Carth and uses the power of the city to confine her.
The Collector demands that Carth find the Elder Stone in exchange for her freedom, but there is much more to the demand than it seems. Now she’s caught in a game that she might not be able to win and manipulated by someone more skilled than her. In this game, not only is her life at stake, but the lives of her friends are in danger if she loses.
Worse, the person making the moves might be someone much closer to her than she had ever realized.
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Thunderbolt (Dynasty of Storms #2) – Brandon Cornwell
After the liberation of the Greenreef islands, Elias has returned to the mainland of Lonwick, a new purpose burning in his heart; hunting down and killing the Felle general who murdered his love, and purging the land of the scourge that is the Felle. When he returns, he finds that the war brewing to the south is on the verge of erupting, and his allies back home have found themselves in dire situations. Can he muster the strength to build an army strong enough to find the vengeance he and his companions yearn for? Will the cost be too great? And what power lies behind the sudden emergence of the unholy Felle army?
In the second book of the Dynasty of Storms saga, Brandon Cornwell brings us back to the mainland of Erde to follow Elias of Stromgard as he forges a path through ancient forests, burning caverns, and wintery mountains. Challenges await and dangers lurk on his quest to find Darius Tessermyre and put his head where it belongs – on a pike.
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War Hammer (Nate Temple #8) – Shayne Silvers
Two old dudes want to kill me. Oh, and one of them is my ancestor…
And after centuries of practice, they’re pretty good at the whole murder thing. But at least they want to kill each other just as badly.
Now, I’ve taken down a Greek Goddess, worn a Horseman’s Mask, and I ride a homicidal unicorn who hates rainbows with a passion. Some might say sending two senior citizens to a permanent retirement home should be a breeze.
It ain’t.
Because that’s not my biggest concern. One of my friends is in danger, or possibly dying, and I need to get her back before her fiancé kills me. But finding her introduces me to new worlds of pain. The biggest of these being my own past – which has been a blatant lie – and a parting gift from my parents – which might have just been the coin toss for the Apocalypse Olympics.
I’m beginning to realize that none of the old Gods, Legends, or Monsters have been idle the last few centuries. They’ve been waiting, picking sides, and scheming schemes.
Of course, maybe one of those two old dudes will punch my ticket and save me the headache. A wizard can Hope, right? Because either way, I’m about to have a very bad series of days…
  Fantasy and Adventure New Release Roundup: 2 December 2017 published first on http://ift.tt/2zdiasi
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