#‘Ours Is The Fury’???? Beron himself wrote that
foxcort · 11 months
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acotar & asoiaf au collection || The Autumn Court as House Baratheon.
"Ours Is The Fury." // Beron Baratheon of Storm's End, Lord of Storm’s End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands.
ft. Rhea Baratheon née Estermont of Storm’s End, Lady of Storm’s End.
ft. Eris Baratheon, firstborn son and Heir of House Baratheon.
ft. 3 Unnamed Baratheon Brothers, the Second, Third and Fourth sons of House Baratheon.
ft. 2 Unnamed Baratheon Brothers (deceased), the Fifth and Sixth sons of House Baratheon, both killed by Tamlin Lannister.
ft. Jesminda Storm, a bastard born in the Stormlands and later executed for treason (unrightfully) when her tryst with Lucien Baratheon became evident.
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