#‘Riku’ (repliku) refuses to go home w sora and insults all their island friends
daylighteclipsed · 2 years
Are there any Soriku / sasunaru parallels in particular that make you lose it?
Okay there’s at least 15 that have been rattling around in my brain for months, but this post would be a mile long. So I’m gonna pick out the 7 that slapped me across the face the most upon first going from Naruto to KH. Let’s start with this one cause I sorta mentioned it not long ago:
My Riku / My Sasuke
If I had a nickel for every time a usually cheerful protagonist searching for their broody best friend who tried to kill them snapped because some slimy scientist who likes to play god spoke possessively about their best friend, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
Screenshots cannot do this justice. You have to see Sora literally bent over shaking in rage to understand why this is a remotely applicable comparison to Naruto going 4-tailed Kyuubi mode on the bridge… I hit the 10 pic limit, so iykyk… Also interesting how both boys have a demon form that’s triggered by rage, though Sora doesn’t have Rage Form yet in CoM.
The Dark Margin / The Valley of the End
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Honestly, what beats finally starting to share your feelings and understand each other after so much conflict, which is meaningfully reflected by the setting — a place where two opposing but complementary forces meet and reconcile? Saying, “I love you,” without having to say it? At peace with dying because you’re finally together? Nothing. Nothing beats this. Together at the end of the world. Together at the end of this life, to walk side-by-side into the next one.
Yin and Yang, babey
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Naruto and Sasuke quite literally possess the powers of Yang and Yin, respectively, to save the world. They get these sick sun and moon tattoos. Their chakras — yellow, hot, bright/purple, cold, dark — also reflect this dichotomy. Sora and Riku have the whole Symphony of Sorcery, which is very day, sky, warm/night, ground, cold — visual representations of their complementary heart songs. Their [light and darkness are] Eternal Session. The Gayblade.
What’s nice about Sora and Riku is that it’s more obvious that they work in yinyang, though. During Eternal Session, for instance, they switch between who uses light and dark abilities, whereas Naruto and Sasuke’s chakras are strictly light and dark, respectively.
Taisetsu [na hito]
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“When a person has something precious to protect, that’s when they can become truly strong.” Riku and Naruto actually share this parallel — becoming strong to protect their precious people (Sora and Sasuke). This is a core aspect of their characters and respective arcs. It’s pretty self-explanatory.
But this theme applies to Sora and Sasuke, too, as the ones who first show Riku and Naruto this strength of heart — they “save” Riku and Naruto, literally and figuratively, and this is part of what drives Riku and Naruto to return the favor when it’s Sora and Sasuke in need of saving.
Additionally… Sasuke has to kill the person most precious to him to achieve ultimate power but can’t no matter how hard he tries because he loves Naruto more than anything. This is the final tie to his heart, his humanity, that he just cannot sever… Sora spends all of CoM trying to find his most precious person. His memories are completely scrambled by the end and, amidst the chaos and lies, he clings to a singular truth, the only tie he knows is real — a promise to protect his most precious person. A promise, as it would turn out, he exchanged with Riku… Naruto and Riku are the final ties to their hearts and selves. That’s what I’m saying.
Riku and Sasuke laughing
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…because of Sora and Naruto :) The two’s earnest foolishness, like making a funny face or still caring about a childhood rivalry on their deathbed, breaks through Riku and Sasuke’s doom and gloom, and for the first time ever we see them laughing! Despite everything that’s happened, everything they’ve done, there are truly some things that never change and some bonds that are unbreakable… It’s unconditional love, Sora and Naruto’s stubborn refusal to treat their beloved friends any differently, that warms Riku and Sasuke’s cold hearts.
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A Japanese term used to describe someone as cool/handsome/good-looking… and the word both Sora and Naruto use when they let slip that Riku and Sasuke are attractive.
Sora does this when he remarks that he’s not as handsome/good-looking as Yozora (though the clothes kind of match), to which Goofy is quick to point out Yozora looks a lot like Riku. In the EN dub, Donald simply agrees — but in JP, Donald actually teases Sora, “Very good-looking, huh?”
In early Shippuden, after Sai is introduced to the team, Sakura remarks that Sai looks a lot like Sasuke. Naruto, who wants nothing to do with Sai, is quick to scoff that Sasuke is way better looking than Sai, before he realizes what he said and quickly tries to backtrack.
It’s also worth noting, in earlier concepts of Sasuke’s character introduction, Naruto’s initial reaction to Sasuke (in this case, after being saved by him) is blushing and thinking, “Sasuke kakkoii…”
“Your hearts are always in tune, so they’re free to sing.” / “I know your heart, and you know mine.”
Homoromantic quotes that more or less mean the same thing… and more or less reveal how both pairings can sense/feel each other in different worlds, dimensions, etc… things that make me crazy. The Naruto series uses chakra connections, while KH has connected hearts. Naruto/Sasuke and Sora/Riku take those connections a step further… basically giving you the series’ equivalent of soulmates.
Each relationship is also the heart of their series. They embody the themes, the messages. They are the emotional core. They are what the story is about… And that story is undeniably a love story, regardless of what kind of love you see it as. ❤️ While there are many parallels between Soriku and SNS, they are by no means the same. But I adore both relationships.
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