#‘luke’ is the cutest from tears of themis
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mariusvonhangme · 2 years
I have to get this idea out somewhere and what better place than Tumblr?
So lately I've been listening to the Tears of Themis soundtrack while I'm studying (cause hoyoverse is so good with their music) and it got me thinking about what I get from each guy's theme song as well as how I see it relating to their relationship with Rosa. Tho this is purely my opinion and not based off much lol. Also I basically said screw canon this is my world now. Anyway time to rant.
His theme song makes me think of a couple who are very passionate and very in love. Just a very very passionate romance yet one that's not really meant to last. And that's okay with both sides! They understand that there may be better people out there for them and they're totally okay with that. Their relationship left such sweet and loving memories that they'll cherish for the rest of their life. Personally, I don't really see Rosa and Vyn sharing anything more than that and again this is based off nothing it's just a vibe I get. Yet I believe they'll always think highly of one another even as they drift apart as people naturally do over time. I believe that (not following whatever happens in canon) he'd be the first to confess out of the four guys, and the first to officially date Rosa.
His theme has always felt just a little sad to me, very bittersweet. I imagine him falling in love with Rosa yet never being able to voice his feelings or show them at all. I think he'd be getting in his own way, with a lot of insecurities and doubts flooding his brain all the time. What if she says no? What if they don't work out? What if she'll think less of him for having feelings for her as her boss of sorts? What if, what if, what if. And before he knows it, he's watching her being happier than he's ever seen her before in another guy's arms and he realizes he's too late. But his theme song specifically feels like he's finally at the point where he accepts that his feelings will never be returned and that's okay with him. He's happy that she's happy and he'll continue to love and support her from a distance, like he always has. Which is why this is so bittersweet. Now, regarding the guy she's in love with it's
I'm a sucker for the whole childhood friend troupe and it really shows with just how much I love lukerosa. They're just the cutest ever!! Luke's theme song feels like an innocent childhood summer where it feels like the best summer ever even tho nothing major happens. It's filled with a lot of happy memories with your best friend just doing all sorts of mundane things, not that either minded much! Luke and Rosa are the couple that take forever to finally realize their feelings for one another and their transition from best friends to lovers is incredibly smooth and natural. They'll last long (since I'm basically ignoring canon let's say Luke has a,,,,, bigger life expectancy) and there'll always be there for each other. I do think Rosa's relationship with Luke wouldn't be as intense as her relationship with Vyn but that's okay. Their relationship is already sweet enough and they're both happy.
Now one look at my blog and you can tell I just adore Marius. He's simply my favorite character out of all the characters in all the medias. He's just the best y'know? Yet I just,,,, can't root for him like I root for Luke. Marius' theme song is the one I'm most familiar with (shocking I know) as well as his character in general. His song feels like that sense of freedom and absolute relief you feel when after locking yourself away from people and you finally find someone that you just absolutely connect with. They understand you and you understand them and suddenly the world isn't as bad as it was a while ago. Someone you can be your absolute true self with. Marius has a lot of sides depending on who he's with and what he's doing and while I don't think anything of them are entirely fake, I think how he is with Rosa is the closest we get to see him be exactly who he wants to be with the least amount of walls or filters. Their relationship could either be platonic or romantic I don't think it matters much here, Marius feels like he can be himself without anyone asking anything from him and Rosa found someone she can trust with all her heart. I think they'll stay close until the very end.
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culxiaa-fn · 3 years
Tears of Themis love interest and Rosa
- What I love the dynamic(?) and Relationship between Tears Of Themis guys and Rosa/MC and my thought about their bond
[ Luke Pearce ]
Luke and Rosa/MC grew up together so their relationship doesn't focus much on "getting to know each other" they both know each other habits, like and dislike and when one of them are lying.
But the 8 years gaps is too big a alot of stuff change and in thoose 8 years both of them went through a life changing situations. Stuff like Luke's habit talking in sleep or Rosa's lonely graduation party stuff like that seems minor and little but to both of them it's a Big stuff
One particular line that hit me hard is "Like a precious treasure that had been stolen away by others: no longer yours" (I legit tear up at that line) so tiny habits like that kinda throw them out of loop kinda like "oh yeah... it's been 8 years after all" kind of feeling.
But the cutest thing is Luke and Rosa is the most comfortable pair compare to others pair... sense of familiarity and I bet both of them related each other to home and safety
(There is alot of cards that mentioned the impacts thoose 8 years to them one of the card is "How I rember you" and they show how guilty Luke is in his Private stories after Rosa/MC told him that she start bringing paper spray, the way she once lock out at her balcony) [ i bet there is more... but luck is bad at others Love interest.. haha... ]
[ Marius Von Hagen ]
To Marius Rosa/MC is a safe place- away from judging eyes, away from a high expectation, away from all the preasure of being Pax CEO.
Their dynamic is my fav... Marius is like this clingy puppy meanwhile Rosa/ MC is like "What's with this sassy lost child?"
But Marius cherish his relationship with Rosa in some of the stories you can see he actually scare to dissapoint Mc or make her angry(seriously angry) that's probably because he don't want to lost that safe place.
"She tolarates, and even knows how to imdulge my Mishievenous" this point out their banters and playfulness toward each others. While their relationship is more relax compare to Vyn and Artem there is still a "wall" like, Marius' tittle as Pax Ceo need them to be aware towards their surrounding from Paparazi or rumour that will effects Marius's image. They mentioned a few times that Marius try to protect MC from paparazi and felt guilty because "dragging you into this"
Also it's show how Rosa/MC get to know different side of Marius... The sweet and Innocent boy that only want to paint and draw, that cold and merciless Marius under the mask of Pax Ceo or the mischievous Marius that want Rosa's attention
Also that one line "In order to escape the rules that bind you, the two of you decide to cross the oppresive barrier together"
[ Artem Wing ]
Compare to other two Artem's and Rosa relationship have a huge walls and gap between them. Even tho Artem try to make Rosa/MC relaxed and treat him as equal its kinda hard since he is Rosa/MC senior and superrior so no matter how relax Artem want Rosa/MC with him that's the biggest walls that both of them need to overcome.
The second gap is, Artem give image "can do anything in one try" so thats kinda give Rosa/MC preasure to be "perfect" or "equal" to him and that's kinda make Rosa/MC scared to mess up stuff
But I love their relationship cause they have this cozy old couple feeling between them... people who watch outside Celestine must always think "just get marry already" or "What a cute couple" because of their relationship
[ Forgive me Artem's is short BECAUSE HE DON'T WANT TO COME HOME AT ALL I legit don't even have one of his SSR card]
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[ Vyn Richter]
Like Artem, Vyn and Rosa also have this gaps
Vyn is afraid to mess up and always want and have to appeared perfect infront of Rosa/MC but that plan backfired because it create more gaps between them,making Rosa/MC afraid to mess up infront of him and have to appeare "perfect" too. Just like Artem, Rosa sometimes doubt her ability to perform something when with Vyn.
Vyn relationship with MC so far is the most... uh... distant(?) Because this sense of mysteries around Vyn make Rosa/MC more cautios(?) to approach him, though many times Vyn did said he love it when Rosa/MC rely on him more.
Vyn's have this princely aura(foreshadowing much?? Haha) that every times with him feels like magic. From ballroom dance, to magic perfomance, seriously this guy is so magically.
While Vyn is getting to know his own feeling towards Rosa/MC, we, as Rosa/MC getting to know him more deeply and unraveling his secret and personality. Like the cunning and cold sides, or his adorable and clumsy side MC learn to get to know the real Vyn Richter.While he is mysterious under that mask Vyn also very innocent and clumsy boy(cool summer card).
Every moment with Vyn seriously feel magical, like his card is so echanting. (Im seriously looking foward to their development the most)
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