#‘meh you parked a little close but i guess its fine.’ HELLO ? I GOT IN THE GOD DAMN PARKING SPOT AND I DID IT PEEFECTLY ? SHUT TJE FUCK UP
endious · 1 year
my mom pisses me off so much. bitch i drove you to this damn appointment i didn’t have to i could’ve told you tough shit and made you figure it out on your own.
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Snake charm, Requested.
i dont own the image used, all credit goes to the creator. 
Kyle looked down on his phone and checked the time ''okay so...3 more hours, gotta find a gift before that or she'll get mad...or are you supposed to give gifts ? what about flowers...but she said she dont want flowers...'' Kyle sighed ''ill just get her a nice necklace or something...jewelry is always good'' he cheered up and headed to the closet jewelry store The doorbell rang as he entered and the woman behind the counter smiled at him ''Welcome, can i help ?'' ''Oh...yeah, i'm looking for a necklace for someone'' ''Oh ? do you know what this person likes ?'' she giggles ''i do have an idea in mind yeah, i was looking for something animal themed kinda ?'' ''Oh ? like a cat or dog ?'' ''Nah, she works in a pet shop and has a pet snake so i figured something like that, you know like two snakes crossing or something like that'' ''Oh!'' she smiles and heads in the back room and gets out a silver necklace with two snakes on it'' ''Something like this ?'' Kyle looks at it and scratches his head ''I mean...that was what i had in mind...'' ''You're not the first one, a lot of people like it'' Kyle nodded slowly ''How much ?'' The woman looks at the tag ''Around...100$ is that okay ?'' ''Hm...i guess it is'' Kyle pays for the necklace as the woman puts it in the box and hands it to him ''Want it wrapped or something ?'' ''Nah, i'm fine but thanks'' Kyle smiles at the woman who smiles back ''Take care'' she says as Kyle walks out of the shop and checks the time ''Well, that took...20 minutes...ugh...and i dont really wanna go home but she said to meet her at the park.....ill head over now i guess...'' Kyle shrugged and started to head over to the park, Even though it was already autumn it was still relatively warm outside and the trees in all different colors kinda made it a bit more special ''Hmm...i guess autumn is okay...as long as its not raining at least'' Kyle picked up a fallen leaf on the ground and looked at it for a few seconds before throwing it away Kyle looked around and spotted a little kiosk and headed over to it Kyle went inside and got himself something to drink and something to eat and went over to the spot where they were supposed to me, a bench right next to the pond, kinda secluded  away from everyone else as well Kyle sat down on the bench and got out his phone again ''2 more hours...damn...this is gonna get boring, i should have gone home and just waited but...meh..'' Kyle sighed and lied down on the bench with one foot hanging out ''Bored bored bored....'' Kyle checks his phone debating to text the girl or not but after 10 minutes of mindless thinking he drops it ''i cant...im going to look desperate if i text her, she said 18.00 so ill just have to wait'' Kyle takes a sip of his drink as the jewelry box falls down on the ground ''damn it...'' Kyle sits up and picks up the box and opens it to look at the necklace ''why snakes...? i mean...i dont hate snakes but like...well...not my place to question i hope she likes it...'' he picks it up from the box and looks at it in more detail ''Like...it looks kinda cool i guess'' Kyle laughs quietly to himself ''i hope she likes it....'' Kyle smiles and looks out over the pond then back at the necklace ''hmm...maybe i should try it on...if she likes it maybe she wants me to get one...or something like that....maybe i'm insane thinking to deeply into it'' Kyle shrugs and puts the necklace on then takes a bad selfie with it on ''Uhm...i look like a poser but...yeah it's kinda cool'' Kyle smiles as he notices something One of the heads on the necklace is shining a gentle red color ''oh..cool, it has diamonds in it, probably why it cost that much'' ''Oh wait...uhm...snakes...i think they are considered luck in some places ? maybe ? i think so ? maybe Egypt ?...snakes and Egypt ? makes sense...or was it like some Asian country...i dont remember'' Kyle shrugs and tries to take of the necklace when he notices something weird ''Huh ?'' Kyle strokes his hand across his neck but...the cord is gone ''what ?'' Kyle tries again but still no cord he then looks down at his chest and sees that both snake heads are now shining a gentle red color ''Huh ? how...how is it in place without the cord ?'' Kyle touched the necklace with his finger as he feels a strange burning feeling in his hand and notices the necklace slowly fusing into his skin slowly turning into some kind of tattoo or marking... ''What the...? wait ? what ? wait wait wait wait....WHAT ?!'' Kyle rubs his hands against the tattoo but nothing happens instead he starts to feel something weird His legs have turned numb Kyle stands up from the bench but once he does he just falls down as his legs wont support him anymore ''What is this ? for real ?'' Kyle slaps his legs a few times but nothing happens ''Ah crap...'' He looks around furiously and takes of his pants and notices his legs are bright red ''What the hell is this ?!'' Kyle runs his hands across but still feels nothing ''i cant...i cant even move them! what is going on ?!'' Kyle reaches for his phone as an intense pain shots up his legs throughout his body Kyle clenches his eyes shut as he feels something strange happening to his legs yet again Kyle forces his eyes open to see his legs slowly starting to fuse together by the feet and upwards ''....This....what the fuck ?! That is not normal! that is not normal! i gotta call someone!' Kyle picks up the phone again but once again before he can text the intense pain comes back ''Ngh..!!!'' Kyle forces himself not to scream in case someone would find him in this...weird predicament ''okay okay okay....deep breaths...deep breaths...'' Kyle closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and looks down on his legs again they are not completely fused together and his feet are no longer there as they seem to more resemble some kinda tail more than humans legs now The bright red color is still there but it looks like the middle part is turning a gentle red-ish pink color and...his flesh is getting...scaly ''Wait what the shit ?! Scales ? that's...wait...what is going on ?! what is this!'' Kyle panics trying to make sense of the situation even though...its far behind sense at this point Scales starts to cover his entire tail as it seems complete he pushes himself of the bench and immediately falls on the ground ''okay okay...either i'm tripping really now or...this is a dream...a very...lifelike dream because like...my bottom half is like...a tail.....'' ''....wait...the necklace ? snakes.....No no...this is definitely not real'' Kyle laughs weakly and tries to move the tail a bit and slowly manages to control it as he is able to kinda sit on top of it ''So...okay...uhm...okay'' He looks down and notices his...manhood and butt is kinda gone as well ''Eh...i....i'm totally tripping, there must have been something i ate or drank...'' Kyle closes his eyes and takes a deep breath ''okay...i'm tripping...i have to be...'' ''Yeah, that's it, there must have been something in the drink...i bought...from the kiosk......Yeah...okay...so this is real...'' Kyle looks down at the tail and notices something else His shirt is way to big for him now for some reason Kyle takes of the shirt and looks down, sure enough he is a lot skinnier, his waist is smaller ''okay okay...no comment there...'' Kyle says nothing and notices something else as he looks down at his stomach, something is starting to...block his view Kyle keeps looking and notices his breast is starting to grow...larger and larger as it starts to form two very well developed breasts As they finish growing they bounce gently as Kyle just looks down at them dumbstruck to even open his mouth ''......'' No matter what he tries, his mouth wont open Kyle slowly moves his hands and cups the breasts with them Sure enough, they are real ''....holy shit...'' Kyle finally manage to say before struggling to say something else Kyle lets go of the breasts as they slowly bounce a bit as he does ''N-n....'' Kyle still cant utter a word as he crawls over to the pond and looks at his reflection in the calm clear water and notices something His face is starting to change going from a square shape into more a triangle shape, his teeth slowly changes as two small fangs protrude out from the top of his jaw His eyes turns bigger and his iris changes color from brown to orange and his pupil changes from round to a straight line going upwards instead Kyle just keeps on looking in shock as his face keeps on changing turning more and more feminine with each passing second ''N-n..no...'' Kyle stammers and closes his eyes and splashes some water onto his face ...''..dont...dont...'' Kyle tries to speak as the burning sensation inside his body returns in full force He opens his eyes and writhes around the ground in pain as he can feel something on the top of his head ''Ahhh!!!'' he screams in pain as the pain slowly goes away ''F-Finally...'' ''W...wait...my voice ?'' He says as he notices his voice is...well, clearly its not his voice...its the voice of a girl instead Kyle slowly opens his eyes back up and looks at his reflection in the water again and notices his short black hair has not turned long and red set up in a high ponytail ''....what...?'' Kyle speaks in a soft scared and confused tone as some fabric starts to wrap around his chest and waist slowly turning into some kind of kimono to the best of his knowledge with his cleavage severely exposed ''N-no...this is not real!'' he starts to cry violently and curls up and cries into his arms ''This isn't real...this cant be real!!!'' he screams and sobs loudly Kyle keeps sobbing as he hears something ''H-Hello ?'' a voice says as Kyle looks over where the voice came from a woman with blonde hair, wearing a skirt and a top looks at him ''M-Maya....?'' Kyle says in a low teary voice ''....what ? who...who are you...? what...what is going on ?'' she slowly steps back as she's speaking ''D-Dont...Dont go...it's...me...its me Kyle...'' ''....Kyle ?'' Maya says as she stops walking as kyle forces himself to stop crying and tells her what happened ''....'' Mayta says nothing but just looks at him ''You...you bought a necklace for me...you tried it on...and that happened to you ?'' ''Mmm...Y-yeah...i dont know why...'' Kyle stammers ''....if you really are Kyle...prove it...'' Maya says Kyle points over to his phone lying on the bench as Maya walks over and looks at it Since she already know his code she gets into his phone and checks the texts ''O-okay...so...it is you'' she says in a bit more of a cheerful tone ''Yeah...'' Maya walks over to kyle and pokes his tail, its kinda soft... ''And you got turned into...what ? this snake girl thing ? ''Y-yeah...i...i dont know...how or why..'' ''...it makes no sense but...maybe its temporary ?'' Kyle's face lights up a bit ''Maybe...i hope so...'' Maya smiles and looks at him Kyle looks at her ''W-what...? ''i dont know...you look...cute'' ''C-cute ?'' Kyle stammers ''Yeah...your tail is soft like a pillow and its comfy'' Kyle looks at her but wriggles a bit with the tail so she can sit on it Maya smiles and sits down on it and looks at him ''...i think its cute Kyle...i mean...uhm...its not like i uhm...you know but...'' ''...what ?'' ''Nothing! im just saying you look cute! is all okay ? you look adorable!'' Kyle blushes a bit ''Cute ? you...you mean it ?'' Maya nods ''Yeah! and i mean...i still...you know'' she giggles ''you did invite me over for a date right ?'' ''Well...yeah'' ''So then, is it still going on or is it cancelled ?'' Kyle looks at her shocked ''You...You like me ?'' ''Like i've said, i think you look adorable and you're cute..not that...you know that means everything but you're still you and i like you'' Kyle smiles at her ''Y-yeah'' ''all that's different is that you're a snake girl now silly'' ''i think its called a Naga...or like a lamia...'' ''Lamia ?'' Maya says confused ''Well you know...ive played some games before'' ''Oh, right right!'' Maya giggles ''Well then Kyle...or maybe Kylie for now ?'' Kyle not sure what to think about it just shrugs ''Well i cant call you Kyle...its kinda weird now isnt it ?'' she giggles again ''I...I guess'' Kyle or Kylie now says Kylie smiles at her as he slowly wraps his tail around her ''...if i got you Maya..i can deal with this'' ''I know you can Kylie, and you know i love you'' They both look into each others eyes as they slowly embrace in a loving kiss After its done they just keep looking at each other as Maya strokes a finger across Kylie's cheek They say nothing and just keep smiling and occasionaly kissing each other ''But..what will others think...?'' ''I dont know but...if this happened to you, maybe it has to someone else as well but..if you're brave enough Kylie...just accept it, it might be temporary or permanent, we dont know'' Kylie looks at her then up at the sky ''maybe....and i will Maya'' They both smile as maya gets of him and giggles ''Then let me sit on your tail as you take me home then i want to cuddle up in your soft cuddly tail!'' Kylie smiles and nods at her as she sits down and kylie starts to slither out of the park, but confusingly enough, no one is really staring at them ''No one is looking?'' ''Huh...maybe...i dont know...'' They both shrug as kylie manages to get Maya home They both get inside as Maya starts to move some furniture around and makes some space in the living room as Kylie tries to make his tail as comfy as possible as Maya walks over and sits down then cuddles up against kylie's chest ''So comfy...'' she yawns ''Tired ?'' Kylie asks ''Mhm...sorry...'' ''Its fine...im tired as well'' They both smile and kiss each other as they both drift into deep sleep Time passes and goes by as usual but Kylie never changed back into a human or a man for that sake... Slowly getting used to being a Lamia, Kylie and Maya did end up together as a couple not shortly after the event that happened and as far as we know, they still are.
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