#‘problematic’ going on the shelf this October
talesfromthecrypts · 2 years
“This horror book is problematic” “horror movie has a problematic scene” this cannot be how we talk about horror I refuse to let people have this be how horror is talked about
Ask yourself some questions: Is the scene/relationship/theme supposed to be horrifying? Where does the horror come from in the story? Who’s point of view is the story from? Is the thing you are vaguely calling “problematic” part of the horror or is it genuinely something that should be critiqued? Why are you personally picking up this horror story? Can you personally handle it if every story isn’t a morality play?
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reveliz · 2 years
"girls" review 🛗🐍🗡️🏍️
(spoiler alert: i say 'slower grower' waaaay too much.)
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like the majority of people who now self-identify as mys, i really didn't care for aespa at all when they debuted. to me, the group felt like sm's poor attempt at creating their very own blackpink, yet another girl-crush group that was only distinguished by its big 3 privilege and somewhat concerning ai concept. i also saw the dozens of scandals about them that plagued news headlines and youtube video titles, and figured that what i saw as a problematic group was never going to be quite my cup of tea.
black mamba was good, but underwhelming. it came at the tail end of a year that already had a lot going for it, what with bts' map of the soul 7, twice's eyes wide open, blackpink's the album, and many successful mini albums from groups like itzy, seventeen, and txt. needless to say, it didn't really stick out from the pack.
then the bombshell hit that was "next level" dropped. "next level" is still probably my least favorite title track from them (including their smaller cover songs such as "forever" and "dreams come true"), but the weird-ass beat switch in the middle got everyone in the entire k-pop stratosphere talking about them. everyone was doing the cute little arm dance, everyone was singing the chorus, and everyone was waiting for what they would release next.
then "savage" and its respective ep came out, which was adjacent to nct 127's "sticker" in its off-putting production and weird synths. it had a limping, throbbing beat that turned a lot of people off, myself included. i remember the first time i listened to it, at 6am on an october morning, i couldn't even get through it. i had to pause it during the first verse, then the chorus, then the bridge, when i proceeded to ask myself why sm thought it was a good idea to make naevis sound like some uncanny valley cult leader. if it weren't for the b-sides, i would have probably never played that mini album ever again.
but alas, throughout the past six months or so, aespa has given me what i like to call, the 'slower grower' syndrome. it's a syndrome that a lot of music lovers experience when you have that one song you use to hate suddenly smack you in the face and add itself to all your playlists because it suddenly decided to start aging like fine wine instead of spoiled milk. sure, my 'slower grower' syndrome didn't really affect my opinions on "black mamba" or "next level" that much, but it completely changed the savage ep for me. suddenly, i was… an aespa fan?
oddly enough, the thing about the title track "girls" that was the most jarring to me was how not jarring the song was to me after my first lesson. where was that aespa *spice* i always hated? how long of a shelf life did this song really have for me, if it wasn't going to give me 'slower grower' syndrome?
surprisingly, a long time. "girls" has this sliding electronic bass line that, combined with the lighter piano notes broadcasted over the track and the dramatic string touchups, makes for a really interesting instrumental. it has a pretty long runtime and has no classic aespa beat switches (minus the dance break, which i'll get to in a second), but i don't find myself ever getting bored of the song in its entirety. however, i do think that unlike aespa's previous title tracks, the highlight of "girls" is its vocal arrangements.
not only are the vocals addictive and suitable for a vocal-heavy sm group, this song has a lot of great rap moments that i didn't expect from some of the members. so often, you see groups like twice or itzy do these talking-on-the-beat raps that make up substantial chunks of their songs, and you just kind of wait for it to be over so you can get to the chorus, but aespa makes it worthwhile. i love the song's quirks, from winter's little squeaks at the end of her lines to karina's ad lib at the end of the song. the chorus also has this call-and-response structure that really engages the listener, and i can't even imagine how good it would perform live. oh, and don't even get me started on the second half of the song's bridge. holy crap.
honestly, my only gripe with this song is, as i mentioned before, the song's dance break. first off, i don't care for aespa's dances to begin with. none of the members are extraordinary at dancing or have remarkable stage presence, and the small size of the group limits the amount of formation changes they can do, which makes their performances seem really boring when no intricate camera work is used. but also, the dance break just doesn't sound related to the song at all. sure, i know i'm probably a hypocrite for saying that when the first part of this review was talking about how good savage's disjointed parts sounded with time, but the issue with this instance is that dance breaks are not part of conventional song structure. sure, if you make the bridge half time and swap out some of the synths, it will throw the listener off, but it's still the bridge. it's still expected to be there in terms of song structure. i can't say the same thing about a dance break, when it could have been cut and had no effect on the listener's expectation of song structure or the track's runtime.
while "girls" was my favorite song off the mini album, i still enjoyed the b-sides. i liked "illusion" the most, likely because it sounds like it came straight off of the savage ep, with its minimalistic chorus, vocal harmonies, and again, very questionable lyrics (i'm looking at you, naevis). it wasn't a surprise to me that i enjoyed "icu" since i actually really like aespa ballads (exhibit a: "lucid dream") but i like how this one didn't sound too serious for a group so young and experimental. "lingo" was way spunkier than i thought it'd be, but the intro of the song makes it instantly recognizable as an aespa song, i feel. my only complaint is that i feel like "life's too short" should have just been released as a single; it's too acoustic sounding and poppy for the ep in my opinion, and i kind of wish it had been released in the spring as a 'song of the summer' sort of deal, since we didn't get any truly new material from them for the better half of the year.
so while i don't think the b-sides this go around were as diverse and experimental as those on savage, "girls" was definitely a pleasant surprise that i found myself enjoying just from the first listen.
and finally, here are the stats for this review!
1. girls
2. illusion
3. icu
4. lingo
5. life's too short
title track score: 9.5/10
ep score: 7/10
thank you for reading :)
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
Beneath the Smile
Summary: Jared’s struggle with depression bubbles to the surface, and the reader is there to love and support him through it.
Characters: Jared x Reader; Jensen
Word Count: 2119
Warnings: Discussion of depression
A/N: This fic was inspired by an Ask I got from @sandlee44. It takes place at the time of Jared’s Season 3 breakdown. It is, of course, fiction. All the love to Jared always for having the courage to share his personal struggle with so many of us fighting the same battle. 
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It was two o’clock in the morning when the phone rang. I reached in the dark for my bedside table and patted my hand over the smooth surface until I found it. When I turned it over, the little screen brought a faint amount of light into the room. Then my eyes focused, and I read the name of the caller. Jensen. I sat straight up, instantly awake now, and pressed the button to answer his call.
“Jensen, what’s wrong? Jared? Is he okay?” My words were spilling out of my mouth at a rate to match the now pounding beat of my heart. 
“He’s okay, Y/N, but I think you should come to Vancouver.” I noticed that his voice was still in the register of Dean deep. At first, I thought that was because of the late hour, but as he kept talking I realized it was because he was exhausted. “I’m at Jared’s apartment now. I came home with him.” My heart sank down to the pit of my stomach. I was terrified of what Jensen was going to say next. “He shouldn’t be alone right now.”
I struggled to find my voice. I had to ask, had to know, and Jensen wasn’t the kind of person to offer up information. The mere fact he’d called me told me just how serious this was, especially considering it was the middle of the night on the east coast where I was. “Tell me what happened, Jensen.”
I could practically hear him thinking, trying to figure out the best way to tell me whatever it was. “Jared had some kind of breakdown.” I grabbed a handful of my comforter and clutched it in my fist. “He was late coming back to set, so I went to his trailer to find him. He...he couldn’t get off the couch. He’d...just...shut down.”
“Why?” It was all I could think to say. My mind was racing, flying back through all the years I had known Jared. I’d been scared something like this was going to happen for a long time. Jared’s struggled with depression went all the way back to high school.
“I don’t know, Y/N. Nothing unusual happened. It’s about what he’s thinking and feeling, but that’s something he should tell you.”
I got off my bed and went to the closet while Jensen talked. My suitcase was on the shelf where I’d put it when I got home from my last trip to Vancouver. “Where is he now?” 
“He’s sleeping. It was a long day.” Jensen paused, and I could tell he was weighing something in his mind. “The producers wanted to shut down production, but Jared wouldn’t. We’re going back to work tomorrow.”
I dropped my suitcase on my bed with a thud and zipped it open. “Jensen, please keep an eye on him. I’m catching the first plane I can tomorrow.”
It was early October, and the air was filled with a crisp Canadian chill. Jensen had arranged to have a car and driver pick me up at the airport and bring me back to the set. I’d only been there once, but it still seemed familiar to me, probably because I’d pictured it so many times. It was the way I stayed connected to Jared over the months I was falling in love with him from thousands of miles away.
I walked up the steps of the very trailer I’d imagined so many times and opened the door. The inside was neat, but not perfect. That was a good sign; Jared was at least trying. Keeping things tidy was a challenge for him because he had the type of personality that just exploded around you in a sunburst and often he was so wrapped up in that energy that the details of his surroundings didn’t even register with him.
There were throw pillows scattered over the couch. I’d gotten them for him after that first visit because I thought his work space needed a homey touch. I wanted him to be comfortable here. I made my way to the sofa, sat down, and picked up a navy pillow. I hugged it to my chest and remembered the first time Jared brought me here.
One Year Ago
The smile had barely left Jared’s face since we’d gotten to the lot. He enjoyed being here, and everyone clearly loved him. The hair stylist had winked at me as she settled him in the chair and handed him a pack of gummy worms. “It’s the only thing that keeps him still.” Jared had pulled one of the sugar covered candies from the pack and held it out to me. I’d taken it from him and took a bite. The sugar had quickly covered my tongue, and  the sound of Jared’s laughter caused a smile to bloom on my face.
That seemed like a long time ago at the moment. The rattle of the door pulled me out of my reverie, and I hastily put the pillow back into its place. Jared sighed as he walked through the door, then he saw me. “Y/N.” He scrunched up his face, and the spot at the bridge of his nose wrinkled. “What are you doing here?” He was immersed in the look of Sam Winchester from head to toe, complete with all the layers, but he was still every bit my Jared. My Jared, full of sunshine and the darkness that tore at him.
I chose my words carefully. “I thought you might like to have me here, and...I wanted to be with you. Jared took off Sam’s jacket and dropped it on the counter. We were going to talk about it eventually, so I might as well say it. “Jensen called me.”
Jared had unbuttoned his cuff and was rolling up the sleeve. He stopped when he got to his elbow and hesitated before moving on to the other side. “He did?” Jared lifted his eyes to glance at me, his hand was on his sleeve motionless. “What did he say?”
I didn’t want to make Jared uncomfortable, but I couldn’t stop staring at him. The love I felt for him had guided my every move these past few months. I was actively engaged in trying to make myself a better person for him. He inspired me like that, and he didn’t have any idea.
“He told me you had a hard day, but he didn’t give me any details.” Jared didn’t answer, and I stayed quiet too. He walked over to the couch and sat down on the other end, then he leaned back and stretched his arm out across the back. He wasn’t making eye contact, but he shrugged and started to talk.
“I don’t know what happened. Shooting was going great. We were taking a scheduled break, and I came back here. I planned to unwind for a few minutes, listen to some music, but when I got here something just kind of came over me.” Jared lifted his arm and ran his hand through his hair. “I just started thinking I don’t belong here.” I saw him swallow, and I wanted to reach out to him, but I knew it was important to let him talk. “Look at this.” His head turned, scanning the trailer. “I’m a lead on a TV show. I’m not that good. There are so many actors better than me. There are people who hate me because of what I have, and there are people who want to be my friend because of it, because of what they think I can do for them.”
Jared tipped his head back, resting it on the back of the sofa and stared at the ceiling. “There’s just so much pressure. What if I can’t keep this up. I’m cracking, Y/N.” He turned his head to look at me without lifting it. “I sat here on this couch, and I couldn’t move. I was scared if I went out there, everyone would know. They’d know I’m fake, that I’m not really what they think I am at all, and I can’t do this.”
Jared abruptly lifted his head and stood. His back was to me as he continued. “How’d I get here? I got lucky. That’s all. I’ve always been too skinny. My hair just does whatever it feels like. I have too many moles that have to be airbrushed and covered with makeup. I can’t cry when the script says to do it. It always looks forced, and then after I can’t stop crying because I couldn’t cry.”
He turned, ran his hand through his hair again and then down over his face. “I want to be good at this. I want to be an actor, but there’s so much of this that isn’t acting. Image. I don’t want to hear that word anymore. I’ve got all these people telling me who to be and what to say in interviews. They tell me how to dress.”
Jared took a deep breath. “There’s so much pressure. Kripke told Jensen and me at the very beginning that this whole thing is riding on us. If it fails, it’ll be because of me, Y/N. What would PR do if this got out? How would that look? I had a breakdown on set. I couldn’t take it, Y/N.”
It was time to say something. “Jared, come sit with me.” This time when he sat down, it was beside me. I took his hand in mine, so big, so strong but soft. “Jared, you have a very special gift. Acting is part of it, but it’s not the most important part. You know how to connect to people.” It was true. That was what had drawn me to him in high school. Jared circulated outside cliques; he actually saw people.
I scooted closer to him. “The world doesn’t always appreciate that. It wants to put us all in a shiny box, and you resist that.” I slipped my free hand into his hair and combed my fingers through the soft locks that he thought were so problematic. “You keep hold of what’s real about you, no matter how many cameras and lights they put in your face. Your heart is kind; that’s why I love you.” 
Tears formed in his eyes, and they threatened to fall. “I don’t deserve any of this, Y/N. I’m not worth it. I’m not who they think I am.”
I pulled my hand from his hair and let it rest on his cheek. “It doesn’t matter who they think you are. It matters what you know, and you’ll figure it out.”
A single tear slipped down Jared’s cheek, and he nodded silently. Then he wrapped his arms around me and held on. “I love you, Jared.” I rubbed my hand up and down his back. “You don’t have to be anything for anybody. Just you.”
After a few minutes, he pulled back and began to try to compose himself. “Jared, you don’t have to put on a face for me. I want you just the way you are.”
I fed him, using the ingredients in the fridge to make a sandwich. When Jared got like this, he tended to stop eating. It wasn’t time just yet to talk about finding him a therapist, but we would have that conversation before I left Vancouver. Right now, the focus was to take care of him by keeping him hydrated, nourished, and feeling safe, feeling loved. With this last in mind, I asked him. “Do you want to lie down with me?”
He bit his lip, and it would have been cute if my heart didn’t hurt for him. “Yeah. I’d like that.” I led him to the bed at the back of the trailer. Jared unbuttoned his top shirt and took it off, followed by toeing off his shoes. He took off everything else, leaving him in his t-shirt and boxer briefs. I made my way to the little closet in the corner and found one of his shirts I could wear, then went back to the bed where I found Jared under the covers.
I climbed in next to him, and he pulled me close. There was no sex; this was more basic, more intimate. Jared eased his hand beneath his shirt where he could feel the warmth of my skin. We stayed wrapped in each other like that, and I gave him the comfort he needed until he fell asleep. I would make sure he got the rest he needed too, and when he woke up; I would still be there to love and support him. 
Everything Forever: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @ledzeppelinsbonzo @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @mrs-meghan-winchester @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @gh0stgurl @becs-bunker @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @lonewolf471 @sea040561 @dawnie1988 @maddiepants @volleyballer519 @outcastedangel @iknowwheremytowelis @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72 @sorenmarie87 @oldfreakything
Sam/Jared Love: @girl-next-door-writes @stunudo @feelmyroarrrr @theychosefamily @winchesterxfamilybusiness @idabbleincrazy @evansrogerskitten @focusonspn @i-joined-social-media-finally @wingledsam @autumninavonlea @spnxbsessed @durinsbride @deansyahtzee @wendibird @fantasy-shadows @team-free-will-you-idjiot @waywardnerd67 @neii3n @fullmooner @supernatural-took-me-over​ @julesthequirky​ @songbird400
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lookupatthesky · 6 years
2018 Goals - September
HELLOOOO I was going to say LiveJournal. Not hello LiveJournal, sadly. (Sadly?) Hello tumblr! This post is super late because I have had a pretty intense week! My mom moved today, and work has been overwhelming (emotional! and busy!), and I’ve been waking up at 4am because apparently my body thinks it’s the cool thing to do, sure, 4am, that’s the time to be awake, and anyway. Now it’s October 5th and maybe I’ve already failed at some goals I haven’t even written out! But first, how did September shake out?
Yearly goals are: Cook one new recipe a month. I cooked a lot in September! My stepfather gave me three HUMONGOUS zucchinis and I baked four new recipes with them (mini-quiches, muffins, bread, and rice with cheese and pulled pork). I also winged a recipe for the first time in my life, it went swimmingly. It’s still early in the year to do year-end reviews (obviously), but I’m really happy I set this goal, because I now feel pretty damn comfortable with my cooking and the routine of making meals. At least for the day-to-day with my daughter. Yay me!
Do something every week with friends or alone (no boyfriends or people I’m hooking up with) to strengthen friendships and become more emotionally independant. I had drinks with friends twice, I went to the museum alone, I saw two plays alone and one with a friend, I had lunches with work friends, I saw Crazy Rich Asians with a friend, I played board games with other friends, friends friends friiiiiends fall is for friends. Read 111 books. 78/111. Stiiiiill behiiiiind. I have also the maximum number of books borrowed from the library which is problematic when I still want to take out ten books every time I go. BOOKS
Watch 12 movies. 14/12!!!! Haha and I had decided I wasn’t doing this goal after all. I saw Sierra Burgess is a Loser (problematic to say the least, but there were some good parts), Voyage au centre de la terre (outside! Marianne’s school organized it), Iron Man 2 (MCU rewatch! I hadn’t seen it haha oops), and Crazy Rich Asians as mentioned (that mahjong scene!). Write two yuletide fics and another outside the exchange. Well I did my Yuletide noms at least? Hopefully I have it in me to write something, but I have to say I’m currently not feeling it at all. The writing energy is spent on other stuff.
September goals were: Declutter bookshelf in office. HOLY SHIT DID I DECLUTTER IT. It was overflowing and ugh and I decluttered my mom’s house and my own house (in other parts) and I was all ready to say I had super-failed at this but on the last weekend on the month I took a “before” picture and then SHIT WENT DOWN. Stuff was thrown out, donated, and put elsewhere (the latter including stuff that probably should have been thrown out or donated, but who am I, Marie Kondo?), and the bookshelf is now downstairs, currently waiting to be filled with puzzles and board games, and there’s a new couch in the office, ready to have me chilling in it when Marianne commandeers the living room to watch Teen Titans for the bazillionth time.
Do a plank every night. I mostly did this! I have stopped in October, though, so I feel like I have failed, but I think I must have done it between 20 and 25 times. I must say that I had some lady stuff happen (IUDs!!!) that made me not want to work on my abs which made this goal a little more difficult.
Read three books from the unread shelf. I did this! 
Don’t go to the restaurant. Haha no I still ate out a lot. Less than in August though, and I tried to only go for social reasons, since I consider the social goal so important that it trumps every other one. So, half-pass! And since I like talking about myself so much, I’ll do a lightning round on the goals I had thought about but didn’t pick: - document my life more (check!!!! I did so many insta stories and I’m addicted to them now) - figure out what to put on the walls (nope) - cook from the freezer more (yep, did two recipes from the freezer, though there’s still work to do) - catch up on podcasts (apparently decided I wanted to mainline a new podcast instead haha, but I did work on it) - lose 5-10 pounds (nooope) - call someone to do the small stuff around the house I can’t be bothered to do (not at all!) ALL RIGHT AND NOW FOR OCTOBER: Journal every day. I’m cheating because I already started ten days ago. I’m using 750words.com which is very encouraging with its little badges and stuff! Wrestle the basement into submission. My sister moved in a couple of weeks ago and with my mom selling the house, we both have a lot of stuff that we need to sift through in order to try to make the basement a homey place and not just “the place where we store our stuff”. Stop being tired all the time. I’m... honestly not sure how to do that, though. Maybe do some research, maybe calm down more... I’ll see. There’s the waking up at 4am thing but also the “I always want my life to feel so FULL” and most of the time it’s a great feeling (in the past month I did a road trip between a full day of work and a school meeting in the evening and it was my favorite thing to ever happen), but sometimes it just turns into feeling rushed and that is not great. Read three books from the unread shelf. Maybe I’ll just re-use the goals that work every month from now on, haha. I’d count how many months in a row I’d have to do this to clear them all but that would be too depressing, haha. Onwards and upwards!
If you’ve read all of this, congratulations, you’re as obsessed with me as I am! Message me sometimes, I’m sure we’d have a lot to talk about! ;)
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payload536 · 3 years
Nh 450 Sickle Bar Mower Manual
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babymilkaction · 4 years
UK consultations on composition of baby foods, online marketing GMOs
UK Consultations:
The regulation of genetic technologies  Deadline: 17.3.21
DRAFT Public Health England (PHE) proposals for 2023 commercial baby food and drink guidelines.   DEADLINE 5th January 2021 BMA-response FSNT Response
Total restriction of online advertising for products high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) DEADLINE 22nd December 2020.
DRAFT Public Health England (PHE) proposals for 2023 commercial baby food and drink guidelines.  
DEADLINE 5th January 2021
These Draft proposed guidelines will apply to commercial foods and drinks aimed at children aged up to 3 years (36 months) but does not include formula milks and toddler milks.
Despite its narrow focus this is a good report from Public Health England (PHE) which highlights the harm caused by commercial promotion of baby foods and drinks.  While its recommendations ( referred to as ‘Opportunities for action’) could be tougher,  they are all much needed.  If you have time to respond do read the First Steps Nutrition response which we heartily endorse.
In addition to the concerns highlighted by FSNT, we will urge a specific acknowledgement of the risks of global trade of ultra-processed products, not just to health but to the environment.  Steve Wearne of the UK Food Standards Agency is currently the  Vice-Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission , the global food safety and quality standards setting body.
Some excerpts from the PHE report.
“…evidence….demonstrates clear inconsistencies between national recommendations on infant and young child feeding and some commercial baby foods and drinks in terms of the types of products available, their ingredient and nutrition composition and product labelling and marketing.”
“There is concern that the growth of the commercial baby finger food market (volume sales increased by nearly 11% in 2017-2018), and the way products are labelled and marketed is encouraging snacking, by suggesting to parents that these products form an expected and appropriate part of an infant’s diet, when many are biscuits or savoury snacks and others are similar nutritionally to confectionery.”
“The evidence shows that commercial practices are not consistently supporting achievement of a healthy diet”
The government’s Prevention Green Paper, published in July 2019, made a commitment to improve the nutritional content, and the marketing and labelling, of product ranges aimed at infants and young children.PHE was commissioned to develop and publish voluntary guidelines for the food industry to improve the nutritional content of commercial baby food and drinks. This document sets out the draft proposed guidelines.The aim of the guidelines is to address the nutrient composition issues highlighted in PHE’s report by reducing the sugar content and sweetness of products and limiting the salt content. This will ensure greater consistency between commercial baby food and drinks and government advice on introducing solid foods,to contribute to improving dietary intakes and protecting dental health. Baby drinks and finger foods(often marketed as snacks) are a particular focus, as these products are considered the most confusing for parents and carers and do not support them to make the best choices for babies. Separately, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) will consult on proposals to improve the marketing and labelling of commercial food and drink products for infants and young children, so that parents and carers have clear and honest information that aligns with Government advice on the products they feed their babies.
First Steps Nutrition Trust is a small independent UK charity providing evidence-based information and resources to health workers about good nutrition from pre-conception to 5 years.
View this email in your brower
Public Health England have produced some draft guidelines on how the composition of commercial baby food and drink (marketed to 3 years of age) should change to reduce intakes of salt and sugar. There is much that PHE should be commended for in these draft guidelines, but we also think they need to go further, faster, and that it makes no sense to separate out the required labelling and marketing changes from those for composition.
We have put together a response to the consultation which you can read here. This is not an online consultation and responses have to be emailed to PHE directly. If anyone hasn’t seen the draft proposals and accompanying letter and wants to do so, please email [email protected]
In this draft, whilst sweetened milk drinks marketed to children under 3 years are included in the scope, so called growing up and toddler milks are not. We think this is wrong. Infant milk manufacturers have created unnecessary products for children over the age of 1 year which they cross-brand with infant formula and follow-on formula, giving the impression to many that they are a necessary part of a child’s food journey. In these products extra lactose is primarily used as the additional sweetener (sometimes with maltodextrins) and PHE considers lactose as a free sugar when it is an added ingredient.
If babies are not breastfed after 1 year of age then they can have full-fat animal milk (or a suitable milk alternative with care) as their main milk drink, and do not need a sweetened formula type drink.
Most of these products call themselves ‘stage 3’ suggesting that this is a natural progression from stages 1 and 2, but there are no compositional, labelling or marketing regulations in the UK for these products, and we believe they should be treated as sweetened milk drinks. We would like to see the use of ‘stage numbers’ banned and regulation which does not allow cross-branding of these products with infant formula.
FSNT will be publishing more information on milks marketed for children over 1 year in the new year, so if you agree do  support the call for these to be brought into scope for the PHE guidelines on the composition of commercial baby drinks .
Information on these products currently on the UK market, and their costs can be found at www.firststepsnutrition.org/milks-marketed-for-children
Consultations: Total restriction of online advertising for products high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) DEADLINE 22nd December 2020. Respond online 
Public consultation on total ban of online advertising for unhealthy foods from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS)
Consultation on restricting online marketing of foods high in fat, salt and sugar.   In line with the report by First Steps Nutrition drawing on monitoring by the Baby Feeding Law Group specifically looking at the online marketing of infant milks in the UK we urge all our supporters to push for regulatory change on the marketing and labelling of infant formula, follow on formula,  milks marketed as foods for special medical purposes and products targeting children 0-36 months – all of which are ultra processed, risky and contribute to environmental damage.
The BFLG monitoring in October and November 2020,  looked at social media, influencers and bloggers, online infant formula company websites, baby clubs, and email alerts. New methods of promotion can break or stretch the rules on the marketing of infant formula and parents are receiving communications about all manner of brands and types of infant milks.
Sustain’s  Children’s Food Campaign has also made a submission to this consultation.
Some excerpts from Baby Milk Action Response on Enforcement and liability, sanctions, scope
We appreciate the opportunity to respond to this consultation and are pleased that it is happening.   Given the difficulties ahead,  the questions should focus more on public health and  human rights to health and adequate food and to the protection from harmful marketing..  Manufacturers and advertisers of HFSS and UPFs must receive a  clear message that these products are not suitable for commercial promotion
Enforcement : On the basis of our 40 years of experience with various regulatory bodies and monitoring.  if the  proposal is to have any credibility and effect it is essential that it is a government controlled regulation. It must NOT be self-regulatory. It MUST be independent and free from any commercial influence or financing.  It must not be modelled on the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and the fines and sanctions for contraventions must be meaningful and effective.
Should advertisers be liable? It depends what you mean by ‘liable’ – and whether  sanctions and fines would be sufficient to fund this proposal.   The ‘benefits’ of this proposal – if it is effective – will be an improvement in public health, and less damage to the environment – or at the least a reduction in harm.
Scope The definitions of problematic products must be widened not only to infant milks but to Ultra Processed Foods (UPFs) using the NOVA definition.  UPF (the term fits  many infant milks) are often globally traded and have  long shelf lives. They invariably contain non-food ingredients to stabilize, emulsify, thicken and regulate acidity. Ultra-processing requires perishable ingredients to be removed along with many essential micronutrients. UPFs are often so highly processed that they no longer resemble their plant or animal sources.
Identification of HFSS. Manufacturers have developed many strategies to hide the risks of their products, and can and do run circles round consumers with multiple sugars, fats and other ingredients with names that noone can possibly understand.   If the UK government is serious about encouraging  healthier eating, biodiversity and environmental degradation it must look wider than merely presence of  ‘nutrients’.
FSNT recommendations:
1.Government should include infant milks marketed for children up to three years of age in any work restricting online advertising of foods and drinks that can contribute to obesity.
2.Manufacturers should follow guidance to stop the inappropriate marketing of infant milks marketed for children up to 3 years as specified in the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutesand all subsequent World Health Assembly resolutions.
3.Digital platforms should voluntarily prohibit the advertising of infant milks marketed up to 3 years of age.
4.Everyone should be made aware of how to protect themselves from unwanted marketing and public awareness increased of how to use privacy functions to block parenting related advertisementsfrom infant formula brands or use advertisement blocking software
  Artificial food colours and children: Why we want to limit and label foods containing the ‘Southampton Six’ on the UK market post-Brexit.
This report summarises the evidence that links the use of some azo dye colours in the food supply to behavioural issues in children, updates the evidence base and makes recommendations to limit potential exposure of children in the UK to these additives in post-Brexit trade deals.
Artificial food colours are not necessary in the food supply chain, are associated with ultra-processed foods and can encourage children to consume foods that have limited or no nutritional value.
      UK consultations on composition of baby foods, online marketing GMOs was originally published on Baby Milk Action
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kushaanwriting · 7 years
Day 5: The Mercy of the Millennial (Continued)
MAURICIO: “Now you tell me – why would a millennial want to go to a casual dining chain? Why would I want to sacrifice my own agency, my own autonomy in food consumption – to eat at a restaurant?”
ALBERT: “Sir – our 2 for 20 deals are really-“
(MAURICIO points his cigar at ALBERT)
MAURICIO: “Mr. Brown, I like you. There is a lot you… fail to understand about the millennial. But your heart is in the right place. I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse Mr. Brown. A chance to win the hearts of millennials across the country.”
ALBERT: “S-Sir?”
MAURICIO: “Dissolve your brick and mortar. Make Applebees entirely online. App-based meal service.”
(ALBERT is at a loss for words.)
ALBERT: “T-that’s what the millennials want?”
MAURICIO: “Are you challenging my judgment,?”
ALBERT: “No – not at all –“
MAURICIO: “You think it’s a preposterous idea.”
ALBERT: “I think it’s a neat –“
MAURICIO: “I don’t like liars, Mr. Brown.”
ALBERT: “Ok – ok, well to be frank – it’s not a great idea. You can’t just turn casual dining into an app-based meal service overnight. Applebees would be destroyed as a franchise.”
(MAURICIO stands up suddenly and ALBERT flinches, expecting a reprimand. MAURICIO starts fiddling with the stress ball.)
MAURICIO: “So that’s it then? You’re going to change nothing. Have Applebees march to its peril? Stomping on the graves of the millennials that could have saved it?
ALBERT: “N-no, please sir. I have other ideas. How about – how about $2 margaritas?”
ALBERT: (Ponders) ... One dollar margaritas?”
MAURICIO: “Yeah, I think we can handle one dollar. is there a problem with that?”
ALBERT: “S-sir, our margins would be depleted.”
MAURICIO: “So a little hit on the margins isn’t worth the happiness of millennials nationwide? It’s an investment.”
ALBERT: “S-sir, I guess so.”
(A timer beeps.)
MAURICIO: “It’s about time for my 3 pm HQ Trivia. I trust you’ll see yourself out Mr. Brown?”
ALBERT: “T-Thank you for your time, Sir.”
(ALBERT puts on his top hat and rushes out of the room. Lights fade and a spotlight shines onto downstage right where ALBERT now appears without his trench coat and top hat, now in a t-shirt and jeans. He is joined by another man, also in a t-shirt and jeans, who is holding two bottles. This is DOMINIC.)
DOMINIC: “Beer?”
ALBERT: “Thanks so much, man. What a weird day.”
DOMINIC: “Yeah?”
(ALBERT takes beer and chugs a huge sip.)
ALBERT: “I went to visit that millennial guy – Mauricio.”
(DOMINIC laughs.)
DOMINIC: “The Millennial whisperer?”
ALBERT: “That’s the one.”
DOMINIC: “Man, why the hell did you have to visit him?”
ALBERT: “Boss made me. He’s freaking out, man.”
DOMINIC: “Freaking out?”
ALBERT: “You heard what happened to Chili’s and Buffalo Wild Wings? Losing sales by the droves. Millennials just aren’t into casual dining anymore. Buffalo Wild Wings CEO had to tell the shareholders – boss is scared we’re headed down the same path.”
DOMINIC: “Let me guess – he told you to shut your company down and turn it into an app-delivery service?”
(ALBERT and DOMINIC both roar in laughter.)
DOMINIC: “Wait – actually?”
ALBERT: “Oh, it gets worse. I suggested cheap margaritas – you know, kind of as a joke. He was into it. In fact, he suggested we dock it down one. One dollar margaritas. Can you imagine?”
ALBERT: “Well, I mentioned how problematic it would be – but he just kind of brushed it off. (ALBERT mimics MAURICIO’s Italian accent.) “So a little hit on the margins isn’t worth the happiness of millennials nationwide? It’s an investment.”
(ALBERT and DOMINIC both roar in laughter again.)
DOMINIC: “That guy is a kook, man.”
(Lights fade on downstage left and lights came back up on the office as MAURICIO sits with phone in hand. He presses a button on the phone.)
ALBERT’S VOICE: “Well, I mentioned how problematic it would be – but he just kind of brushed it off. (ALBERT mimics MAURICIO’s Italian accent.) “So a little hit on the margins isn’t worth the happiness of millennials nationwide? It’s an investment.”
DOMINIC: “That guy is a kook, man.”
(MAURICIO starts shaking his head angrily and presses the button again.)
ALBERT’S VOICE: “Well, I mentioned how problematic it would be – but he just kind of brushed it off. (ALBERT mimics MAURICIO’s Italian accent.) “So a little hit on the margins isn’t worth the happiness of millennials nationwide? It’s an investment.”
DOMINIC: “That guy is a kook, man.”
(MAURICIO slams the phone on the desk, takes the stress ball and throws it across the room angrily. He picks the phone back up, dials a number and furtively looks around.)
MAURICIO: “Alice – call the council. It’s time to kill Applebees.
(To Be Continued…)
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brothersapart · 7 years
(the mobile-friendly version)
Background information:
Brothers Apart was started by @nightmares06 October 24th, 2014 and has been going strong ever since! During the last two years two other writers have been added to the team along with a very helpful assistant!
The main storyline, Brothers Apart, has since sparked a collection of AUs. Each storyline is individual in and of itself, but all tie into the main arc in their own way. Visit Links to find your way to the stories.
Why don’t you just post Brothers Apart and not all these other stories?
Since Brothers Apart is (mostly) written by myself, there isn’t enough story built up to have a backlog. Due to a falling out with a former beta reader, writing for Brothers Apart was frozen for a year. During that time we conceived a number of other storylines, and we invite you to enjoy them along with us.
When/where do the stories post?
Sunday, 9pm EST Wednesday, 9pm EST
Any changes to this schedule will be announced on the tumblr as soon as we know about them.
There are three different sites the stories post on:
Archive of Our Own || Fanfiction || Deviantart
Any prompts received will be posted to the tumblr blog before appearing on any other sites, otherwise stories are on the three sites listed above.
Order of creation of the various AUs:
Brothers Apart– “But what if I never fixed Sam?”
Brothers Found– “But what about JACOB?”
Brothers Adopted– “Okay but Jacob’s too cute, let’s make him small”
Brothers Divided– “… bad, Dean”
Brothers Together– “OSCAR”
Brothers Lost– “Okay we should make BOTH brothers small”
Brothers Asunder– “Wee Sammers and Bowman as brothers!”
Brothers Unexpected– “Because Sam/Jacob and Dean/Oscar are too cute to contain”
Brothers Consulted– “I wonder how Sherlock and Dean would react to each other…”
**Various unannounced ideas**
Brothers Saved– “Big Sam and his tiny big brother strutting around”
I love the artwork! Why don’t you have more of (insert character)?
We love the art too! But since we’re writers, and our skill at actual drawing is lacking, all of the artwork you see posted here (with a few incredibly rare exceptions), are either commissioned with our own money or submitted by fans (you lovely, lovely people). We love supporting our favorite artists, so we won’t stop commissioning anytime soon, but it’s dependent on if we have money at the time we get the idea.
If you want to help us out, please Buy Me a Coffee and let us know what character or AU you want commissioned! Once we have enough money for that AU, we’ll get it done.
When does (insert story) start posting?
We’re not sure when each story goes up, we only have a timeline for the days stuff will post. To prevent any stories from gaining favoritism over others, we started running a poll. During the last week or two of a story, there will be a poll with (2) to (6) options offered, and the winner will be the story that starts next!
Keep in mind that the stories that appear in the poll will be fully written/edited and beta’d by our wonderful beta readers, any stories that are incomplete in any fashion will not be included.
The poll is run through SurveyMonkey, and each person gets only (1) vote! Duplicate votes WILL BE REMOVED.
Can you go back to posting stories about only Sam and Dean?
Seriously, we’re going to keep writing together because we do it for fun. You’ll see classic Brothers Apart stories come around when I finish them, but you’ll also get a lot of the collabs we do. We write for ourselves and to get rid of stress. Since we’re not paid to do this (in fact, we spend a decent amount of money on story things), we’ll continue to write what we like.
We still love feedback and getting new ideas from all you readers out there, so keep sending us prompts and suggestions! Just don’t be upset if we don’t do yours– we might not be feeling it.
There’s a book? Where can I get a copy!?
There used to be a book, but it has been discontinued and no longer offered as an option in the contest. Thanks for your interest!
Will Castiel be in the story?
Go read all the stories.
Why didn’t my ask get answered yet?
Generally only one ask is answered a day, please be patient with us.
Popular Tags:
#commissioned art– all the artwork commissioned by the writers of the BA for the stories/ideas we have.
#fanart– artwork done by the fans.
#contest entry 2016– entries submitted for the 2016 BA contest
#bac 2017 tumblr– entries submitted for the 2017 BA contest on the tumblr side (for DA entries, go here).
#daily update– all the story excerpts posted since the beginning.
#prompt– finished prompts (or unfinished prompts, multiple things get filed here).
#submission– wonderful submissions from you readers!
Commissions are open!
What characters belong to who?
Supernatural characters– Sam and Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, John Winchester (though I’ll warn that any prompts for John Win are the least likely to be fulfilled because he usually gives me writer’s block), Castiel, Gabriel, Rufus and Rumsfeld. Various other Supernatural characters.
Original characters– Nixie, Ilyana, Celeste (problematic fave), Walt Watch, Mallory Watch, Briella Watch, Moira Wainscot, Krissy Vent, Sean, Kara Bolt, Christian Bolt, Mikael Foyer, Noonia and Elenia.
Original Characters– Bowman, Jacob Andris, Oscar, Rischa, Cerul, Scar, Vel, (any of the wood sprites, basically), Colfax and Adrian (better prompted at @alittleblogoftrust ), Asp the shadow sprite, Indigo Seraf.
Only original characters, as canon characters tend to come very slowly for me.
Sherlock Characters– Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Molly Hooper and Mycroft Holmes.
Doctor Who Characters– Mostly Tenth Doctor, will do Nine, Eleven, and Twelve (I’m working through Classic Who at a snail’s pace xD) Willing to write for companions from New Who as well.
Original Chracters– Zepheera is my main OC, Stan Baker, Simon Baker, Nathan Sullivan and a bunch of borrower bbys: Kernel, Orrick Shelf, Boston Mantel, Baycliff, Klerida, Marcue Overmantle; basically, if you’ve read my stories, any of the OCs are up for grabs.
Story excerpts
Each day on brothersapart.tumblr.com, we will be posting a new excerpt from a story we are working on at the time. This happens at 10a.m. est, and it’s a tiny blurb from the story.
A bit on the tags for our story excerpts:
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#trnt here is the abbreviation of the story the excerpt came from– later revealed to be “The Road Not Taken”
Abbreviations we’ve used and their names if announced:
#trnt– The Road Not Taken (posted)
#twf– The Water’s Fine (posted)
#tnplh– There’s No Place Like Home
#atth– A Time to Heal
#iatwaa– It’s a Tall World After All
#sow– Sam of Wellwood (posted)
#don– Dean of Nowhere (posting)
#bofa– Bobby of Far Away
#dow– Dean of Wellwood
#awos– A World of Secrets
#eotm– Epidemic of the Mannequins
#ws– Wayward Sons
#bah– Bigfoot's a Hoax
#coth– Clash of the Hunters
#auv– An Unexpected Visitor
#sotw– Shadows on the Wall
#gacs– Garlic and Cold Spots (posted)
#tsotf– The Study of the Four (posted)
#tttb– The Ties that Bind (posted)
#ababs– A Burglary at Baker Street
#teome– The Enemy of my Enemy
#jiw– Jacob in Wonderland (posted)
#rt– Road Trip
#a:asocs– Aftermath: A Series of Consulted Shorts
#bp– Bittersweet Parting (posted)
#ffh– Far From Home 
#fs– For Science
#adod– A Day of Duality
#bftp– Blast from the Past
#apias– Any Port in a Storm
#thoaw– The Heart of a Wolf
#san– Sam and Nicholas
#apfo– A Place for Oz
#sb– Something Borrowed
#ttol– The Trials of Logan
#lald– Live and Let Die
#aol– Avenue of Life
#malc– M&Ms and Lucky Charms
#afin– A Friend in Need
#boan– Birth of a Nightmare (posted)
#rj– Regarding Jacob
The last kind of tag you’ll see is the queue tag:
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All this means is it is a reblogged excerpt from 2016, you can go to the original post to find out its tags.
This has been a dissertation on tags!
If you see any questions we left out, be sure to send in an ask!
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hviral · 5 years
Britain will face some food shortages in a no-deal Brexit
A disorderly no-deal Brexit would disrupt some food supplies for weeks or months if delays at ports leave fresh produce rotting in trucks, the industry’s trade body warned on Wednesday.
Retailers such as Tesco have warned that leaving the European Union on October 31 without a trade deal would be hugely problematic for the industry as much of the fresh produce is imported and warehouses are stocked full ahead of Christmas.
Ahead of the original Brexit deadline of March 29, supermarkets and retailers worked with suppliers to increase stocks of dried goods including pasta, bottled water and toilet paper.
They have warned however that fresh fruit and vegetables, which have a short shelf-life of only a few days, cannot be stored and that customs checks at Britain’s biggest port of Dover could lead to delays for arrivals.
The industry has also tested different ports to avoid the main route of Dover-Calais while pharmaceutical companies have reserved space on airlines to fly in supplies if needed.
“The food sector is absolutely clear that a no-deal exit is a disastrous outcome for us,” the Food and Drink Federation’s Chief Operating Officer Tim Rycroft told BBC Radio.
“There will be selective shortages and they will to some extent be random because it depends on which trucks get through and which don’t. We think there will be some serious disruption and it will go on for weeks or months after our exit.”
The trade body has urged the government to waive some competition rules to allow retailers and suppliers to be able to work together to provide the most effective coverage for the country in such a situation.
Rycroft said the industry had repeatedly asked the government to provide a guarantee that companies would not be fined by the regulator for engaging in anti-competitive behavior.
“In the event of no-deal disruption, if the government wants the food supply chain to work together to tackle likely shortages – to decide where to prioritize shipments – they will have to provide cast-iron written reassurances that competition law will not be strictly applied to those discussions,” Rycroft said.
Brexit supporters say there may be short-term disruption from a no-deal exit but that the UK will thrive if cut free from what they cast as a doomed experiment in integration that has led to Europe falling behind China and the United States.
The post Britain will face some food shortages in a no-deal Brexit appeared first on HviRAL.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2KCPZ9w
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justsomecynic · 6 years
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Pantheon Books
Oh boy. Hoo boy.
I’ve been avoiding talking about this graphic novel. It’s kind of my guilty pleasure. It’s a story with so much character diversity, aesthetic beauty, and emotional value… but many consider it problematic. Me? I’m not the one that should say. I’m neither from the Middle East nor some kind of comics connoisseur. But I can compare and synthesize what other critics — better qualified critics — have said, and use that to build a personal, informed opinion that absolutely should not be taken seriously.
Okay then. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about the author.
Craig Thompson was once a rural Wisconsin small-town boy raised in a highly conservative Christian family. Since childhood, almost every piece of media he consumed was carefully filtered, from movies to music. The only medium that wasn’t censored were comics. After all, comics are for little kids, right? He attributes his early affinity for comics to this. In high school, he was a young vegetarian feminist enchanted by Jesus Christ but disenchanted by the Church who wanted to live a hippie lifestyle. His comics — mainly his magnum opus, Blankets — were his way to communicate to his parents that he didn’t consider himself a Christian anymore. This made his relationship with his parents grow tense. [4]
Thompson began his career as a comic artist with his official debut, Good Bye, Chunky Rice, published by Top Shelf, which stars an anthropomorphic turtle and mouse and follows a semi-autobiographical plot. This debut got him a Harvey award and an Ignatz nomination. He followed it with small projects like Bible Doodles and Doot Doot Garden, but his next great autobiographical work, Blankets, was the one that got him the most praise and catapulted him to fame in 2003. After this, Thompson battled physical and mental health problems and even published a sort of travel journal, Carnet De Voyage, before his next great success: Habibi. [3][4] His last work is the middle grade comic, Space Dumplins. [6]
Before continuing with the inspiration behind Habibi, let’s keep talking about Thompson’s general works. One could say he’s an author centered in his personal experiences. This is my hypothesis. However, there’s exceptions; Space Dumplins and, the star of this review, Habibi. While Space Dumplins is a sci-fi work, for which he can take more liberties, Habibi is set in an orientalist fantasy for which he required intensive investigation.
But was it enough?
Let’s start with the parts that really stuck. And by that I mean the parts that really stuck with me.
Chapter 4: Mirage
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This is the chapter that tells since Dodola’s arrival to the sultan’s harem until she solves the challenge of turning a jug of water into gold (through wit and trickery). I think this is the chapter that most reflects Thompson’s investigation about Islamic tradition. At least to me, a person who doesn’t know about Islam and the Quran, it was a great first impression.
In these pages, Dodola dives into the world of chemistry and alchemy, in which the Arabs were pioneers, to solve the sultan’s challenge. In addition to this, during the 70 months that the sultan gave her to solve the challenge, she carried and gave birth to a child. But she gave herself to drugs and was careless with her child, who soon died; it’s not clear whether from her own carelessness or an assassination. Also in this chapter (it’s worth mentioning that it’s not narrated in linear fashion), Dodola finally tricks the sultan into trading her a jug made of gold for her jug of water.
These are the most notable events. The ending was what stuck with me, since it proves Dodola’s wit, but I can’t help but think all that alchemy and chemistry she learned were for nothing. Just to impress the reader. But well, that’s just my impression.
Chapter 5: The Hand of Fatimah
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In this chapter we learn about Zam’s side of the story. Since his misadventures in the desert and the city, through his stay with the hijras (a South Asian and Middle Eastern term for what we know as intersex or trans people; a gender unknown to western societies)[5], and until his reunion with Dodola.
Maybe you’ll have guessed by now that what fascinated me in this chapter was the representation of LGBT+ identities as three-dimensional characters. While the rest of the novel is fairytale-esque, this struck me as a particularly realistic part (not that others aren’t; this is just the one that stuck with me the most) which shows the difficulties of the people outside traditional gender and sex roles, and the injustice with which they are perceived.
But well, I can’t dance around it anymore. What’s wrong with Habibi?
It’s a fantasy in which the merits of the characters is being western in a non-western world. The conventional notions of love, sex, gender, maternity, etc., and this is just inside the story. Outside, in a more meta way, I can say I personally dislike the nearly morbid use of sexual violence as a plot device; the nearly bizarre caricaturization of dark-skinned characters; and Dodola’s perpetual status as a damsel in distress. However, all of this can be countered. One could say Thompson is open with topics seldom talked about such as sexual assault; one could say it’s not caricaturization, but effective and distinctive character design; one could say Dodola is a representation of the Middle Eastern woman. I sincerely don’t know. As I said, I shouldn’t be the one to judge. See: [1] and [2].
Despite all this, I liked Habibi. I understand why it’s problematic, but honestly, it’s a visual gem.
Craig Thompson, in general, is a clearly dedicated artist. I admire his dedication, with Habibi as much as Blankets, and his courage in writing such evident parts of himself in his craft. Not everyone can, and from those who can, not all of them manage.
In the case of Habibi, I think Thompson deserves a golden star for at least trying.
To wrap things up, let me direct you to this piece by one of my favorite composers, Pyots Ilyich Tchaikovsky; one of the pieces from the Nutcracker suite. I guess you could consider it, like Habibi, an orientalist piece. And like the novel, its aesthetic value has no match.
Finally, I’d like to invite you to read these key pieces of my opinion-building process. In the meantime, I’ll go back to reading some more comics. Thanks for making it here!
[1] Damluji, N. (October 4th 2011) Can the Subaltern Draw?: The Spectre of Orientalism in Craig Thompson’s Habibi. The Hooded Utilitarian. Retrieved from http://www.hoodedutilitarian.com/2011/10/can-the-subaltern-draw-the-spectre-of-orientalism-in-craig-thompsons-habibi/
[2] Hatfield, C. (October 27th 2011) A Habibi Roundtable. The Comics Journal. Retrieved from http://www.tcj.com/a-habibi-roundtable/
[3] Heater, B. (May 7th-28th 2007) Interview: Craig Thompson (parts 1 and 2). The Daily Cross Hatch. Retrieved from: http://thedailycrosshatch.com/2007/05/07/431/ (part 1) and http://thedailycrosshatch.com/2007/05/28/interview-craig-thompson-pt-2-of-2/
[4] Mechanic, M. (2011) Graphic Novelist Craig Thompson on Parental Censorship, Leaving Christianity, and His Epic, “Habibi”. Mother Jones (Sept/Oct 2011 issue). Retrieved from https://www.motherjones.com/media/2011/09/craig-thompson-blankets-habibi-interview/
[5] Pandeia. (2018) Hijras And Bangladesh: The Creation Of A Third Gender. Pandeia. Retrieved from http://pandeia.eu/region/inter/hijras-and-bangladesh-the-creation-of-a-third-gender/
[6] The Blog of Craig Thompson. (2018) Books. Retrieved from http://www.craigthompsonbooks.com/
Craig Thompson: Habibi - a review Oh boy. Hoo boy. I've been avoiding talking about this graphic novel. It's kind of my guilty pleasure.
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itsworn · 7 years
This 1967 Camaro Is A Testbed For V12 LS Parts You Can Buy!
American iron and Aussie ingenuity create one killer Camaro.
Every year leading up to the SEMA show we’re treated to announcements of builds that will be unveiled during the week. In October of 2016, Hot Rod reported that there was a Camaro being built with an LS-derived V12 that was to debut at the show. Beyond some teasers, we really didn’t know what to expect. We do know that the place never fails to pull in some of the coolest cars from across the globe, and the mix is usually pretty eclectic with rides that you wouldn’t otherwise give a second thought to. Having said that, there is also no shortage of the tried and true. One of the biggest culprits to fall into that category is the Gen 1 Camaro. There are always new interpretations of GM’s F-body unveiled during the week, but after so many years, you have to ask if the creative well isn’t beginning to run dry on these cars. Whether it’s Pro Touring, Pro Street, Restomod, or any other flavorful mix, what has anyone recently brought to the table that is new?
This was the hanging question when it came to this project. Displayed outside the Las Vegas Convention Center, the immediate reaction was that it looked like just another Camaro slammed to the ground. Up close and personal, it became one of those “whoa” moments. That V12 was a majestic-looking piece of hardware that seemed right at home between those ’67 fenders, and it had a decidedly American flavor to it. It was definitely something new and fresh on the table, and it lived up to all the hype leading up to the show. As we walked around the car at the time and examined it further, it was clear that it was still a work in progress, since most of the interior was missing, and the engine compartment wasn’t fully finished. We also found out that it wasn’t another high-dollar project built for a customer, unlike many of the cars usually displayed at the show. The car belongs to Mike Heim, the owner of Quality Custom Rides (QCR), located in the heart of Amish country in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
…the immediate reaction was that it looked like just another Camaro slammed to the ground. Up close and personal, it became one of those ‘whoa’ moments.”
Mike has owned the Camaro since 1987, and it was at one point his daily driver for a number of years. In 1991 it was parked because he wanted to tear into it and create something different. Challenged by a friend to build a car as low as a Ford GT40, he set pen to paper and laid out the foundation for what was unveiled at SEMA. Unfortunately, that initial design was put on the backburner for many years as a result of a growing family and business. It wasn’t until December of 2015 that the ’67 would finally move forward. He explains, “I was at a show and my good friend Rod Saboury introduced me to Matt [Corish], who was looking for a car to put a V12 into to test. I told him the only one that I can give you is my Camaro, which you can have at any time. When Matt came to look at the car, he asked, ‘Can we get this Camaro to SEMA?’”
Work on the car began in January of 2016, and at that point the only thing that the crew at QCR had for the engine was a set of measurements. Beyond that, the starting point was the set of blueprints that Mike had penned in 1991. Getting it low was the goal, so they initially cut 4.5 inches from the rockers, and then removed another 3 inches by cutting the floor and dropping the frame. The hand-fabricated suspension riding on an Air Ride setup gave the Camaro another 5 inches of ride adjustment. It would go lower once the engine was installed.
…half a world away, Matt and his brother Shane Corish were putting the prototype V12 LS through its paces down in Australia.”
While that was taking place at QCR, half a world away, Matt and his brother Shane Corish were putting the prototype V12 LS through its paces down in Australia. They started their business, V12LS.com, with the simple premise of bringing a commercially viable V12 engine based on the LS platform to market. Matt explains, “The LS is the most hot-rodded engine on the scene today. We’ve seen people create custom cars that are so extreme where every component is being modified, but the engineering in the engine compartment gets left behind. What we set out to do is create something really exciting that pushes the boundaries of what can be done in the engine compartment to make it on par with the rest of these builds.” He further adds, “The architecture of the LS engine is far superior to anything else to come from Chevrolet, and the aftermarket support is huge. We wanted our engine to use as many standard off-the-shelf LS parts as possible.”
The first prototype began life as two Holden LS1 blocks that were cut, welded together, re-sleeved, and bored. The 12-cylinder configuration bumps the two grafted blocks up to 519ci using the factory LS1 bore and stroke of 3.898 inches and 3.62 inches. The aluminum heads are also LS1-spec, while the crankshaft and camshaft are custom billet pieces that Shane has designed and developed. The rest uses factory-style pistons, rods, bearings, and valve train. On the dyno, on its first pull, it produced 717 horses on regular pump gas, which exceeded their expectations.
By July, the crew at QCR took delivery of the prototype. They had a large part of the fabrication work from the firewall back completed, and quickly dropped the engine in place. The new mill was only 8.8 inches longer than a standard LS block, so issues with space were minimal. They did have to eliminate the stock radiator support and move the cooling hardware forward, but the overall shape of the front end remained fairly true for a ’67. The last major body hurdles were the engineering of the suicide doors, and the 1.5-inch chop on the top. Mike almost hit the mark by getting the car down to 42 inches of height, 2 inches shy of a GT40. Beyond all the sheet metal work, one of biggest mechanical challenges faced was the fabrication of the six-into-one stainless headers and exhaust. Clearance issues due to suspension travel with the Air Ride system required a complex set of pipes to be fabricated.
The new mill was only 8.8 inches longer than a standard LS block, so issues with space were minimal.”
It was all hands on deck at QCR with only a few weeks leading up to the show. With time running out, they were able to get the car prepped and painted. The heart of the project was the engine, so Mike mixed a charcoal grey metallic for the body, while the engine was treated to a bath of translucent DayGlo green for maximum visual impact. This assured that the engine would be the focal point of the build. With the car almost completed, it was loaded up and shipped to Las Vegas for the unveiling.
To say that the Camaro was a fan favorite at the show would be an understatement. That enthusiasm was reaffirmed when Matt and Shane were bestowed with the runner-up award in the SEMA Launchpad program, as well as runner-up for Best Engineered New Product. In a sea of thousands of new products that show up at SEMA every year, these awards validated their efforts. As a result, they’ve moved forward in the evolution of the block by also offering an LSX-based V12 that displaces 580 cubes, and LS7-flavored heads that will soon be available. Depending on the application, they’ve even started offering the block in aluminum or cast iron. The cash register is now open for business, and they are offering potential clients different purchase options. You can pick their basic kit, which includes the block, heads, crankshaft, and cam, or you can have them build you a complete plug-and-play V12. They’ve made it easy to be found; their business name is their website. All the information can be found at V12LS.com.
The heart of the beast. Measuring only 8.8 inches longer than a stock V8 LS, fitment between the fenders wasn’t problematic, which resulted in a very clean looking installation. The overall length of the V12 is actually comparable to that of an inline six. The other big hurdle with these custom projects usually involves the wiring and the engine management systems and their integration. This was a surprisingly seamless operation with the use of a Haltech Elite 2500 ECU. The ignition for each bank is setup like a waste-spark straight six, with one firing in reverse order. Ron Francis wiring also stepped up with all the custom wiring needed for this project.
Sitting only 42 inches off the ground, Mike pushed the limits when cutting the Camaro apart. In his opinion it is at the edge of where it still retains the basic shape of a stock ’67 Camaro. One of the deceptive aspects of this build is that the added length of the V12 would require the fenders to be extended, however, the front end still retains the stock dimensions.
This was the condition the Camaro was in for many years prior to the start of the project.
At this point in the build, the suicide doors and the top were already chopped. This was prior to the first coats of paint being applied.
With all the body work done and the V12 in place, the next task was to have the exhaust system fabricated. This photo was taken a few weeks prior to the SEMA show.
Stainless Headers partnered with GP Headers to create the six-into-one pair of pipes for the Camaro. They were challenged with the construction of these pipes due to the air ride suspension. Without a mounted front end and the engine mounted in place, they were able to shape each pipe as it mated to the collector, which then transitioned into a single 3.5-inch stainless tube on each side. The carbon-fiber inner fenders were fabricated after the car returned from SEMA.
The March Performance serpentine pulley system demonstrates the use of off-the-shelf aftermarket LS hardware. Designed to be used on an LS V8, it bolts right up to the V12 without any issues. A Tuff Stuff alternator and A/C compressor are also mounted on this system that was custom anodized at AnnoWorkz in Lancaster, PA.
When we first saw the Camaro on display at SEMA, it was wearing 12 single throttle bodies. When it was photographed, it had dual FAST EFI-style throttle bodies mounted on a custom manifold. There is also a single throttle body unit that has been developed as an induction option.
The stock Camaro grille was pushed forward and mounted flush to allow for the additional space that was needed. Beyond the shift forward, it remains stock in every aspect.
The stock radiator support was removed on the car and a new structure created to house the Dewitt’s custom radiator fabricated specifically for this Camaro. The entire assembly is flush-mounted for added space due to the 8.8-inch increase in the length of the block.
The interior was one of the last pieces of the puzzle. It wasn’t installed when the car was on display at SEMA in 2016. When the Camaro came back after the show, it was shipped to Brad Wurzbacher at Lucky 7 Rod Shop in Stewartstown, PA for the interior design and installation.
The dash assembly looks deceptively stock, but is in fact a one-piece unit that has been fabricated to look OEM. Steering comes via an Ididit steering column and a CON2R custom steering wheel. Under the trans tunnel lies an ATI Performance Products Turbo 400 Transmission and torque converter.
When Mike went looking for a set of gauges that would visually work with the Camaro, Dakota Digital offered him the first set of their new HDX instruments specifically designed for ’67 and ’68 Camaros, which they were preparing to launch. His only stipulation was that these units would come in green, which they did.
As with all the components installed on the Camaro, the Lokar shifter also received some custom touches. The traditional red display was changed to green, and the shift knob anodized in green as well.
Some of the last things to be modified were the doors. Mike stuck to his original design by having them open towards the back. Since the car sits so low, they actually make the entering and exiting process much easier. The vent windows are also modified. They’ve been cut 1.5 inches but appear stock.v
The mirrors mounted on each door serve a dual purpose. They function as mirrors but have also been cleverly engineered to be door handles. By pulling the mirror forward, it allows the door lock to disengage, and the door to swing open. The graphics on the car are the work of Kevin Breeden, the airbrush artist at QCR. The paint used was a custom mix created at the shop. It was applied over a white pearl base to get the layered effect that Mike was looking for.
The rear suspension is a cantilever setup that Mike designed. As a result, the Ridetech Shockwave shocks are mounted in the trunk because the car sits so low they couldn’t come through the floor.
The rear seat and shelf tray were removed and the AccuAir Endo tank was installed as part of the air management system.
The wheel tubs have been airbrushed to simulate the appearance of a see-thru window.
Keeping the dash as clean and simple as possible also meant mounting a discreet stereo unit. An Excelvan 7021G 7-inch HD Bluetooth was the option for this task.
The exhaust from the V12 exits in front of the rear wheels. The 3.5-inch stainless pipes that come from both headers transition into 4-inch oval pipes that are mated to Stainless Headers new Oval Bullet mufflers. These mufflers measure 18 inches in length and have a 2-inch extension on each side. They are perfect for low-clearance projects like this Camaro.
Tucked under the back end is a narrowed Chevy 12-bolt rear with C-clip eliminators, Strange axles, and 3.70:1 gears. Mickey Thompson Sportsman S/R tires are mounted on Monocoque wheels.
Bumpers are painted in metallic aluminum and have been satin cleared. They have been pulled in and the taillights recessed. The bezels were removed and new taillights crafted from the existing lenses.
The post This 1967 Camaro Is A Testbed For V12 LS Parts You Can Buy! appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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ntrending · 7 years
Giant ice cracks in Antarctica stymie important research for the second winter in a row
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/giant-ice-cracks-in-antarctica-stymie-important-research-for-the-second-winter-in-a-row/
Giant ice cracks in Antarctica stymie important research for the second winter in a row
When the buildings you live in—along with your life support systems, creature comforts, and basic livelihood—all reside on a moving chunk of ice, you better hope that ice is solid. And if that ice is slightly less-than-solid, you had better be able to get out of there fast in the event of an emergency.
That’s why the British Antarctic Survey has decided to shut down their Halley VI base during the next Antarctic winter. It’s the second year in a row that the organization made the decision to cease operations during winter months, thanks to two massive cracks in the research station’s home, the Brunt Ice Shelf.
“What we are witnessing is the power and unpredictability of Nature,” says Professor Dame Jane Francis, Director of BAS, in a statement. “The safety of our staff is our priority in these circumstances. Our Antarctic summer research operation will continue as planned, and we are confident of mounting a fast uplift of personnel should fracturing of the ice shelf occur. However, because access to the station by ship or aircraft is extremely difficult during the winter months of 24-hour darkness, extremely low temperatures and the frozen sea, we will once again take the precaution of shutting down the station before the 2018 Antarctic winter (March – November) begins.”
Both of the problematic cracks are naturally occurring. One chasm had been dormant for 35 years, but started growing again—towards the research station—in 2012. Another appeared in October of 2016, too close to the station for comfort.
Last January, the station decided to close down the station in March of 2017 for the winter season. Now, they’ve made the same decision for next year too. It is slated to re-open this week for the summer season of work, but will shut down again next March. Wintering on the continent is simply too risky, as the season blocks some of the few exit routes, and unexpected events like power outages could make a dangerous situation even worse.
Rather than miss out on valuable research time this year, though, researchers plan to install instruments to collect data in their absence. Scientists at Halley have collected weather, solar, and atmospheric data on the ice shelf since 1956. It’s most famous for being the site where the ozone hole was first observed in 1985. Now, researchers will have to rely on automated instruments to collect that information over a span of several months, but they won’t be able to go back and fix any issues that come up over the dark winter
BAS director of science David Vaughan told BBC News that the power system was a prototype. “For it to keep running at -50C with nobody around to chip the ice off it or keep the snow away from it will be a significant challenge. But if it works and the instruments attached to it keep working, then we will collect several of the data streams that would otherwise have been lost, including the ozone measurements.”
But no machine will be able to replicate one unusual aspect of Antarctic research: human observations. During the winter, Halley VI sits in total darkness for months, leaving a small team of scientists in an enclosed space for extended periods of time. Learning how humans behave in that kind of situation is important to organizations like the European Space Agency, which partnered with the BAS to understand more about extended isolation, which is incredibly valuable information when preparing to send astronauts on lengthy missions in outer space.
The 14 humans that would have spent time at Halley next winter will be sent to other, more solid structures in Antarctica or brought home. But this isn’t the first time that nature has messed with plans at Halley.
The current station, Halley VI sits on hydraulic skis, rising high above the ice on stilt-like legs that allow driving snow to pass under the structure. It can and does move periodically to escape the ice at a not-so-blistering pace of under two miles per hour, with labs, housing, and recreation modules all capable of getting dragged to a new, safer location.
Previous iterations of Halley (this is the sixth one, after all) were abandoned or demolished as snow covered them with its crushing weight, or the ice slowly moved them out to sea. The remains of Halley III were last seen encased in an iceberg. Halley V was demolished in 2013 as the more mobile Halley VI came online.
This latest iteration of Halley is designed to be more resilient than its predecessors, but as its owners are discovering, sometimes Antarctica, with its brutal weather and shifting landscapes forces you to improvise. Luckily, a building on skis is more suited than most to slalom through those challenges.
Written By Mary Beth Griggs
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