#‘ugh I hate nurses they’re all highschool bullies’
purplepenntapus · 1 month
Thinking about how irritating it was in college that whenever I told someone I was an English major in college they felt the need to tell me how much they hate English.
“It doesn’t make any sense! They’re always like ‘What does the spoon mean?’ The spoon is just a spoon!”
That’s a funny way to tell me you don’t have any reading comprehension.
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Title: Addicted To Shortie. Chapter 1
Originally Posted On: Jun 15, 2016
Word count: 4927
Rating: T
Relationship: M/M
Parts: 1/?
Tags: Edward/Envy, Edward Elric, Envy, first person POV, fluff later, Hurt!Ed, Highschoolers
Summary for Chapter 1: ...
Notes: Much thanks to @miles-to-go2 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Edit: As for now, I’m discontinuing this fic. 
Yay! The first day of school! Sounds fun right? Nope! I hate school. Every. Single. Bit of it. Those plastic girls, jocks, bullies, lunches, getting up early to go, bossy teachers, homework, tests.... the list goes on and on and on.
So today, I walked into school like almost every other kid in America. Damn laws, forcing us to go to school. Who created this law anyway? Hopefully I'll find out one day, so I can slap them (or, in the likelihood that they’re dead, I can spit on their grave).
I wandered the hallways until I reached homeroom, pushing past a group of yapping girls to get into the classroom. After making my way to the very back of the room where my desk resided, I tossed my bag onto the floor and flopped down into the chair, popping my feet up on the desk. I watched as people came into the room while I absentmindedly played with a piece of my long dark green hair. It fanned out behind me like a… well... palm tree. THERE! I admitted it.  
You might be wondering who I am. And here is the answer to that--I'm Envy Alister! Don't be shocked. I come from a family of people named after sins. Lust and Greed Alister are my parents, and Sloth and Wrath are my two siblings. Sloth is in her senior year while Wrath is in 6th grade. Pride and Gluttony are my uncles on my mother's side, but they are long gone. No wonder everyone avoids me, I was named after the ugliest sin. Ugh, I wish I wasn't born into this family.
"Oof!" I jerked around in my seat to see that a golden-haired boy had tripped on his way over to his desk, hitting his arm on it--which was right next to mine. Bad choice, kid.
I smirked, looking at the boy. "Have a nice fall, Shortie?" The name rolled off of my tongue easily, teasing the kid about his height.
Shortie looked up at me as he managed to get into the chair. His golden eyes shocked me so much that I didn't even hear him shout that he wasn't short. Those eyes held some fire and.... something else I couldn't figure out. Only when I realized that I was staring did I look away.
I glanced up at the teacher as he started to call out names. "...Envy Alister..." I rose a finger into the air. The teacher, the same one I had last year for history, gave me a dirty look. 'Mr.' more like 'dickhead' Mustang continued saying names. "...Edward Elric..." Shortie next to me yelped out a “here.”
I kind of zoned out for most of the rest of the name call, but I heard the names of my two friends called out, Russell Tringham and Ling Yao. Mustang started to walk around passing out schedules although mine was partially thrown into my face.
I quickly skimmed through my schedule before stuffing it in my bag.
(1. Chemistry-- Kimblee
2. World History-- Mustang
3. Algebra-- Hawkeye
4. Gym-- Armstrong
5. English-- Fuery  
6. Wood Shop-- Havoc )
I watched Ed out of the corner of my eye as he read his schedule. Damn, he’s smart according to his classes. But ah-ha! I'm smart as well.
It seemed like my staring made Shortie nervous, because he kept lightly tugging at his braid and shooting shy glances at me. Luckily the bell saved him, and he leapt up from his seat and quickly walked out of the classroom. I let out a sigh, threw my bag over my shoulder, and stood up. Ling bounced over to me, his black ponytail swishing a bit as he walked. "YO! Envy!"
"What?" I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear without noticing as I looked at my friend.
"I saw you staring at the new kid," Ling teased, bumping my arm slightly and starting towards the door.
I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't staring at him. Okay?”
Ling laughed, not believing my lie. "Alrighty then. See ya'!" He walked off into a different hallway.
I walked into Chem class a few moments later and spotted Shortie at the back of the classroom. I skipped over to him, my hair bouncing with me and annoying a lot of the people getting hit by it. But guess what? I didn’t care! "Hello Shortie." I fell into the seat next to him. The tables were so sat two together.
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SHORT THAT THEY CAN FIT UNDER A DOOR JAMB?!?" Ed faced me with a look of utmost fury, which made me chuckle, driving him even madder.
"Quiet down, Ed," I said, once people started to turn around and stare. I don't like people staring at me, and after glancing at Shortie, he didn't either. He was flinching away from the stares.
"Whatever," he muttered at me under his breath once people looked away. "How do you know my name anyways?"
I rolled my violet eyes. "I was paying attention during roll call. And saw your schedule. We have the afternoon together."
Ed just stared at me with those wonderful golden eyes for a moment then muttered, "I didn't catch yours."
"Envy Alister," I said to him before looking up at the Chemistry teacher. Kimblee stood at the front of the classroom, a smirk spread across his face. His dark black hair was pulled up into a tight pony tail, which clashed with his all-white clothing. He put some notes up on the board for us to copy down. I simply sit back in my chair, tilting it back a bit to recline. It's not like I'm going to start working on the first day of school, so I decided to watch Shortie some more.
Shortie had pulled out a binder from his black bag, a flamal imprinted on it. He opened up the binder to a blank page and grabbed a pen. I bit my lip a little as I watched, my gaze lingering a bit on his golden hair. It was pulled back into a braid and a few pieces were poking out, as if he had rushed to braid it this morning. My fingers itched to undo it and fix it. I'll find a chance to do it today, even if he doesn't let me.
Crash. My chair tilted back too far, making me fall backwards and slam the back on my head on the desk behind me. "Ow, fuck." I couldn't see anything, it was all blurry. Unwanted tears had gathered at my eyes due to the pain and shock of falling over. My vision continued to get blurrier until my vision went black.
"Dammit Envy, wake up already."
"No..." I let out a weak groan, rolling over slightly until my foot hit something… someone, more like.
I felt a poking. "The nurse is getting nervous and I want to go back to class."
I recognized the voice and opened my eyes a little. "Shortie...?"
"IT'S EDWARD, NOT SHORTIE," he yelled.
I let out a small chuckle and tried to sit up, which just caused dizziness, forcing me to fall back on the pillow. We were in the nurse's office. At least the bed is somewhat comfy. "How long was I out?" I asked after a moment.
"Two hours, it's lunch now. Nurse wanted you to stay here the rest of the day. I was forced to stay and watch you." I noticed the noise of a pen moving against paper and realized that Ed was doing class work.
I nodded a little and grabbed the pillow that was under my head, pulling it to my chest as if i was hugging a stuffed animal. Let's see what Shortie would do; might as well mess with him a little.
My eyes were closed, so I sat and listened. After a moment or two, Ed's binder snapped shut and he put it away. Silence. The bed creaked a little, as if Ed had gotten up or moved a little. Suddenly I felt something warm on my cheek, moving a piece of hair to the side. I almost opened my eyes, but kept them shut firmly. I wasn't expecting Shortie to touch me! Who would willingly touch me?
To cover the slight uncharacteristic blush that had jumped to my cheeks, I nuzzled my face into the bed sheets, as if I was sleeping. The hand was pulled away and the bed lifted up as Shortie got up. There was some rustling of fabric, then the soft noise of gauze being unrolled. Curiosity pricked at my stomach. Did he hurt himself somehow?
I slowly rolled over and let go of the pillow. I slid my violet eyes open as if I was waking up to see that Ed was already done with the gauze. He had done quick work of wrapping it up from his hands to his elbows on both arms. Small dots of blood could be seen on his right arm. "Ed? What are you doing?" I whispered, still too out-of-it to put the pieces together.
"Huh?" He glanced at me and paled a little, his golden eyes turning fearful. "I-I was just.... fixing up something. I fell yesterday and scraped both arms."
"Oh. Okay." I just shrugged and yawned a little. Maybe I should sleep, I thought,  but I don’t want him to leave.... Another blush hopped up to my cheeks; I quickly rolled over so Shortie wouldn't see. I forced down my blush and glanced up at Ed. He had pulled his dark grey hoodie back on, tugging at the sleeves a little to cover his hands. The cuffs of the sleeves looked like they were being constantly picked at; there was a homemade thumb hole made on each cuff.
"Tell me about yourself," I commanded, rolling over onto my side with an arm thrown down my body so that my hand rested on my hip. To be honest, I do have a female-like body in some ways. Nice hips and some curves. It doesn't help when I pull my hair back into a ponytail.
"No." Shortie didn't even look at me as he picked at the cuffs.
"Why not?"
"Why won't you shut up?" he shot back.
"It's kinda boring laying in this bed alone." I hid my smirk.
Ed glanced up at me in surprise. His golden eyes sparkled as he thought. "Only if you shut up and go asleep," he muttered at last.
I grinned. "Deal." I held up the sheet so Ed could crawl under it, so he did. Ed visibly stiffened as he laid there, staring at me. I sighed and lightly put my hand on his shoulder. The muscles in his shoulder flinched a little, but Ed was holding back. "Just relax," I whispered, uncharacteristically kind.  
Shortie nodded a bit and relaxed. A small smile and blush crept up on his face. I wasn't expecting that, but I smiled back at him. I shifted closer to him so our knees touched just a little before I closed my eyes.
The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Ed sliding his arms around my neck and shoving his face into my shoulder.  
A few hours later, I opened my eyes to darkness. Ed must have forgotten to wake me up, I thought. Maybe he went home and forgot about me. I went to roll over onto my back but I felt resistance. Arms were around my neck. "Shortie? Why you cuddling me?" I whispered, realizing that he was snuggled against me in a warm embrace.
"Mrff." A low sound came out of him as he slowly woke up. He blinked his golden eyes tiredly and looked at me. His eyes seemed to glow in the darkness.
"Ed, what are you doing?" Why is he touching me? Aren't I the sin, the evil one nobody likes, the jerk that can't be loved? Love… God, that word is overused.
"I was sleeping until you woke me up," he grumbled, pulling back slowly. I was so tempted to reach out and pull him back against me, but for some reason I held back--I never hold back.
I rolled my eyes a little and sat up, looking around in the darkness. I fumbled around until I managed to pull my phone out of my tight jeans. I clicked the home button and my phone turned on with full brightness. It blinded both of us for a minute before I managed to turn down the glow. The time read 4:39. We glanced at each of other. "Shit. We're locked in the school."
We both jumped off of the bed and ran to the walls, running our fingers over the walls to find the light switch. I didn't flinch as I heard the thump and clatter as stuff fell. Once I found the light switch, I flicked it on to see Shortie, face first on the floor with the contents of his bag all over him. He must’ve ran into the bag, which was hanging on the hook by the floor.
A smirk spread across my face as I dissolved into fits of laughter. Damn, Shortie could be amusing.
"Oh shut up," Ed muttered, cleaning up the mess he had made as I calmed down from my laughter.
I smiled, now very giddy. "Come on Ed. We have the school to ourselves. Let's play around." I let out a soft giggle. Once I start laughing, I don't stop. That has made problems in the past, getting all giddy and then breaking something. Another reason I have Russell in my group; he always forces me to calm down.
Ed sighed softly and looked at me. "What kind of playing? I don't want to vandalize the school, but I don't want to... to go h-home..." Ed stuttered at the word home and looked down, clearly uncomfortable.
Noticing but not pushing the issue, I said, "We can go on the streets, then, or go to my place." I quickly grabbed my bag and flung it over my shoulder.
"Your place then, if it's nice," Ed said as he walked to the door and opened it. We quickly left the school and started to walk down the street. We barely talked; the only thing Shortie said was that he had just recently moved.
I climbed up the front steps once we got home and opened the door for Shortie. He nodded thanks and stepped in.
"Welcome to my house, Shortie." I spread my arms out wide and dramatically.
A small snicker could be heard behind me from Ed, obviously amused by my opening. "Your house is big." I glanced at him to see him smiling softly, looking around.
"Envy! You’re home!" Little Wrath ran across the living room and ran towards me. "You're late."
"Yeah. Sorry, Wrath." A face pressed into my shoulder blade. Ed's warm hands gripped at my shirt. "Ed? Something wrong?" I asked, fighting the blush that was rising up my face.
"Why is he dressed like that? Is he your brother?" Ed muttered.
I looked at Wrath up and down for a moment. He was smiling brightly while trying to get a glimpse of Ed. He was wearing a crop shirt and shorts, plus arm gloves, all dark green (like the anime). "Wrath? Why’re you wearing that?"
"Why not? We're at home, aren't we?" He was still trying to get a look at Ed. "You hiding a small girl back there?"
I face-palmed just as Ed shouted, "I'M NOT A WOMAN AND I'M TALLER THAN YOU SO SHUT UP ABOUT IT!"
"Calm down, Ed." I grabbed Shortie's wrist and practically dragged him upstairs.
"Let me get at him!" He struggled against my grip but relaxed and followed me once out of Wrath's sight. Halfway up the stairs, I felt Ed twist his wrist to get out of my grip then, shockingly, slip his hand into mine, twining our fingers. A blush crept up my cheeks again as we made the rest of the way upstairs. Why can't control my face?! Goddammit Ed.
The second door on the left side of the hallway was my room. I opened the door with my free hand. "Here we go, Shortie." It seemed like Ed didn't mind being called Shortie by me, or he was just too focused on looking around my room to notice.
I grinned and looked around as well. Like almost everything else, the room was dark green, red, and black. Posters spanned the walls. At one point in my life (aka a couple years ago), I turned into an anime freak and learned Japanese so I could talk to Ling in his native language. I hid my obsession most of the time. I looked down at the ground in self-consciousness as Shortie looked around.
Shortie glanced back at me. "I like your room," he mumbled a little. He looked around again, then froze at the sight of my manga box. "You know, I never got into anime...."
I let go of his hand and nudged him towards the box. "Start reading then. I'll just be changing into something else and telling Sloth that I'm home."  I quickly grabbed some things and headed out of the room.
I changed in the bathroom. My clothing is kinda like Wrath's, except that I have a skirt instead of shorts. I smirked at my reflection in the mirror and popped a hip.
Once out of the bathroom, I skipped down the stairs two at a time, a joyful hop in each step. I skipped over into the kitchen. "Sloth! I'm home!"
My older sibling looked up from what she was making and flashed a small soft smile at me. "Wrath told me. I'm making dinner. Parents won't be home tonight." Sloth was wearing an apron over a black floor-length slim dress. Her pale brown hair pulled into a loose ponytail over her shoulder in the classic ponytail=early death thing. I've told her many times to change her style but she never listened.
I nodded as she continued, "Wrath also told me that you brought a short girlfriend home."
A frown spread across my lips. "One, he is not a woman, and two, never let him hear you call him short."
Sloth smirked a little. "Oh, how do you KNOW that he's not short and a woman." She wriggled her eyebrows a little.
I instantly went beet red. "SLOTH!"
She giggled softly and continued to make dinner. Wrath hopped into the kitchen and started to help, his dark hair pulled back into a ‘tail so it wouldn't get into the food.
I sighed, bored once again. Everyone seems to ignore my presence. Lust and Greed are always out so Sloth is more like my mother, but she cares for Wrath more. The younger me, (I don't know why, but people keep saying that he’s like mini-me), always gets attention. His cute face and personality always win. Yes, my friends Ling and Russell watch my back, but over the past year it's seemed like they were drifting away from me and more towards each other. So who cares about me now?
I forgot him upstairs in my bedroom. I quickly left the kitchen and went upstairs and into my room. I opened the door to see Ed curled up in my blankets, the manga loose in his hand. It looked like he had fallen asleep after a few pages. "Edward Elric~ Wakey Wakey~" I said in a sing song voice, bending over him.
"...no," he grumbled in his sleep and curled up tighter, letting go of the manga. He pulled the sheets tighter around him.
I sighed and poked him. "Dinner is going to be done soon," I said, continuing to poke.
"Don't care. Too sleepy," he grumbled, not opening his eyes and obviously not wanting to get out of my bed.
I frowned at him. "Fine. Whatever. I'll just eat your share of food," I huffed, and walked out of my room. Shortie doesn't deserve the food Sloth makes if he doesn't have the respect to at least get up and see who she is. I normally wouldn't care, but I have to admit, Sloth's food is good.
Once dinner was finished and ate, I yawned and headed back upstairs with a wave goodnight to Sloth and Wrath. I pushed open my bedroom door to find that Shortie had thrown off his pants and shirt (leaving the sweatshirt on) and continued to sleep, his hair now down. I let out a soft groan. Damn, this kid could adjust to someone else's home fast.
I looked around my room and sighed. I wasn't going to sleep on the couch, that was for sure. Hopefully Shortie didn’t mind sleeping next to someone else.
I slipped off my own clothes. I would’ve kept my clothes on, but Ed had stripped, so why shouldn't I? My gaze flicked over to Edward then down at myself. My whole body seem to flush as I thought of something that I shouldn't have, forcing me to look away. Does Ed like guys, does he care that I slept next to him? The way he acted around me was giving off the vibe that he liked guys. Or was it just because I look kinda like a girl in some aspects? I bit my lip a little and slid under the covers next to him. I blushed again and rolled over so my back was facing him, so I wasn’t looking at him.
I stared out the window, not able to sleep. My nerves were hypersensitive to the boy sleeping next to me, my ears sharp and perking up at every breath he takes. I tried to turn off my thoughts as I stared outside at the sparkling night sky. The moon was blinding white. For the past week it had been covered with clouds for some odd reason, but tonight it was different.
"...Envy..." I heard the Shortie say my name. I would never had heard it if the whole house wasn't silent like it was then. I was about to turn around when I felt him pressed up against my back, his breathing tickling the back of my neck, making me freeze. So I just laid there, stiff and afraid to move for the rest of the night.
I was still awake that morning, sun now flowing out of the window. Ed had slipped his arms around me during the night, as if he was hugging me. A blush was still plastered across my cheeks. I normally would have been enjoying this, but I had no idea why Ed was acting like this. Usually there’s a reason, but the boy seemed just to do stuff and not care if he was bothering the other person. I so wanted to roll over and cuddle the Shortie to my chest, but what if Sloth walked in? Or even worse, Wrath. Sloth wakes me up most mornings but she hadn't come in today, probably respecting my privacy with when I was with Ed.
I began to get frustrated and poked Shortie's shoulder. "Wake up. It's time for school."
The arms around me tightened for a moment, then loosened as he woke up. "Hm... What?" I felt him nuzzle my hair for a moment before pulling back and sitting up. I let out a sigh of relief and sat up as well. "We have to get ready for school." I slid off of my bed and pushed stuff around in my drawer, looking for something to wear. Once I found the things I was looking for, I turned back around and faced Ed. "You have to wear what you have unless you want to shimmy into Wrath's clothes." I let out a smirk. "You're just small enough that you might fit."
"HEY! I'M NOT THAT SM-" I shut the door behind me as I left to change in the bathroom again, cutting off Ed's shouts.
I took a quick shower, trying not to take too long. My eyes began to droop and I got out of the shower. I was really tired! I tried splashing water on my face, which didn't do anything. I shouldn't have slept with Shortie! Now I was going to keep falling asleep all day and have to go back to the clinic… not like I cared or anything, but Ed would follow me there anyways. That kid was pretty clingy, and I couldn’t seem to shake him off for some reason.
I finished up in the bathroom and bounced, kinda sideways due to tiredness, down the stairs and into the kitchen. I saw that Ed was already sitting at the table. He was dressed in Wrath's clothes, a dark top with jeans. His familiar sweatshirt was still on and his hair was rebraided. His head jerked up as he saw me walk in, a smile spreading across his face. I forced a small smile and I sat next to him. Wrath and Sloth were sitting across from us. By the looks of it, Ed had introduced himself to Sloth already. I started to eat the food in front of me, without saying a single “good morning.”
I heard Sloth sigh and say towards me, "Mother and Father aren't back yet."
"Not like I care. They’re always out doing 'stuff’ alone together,” I said, using finger quotation marks, “clearly not caring about us."
Sloth nodded while Ed looked at me, confused. "I'll explain later," I grumbled at him, still eating. Ed had placed his fork down and just sat there. I glanced up at him. He had a small frown on his face, looking at his plate. "What's wrong?" I asked him.
"I can't finish this," he said in a very small voice.
Sloth shrugged. "You don't have to."
"But you made it for me," Shortie kept saying softly.
I frowned. "It's fine. Sloth does--"
"ENVY! Your girlfriend doesn't want to eat because she doesn't want to get fat." Wrath smirked at me from across the table, wriggling his eyebrows.
Anger flared up in me as I growled at him. "He's not a girl. He's a guy," just as Ed shouted, "I'M NOT A WOMAN!"
Wrath laughed, but he shut up as Sloth batted him on the back of the head. "Anyways," Sloth shot Wrath a glare, "why do you look so tired Envy?"
I shrugged and scarfed down the rest of my food quickly while Ed gave me a strange look, as if asking me the same thing. "Oh! Look at the time. We might be late for school!" I cried out pointedly at Ed, meaning to say, "I'm fucking done with this conversation.”
"O-ok." Shortie glanced at his plate of food before getting up and fetching his bags.
Sloth bathed us in goodbyes as Ed and I made it out the door. "Phew." I let out a breath of relief and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I clicked a few buttons on it until finding Ling's contact and called him. I watched Ed sit down and wrap his arms around his knees as Ling's phone ringed. Shortie's face was facing down at the ground, a mixture of a frown and a smile on his face. This confused me so greatly that I didn't hear that Ling has picked up until the third yell of, "HELLO?!"
"Hey Ling. I need a ride."
"You have that little friend of yours with you, don't you?" Ling said, a knowing sigh in his voice.
"It's not like that! But yeah. Shortie [Ed: IM NOT SHORT DUMBASS] is here." I smirked a little at his screams.
"I'll be right there." Ling hung up the phone with a loud click. I plopped down onto the ground next to Ed.
"You two have to sit together." I stared at the car as Russell laughed at me. The car was full except for the front seat. Ling was driving, and the three back seats were full with Russell, Winry and Rose. Fuck. Why this?! I was mentally fuming. Why the hell did he pick up all of our friends? Was he trying to embarrass us?
Ed looked up at the people the car, stiffly standing next to me. I watched him relax slowly once looking at who was packed into the car. I let out a sigh. "Fine." Grumbling, I threw our bags into the trunk then plopped down into the passenger seat. "Come on, Shortie."
Shortie shot me a glare then walked over to the car slowly. He bit his lip a little and sat down gently onto my lap, shifting a little so his back was pressed against my chest. His head came up to just under my chin, so I could’ve easily shoved my nose into his golden hair. Both of our cheeks lit up as Ling snickered. I reached over and shut the door just as Ling began to drive off.
"Hi Eddy!" Winry said, smiling.
"Don't call me Eddy! It's Ed!" Shortie protested in my lap, obviously upset at the nickname, but he calmed down. "Hi..... Sorry, I don't know your names."
I wound my arms around Ed as my friends introduced themselves. He seemed not to notice, so I took that as a good sign. Oh God, I was tired. I dipped my head and rested my forehead on his shoulder. Maybe I could get a few moments of rest before we got to school….
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