Okay so rant about the doctors time
So I’ve been trying to find anxiety meds that actually work for me and I ended up trying two that both gave me panic attacks from nightmares and as someone who has NEVER dreamed and only got nightmares like ONCE a year at the most it was happening every single night and I ended up not sleeping properly for a month until they finally let me change meds
And the meds I’m on now are fine but are at too low a dose but the doctors are all fuckin useless and just want you to go to therapy and magically be fixed and never need meds so they try every single time to get you off of them and it’s super fuckin exhausting because my anxiety is making me try and get out of there as soon as possible so I just don’t argue and take what I’m given which is why my meds now aren’t strong enough
So my mum (my life saver) has permission to speak on my behalf because my anxiety is too bad to answer phone calls and shit and we asked to change the main number to her number because they still kept trying to ring me because they’re all fuckin idiots. Anyways just found out today that apparently they didn’t even add her number as an alternate number to ring let alone the main number they should ring so I’m fuckin PISSED and THEN they have the AUDACITY to say they can’t change the number to her number without my written permission for some fuckin reason when WE ALREADY FUCKIN DID ALL OF THAT AND THEY’RE THE ONES WHO DIDN’T FUCKIN DO ANYTHING WHEN WE ASKED THEM TO!!!!
And I’m so fuckin exhausted and just want to take a nap but I can’t because there’s still a chance they’ll fuckin ring my number because they’re all fuckin IDIOTS who NEVER FUCKIN LISTEN
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