#“Amana is abusing wooly because shes evil”
hamsamwich23 · 1 year
No offense but I find the fact that people call Wooly and Amanda "Abusers" or "Agressors" weird because these are literal children
Yes, Wooly trying to follow the script isn't helping them out, Amanda's actions get progressively more terrifying because she's desperate to get out of the tape..
But they're not abusers????? They're literally kids. Children that are trapped in nightmare tapes haunted by the fact that they're dead and this is their life for all eternity unless they can find some way out.
And even if wooly is a 'Sentient AI' as people have been theorizing he'd still the ai of a child,
and they CLEARLY care about each other. Theyre clearly friends. Even if the behavior is off.
But the more one denies being dead/trapped to play along (potentially out of fear) and the other wants to break the script to get them m(maybe both of them) out it doesn't mix good
Neither of their actions are excused of course, not saying what they did was right (because both of their actions regarding being trapped have flaws) but they aren't "abusers". They're kids trapped in a horrible situation. They're most likely victims of the actual tormentors.
Which, of course, would be the people at Hameln
(More notes in the posts tags)
Edit: more of me talking about this in reblogs!
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