#“Captain of Skarlow’’ sounds dope and will be my new subtitle for every account I make.
How does it feel to be the captain of skarlow?
Heh. I like that. “The Captain of Skarlow.” Almost like a Star Trek rank title, like I run a spaceship.
Sadly, if I had to describe it in one word, the best I can think to use often is ‘Lonely.’ I’ve got Q, my co-author, with me, and we talk about it all the time, but it often feels like we’re kinda steering this whole thing on our own. LatinComrade (formerly AWeirdLatina) did some INCREDIBLE art for it, but that seems like a lifetime ago. If I remember correctly, the last time she posted something with either character was an emo Skunter piece she did for a friend. It’s hard not to feel a bit let down when MorningMark, one of the biggest names in the fandom, hinted for months at being a fellow Skarlow shipper, only to go all-in on Huntlow (worst timeline; his last Skarlow related content is an angst comic about Huntlow dating while Skara cries about it). And with “Any Sport” providing pretty much 0 Skarlow moments, all but confirming at least one-sided Huntlow, and even starting a new minor Skara ship in the form of Skiney (is that what you call Skara x Viney?), it’s… not always been easy.
Sometimes it’s hard to feel like there’s really anyone else making Skarlow related content outside of the artists I commission. And it can be discouraging, I admit. But sometimes I find a piece of Skarlow art on insta from an artist I’ve never heard of, or a new Skarlow related fic pops up on AO3, and a small part of me hopes that this is a fellow Skarlow that got roped in thanks to a commission or, better yet, Guitar Strings. Heck, I even made a nice, honest friend over Skarlow even a while back, so that was nice.
Skarlow is a small ship, and one that’s been a bit of a rocky ride. But it’s one I’m overall happy to be on, and I’m glad for anyone else who decides to join me on it. And hey, if you’ve made Skarlow content like art or fics, or know of any good Skarlow stuff, send it my way. I think I’m gonna try to showcase more of it, help Skarlow fans feel a bit more connected.
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