#“Panama is in crisis? Perfect moment for us to enter!!”
1st-worldsaver · 5 months
On a different note, feeling absolute despair over the nicaraguan government reviving the rainforest-flooding environmentally disastrous dead project that is the interoceanic canal, as if the Panama canal isn't literally in crisis right at this very moment because of droughts
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Decade 2010-2019
- 2010 
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JAN 1, 2010 Canon announced the largest CMOS image sensor ever made. The new sensor measures 202mm by 205mm. It is about 40 times the size of full-frame image sensor and is capable of capturing images using 1/100 of the light a normal professional DSLR. This means that the new sensor is capable of capturing 60 fps video at the unbelievable light level of 0.3 lux. Canon's new an important milestone in the world of digital photography.
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- U.S. President Barack Obama honours Kodak's Steven Sasson, inventor of the digital camera, with the National Medal of Technology at the White House in Washington November 17, 2010. 
- 2011 
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2011 – Lytro releases the first pocket-sized consumer light-field camera, capable of refocusing images after they are taken.                                         A light field camera, also known as plenoptic camera, captures information about the light field emanating from a scene; that is, the intensity of light in a scene, and also the direction that the light rays are traveling in space. This contrasts with a conventional camera, which records only light intensity.
One type of light field camera uses an array of micro-lenses placed in front of an otherwise conventional image sensor to sense intensity, color, and directional information. Multi-camera arrays are another type of light field camera. Holograms are a type of film-based light field image.
- 2012
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JAN 1, 2012 Panasonic LUMIX G Lens for Micro Four Thirds                            This Technique has micro four third mount, 2 aspheric lens elements and minimum focus distance. In addition, it is awesome little lens, perfect prime, fast, sharp, and so on. Also, this lens is lightweight and fast/accurate image. To many photographers, it is an essential lens. It is recommended to used in the conditions like low light, night, landscape/scenery, weddings.
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JAN 1, 2013 Sony’s ‘Smart Skin’ Camera Can See Zits Before They Appear. SSKEP (Smart Skin Evaluation Program), is a highly accurate, high speed technology for analyzing various elements of the skin, including texture, pores, brightness and coloring. Furthermore, pigmentation on and beneath the surface of the skin can be viewed by conducting pixel-by-pixel analysis of melanin in the skin, thus enabling information to be obtained about non-visible skin. 
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MAR 9, 2014Kodak Color Negative Film                                                    Kodak introduced Kodacolor, the first color reversal (negative) film, enabling color prints to be made.
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A nocturnal image showing a man passing a baby through a barbed wire fence on the Serbia-Hungary border, namely between Horgoš (Serbia) and Röszke (Hungary).
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The winning photo of 2016 Description: The photo shows police officer Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş standing next to Andrei Karlov, the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, moments after he shot him in the back. Altıntaş shot Karlov to protest Russia's involvement in the Syrian Civil War.
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The winning photo of 2017 Description: José Salazar, 28, catches fire amid violent clashes with riot police during a protest against president Nicolás Maduro, in Caracas, Venezuela. Salazar was set alight when the gas tank of a motorbike exploded. He survived the incident with first and second-degree burns. President Maduro had announced plans to revise Venezuela’s democratic system by forming a constituent assembly to replace the opposition-led National Assembly.
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2018 – Kodak resumes the production of Ektachrome film.
What else Happened ? 
Haiti is struck by a devastating earthquake | The longest solar eclipse of the 3rd millennium occurs | Apple debuts the iPad | The Constellation Program is essentially cancelled | The worst marine environmental disaster in US history | Scientists create synthetic life | One-fifth of Pakistan is flooded | Solar power is plunging in cost
Japan is devastated by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami | The death of Osama bin Laden | Worsening economic crisis in Greece | The world's first synthetic organ transplant | South Sudan becomes an independent nation | The Space Shuttle fleet is retired | Global population reaches 7bn | USB 3.0 is widely available | 22 nanometre chips enter mass production
The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II | Euro 2012 is held in Poland and Ukraine | London hosts the Olympic Games | Mars Science Laboratory explores the Red Planet | Voyager I crosses the heliopause | Windows 8 is released | Quad-core smartphones and tablets | Nintendo launches the Wii U | The Abraj Al-Bait Towers are completed in Mecca
North Korea conducts its third nuclear test | A meteor explodes over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk | The first creation of human embryonic stem cells by cloning| The NSA documents are leaked | Birth of a royal baby | China overtakes the USA in scientific research | The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) is launched by NASA | The first gene therapy in the Western world
Latvia joins the eurozone | The first gay marriages are held in England and Wales | Google Glass is launched to the public | Brazil hosts the FIFA World Cup | The 100th anniversary of World War I | 14 nanometre chips are released | Scotland votes "no" to independence | The MAVEN probe arrives at Mars | India's first Mars mission | The global average Internet connection is broadband | A comet passes extremely close to Mars.
Lithuania joins the Eurozone | The Eurasian Union is formed | Expo 2015 is held in Milan, Italy | The Large Hadron Collider reaches its maximum operating power| The first self-regulating artificial heart | A new generation of hi-tech supercarriers | Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reigning monarch in British history | Personal biometric scanners for online banking
Completion of the Panama Canal expansion project | Microchipping of all dogs in England | Euro 2016 is held in France | Rio de Janeiro hosts the Olympic Games | Supercomputers reach 100 petaflops | The Juno probe arrives at Jupiter | The world's largest single-aperture telescope is completed in China | The mining industry is highly automated | Agricultural robots are increasingly common on farms
Total solar eclipse in the US | The JFK files are released | Sales of electric and hybrid trucks reach 100,000 annually | 10 nanometre chips enter mass production | Web-connected video devices exceed the global population | Electronic paper is seeing widespread use | Wireless, implantable devices that monitor health conditions in real time | A new treatment for prostate cancer
South Korean city Pyeongchang hosts the Winter Olympics | Launch of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) | Russia hosts the FIFA World Cup | East Africa's largest ever infrastructure project | The Japanese Hayabusa-2 probe arrives at 1999 JU3 | The Transbay Transit Center is opened in San Francisco | The NHS begins high-energy proton therapy in England
The New Horizons probe arrives at Kuiper Belt Object 2014 MU69 | US copyright begins to expire, starting with all works from 1923 | Jair Bolsonaro becomes President of Brazil | The first soft landing on the far side of the Moon | The Emperor of Japan abdicates | Europe's Galileo satellite navigation system is fully operational | Connected vehicle technology is being deployed in a number of countries
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