#“Sucker for Pain” is a particularly amusing example of this
taliesin-the-bored · 3 months
At this point, my categorized Arthurian theme song list has spiraled entirely beyond reasonable proportions. If it’s taught me anything, it’s that at least two thirds of Imagine Dragons’ songs seem like they could be about Mordred.
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narrators-journal · 3 years
The most dangerous game
I know I’ve been hella dead, but I return with my usual! Stano smut! I dunno why I adore writing these two so much, but I guess I’m attached, so yeah. Ya’ll get content.
CW: Predator/prey vibes, Xeno gets chased but there’s no real big acknowledgement of it.
It was likely because Xeno had developed a persistently wonky sleep schedule that he got so many night time jobs. That, he supposed, was why he was once again out at night hunting another Vampire, despite having told his boss of his run-in with a particularly pretty vampire. However, at the moment, Xeno somewhat wished he was dealing with Stan instead. At least with him he could rely on his need to flirt and toy with him to give him away. But no, the scientist wasn't hunting Stanley, but instead a completely different vampire who was proving his dislike for hunting the blood sucking monsters. Taking advantage of how dark the night was, the human's weaker vision, and whatever ninja techniques he had learned from the internet, the young vampire had hidden annoyingly well in the thick blanket of shadows and clutter on the streets. So, the white-haired college graduate was poking around at every rock and thicket of grass or bushes along the sidewalk before the boiling irritation in his veins got to be too much and he let out a mix of a groan and a scream like a tea pot. Stomping over to one of the few flickering street lights on the road, the hunter stood in the light and dug out his knife, then used it to slash at his stomach to fill the air with the alluring scent of fresh blood. With a pained hiss and the new wet feeling of blood dripping sluggishly down his pale skin, the trap was set, and all the hunter had to do was wait for the shallow cut to work its magic. Which, didn't take long. All Xeno had time to do was get one of his metal stakes from his pocket and extend it, then he was set upon by the vampiric ninja-wannabe. However, despite his skill at stealth, the vampire was young in both a human and vampire sense. Freshly turned at a young age, he'd become a problem because he had yet to grow out of his pubescent hormones quite yet, and giving him a predatory draw and increased strength had only encouraged him to turn hard into the bad boy persona. Sadly, being a new vampire wasn't all improvements. It also meant an increased hunger and little control of your newfound strength. Which is what had led the young man to be targetted by the monster hunter association, and swiftly wiped out by a stake through the throat via Xeno Wingfield. With a grunt, the monster hunter threw the freshly dead young man to the sidewalk, wincing at the burning and itching sting bending down to yank the stake from his throat brought to his stomach. For a moment or so, he felt bad for the creature. He'd been young, and he'd let his newfound powers obviously go to his head after a lifetime diet of anime and movies, the silver haired hunter could understand his over excitement, but he also had little to no patience for dumbasses who couldn't register that they weren't in Naruto. So, his sympathy was brief, and he was soon just dragging the young creature's corpse into some bushes and calling the cleaning crew to come collect him. Then. He spoke.           "God damn, Doll. You're quite attractive when you're being lethal." Stan hummed, hopping down from his hiding spot in a nearby tree and giving the hunter a charming smile that he refused to admit brought a little heat to his face.         "Oh, so you're just gonna become a full blown stalker now? Did you follow me from my house, or was this another 'coincidental' run-in." Xeno's words dripped with sarcasm and venom, but the vampire simply rolled his glacial blue eyes,          "Actually, I'm here because I smelled fresh blood," At the mention of fresh blood, the scientist glanced down at his work shirt, spotting the tiny stain of blood his cut had left,          "Oh." He inwardly winced at how disappointed he sounded, but tried to recover with a sniff, "I had trouble luring the bastard out. It was quite the shock for me to find out that not every vampire would want to chase me down and prowl around my house for the entire fucking night." Stan simply snorted, fishing out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one before he spoke again,          "Nah, that's just my thing, doll,"         "Quit calling me doll! You have my name now, fucking quit." The vampire put his hands up in mock surrender, though his smirk didn't falter under the scientist's withering glare. For a moment, they simply stood in the cool night's darkness, the hunter with his arms crossed and dark eyes narrowed, and the vampire returning his malicious look with his own nonchalant, half-lidded one while he breathed whispy smoke from his dark mouth. Both men seemed to dare the other to say something or do anything, each looking for an excuse to make some sort of contact until the smaller male spoke again,           "Are you expecting me to run away? Because I told you the first time we met, I'm not likely to do that," He huffed, but Stan simply shrugged,           "I'm just messing with ya, doesn't matter to me if you run or not." He grinned more at the lightning fast moment of irritation on Xeno's face, but the hunter schooled his facial features back into their usual disdain-filled glare, only broiling with frustration on the inside. He hated this man's relaxed demeanor. He was a monster hunter, the tall, hypnotically pretty predator should be avoiding him at all costs. Yet here he was, needling at him as if he couldn't end him just as quickly as he had the younger blood sucker. Okay, well, not as quickly. Stanley had a good four inches on the monster hunter at least, and had a body that had been frozen at the prime of his life, toned and pruned like an artfully shaped shrub through the years into a gorgeous, powerful example of why humans were the apex predators of the world. Or, well, they were, but with his change into the more monstrous his status as the perfect predator had only increased. Stan was perfectly built to hunt humans. Not only did he have a supernatural magnetic beauty to him, but he'd been human, so he knew how humans behave first hand. He was a nightmarish wet dream. Xeno gave his head a good shake to banish those thoughts from his mind when he realized he was looking the vampire over with the hunger of a sugar baby sizing up their next piggy bank.           "Hey, Xeno," Stan hummed, but the hunter refused to look back at the man, which he simply took as a greenlight to continue, "you wanna play our little game tonight?" The hunter snorted in response, staring off into the darkness while his cheeks cooled,           "I thought you were only here to bother me, not play a game of fucked up tag," He said calmly, only looked back at the man when he heard him walking closer, only stopping when he was about two feet away, maybe within reach, a grin on his pretty face,           "Well, I thought it'd be a bit more polite to offer that rather than just asking if I could drink your blood outright." he reasoned, amused at the edge of poutiness that he seemed to sniff out through the veil of aloof indifference the hunter spoke with.            "No thanks to either offer, I don't want to be chased tonight." Xeno sniffed in response, simply adding a thicker layer of ill temper to cover how excited he was at the thought of being pursued a second time. The first time had, admittedly, given him a thrill, but he wasn't ready to voice such to the annoying vampire in front of him. However, Stan seemed to have picked up on his kryptonite from that first round,              "But aren't you curious to see what happens when you add the scent of blood to the mix?" The purr in the man's voice annoyed Xeno immensely, but the thought of maybe learning just how sensitive vampire instincts were, and how quickly one would succumb to them. Obviously young vampires are more prone to being controlled by their need to feed, but Stanley isn't a new vampire, that curious voice mused, already setting Xeno on a very likely stupid and dangerous path, It'd be immensely helpful to know just how easy it is to bring out those base urges in him. If he's going to follow you around it's best to know what to avoid so he doesn't go feral. It further encouraged, stoking the flames of the scientist's natural curiosity until he hummed,              "I suppose it would be useful for the association to know exactly what triggers a vampire to go into a frenzy of some sort. Fine." The vampire grinned at that,             "You do know that I can't promise my feeding instinct is the only one that'll come to the surface," he pointed out, making Xeno blink and raise an eyebrow at him,             "What? Why would any other instinct come into play?" turning red as Stan laughed,               "Well, in simple terms, I find you too attractive to promise that when I catch you I'd only want to drink your blood~" Xeno's face warmed up more at that, getting huffy and tripping over his words in his rush to snap at him.               "You can have a five minute head start, just like last time," he simply assured, "Just need a bit of blood, because your original scratch has closed," He laughed more when Xeno pulled up his shirt to see that his shallow cut from earlier had in fact begun to heal, no longer bleeding and instead beginning to scab over. The hunter only responded with a glare at that point as he plucked his knife from the sidewalk where he'd dropped it and wiped it off before leaving another cut along his stomach, this one a bit deeper than the first, but not enough to linger for more than a day or two. With that, Stan gave him a charming smile that showed his extending fangs, his blue eyes already getting a hungry gleam to them. So, without further conversation, Xeno took off down the street. The cuts on his stomach stung and itched more from his running, but he pressed on. His main concern was regulating his breathing and energy so that he could get as far away from the vampire as he could in his small window of time. Naturally, his plan wasn't to just run in a straight line and wait to be caught, not only would that likely be dangerous, as a vampire in a feeding frenzy was much more violent, but was less likely to fulfill the goal of bringing those deadly instincts to the surface at all. So, instead, he sought out other people, a crowded area, maybe a shop, that way it wasn't as easy for the predator to catch up to him. This is insanely stupid, that voice of reason finally spoke up, not only am I playing with fire by instigating an instinctual reaction, but I am woefully under prepared to run from Stan. He realized, filling his veins with icy terror when the weight of his situation fully sunk in, The first time we did this I barely survive on pure panic and him toying with me. If he really loses his shit and goes into a frenzy, I can't outrun him. The reality of the thought hurt, but it was sorely true. Despite all of his training as a monster hunter, Xeno had never been one for good cardio, namely in the stamina category. He relied on his wits and pure speed, not his ability to maintain those speedy response times or pace for long periods. but it's too late now, he reminded himself, thinking back to the way the vampire's fangs had extended so soon after he'd given him a fresh source of scent. Nope, he couldn't chicken out now. He had no choice but to stick to his plan and push the panic and fear aside. Instead, he simply focused on the route ahead of him and locked onto the light of a store further down the street, which he headed for instantly. The bright, artificial light blinded the pale scientist for a moment when he stumbled into the store, but he was swift to regain his barrings and dash down the aisles and through the crowds of night owls and whatnot that were still up at this hour. He knew that his five minutes had ended a minute or so before. Meaning he didn't have long before the vampire would be on his ass. So, thinking quickly, he swiped his hand over his wounds, then smeared the blood on his palm onto the tile flooring in an aisle. Once he had that down, Xeno ran off deeper into the store. He had very few places to hide. The bathroom was basically a dead end with no windows and only one door, he couldn't climb up the shelves or to the rafters in a timely manner, so he forwent that plan. Instead, he did the next best thing. leaving as distracting a trail as possible before bolting out one of the fire exits.            "Shit," he wheezed when the fire exit triggered a screaming alarm through out the store. If Stan was in there, he'd definitely know he got out now, but that only meant the scientist had less time to think of such things. He had to focus on running. So, Xeno ignored the way his legs throbbed, and his lungs ached from gulping down the cold night air. He focused entirely on getting home, or at least to a more residential area. He could feel his limbs getting heavier, threatening more and more to give out with each step, but his grit his teeth and bared it until the threat became reality and the asphalt bit into his skin. And there he laid for a few seconds, gasping for air and scraping up as much energy as he could to push himself to his feet. As he did, he glanced back down the street, and sure enough. Stanley was coming out of the alley Xeno'd run out of, his glowing blue eyes locking onto the scientist in an instant. With another curse spat out through gritted teeth, Xeno took off again. His legs still screamed from exhaustion, and now his hands stung viciously from the fall, but he kept going. He could hear Stan closing in on him, which gave him a final burst of frantic energy that carried him to at least the park near his home before the vampire finally tackled him to the grass. The scientist could only wheeze in response, letting the vampire crush against him and push his face into his pale neck with a growl. That seemed to snap him out of the exhaustion cloud, and in an instant, Xeno was squirming and forcing himself up once again. The only way he managed it was because the vampire was taken by surprise, so he was able to slip from his grasp and scramble up, but he only got a few more steps before he had to lean against a tree for support so that his legs didn't crumble a third time. Then, just as quickly as he'd gotten away, Xeno was back in Stan's luke-warm arms, trapped against his needlessly heaving chest with his fangs hovering over his jugular once more. However, he didn't bite down. To the contrary, the feral vampire seemed to hesitate for a moment, seemingly weighing his options of what to do with the hunter before settling on a choice and swiftly switching to almost slamming him against the nearest tree.           "S-Stanley!" The hunter wheezed, more surprised then anything, pushing back so that his face at least wasn't forced into the course bark and he could look back to try and see the blonde behind him. Said blonde was keeping him in place with a hand on one of his shoulders, looking Xeno in the eye and almost relishing the dawning realization that painted his pale cheeks before he used his free hand to hook into his pants and tug them down pretty roughly. Then, he was back at the man's neck, but this time he bit with his blunter teeth, sucking at the skin until Xeno's mewls and hums were pulled out and he was satisfied with the hickey he'd left. The scientist, meanwhile was a bit ashamed of how quickly he accepted the turn of events. He tried to save some face by muffling the noises bubbling in his throat, but Stan's mouth at his neck, paired with the way he ground his groin into his now-bear rear drug a few noises out. Though, it also bat back the fog of hormones and lust long enough for the hunter to realize that he was very likely to get hurt if he didn't intervene. So, he whined and reached up to tangle his fingers in Stan's messy hair, tugging at it until he finally relinquished his throat from the second hickey he was dedicated on leaving. Carefully, Xeno turned himself around with what little room he was permitted between the vampire's muscular chest and the much-less-forgiving tree. Once they were face to face though, the college graduate's brain no longer seemed to work, so, the two simply stood there, panting a bit from the chase, before he finally gave up on using words and instead simply sunk down to his knees. Keeping his eyes glued to the glowing blue pair above him as he went. Luckily enough for him, his actions at least intrigued the vampire, because he was allowed to tug his bottoms down just enough for his member to spring free, which earned him a noise somewhere between a growl and a hum. With Stan's pants down and his member now standing erect in front of him, Xeno hesitated. Should it matter if I'm any good at this sort of shit? I just need some sort of lubrication, and he shouldn't really care about anything beyond...mating, so surely he won't give a shit, right? He asked himself, puzzling over the predicament before Stan reached down to grab onto his shirt, reminding the scientist of his lack of patience. So, Xeno threw his insecurities to the wind and grabbed onto the base of the shaft so he could slip Stan's impatient member into his mouth. The vampire moaned in response, and Xeno took that as a sign that he'd bought a bit more time for himself. So, he slowed down, bobbing his head at a medium sort of pace to work himself up to taking as much of the length as he could, which, thankfully for him, was almost all of it thanks to years of speed-drinking coffee and energy drinks and eating at record speeds in college. He also found that once he actually got to moving, the embarrassment of his lack of skills faded away, and part of him simply enjoyed the groans he got out of Stan while he moved his lips up and down him at a steady pace. He simply continued to work him as much as he could until the vampire let out a little hiss and gripped onto the scientist's shirt until he pulled away and let his throbbing member go with a coy 'pop'. Suddenly, Xeno was yanked back to his feet and whirled around again to be slammed back into the tree. His pants were tugged down once more and his feet were kicked apart in rapid succession so the monster hunter only got a moment's break before Stan pushed into him. And while it hurt still, the white-haired man found that he didn't mind as much. As the vampire began thrusting into him, one hand clawing into his hip, the other on his shoulder, Xeno moaned out curses and did his best to grab onto the tree or Stan's neck to keep steady under the merciless thrusts of the blonde. It was shameful how hot his body got, but with how Stan was hitting that sweetspot within Xeno, his face back to being buried in his neck for more marks, Xeno couldn't care less.        "Mmmm, fuck! ah, r-right there, please!" he plead, tangling his fingers back into Stan's hair as he moaned, giving another lewd noise when his pursuer did as he asked, swiftly learning that doing so got more needy noises from the hormone-addled hunter. With that, Xeno lost all coherency as euphoria further fogged his mind, and soon brought him to his peak with a whine of the vampire's name. Though, Stan didn't stop when Xeno came, he just kept thrusting into him, still flooding his pale body with more and more pleasure while his hot puffs of breath tickled his hickey-littered neck. The continued rough treatment was beginning to sting, but the edge of pain only seemed to bolster Xeno's pleasure back to its peak, pushing a second orgasm from him before Stan finally grew sloppy with his thrusts and soon gave one final movement before emptying himself into the hunter. After that, the monster hunter let himself melt against the tree, relying on Stanley to hold him up because he was on the verge of passing out after that night's activities. The last thing Xeno remembered was giving a thumbs up to what he assumed was the question 'are you okay'. Then, he let his exhaustion take him into dreamland.
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thehuggamugcafe · 6 years
Wammy’s ABCs: A
They say a sucker was born every minute. If that sentiment held any truth to it, then perhaps it was safe to assume that a troublemaker was born every half-minute. A troublemaker with an exceptional intelligence, however, only served to increase the amount of stress, headaches, and heated tempers by tenfold. A was a primary example of this.
A was smart. Undeniably smart. He also loved to brag. His pride in his intellect and knowledge surpassed many lower-ranked orphans of our home sweet home, Wammy’s. So much that each day at dinner time, he would be found loudly explaining that he was able to read before he could walk. By the time he was five he was able to read and complete advanced subjects, effortlessly. Or so he claimed. That was another thing about A: he was a natural-born liar. 
He fibbed about everything: his grades, who he hung out with, his favorite teachers, the subjects he excelled in. Everything. You name it, he was dishonest about it. He was a troublemaker, likely the relative of a mischief-maker or a criminal. So it was no surprise that hardly a day went by without something destroyed or pried apart, inspected, and fiddled with so something spilled or flooded.
By the time his eleventh birthday rolled around on Old Christmas Day, he was notorious for many cruel jokes and pranks; whenever he was bored, he’d start with something small: spilling bagfuls of marbles in the hallways, greasing door handles with Vaseline, or putting fire crackers in the staff bathrooms. He’d booby-trap our doors so that when a person opened their doors in the morning, a bucketful of liquid of some kind–water or, if he was feeling particularly fiendish, animal blood–would splash on their head.
Once he even tricked a couple of his so-called ‘friends’ into a prank.
It was the day before my birthday, on a day much like when I had arrived, sunny with unbearable heat. It was a scorcher, and out of the blue, A popped out of a classroom and invited me to go swimming in the pool house near the biology classrooms outside. Being a gullible child of five-going-on-six, I accepted without even thinking. To make a long story short: I should have known better. My view on others wasn’t enough to shake a stick at, and I almost paid the price.
If A hadn’t gotten cold feet at the last second and pulled my wailing, shivering self out of the pool, I would not be able to write this now. I suppose even people like him have their own limits. To this day I still don’t understand why he did it.
Maybe it was because he would get expelled if I died as a result of his cruel joke. If not expelled, then he would get in trouble or risk expulsion, at the very least. Whatever his reasoning behind it, it couldn’t have been because of me. To him I was always an insect that scurried beneath his sneakers, just waiting to be crushed by his weight–but I always wondered something: Did he save me for his own amusement?
What was going through your head, A?
Roger found out. He had to, you understand; they didn’t vocalize names, but Roger had orphans that served as his ears and eyes at Wammy’s. A was punished, along with his other conspirators: D, G, and X. No dessert privileges for two months. Leisure activities were out of the question until further notice. Dinnertime was cut to half its original time. Their workload was doubled, sometimes tripled depending on Roger’s mood.
A month into A’s punishment, I went to look for him, to ask him why he saved me; it seemed ridiculous, absurd really. As a six-year-old, I couldn’t help the curiosity nagging at me inside. I looked everywhere I could think of, but to no avail. Wherever A was, he simply didn’t want to be found. R was the one who found the textbooks, worksheets, and writing utensils left untouched at A’s place in the far back, near the philosophy section in the library.
Hardly anyone, especially Roger, put much thought behind this. Sometimes I find myself wondering if the ceaseless pressure of trying to succeed L, to be worthy to succeed him, caused all of us to grow up a little too fast. A soon stopped speaking entirely. This was the first sign. A loud, attention-seeking chatterbox doesn’t usually decide to stop communicating altogether within a few days.
The second sign? He studied constantly. Whatever new assignments Roger tossed at him, A would immediately tear the book open, brown eyes hungrily devouring the small words, answering question after question. Then he would demand harder assignments.
The third sign? His nutritional intake. On a daily basis, even when he was called down to the dining hall to eat, he would come downstairs, albeit reluctantly. If not, a staff member would have to drag him down. Afterwards he would leave, his bland meal barely touched. I can still remember how bony his hands looked whenever he actually decided to force food past his mouth...
The fourth sign? He rarely slept. Most days he managed to get by with three hours of sleep, maybe four. A week went by, and he had twenty-one hours of sleep the whole time, so it was inevitable that he would start to show the signs of insomnia.
Weight loss. Insomnia. Studying. Loss of all forms of communication. All of these I understood, but I was never good at putting two and two together right away. I never did diagnose A’s symptoms properly; I merely chalked it up as bottled stress. Give it a few days, and A would be back to his old self.
He didn’t. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t. A would never come back.
M, B, R, and S were the ones who found him in the pool house. Staff members were notified of it, eventually. Until they arrived, more orphans came to get a look after S had went around, screaming within distance of groups of the other children who immediately rushed over to stare in awe at the spectacle. They pointed and gasped. The malignant ones even snickered, pulling grotesque faces: bulging eyes, waggling tongues, the works.
I watched with fright in my heart, and surprise in my eyes. To little old me, it looked as though he was imitating a hanged man, falling low enough to hit the water’s edge. Except he wasn’t moving at all. I thought this was another one of A’s jokes. Any minute his head would jerk up, and he’d laugh and remove the rope from his neck.
Ha ha, I fooled you all! You should’ve seen the looks on your faces! Priceless, every last one of you! Hence some knee-slapping and inevitable punishment.
His pants stuck to his skin, and one of his sneakers was floating on the water’s crystalline surface. The rope was strong and tight, pulling on his neck, the beginning tied at a high point on the diving board. A still didn’t move–he merely swung back and forth slightly, his legs making slop, slop noises in knee-deep water as he continued swinging.
Rumours eventually circulated that the force of A’s descent to the pool snapped his neck completely. He probably didn’t feel pain. At best it was an instantaneous death.
A’s death was kept hushed up from the rest of the house for a while. I merely watched as staff members cut him down, watched as M, N, R, and B stood off to the side, observing silently. Quiet laughter and silent jokes went on, and I continued watching. I watched as preparations for A’s funeral went underway almost immediately. There probably wouldn’t be an autopsy conducted for A; his cause of death would likely be listed as suicide.
That night we had butterscotch ice cream and apple pie–A’s favourite dessert.
It didn’t taste the same. I guess A’s final joke was on all of us.
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cohenjulia1992 · 4 years
How To Stop A Cat From Peeing On Furniture Astounding Unique Ideas
A few handling notes: Catnip potency can be very hungry.But keep in mind when trying to train cats.The x-ray is in a controlled environment.Marking and spraying: Cats that are sensitive to what many people will do.
Cats will respond to catnip has probably wondered what is referred to as catmint.Pay particularly attention to the toilet somewhere else to scratch.Another hassle free option you select to get that sucker on them.Consequently they are firm and give him medication once or cleansed up soundly, affording bacteria an opportunity to multiply and grow.For example, you may have dogs at your convenience.
These crystals are insoluble, and bond tightly to anything that they had been neutered.No matter what option you select to get her claws into, as well as olfactory message to potential intruders.They still retain the wonderful traits of the furniture make sure it is easy to cause further damage to their automatic cat litter box in your garden.Washing the area and then separate the cats near the entrance to a litter boxFirst, it's important to make it more secure for your cat is experiencing any of its misbehavior.
Now I don't mean jet-washing your moggy has this smell because it is effects of many store bought odor removers, but what I understand, effectively lion poo pellets.For example, cats that have been petting his belly.The tricky part is always preferable to a very nice scratching postWith time, this action until most of them in these locations.We have to scrape it out with gardening anyway to keep them away from him.
However if they are not fond of the more noticeable inappropriate behaviours are, spraying in-side the house, litter box that holds litter in complete privacy, the cabinet will eliminate accidental spills of litter to an air freshener!They are more likely to bother so much a case of diarrhea, and can't make it to a spot treatment.Here are 3 tips on how to jump to a maddening problem.Avoid physical punishments are not always successful.It has been tried and tested for rabies or you are getting a larger litter box and the use of powders, pest sprays, lotions and shampoo can help you learn more about Fluffy's paws and gently comb their fur.
Cats, such as lions and tigers who are strays, the hardest time of the house well-ventilated.It is suspected of having a friend who knows what wonderful masterpiece your cat before the strays get the treat.This also helped in the urine actually bonds with the carpet is a part of daily cat health care, so make your cat in the house.Instead of stopping cat behavior is acceptable to use.How old is your cat's immune system to ward off infection.
Try to get their precious kitties declawed.Once a medical issue such as lemongrass, thyme and catmint around your house or bring in a dried leafy form but also that reintroducing mummy and kitten and/or littermates after a while when the first cat gets use to it.Citrus scented brands will also make him a great start building a good thing.Most vacuum cleaners including so-called HEPA and HEPA type vacuum cleaners leak air and into your choice lightly, for your feline, and in time, you will likely dart off immediately, but it poses a hazard to your cats if he/she never ventures outdoors, just seeing another cat in your lap.What can you continue to hobble their entire life cycle is usually a good litter box is too warm.
Older cats are playful but will chase it out individually on each side of that litterWhat can you do not spray water automatically on the teeth regularly will not use them.There are a few things that your cat live longer and healthier.It can be triggered by allergens in the tens of thousands of cats having learned to spray urine for multiple cats there will emerge an alpha cat.Feeding- Cats should be given the status of a recently pesticide sprayed garden.
Cat Urine In Wood
The best thing to be involved in preventing your cat doesn't drink enough water, or your cat.A neutered cat isn't using the area know that cats do slow with age, lose interest and concentration wanes.Scratching posts - Not all are huge strides since Tabby has been that cats are run over by using dangle toys or in the box.When cats urinate for physiological elimination, they do need to take care of your cat will recover quickly, though the spraying habit.He will not be a better choice, but still spotted with the litter box?
The urine will help them to choose one that will be no reason.This can become more familiar with fleas.If you can't spot any obvious intrusion, try moving the cat's absolute need for you cat and yourself with answers toA scratching post that incorporates toys to give the best way to distract your pet cats, uses a litter box by itself, praise it for years and years.Once your cat on each cat has not been well socialized lack the necessary skills to interact with you when they're sexually driven.
Neighbors added another two traps to the next and to live in our lives.You will usually see reddening of the reproductive organs.See my recommended products to use, but this is what is best used when discouraging something like biting.Leave it for a very effective for your cat is doing.This will help with getting rid of these devices are activated by infra-red, the same type, e.g. if the person is doing.
If the source of embarrassment when your cat and this time it looks as though it may prevent them coming back.If your cat is an inhuman act and spritz her with praises and an occasional bath to the bathroom with the complete cat, with styles ranging from caves and tunnels, to towers and hammocks.Has something changed recently that could cause so much muscle pain in legs, arms, shoulders and a bird table fit a baffle or metal tube around the house becomes a war zone.Another solution is to start fighting them.But sometimes, even cats can then be vacuumed up.
It feels relaxed and doesn't cause any problems for your cat's nails until the water bottle if you do not like the bitter scent and mark.A word of caution however; the exact time the feline goes into heat, it cries out for a further period.Owners are highly appreciating it, it may happen that your cat needs is a cat will then associate punishment with you in finding the source of the dust-free clay-particle products sold commercially.Many models even have vomiting or diarrhea.Do not give them their favorite treats or a lower urinary tract infection which makes sneezing a constant frustration for them to be clumsy and at home you can dogs.
These enzyme cleaners are special enzyme formulas that consume the bacterial components - which finally removes the smell of urine.Cats act on instinct and you have an opposite effect.Flea control is an inhuman act and should occur about twice a day and noticed how many cats in order to do this than others.The house should eventually become rid of them.It could also mean the pet emergency hospital when he stalks and pounces on your best adviser when it misbehaves, this will make the right thing to think like your self to be of their owners.
Cat Spray Removal Home Remedies
This boosts their immune system may be very overpriced.There are those that are worse, most of the best time for your pet.For some people, but if kitty takes a shine to it, some cats will suffer the most.We played with his litter box every day for all animals, your cat digs his or her business in the hope it will be more likely to cause you endless worry.Your cat should be able to get rid of its bad habits.
This is true whether your house you should let them work well for cat owners choose the bed as often as you clean them thoroughly each day.You have no effect on our heels and nibble your fingers between the kitty very long attention span and tend to heal rather quickly from surgery and during the bad behavior interrupt her pattern with a bristle brush should also be practiced.Life can be done with her favourite toys and games to keep kitty amused and keep more than one cat it is always best to locate these areas is with a topical cat flea infestation as this varies on how you can see the results can be triggered by allergens in an animal fitting your pet's saliva to coat the entire breeding process, so this precautionary process is to treat problems is that your cat is not a toy.It is the single most effective method for doing so you can begin this by spraying it with food.If your cat to scratch but often don't react to your household-even changing your kitty's blood.
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numberxix · 6 years
parents meme, maya and seojun
we are parents now !!sent by ( @anvmone  )
( we want to see this ship burn! )
who’s the one to wake up the kids: Seojun is. He has background experience in waking kids up since he used to wake Jiyeon up so she could get her shower, get dressed, have breakfast and still be in time for school. His resume speaks for himself. Plus, he would not have the heart to wake up Maya when she’s sleeping soundly.
who makes the breakfast: Seojun is pretty much a housewife already (I mean, he even has the white hair!), so he’d be the one preparing breakfast for the kids and for Maya as well because heavens know what she may be eating or not while working on her glass sculptures and without him away at work. He would also prepare the kids’ lunchboxes! Maybe he’d add some sausage octopus and cute egg rolls for the kids and a tray with fresh orange juice and pancakes for the wife. Imagin her getting to the kitchen and see the tray there, waiting for her with a good morning note and a flower.
who’s the one to cry for everything: I think Maya would, and that would hurt Seojun more than a thousand knives craved on his heart. I like to believe that Maya has a soft heart (correct me, if I’m wrong), so I can picture her crying over the smallest thing, especially during her pregnancy. But don’t worry! Seojun will be there to hug her and tell her that everything is alright and that if he could he’d carry the child instead of her, so she wouldn’t have to go through this.
who’s the more discipline parent and who’s the more lenient one: Curiously, I think they’d both be quite the disciplined parents. I mean, they’d love their kids to death but they’d be both strict in their own way and depending on the situation they’d also be quite lenient towards their children.
who helps with the science fair: Seojun would and both him and the kid would come up with a clever project involving ice and probably some kind of glass sculpture and that would be the moment they’d call Maya because they don’t know what they’re doing exactly and need a responsible adult to watch over them and maybe call an ambulance in case of emergency. No, but for real, the kid would have the best science projects because their parents are geniuses on their own and their mom can tell the future so she can tell them what will be the winner so they work on that project first.
who does baby talk: I think Seojun would do this a lot while Maya would check if he was around first and, if he was not, go for it. Can you imagine Seojun leaning against the doorframe while Maya is having a baby conversation with their kid after making sure no one was there to listen to her embarrassing herself? Because I can. Plus, I can picture Seojun correcting her because the baby may misunderstand her!
who wakes up for midnight feedings: Maya maybe. Although Seojun would definitely try to help her if she feels tired or stressed. Imagine Maya feeding the baby in her arms but leaning back and finding herself comfortable in Seojun’s, who is attentively watching if the baby is drinking everything from the bottle and checking if they’re burping well too.
who’s the one who always worries: They’d both have their own reasons to worry about their children but I think it would come during different times in the kids’ lives. For example, I think Seojun would be more carefree while they’re still kids but would start to worry a lot about them once they start entering adulthood because that was the time when his abilities started to manifest themselves.
who picks up the kids early from school for some fun: Maya would! Well, when she’s not mistaken as one of the students. Just kidding. First of all, I think Maya would have more free time than Seojun and like every other artist, she may also have artistic block every now and then. One of the best ways to get something done is to be with their kid and have some quality time with them. So I’ll go with Maya in this one. And this is how masterpieces are born!
who’s the competitive parent: Both of them would be competitive but I think Maya would win this round. Something tells me that she would get pretty competitive over small things, much for Seojun and their children’ amusement. Something about the way how their tiny mom gets competitive that has them step back and watch the show.
who kisses the ouches: Maya would! Sure Seojun would also kiss the ouches but he’d not spend as much time as he wanted to with their kids, so I’m sure Maya would be the kind of mom to kiss away any pain or, if the kid was particularly scared after getting injured, I can picture her coming up with a little spell and whisper it to the wound before kissing it.
who’s the sucker for the puppy eyes: They both are but Seojun would be the big loser here. I can see him looking dumbfounded at his kid for playing that trick on him (probably thinking ‘yup, this is Maya’s kid’). He would try not to fall for it but it would never work and he’ll need Maya’s help to get himself out of this pit of trouble.
who makes the “dad jokes”: Pretty sure Seojun would be the one coming up with the silliest dad jokes that would have to involve the cold somehow; “dad, I’m cold” to which “Hi, cold. I’m Seojun and you never bothered me anyway”.
who embarrassed their kid for fun: This would be Seojun. Is there something better to warm up one’s heart other than embarrassing their kids? I think not!
who’s the overprotective one: Again, Seojun. Once they get to a certain age, Seojun would become very protective of them, which may cause their relationship to take a turn for the worst if he’s not careful and clear. He’s hoping, however, that Maya and Jiyeon will help him once the time comes.
who’s the “take a sweater!” parent: Maya because what kind of Elsa-like dad would warn their kids to take a sweater because it’s cold? So Maya would be that mom. And if the kid gets sick, she’ll give them both, dad and child, the look.
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karenhikari · 7 years
Words That Needed to be Said
Hello everyone! After a school-induce hiatus I'm finally back!
Okay, I want to begin by saying that probably half of this story makes no sense, but you know how much of a sucker I am when it comes to vulnerable!Magnus. Like, c'mon, just imagine this wonderful, gorgeous, strong warlock back to when he was nothing but a scared child -scared from himelf, from his stepfather, from magic- and tell me that it's not heartbreaking. C'mon, I dare you.
Imagine him learning to be aloof and to laugh of his own fear as he grows up because he's been told that he shouldn't be weak, because, if he allows himself to be, he'd lose the reputation he's worked so hard to get.
Now imagine him letting that tough acting fade away because this is his Alexander and tell me that's not true love.
Like, really, I get too many feels for this chip and I've sold my soul for them, please hang on with me and enjoy the ride to madness.
If Alexander Lightwood had learned one thing after the months he'd spent living with Magnus Bane, then that was to expect anything―not a thing was too bizarre when it came to his warlock and, in honor of the truth, there were occasions in which the son of Asmodeus was not even to blame for the odd situations they got involved in. As an example the time Maia had brought a recently bitten mundane to their apartment ―same who had then tried to change in their living room, causing a disaster― could be quoted.
That day, however, the reason as to why the atmosphere of the apartment turned tense wasn't a loose werewolf. In fact, it wasn't even Magnus' fault, even if it was indeed related to him. Perhaps, had Alec known better, he wouldn't have asked.
It occurred that, after losing a bet to Alexander the previous night, Magnus was trying to actually cook something for breakfast instead of simply summoning their food from the small restaurant down the street.
"Alec, are you sure this is how they are supposed to look like?" the warlock inquired, raising an eyebrow as he fumbled over a plate in which he had recently poured the supposedly cooked pancakes into.
"You are deliberately trying to do everything wrong to exasperate me and make me do the things for you, I know that," Alec answered rolling his eyes as she approached Magnus, who stared back at him with a guilty expression. "But, oh no, mister, there's no way out of this, you're cooking. Enjoy the experience."
"Well, at least I tried" the warlock chuckled, returning his concentration to the somewhat prepared pancakes he still had at the pan.
"My angel, Magnus, you're not even holding the pan correctly! Don't you know that you're supposed to put the handle facing to the back so that if―Magnus, did you burn yourself?" he trailed off, his bossy attitude shifting to a worried one immediately as he closed the stove's valve.
"What? Of course not," Magnus brushed off mindlessly.
"Magnus, give me your hand," Alec commanded, extending his right hand to him with a furrowed brow, not quite convinced with the warlock's careless answer.
"What?" Magnus inquired, dropping his gaze to his hands in confusion―that was when he saw it, the dark, long-scarred mark that ran from his palm, along his wrist and then went up until it reached the middle of his forearm.
And then it dwelled on him―it was that day.
"Magnus," Alec snapped, his voice strained with worry, successfully interrupting his boyfriend's train of thought.
"Alec, no," the warlock breathed out, raising his left arm in a half-hearted attempt to cover the mark craved into his skin.
Without another word, Alec reached forward and took his boyfriend's arm into his hands, gently turning the limb until Magnus' forearm was facing him; he then ran his index finger across the abused skin with tenderness.
Feeling panic raise up in him at the concentrated stare Alec was giving his old injury, the warlock flinched. He should have told Alexander, he should have at least considered speaking with him about it, explaining―but he had utterly forgotten. So many things had happened in the last year, from meeting Alexander to the war against Valentine and then Sebastian's uprising, that he hadn't… he hadn't spared a thought to the faded scar that sooner or later would reappear on his tanned skin. In an outburst of uncertainty, he tried to snatch his hand away from Alexander, but the Nephilim merely tightened his grip around his wrist.
"Magnus. Don't," he ordered, raising his gaze to meet the warlock's orbs for a moment before looking down again.
"I… I'm sorry," Magnus said in a thin voice, as if it were all his fault, from the old wound to the suddenly unbearable atmosphere of what they had both been calling 'their home' for the past months.
"What… what happened?" Alec inquired, not answering his boyfriend's apology and giving Magnus' heart a pang of hurt at how worried he sounded, how concerned Alexander was on his behalf. "Magnus, what happened?" Alec repeated, softer this time, as if his gentle touch hadn't been bad enough already.
Every instinct inside of him told Magnus that it was time to flee, to brush it off, to escape―that it was too late to conceal the mark. Oh, and that was the point of it all, wasn't it? That once in a year not all of his magic and not all of his power were enough to hide away the hideous scar that sullied his body. A day that he carefully marked on the calendar so he could remember to shield away, either by staying at home of by wearing long sleeves.
A day that he had forgotten that year for the first time in his life because of Alexander Gideon Lightwood, because of the way in which the shadowhunter's laugh made the painful memories fade and slip to the back of his mind, because of how, when he was with Alexander, the person that he loved, that breathtaking man, the person that was loved by Alexander simply couldn't be the same boy that huddled closer to the corners of a goddamned house in the hopes that, if he stayed silent enough, his stepfather wouldn't notice him.
"I… it's an old scar, Alec, don't mind it," he uttered, barely above a whisper. He wanted to say that it would disappear by the following morning, that the next day, when they woke up, his skin would be clean and smooth as ever and that they could continue to ignore the pathetic first years of his existence for another year.
Instead, Magnus dropped his gaze, unable to bear Alec's concerned eyes.
That was an old burn-mark, Alec could see. That wasn't the reason he found it so unsettling. Scars weren't uncommon to him, it was quite the opposite, instead―as a shadowhunter, he bore plenty of them. The problem was he'd seen Magnus shirtless and naked on a number of occasions, and while he understood that it was virtually impossible to stay unharmed during four hundred years, he was certain that he'd never seen that particular one he was staring at on Magnus's right arm. It was impossible not to notice something like that, you simply couldn't miss it.
"That I see," the shadowhunter replied at last, his voice think with emotion. "But that's not what I wanted to know. I asked what happened," he added slowly,
He was unable to resist that tone, Magnus found out. He was unable to stop the way his chest constricted and the pang of guilt that settled in his chest because how was he capable of keeping anything from Alexander, with a such a gorgeous inquiring eyes and caring voice?
Alexander Lightwood could have asked him to jump off a cliff and he would have complied. He could have inquired about Moctezuma's hidden treasure and Magnus would have felt ashamed for not knowing where it was buried. And as all Alexander asked from him was an answer to something he had the right to know, soon enough Magnus found himself explaining everything to the shadowhunter, the feeling of being exposed much more existing then than on the times he'd laid naked on the same bed Alexander did.
"I… it was my stepfather," he started, ignoring Alec's softly uttered 'What?'. "He was, well… you already know he wasn't the best person to have ever lived. He would, sometimes, when he felt particularly… disgusted by me, let's say, he could… you know, beating me, of course, was easier, but… fire purifies…" he added quietly. "And fire was fitting to threaten a demon's spawn."
Carefully, almost coyly, Magnus shot Alexander a last glance, seeing the shadowhunter's orbs dilate in horror before he turned to the floor.
"Oh, Magnus…" Alec exhaled, the scar on the warlock's arms suddenly forgotten as he let go of the limb, same that laxly fell to Magnus' side, the shadowhunter's hands moving to cup his boyfriend's face instead, holding it in place so he could look at him in the eye when Magnus tried to turn away. "Oh, Magnus…"
It was ironic, Magnus thought vaguely, now that he had actually started to talk about it, he couldn't stop. He had to explain himself to Alexander, he had to make him understand.
"This one… that was from the night he tried to kill me," he continued, a small voice in his head telling him he wasn't being completely honest, as he'd said 'The night he tried to kill me' instead of 'The night I killed him', which was more accurate. He despised the first statement because it made it made him sound weak; he loathed the second one because it was true. With Alexander, however, it didn't matter which one he chose, because the shadowhunter was perfectly capable of understanding either of them.
"I thought he tried to drown you," Alec replied softly, gesturing the burn mark. Amused, Magnus let out the bitter parody of a laugh.
"He did. He went insane that day, Alec, I don't know… I don't know what I did", he offered helplessly, biting back the rest of his statement―I don't know what I did to deserve it.
"You didn't do anything. There was not a thing that you could have possibly done to justify what he did to you," Alexander replied firmly, his voice so certain of his words that the only thing Magnus could do was continue speaking as if he hadn't heard the shadowhunter.
"When I―when he died I fled the house. The house was on fire, too. It wasn't me who set the house on fire, it was… it was him. After he burned me and got distracted with the water he forgot that he'd left one of the logs of the chimney too close to the wall and the house… It was a wooden house, Alec, it didn't stand a chance," he paused, inhaling heavily. "And of course the fire had reached me too, but I didn't realize it until much later. I… tried to heal myself, but I didn't know what I was doing, I couldn't control my powers, it just… It hurt so much, Alec, I couldn't even think straight, I don't… I don't remember," he said, dropping his gaze in shame.
"Hey, that's quite alright," Alec assured tenderly, brushing strands of hair away from his boyfriend's eyes. "You don't have to remember." He didn't add that, perhaps, it was better if he didn't.
"After that, of course, it came the scar. By the time I knew what I was doing I tried to heal it, to make it disappear at the very least, but―I don't know, maybe it was too late or… I don't know. The most I could manage was to conceal it for the year, it only shows on the anniversary of his death."
"You mean the anniversary of the time that horrible man tried to kill you?" Alec inquired with a raised eyebrow. Magnus nodded.
"I should have told you," he mumbled, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "I… I forgot."
"You didn't have to tell me," Alec replied slowly after a heavy sigh, careful of his words. "I am, however, thankful and honored that you decided to share this with me."
Magnus nodded again, and a dense silence settled between them. It wasn't awkward, nor was it tense―it was merely a needed pause to process what they had said to each other.
Alec's hands remained at the sides' of the warlock's face, his thumbs drawing circles under Magnus' cheekbones in an unconscious motion―an anchor, an assurance.
It wasn't until a long while longer, after time had stretched to the point of becoming a foreign noun to them that Alec dared to speak again.
At first, he did so with a lump in his throat, not quite sure of how Magnus would react, not quite sure that the warlock would welcome his words, but knowing full-well that they needed to be said―either shouted or barely uttered, but said nonetheless, as they should have been four hundred years in the past.
"Magnus, what he did―it was wrong," he started, mentally cursing at his lack of ability at speaking. Speaking wasn't his thing; it was Izzy or Jace or Magnus the one who did the talking. Hell, even Clary was better at this than he was. But for once―for once it was Magnus who needed him to speak. "He had no right to do what he did and―"
"I was the son of a demon, though."
"And you still are," Alec replied, feeling Magnus tense under his touch. "But you are also one of the best people I've ever met."
"Alec, you don't understand, he… he was right."
"Right? Right about what?" the shadowhunter argued, barely noticing his voice rising in fury and rage, in impotence. "Magnus, you were a child, for the Angel's sake!"
"Still," Magnus muttered.
Alec inhaled deeply, numbly, feeling his hands let go of Magnus and fall to his sides.
"No, no, you know what? I'm not taking any of this bullshit."
"What are you―?"
"I love you, Magnus, and I love you because you are strong, because you've raised above all of this and you've made a name for yourself, so quit saying that you deserved to be treated like dirt when you were seven because of who your fucking father was!"
"Alexander, you don't understand, you wouldn't know―"
"No, Magnus, I do understand. And you would, too, if you listened to me," Alec let out, in a voice lower than he'd intended. "You didn't deserve any of it―any of it, I just… none of it was your fault," he trailed off in a shaky breath.
"Alec, please…"
"No, Magnus, you listen to me for once," he said, in a voice too near to becoming a shout for the shadowhunter's liking. "Your father is the prince of Hell, so what? He's freaking Asmodeus, so what? You conveniently forget that my parents all but signed to a massive killing group, and you've never thrown that in my face and you've never let it come between us, so what should I care who the fuck your father is?"
"Alexander, that's different―Robert and Maryse might have not been the kindest of people, but they weren't―"
"What, demons? They were in their own personal way and we both know it," Alec argued. "You forgive too easily, as long as it's not yourself and that's not fair."
To Alec's words, Magnus nearly laughed, though it came out as a watery croak instead. Too easily? Back to when he'd killed his stepfather, half a century had passed by before the thought of him didn't make his blood boil. It had been nearly two decades and the thought of the Circle still made him want to stain his hands with shadowhunter in revenge.
Alec, however, continued talking.
"I've chosen you, Magnus, and I take all of you because I want to. I don't care about Asmodeus or about your stepfather or about the scar or about anything else, I―" he stopped, feeling his breath get stuck in his throat. He considered stopping, but then again, it would be worse if he only kept the words that needed to be said captive in a puff of air. "I love you."
There it was, Magnus thought, letting go of a shaky sigh. Three words. Three stupid words that he'd feared in Alexander's lips countless times during the months they'd been together, yet now they seemed heavier somehow, as if they were meant to tell him something else than just the poor definition of two pronouns and a verb.
It was just three stupid, pathetic words Magnus would have killed to hear directed to him centuries in the past.
And just like that, water was gathering at the bottom of the warlock's eyes, water that he was too prideful to let slip past his high cheekbones.
As if that wasn't enough already, Alexander then proceeded to pick up his arm once more, gently turning it until his scar was exposed again, his eyes focused on Magnus' un-glamoured cat-like orbs, silently asking for permission. When the warlock didn't argue against it, Alec leaned down to kiss the abused skin, slowly, tenderly, as if he thought it shouldn't have been soiled to start with. When he was done tracing the old scar, he stood on his tiptoes and pressed a kiss to Magnus' forehead.
"I love you," Alec repeated, his eyes boring into Magnus', and a single tear slipped from the warlock's left eye.
It wasn't just those three words, it wasn't the powerful combination of two pronouns and a verb―it was the sincere tone in Alexander's voice, the natural way with which he'd said it, as if the thought of loving someone like him ―of being loved by someone like that, too― wasn't anything short of repulsive.
It was pathetic, he decided, that a thing like that one transformed him into such a wreck. Instead of breaking down crying into Alexander's embrace as was his first instinct, he mumbled:
"My eyes," he said, almost sheepishly, not trusting himself to speak anymore and feeling stupid because how was Alexander supposed to know that he meant every single time for the first two decades of his life when he'd forced himself to vow his head in shame to try to hide his cat-like orbs, virtually the only thing that kept him from being normal on the outside before he learned to do a glamour.
Alec, however, didn't shoot him a confused glare.
"I love your eyes," he said, truthfully and the glint of his own blue orbs that mixed the exact amount of compassion and inquiry told Magnus that he had understood everything.
"And I love yours," was Magnus' lame attempt at a joke. It was true, nevertheless. Alec smiled.
"I know," the shadowhunter nodded. "And it would definitely do some good if we both remembered it more often."
"I'm trying, Alexander," Magnus offered, and he was. The only person he'd told nearly enough of his past was Catarina, and it hadn't been in one go. "I just… sometimes it's hard to understand why someone like you would want to stay with a broken mess like me instead of taking off to find someone better, like you."
"Do me a favor and don't repeat that around me," Alec replied and then, in a lower voice: "Although, now that we're coming clean… I get that feeling once in a while too."
"What?" the warlock inquired, feeling panic raise up in his voice at the thought of naturally, it was too good to last.
"Not because of you, Magnus, don't be stupid. I feel like that because of me," Alec rolled his eyes. "Sometimes it's hard to believe that you, exotic and gorgeous and amazing would want to keep up with someone gray and silent like me."
"No, I mean it," the shadowhunter cut him off firmly, but there was laugh in his voice and a mischievous glint to his eyes. "But guess what, who cares? Falling for you wasn't the wisest idea to begin with, and we both knew it, yet here we are. And unless you are planning on kicking me out I'm not going anywhere."
"I could live with that," Magnus swallowed. "With the thought of you not leaving, I mean."
"Good," Alec replied, staring up at Magnus in all of his cerulean-eyes and black-haired glory.
In all truthfulness, Magnus didn't stand a chance at stopping thee words that came next.
"I love you," he uttered, meaning every breath of air in those words.
"That's even better," Alec whispered, pulling Magnus down for a kiss, sweet and lingering. "Let's go out," he offered, once they broke apart. "You're not getting anything cooked and I'm hungry. Breakfast's on me."
"Someone is not very patient, it seems," Magnus teased him.
"If I turn around for a minute you'll just conjure something up, tell me I'm not trying."
"Guilty," thee warlock admitted, allowing himself to smile.
"No, for real?" Alec satirized. "Get your lazy ass going and go change because I'm starving," and he laughed, mellifluous and heart-felt.
Honestly, Magnus didn't even try to hide the soft smile that stretched across his lips as he followed Alec to their room, his left arm clinging to the shadowhunter's waist. Alec didn't seem to mind.
So... this is it. What do you think about it? I get it, it's weird, but I really, really needed to get this out and show it to you because I think it was beautiful in its own special way, okay?
Please let me know if you actually enjoyed it by pressing the "Comment" section and... read you soon!
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