#“This is most irregular!” cried the narrator (a personage whom I shall leave it to your very excellent brains to work out the identity of)
aquanafrahudy · 5 months
Jenny Everywhere and the Rather Annoyingly-Titled Sequel to "Jenny Everywhere and the Very Short Story"
"Now look here," said Jenny, "This is getting really rather ridiculous."
"Really?" said the narrator of the story, who happened to be me, "I find it quite amusing."
"It most certainly isn't!" cried Jenny, "There was I, all set to go out on my adventure, when suddenly the story ends! So I decide to go off on an extra-narrative adventure, and then another one starts! How on earth is an overly-metafictional incarnation of an ubiquitous open-source character supposed to get an adventure if there are stories starting and ending all over the place?"
"You might as well ask," the narrator (otherwise known as myself) remarked, "How one an overly-metafictional incarnation of an ubiquitous open-source character is supposed to get an adventure when she is sitting about arguing with a nebulous narrator who may or may not be being vaguely implied to be a narrator from one of the author's other works."
"Isn't this the author's debut?"
"Harrumph, well... In a manner of speaking."
"Right," said Jenny, "That's it! I'm going off on an adventure." but it turned out she couldn't as that was the end of the story.
The character of Jenny Everywhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition: This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Everywhere, that others might use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.
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