#“but pluto that's just posting snippets-” SHH i can do what I want /lh
agentplutonium · 10 months
gonna post a WIP Wednesday (not on Wednesday but I get a pass because I said so) because I haven't in a while and I'm actually excited to be working on this specific wip BUT:
@dizzy-n-busy has this amazing Milo art that they gave me permission to write an au off of. So here is a snippet of that cause I can't remember the last time I was this excited to write something.
Milo sidled up to the bar, perching on one of the stools as the bartender approached. “Gin, neat, would’ya Vincent?” “Of course,” Vincent said, giving him a small smile. It wasn’t like Milo’s order had changed much since he started coming here. “I’ll get that right up.” Milo glanced back at his table, watching as Asher continued to animately fight with David about something stupid. He couldn’t even remember what the original argument was about at this point. He scoffed, rolling his eyes. They always got like this. “Gin on the rocks,” a voice said near him, and Milo looked over to see damn near the prettiest person he’s seen in a while. “Anything for you, hun,” the second bartender said, whom they all call Volts because of their power before getting turned, while giving them a teasing smile. “You’re pretty late. I was starting to think I wouldn’t see you tonight.” “Case got me in the office late,” The person said. “Here you go, Milo,” Vincent said, sliding a glass in front of him.  “Hey, hey, before you go,” Milo started, motioning to the stranger a few stools down from him, “who’s that? I haven’t seen them before.” “Who, Sneaks?” Vincent asks. “They usually come in before you lot do. Listen, I wouldn’t-” There was a shout from the other side of the bar, the person waving Vincent over once they had his attention. Vincent turned back to him, hiding the slight frown that etched into his face from the patron. “I’ll be back.” He slipped off, and Milo made his move. Volts was just sliding the glass to this ‘Sneaks’ when Milo came up. “Person of taste, I see,” he commented, grinning at them. Sneaks regarded him for a moment, only to glance back at Volts. Volts only shrugged before slinking off with a coy smile. “What’s it to you, exactly?” “It doesn’t have to be anything you don’t want it to,” Milo said, sitting down, a stool in between them. Milo may have ulterior motives for this chat, but he wasn’t about to scare the pretty thing away. “Just friendly conversation.” “Why do I have a feeling it’s never just friendly conversation with you?” The stranger commented, raising an eyebrow before they took a sip from their drink. “Do you want it to be more than friendly?” Milo asked, lip turning up into a smirk. Sneaks didn’t answer, rolling their eyes. “Name’s Milo,” he introduced himself, holding out his hand. The stranger regarded it for a moment before reaching out to meet him.  “People call me Sneak’s,” They replied.  “You sure do like the mysterious aesthetic, huh, Sweetheart,” Milo teased.  “You got a problem with that?” Sneaks asked. “Not at all,” Milo said genuinely, bringing their hand up to kiss it. “Makes me more curious to get to know you, even.” “Yeah. Sure,” Sneak said, pulling their hand away.  “I’m serious,” Milo insisted. “I’m sure you are,” Sneaks said. “You don’t believe me,” Milo said, taking a sip of his drink. “It’s not that I don’t believe you,” Sneaks said, eyes trained on the glass in their hand, “just that you’re not the first to try. You’re either going to forget about me or not see me enough to properly pursue me.” “As if I could forget a cute face like yours,” Milo said. “I’d sooner be haunted by it than forget. I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m not like other guys.” Sneaks let out a humourless laugh. “Yeah, okay, toots.”
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