#“yeah you dislocated your patella from the sound of it but you walk fine? so no radio”
ectocosme · 7 months
I think the next time I go to my Dr I'll just write "Elher-danlos syndrome, ever heard of it you white-coated buffoon!? (or smth close)" right on my forehead bc I get so hesitant and go "mn, mayhaps, perhaps, i'm not sure, it's not just anxiety and more sports won't help?"
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oneofthemillionarmy · 4 years
The Impossible Order | Ch.2
Summary line: Mr. Min is a stoic boss who will never outwardly show appreciation for you. Not until you’re gone does he recognize how much you do. And what you do matters to him.
ceo!Yoongi | best.friend!Hoseok | romance, fluff, angst, and stuff
Loosely inspired by Secretary Kim and this third bullet point of the prompt list
Last chapter
Last night, one of the Peruvian suppliers was able to promise 250 ct worth of tourmaline, but it would be delivered in two weeks rather than the originally intended week and a half. Knowing your boss is one for deadlines and punctuality, you believe he’d prefer Hestia Sourcing. Despite your own gut telling you that Peruvian Treasures will pay off in the long run. Regardless of the turnaround time from your main supplier, the 200 ct in two weeks will keep the remaining four projects afloat before the regular shipment. However, you still report the remaining two supplier response and quotes, also providing your own input. Mr. Min says he prefers Hestia; as expected.
“How goes the status on our tourmaline crisis?” Mr. Min asks as he sips on his third cup of coffee this morning.
“Hestia Sourcing has already been officially contacted for their shipment of tourmaline to arrive in a week and a half. Jimin is currently working with Kim Taehyung on the new design for the frame. Seokjin has already crafted two other designs for you to look at today before he meets with Yoo Jae Suk tomorrow. Beyoncé loves alexandrite, but the tourmaline was intended to match with her costumer designer’s vision for the Met Gala, so he’s unwilling to make changes. Your father had already ok’d the change for your parent’s anniversary gift, so we can switch their gemstones with alexandrite instead. The JP team has already started working on the mold for the Jubilee. And marketing just emailed me the final draft for the letter to the customers and PR is still working with marketing for the ethically sourced advertisement. They are utilizing internet ad platforms, both short clip video ads and on social media.” You handed him your tablet for him to read over the final draft letter and Seokjin’s designs.
“Tell marketing to go ahead with the letter. Also, tell Seokjin that I would also like to see his first design with silver instead of rose gold.”
“Yes, Mr. Min.”
“Today I’m meeting with Jasper and Jester Industries over Zoom at 12:30. Tell the tech team I want to use the hologram projector during this meeting because we’re showing them the prototype today. Speaking of prototype, I need to see the prototype from the TP team by 10. Go to L’Orange today for lunch today; I want the lamb chops. James and Soobin will be coming at 1:30 to go over the purchasing of the mine sites for the cobalt mining. Check back in with me at 2 on the Kim Taehyung project and the marketing strategy. I want to see Seokjin’s new designs by 3. And check with our supply team if we’re maintaining our upkeep of inventory. If not, I need a list before 11 this morning along with suppliers’ response for turnaround time and quotes.”
“Yes, Mr. Min.” You had your hands clasped behind your back the entire time.
“Another coffee please.”
“Yes, Mr. Min.” Without another word, you step out and take out your recorder. You play back his directives as you get the coffee.
“Hey, Hoseok.” You sigh as you pour hot water into your instant noodle bowl for lunch.
“Hey, Sunshine.” You chuckle. If the either of you were the sunshine, it’d be him.
“How’s Yeontan?”
“He’s fine. The vet says that he’s a little underfed, but otherwise, he’s still the most adorable Yeontan-ie that has ever lived.” Hoseok gushes at the puppy in his lap as he drives on his way back to his home. Hoseok will be holding onto Yeontan until the weekend.
“Ok. That’s good news. Was he good at the vet?”
“He hates the vet. You should know that better than I do. I was a dog catcher for 30 minutes. And he caused a whole waiting room full of dogs into a frenzy. Did you know that one of the people there brought their snake? I hate those. Yeontan almost fought a snake! You have no idea how hard it was for me to finally grab Yeontan before anything drastic happened.” You laugh as he goes on about his heroic deed of saving your pup from a snake.
“You did very well. Thank you, Hoseok.”
“Never mind that, Blessings. Hey. Are you coming over today after work?”
“I might. My boss has been very extra today. Every ten minutes, his chat bubble pops up adding 3 more things to do. But honestly, with the amount of things going on today, he shouldn’t have anything else left to do tonight. I might actually get off work on time.
“Good. Good. ‘Cause I was thinking –“ before Hoseok can finish his words, you hear the sound of a car swerve.
“Hoseok? You ok?”
“Yeah. Some idiot w-“ and the line cut off.
At 12:15, you were nowhere to be found. You left a message to Yoongi that you had to take the day off. Everything you were requested to do was already set in motion like a Rube Goldberg machine. You texted him saying that there are cups and cups of coffee in the fridge ready for him. If he wants hot, he’ll have to wait another day. And as promised, everything Yoongi needed was here. He had everything he needed. You just weren’t there to provide it.
“Where’s Y/N?” Seokjin asks as he comes in at 3pm like clockwork, “I would’ve thought she’d give me that 20-minute warning like she always does when I have a meeting with you.” She does that?
“I don’t know. She took a half day. I haven’t seen her since 11 or something.” Yoongi says nonchalantly as he looks over the Seokjin’s work. Seokjin just blinks at that before he starts slowly, “That’s not like her. Is everything ok? Do you know what happened?”
“It’s just not like her to –“
“I like it better in silver this way.” Yoongi cuts him off, gesturing to the new designs.
“Heh. Yeah, Y/N said you would. I wanted to show you the rose gold one first anyway.” Seokjin chuckles as he sits down across the table from him, “Speaking of Y/N,” I wasn’t speaking about her…, “You got the supplies list for JP, TP, and HP, right? She told me you were working with the cobalt mine sites today. She told me to tell you that since cobalt is one of the supplies on the list, and the mine site wouldn’t be ready just yet, she contacted 3 different cobalt miners and selected Arrows for the cobalt supply.”
“She should’ve come to me first about the different miners. We have our upcoming product from HP –“
“The ceramic tiles for Ms. James’ bathroom. Yeah. She contacted HP. They require 300 g and Arrows is the only one with the adequate amount of supply. It will be here in 5 days.” Seokjin stands up and walks over to Yoongi’s kitchen, “All the other suppliers have been contacted. She sent me the list and wants me to report it to you.”
“You’re just a designer for the jewelry department,” Yoongi says as he looks through his email to see if you sent him any recent emails. Nothing.
“Give me some credit. I’ve got a brain and it’s used for more than just designing. Don’t forget, before I was a designer, I was also your assistant too.”
“Yeah, a pretty bad one.” Yoongi snorts. It’s why he needed you.
“We were just a startup! We literally just graduated then.” Seokjin protests as he come back over and sets down a steaming hot cup of coffee in front of Yoongi.
“I thought Y/N only had iced ones left.”
“She did, but she instructed me to heat up one for you before we go over the list with you.” Seokjin scoots his chair closer as he whips out his tablet to bring up the supplies list, “And one for after.”
“Mr. Jung has suffered a serious blow to the head and is currently unconscious. We don’t know when he will wake at this point. His left arm has scarring from the glass shatters from the window when the car was impacted. His left leg has a hairline fracture and the patella was dislocated but has already been set back. Luckily, his left leg is the worst of the limbs. There’s bruising on the right thigh and right elbow also has bruising. The bruises are likely from holding on to the dog during impact. His right arm has some muscle tears do to strain.
“Right now, our biggest concern is when he will wake up. He had internal bleeding in the brain but the blood has been removed and there’s no clotting, in his brain or anywhere near his spine. Everything is where it needs to be, and there’s nothing that indicated long term brain damage or trauma. But we won’t know for sure until he wakes up.” The doctor nods his head and leaves.
You sniff as you cross your arms, staring at your best friend lying in the hospital bed. His head is wrapped as well as his left arm. His left leg is currently suspended in its cast. By his left eyes and cheeks, are massive bruises that still look sticky and gooey.
If only I didn’t let him take Yeontan…
“How’s my dog?”
“We checked in with the vet hospital nearby. Your dog has no extreme injuries, only mild bruising. The doctor wants him to stay overnight for observation.” The nurse reports to you. You shiver from the lonely air of the hospital.
“You can go in and see the patient right now, but please do not touch him. And visiting hours will be over in 40 minutes.” The nurse gently reminds you before you nod, thanking the nurse and heading in.
Walking towards Hoseok, your nose feels the burn as tears well up in your eyes. Before you even reach Hoseok’s bed, the tears already overflow out.
“I’m so sorry Hoseok. This is my fault.” And he’s a dancer too…oh my God, he’s a dancer….his limbs…
Your tears quickly turn into hysterical sobs, thinking too many things at once. Your greatest prayer is that he wakes up and he is completely healed. You start hyperventilating so you sit down and take deep breaths.
Although you were instructed not to touch him, you couldn’t resist to at least clutch to the hospital blankets next to his right hand, your knuckles touching each other’s.
“Please wake up, Hoseok. I’ll never have you do anything else for me. I’m sorry if I ever took advantage of you. Please know that I never once took you for granted. You are my dearest friend and I don’t want anyone else for a best friend. I promise to hug you more. I promise to cook for you. I’ll do it at your house. You don’t have to come to mine. I’ll clean up my mess after too. I’m here for you, I promise. I really am. I’m not leaving you, I swear to God. Please just wake up and be ok. You’re gonna be ok. I promise.” You turn to look to the hospital window to make sure no one sees you. You grab his right hand and lean down to kiss it, “Please wake up.”
Your phone in your pocket vibrates and you take it out.
The board members meeting is tomorrow at 8am. Please gather the data and reports from the teams ready by 6am. I will look over it before the meeting.
“Fuck you. No. Not now.” You grit your teeth and put the phone back in the pocket.
Your tears are both sad and angry now, but you know you need to calm down. Nothing drastic.
You take a couple deep breaths before you wipe your tears and take your phone out again to write an email. You look up as you think for a moment. Make that three.
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repulsivepangolin7 · 4 years
Fic: Movement
Building on: ‘Earthquake’ ‘Night out’ ‘An old buddy’
Word count: 2226
*Another few months later*
“Now, Mr. Luca…” the doctor smiled, “Are you ready to get this cast off for good?”
Luca took a deep breath, steeling himself. “Sure.”
“You’re going to have to wear a brace until after the knee surgery we have planned.�� the doctor informed as he prepared the gear to remove the cast.
“Are you sure it’s okay to drop the cast?” Luca hated how shaky his voice felt, “My leg was crushed.”
The doctor nodded, “The X-rays, and the CatScan show that all the breaks have fused. If it wasn’t for your knee, I would’ve set you up with a physical therapist to teach you to walk again.”
Luca nodded, “I can barely believe that I’ve come this far already…”
The doctor nodded, “Starting to look like keeping your leg was the correct choice.”
“It was a bad injury…”
“Sure was.” the doctor nodded, “Any one of the injury types you got could have been indicators to amputate your leg. If that rotary dislocation your knee suffered had torn your popliteal artery, or pressed against it and not been reset in timely fashion, that would not have made your leg viable. The fractures you suffered were extensive enough to question if it would heal, even with surgery… And on top of that, we have the crush injury which wreaked havoc on your muscles and soft tissues, causing compartment syndrome and might have killed off your muscle tissue.”
Luca swallowed hard.
“You got lucky.” the doctor smiled.
“Yeah, I really did.” Luca nodded, “So… When I have surgery to reconstruct my knee… What will that mean.”
“Oh…” The doctor nodded as he picked up the cast scissors, “Dislocating your knee, you tore your anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. That’s the bands inside your knee which keeps the shin bone from sliding back and forward relative to the femur, -the bone in your thigh.”
Luca nodded.
“On top of that, you tore your medial and lateral collateral ligaments. That’s bands on either side of your knee. Those stabilize your knee sideways. With all four of those bands torn, your knee depends on the muscles in your leg to keep it somewhat stabile.”
Luca nodded.
“Now, some top level athletes tear some of these bands every now and then. Take hockey players for instance, they usually have so much strength in their legs that surgery won’t be necessary. -Of course with some exceptions.” The doctor explained, “You on the other hand…”
“I don’t have any muscles left in that leg…” Luca nodded.
“Well, most of the muscles are still there, but they’re not what they used to be. They won’t be able to keep your knee from dislocating in either the same way as it did, or in more typical ways.”
“Well, we don’t want that…” Luca frowned.
“No, we don’t.” the doctor nodded, “You also injured your menisci… Both of them in that leg. Small tears will heal on its own over time, but unfortunately you have a complete buckethandle tear of one of them and one that’s slightly smaller in the other one. Those might lock your knee up if you were to use your leg. Now, your knee locking up from a buckethandle meniscus tear isn’t exatctly dangerous in any normal way, but I have it on good authority that it’s incredibly painful.”
Luca grimaced, “Yeah, don’t want that either.”
The doctor nodded, “So what we’re going to do is clean up the torn ligaments, and smaller nicks in your menisci. Then we’re going to use grafts from either your hamstring muscles in the opposite leg, or donor grafts, as your new ligaments. And we’ll be sewing the big tears of your menisci.”
“Donor grafts?”
“Yeah. Sometimes your own tissue won’t be right for your knee. Either because you’ve lost too much mass from where the graft would be taken, and to cut out a decent graft would leave you with a deficit in the healthy leg. Or because the site of the graft has some injury that would make the graft likely to fail. For example, we often use patella tendon grafts to fix ligament tears in the knees. Your left patella tendon wouldn’t be suited for that since we had to reattach about half of that tendon after the earthquake.”
Luca nodded for a bit, but had one more question for the doctor before he got as far as to start cutting up the cast.
“How much pain will I be in after the knee surgery? Don’t sugarcoat it.”
The doctor looked up from where he had placed one hand on Luca’s cast, “That’s not an easy question to answer. Grafts from your own body will hurt where they’re taken from. Think of it as having a partial tear in a muscle. It’s about the same pain. I know you’ve had that before.”
Luca nodded, “Yeah, tore some of my bicep tendon or muscle once. My whole arm was painful and bruised after that.”
The doctor nodded, “With donor grafts you won’t have that, but grafts from your own body is preferred in most cases. Less chance of graft failure.”
Luca nodded.
“The reconstruction itself varies a lot. I have some patients who experience minimal pain and swelling, and I have patients who experiences a lot of both as well.” The doctor shrugged, “Some never really need the aid of crutches after the ligament surgeries, and some will need it for a couple of weeks after. But you’re going to have to use crutches for a month afterwards anyway, since we have to sew up your menisci as well.”
Luca nodded. “Okay, and does that hurt?”
“Most patients feel fine after that surgery, in my experience.” The doctor winked, “Slight swelling might occur, but not usually accompanied by pain.”
Luca nodded.
“Now, I’m going to start clipping up your cast. Any more questions before I start?”
Luca shook his head.
  The best way to describe his leg when it was finally de-casted was skin and bones. -And scars. But then again, he hadn’t used any of the muscles in it for months now.
“The scars look good now…” the doctor offered up a satisfied smile, “Even where you ended up having that infection early on…”
Luca nodded, “It’s still a bit redder than the others, though.”
“Yeah, but you can think of it like this, it started healing a lot later than the other scars.”
Luca nodded.
“Can you try moving your ankle for me?” the doctor guided the conversation, showing with his hands how he wanted Luca to move his foot.
“Just go ahead and try?”
The doctor nodded.
Luca tried, but it was like the wrong muscles responded when he tried, and it didn’t work out so well in the first place either. “I can’t…”
“Let me try this one thing first, before you start worrying.”
Luca nodded.
“I’m going to grab your foot and above your ankle and manipulate it a bit. Just let me know if anything’s painful.”
Luca nodded again, and the doctor took hold of his leg.
“That feels weird.” Luca said as soon as he felt the doctor’s hands on his foot.
“Does it hurt?”
“No, just feels weird.” Luca shrugged.
“Okay, I’m going to slowly start moving your foot up and down a few times, that will probably feel really weird as well.”
Luca nodded.
“Just let me know when I need to stop.”
“Sure thing.” Luca nodded.
 The doctor was right, it did feel really weird. His ankle had been locked in one position ever since the injury.
The doctor moved his ankle like he was making Luca speed and slow down a car, without using the breaks. He made the motions smooth and paused at each turn.
It felt like he was gradually making the movement bigger, but Luca couldn’t exactly be sure without looking.
“Ah, stop, stop!” Luca winced on one of the turns as the doctor pressed his toes up.
The doctor backed up the movement a bit, “That hurt?”
“Stretched my calf like crazy…” Luca cleared his voice, “Can you go back there again? I just wasn’t prepared…”
“Sure…” the doctor nodded and eased back to the position which had made Luca squirm, “Want me to hold it in this position for a bit?”
Luca thought, then nodded.
After about fifteen seconds the doctor started pressing Luca’s foot back down to a position he felt like Luca could handle, “Now, if you try to move your foot with me, it might be easier for you to connect with the correct muscles when you’re going to try it yourself the next time.”
Luca nodded, and tried.
The doctor chuckled once, “Now, try to relax your thigh. That’s not the right muscle groups. Neither is your seat.”
Luca laughed, “it’s really hard.”
“That’s alright. It is to be expected.” The doctor reassured. “You haven’t moved your ankle in about five-six months, and with all the damage from the injury… It’ll be exactly like learning to move from scratch.”
Luca nodded.
“There, you’re doing great!” the doctor grinned, “Can you feel that you’re using the right muscles now?”
Luca grinned, “Yeah, yeah I think so…”
“I’m going to let go of your foot, try to keep moving it just like we’re doing now…”
Luca nodded, and continued the motion when he felt the doctor let go.
The doctor watched for a few rounds, an amused look on his face. “Well, I’ll be damned…”
Luca paused, “What?”
“You’re impressing me…” the doctor grinned, “Usually I would expect that anyone who had a similar injury to the one you’ve had, would develop drop foot. That they would be unable to lift the front of their foot properly, or raise their toes… You’re actually leading with your toes when you raise your foot. I did not expect that.”
“So, good thing?”
“Great thing.” The doctor nodded, “Now, over to the next exercise… Can you try to move your foot sideways like this…”
The doctor explained the movement by showing it with his hands once more.
“Can you make my stupid muscles understand which of them is supposed to work first?”
“Sure thing…” the doctor nodded and carefully grabbed Luca’s foot, “We’ll start rotating it inward a bit.”
Luca nodded, but yelped when the doctor gently rotated his food a few small degrees.
“I’m sorry, that sounded like it hurt…” the doctor apologized, “Can you tell me where?”
“That stabbed at my knee…”Luca answered, trying to ride out a grimace.
“Okay, like through the joint? From the side in some kind of way?”
Luca nodded, “Just like that…”
“Inside or outside of your knee?”
“Mostly inside.”
“That’s probably your medial meniscus disagreeing with the movement. We’ll skip inward rotation for now.”
Luca nodded.
“Let’s try rotating it the other way.”
Luca nodded again.
The sharp inhale Luca did caused the doctor to stop, “Sorry. That hurts as well?”
“Not as much, but it’s not good…” Luca nodded.
“Same spot?”
“Yeah, not as much… But the back outside of my knee doesn’t like that motion.” Luca shrugged once the doctor had helped his foot back in a normal position. “Not as painful as the other way, but… Still painful.”
The doctor nodded, “Okay, we’ll just wait with rotation until after your knee surgery. Since it’s causing you this much pain.”
Luca nodded.
“Does it hurt anywhere else than your knee when we tried rotating your foot?”
Luca shook his head, “No, didn’t hurt anywhere else. Tingled a bit above where some of your fingers were, but not anything I can call painful.”
“Alright, that’s good.” The doctor smiled, “Then that problem will likely solve itself once we’ve taken care of your menisci…”
“Cool…” Luca grinned.
“Now, try to just relax here while I go grab the brace you’ll be wearing.” The doctor instructed, “I don’t think you’ll need a drop foot brace, but I’ll bring one anyway. Justin case you overwork your leg and it gets too sore to keep your foot neutral.”
Luca nodded, and started gently moving his foot up and down once more.
“That’s great.” The doctor grinned, “And I want you to keep working on that, the goal is to eventually get the same range of motion as in your healthy leg. -But I also don’t want you to start out too hard. You’ll be sore from basically doing nothing now at the start. So don’t over-do it too much, alright?”
Luca nodded, “I’ll try.”
The doctor nodded and went out the door.
 “Look at you…” Street grinned as Luca came hobbling towards where he sat and waited, “How does it feel?”
“A lot lighter…”Luca chuckled, “Feels a bit odd.”
“Did the doctor say anything?”
“That it was looking good.” Luca beamed, “And that everything was ready for the knee surgery.”
“That’s awesome.”
Luca nodded, “Hey, we should invite the team over tomorrow night.”
“You up for that?”
Luca rolled his eyes a little, “I’ve been out with you guys like four-five times since my injury. I can take a party at home by now.”
“Just messing with you…” Street grinned,  “I say we order a few pizzas to go along with it.”
“Deal!” Luca grinned, “Now don’t tell too much about my leg to the team if they ask this afternoon or on tomorrow’s shift.”
“I’ll try.”
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