#… did I misspell Speach?
sourisking · 5 months
I don’t like proshippers because I was groomed by one.
Not because I think freedom of Speach should be limited (have seen that argument from proshippers). Not because I’m a puritan (don’t call people that for thinking RPF is a little strange). And not because I simply hate shipping.
I was groomed by a proshipper, and it makes me hate all proshippers because they almost always act like she did.
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starsomens · 4 months
this is for my ✨ bilingual girlies ✨ I am one which is why this can be grammatically incorrect but whatever
Noah finds your accent ADORABLE. and HOT of course. like, he can listen to you for hours noticing how certain words and/or syllables here and there in your speach sound different from what he's used to hear and it hits the right spot for him;
with that being said, he still jockingly mocks you from time to time trying to do impressions of the way you speak. he never takes it to far though, so it's just an ongoing banter which you gladly paticipate in, intentionally making your accent sound harsher from how you "normally" speak;
and you and Jolly cooperate in making Noah lose his mind with your accents. Hoah goes like "guys, human throats are not designed to reproduce such insane sounds, what planet are you both from?"
you melt when he lovingly says "you're so special, you're out of this world" only to roll your eyes three seconds later when he continues "seriuosly, you're a fucking alien, the more you talk the more I'm sure of it. I won't turn you in though, you're mine now";
he also makes fun of you when you misspell in your texts to him. "darling, are you okay? is everything alright or you having a stroke? should we call an ambulance or an English teacher?":
also, did you know your voice sounds not the same when you speak different languages? no? oh, trust me, HE KNOWS. it never stops to amuse him how suddenly your voice switches to softer and huskier or goes higher and cuter depending of the language. to him it's basically the same kind of "magic" (you call it that) he uses when he sings switching registers, so yeah, your voice is music to his ears. and he loves that more than anything;
sometimes you forget certain words or mix them up and it makes you feel awkward and embarressed. you're afraid that you speak gibberish instead of proper English. especially in front of Noah with his sophisticated way of expressing his thoughts. but not only he ALWAYS knows what you're trying to say, he also makes you feel less in your head about it. for example, he makes up silly stories about him saying the wrong words at the wrong circumstances and embarrassing the heck out of himself (and you're sure it never happened, but he wants to cheer you up so you play along) or he turns your mistakes into something special for the two of you, like an inside joke or a secret code (remember that cringy "I wolf you" line from You? yep, that's what I'm talking about). so when he shows you his new song which is his personal love anthem to you and the greatest thing he's ever written to this day and you say it's terrible instead of terrific, he looks as proud as he only can be and jokingly says he tried his best to make it the worst song in the history of music. from now on all of his song are "terrible". and all about you, of course;
remember when he said that Jolly comes up with the greatest lyrics without realizing it because he thinks in Swedish? same applies to you. it truly fascinates Noah to hear you saying the most beautiful genius things based on some sayings in your first language. he takes inspiration from that and includes it in his lyrics without saying that and you realize it afterwards when you hear him singing it;
he's for sure secretly learning your language just to surprise you all of the sudden. like, you two have a movie night date on your big comfy couch, he brushes his fingers through you hair and says "I love you" in your language and you automatically reply back the same way and then go "wait, did you just..?" and he sits there smiling from ear to ear and being so hella proud of himself, throwing at you one compliment in your mother tongue after another. and you have no idea when or how he managed to learn it all but it makes you love him even more;
which is why the next thing he'll learn from you will be the dirty talk. oh god, help us all lol
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So I was born here, but I want to say that, technically my first language was Spanish. I spent a lot of time with my grandmother and I had heard from someone that the way you express your emotions, whatever language you use is your first language, which I thought was a very cool concept. And a lot of times there are words that I don’t know in English so I just resort to Spanish but oh my God literally made me smell so big I’m at work and the noise I let out was crazyOMMGGGGG
I was going to write a small story on this, but you beat me to the punch, but I’m not complaining. I will add onto this later on thank you thank you thank you thank you again.🩷🩷🩷🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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littleladybaker · 6 years
Carol and Mallorie watch LOTR Return of the King.
Finally getting around to typing up part three of this little series. This one is gonna be the longest yet because we watched the Extended Edition. Spoilers galore. Enjoy!
Explaining Smeagol and Deagol to Carol and Mal as the original Merry and Pippin.
Mallorie making dick jokes about Deagol’s fishing pole...while I was eating a redvine...
Carol asked me to to pause the movie so she could answer the phone (they still have a house phone) and I paused just a second Gollum was biting into the catfish. We all started screaming and Carol’s brother, my ex, came out and told us to stop being so loud. We told him to put his headphones on if we bothered him so much. I explained to the girls that he slept threw ALL THREE MOVIES each time I tried to show the movie to him.
“Please tell me Frodo is ok after all this.”(Mallorie)
“As ok as you can be with PTSD.” (Carol)
Carol making Frodo/Sam sex jokes.
“Sam and Rosie had eight kids. The first was born in less than a year.”(Me)
“They had a lot of fun.” (Carol)
Me infodumping about Christopher Lee.
Carol and Mallorie making dick jokes about Saruman.
Me:Christopher Lee is problebly yelling at us from Heaven. You know that right?
C and M: ...
Mallorie: Hi, Chris!
Carol: You know we’re riiiiiiiiightttttttt!
Ganalf is Pippin’s grandpa now.
Treebeard apparently lost his wife in the mall. 😹
DrunkGimli was apparently Mallorie after one margarita on her 21st.
Carol implying that Gollum did dirty things with the ring.
Smeagol is like Jeremy's sister in Phinius and Ferb.
I am the Pippin of our “Family”.
“Aragorn! Come get your grandson!” (Mallorie)
“Merry loves his little cousin.”(Mallorie)
“Well someone's gotta look after him. ‘Cause his parents clearly ain't!”(Me)
The girls gushing over Eldarion and Arwen and Aragorn!
“How do you know so much?”(Mallorie)
“It’s my job. I make dolls and I know things.”(Me)
Dickhead Denethor.
Aragorn “Hope” jokes.
“Hope will come.”(Gandalf)
“And then he has a son!” (Mallorie)
Two words: Fro-Bro, Fro Fro Brodo.
Mallorie infodumping Game of Thrones in me.
Us arguing over who gets custody of Faramir when we take him from Denethor.
Me gushing over Lawrence Makoare and his dedication to makeup acting. Seriously this guy is amazing.
Gushing over how cute Merry is.
More talk about the horses. Ian McKellen’s horse was a DIVA.
Us calling David Wenham (I think I misspelled that😕) Daisy.
More gushing over Lawrence.
Boromir is Faramir’s Ada and Denethor has lost custody.
Boromir is ashamed of his father.
Me making Mallorie cry over my HC that Boromir leads Pippin to the afterlife when he dies.
EDGE OF NIGHT!!!!!!! The girls were impressed.
We all may or may not all have crushes of Billy Boyd.
Me explaining Dernhelm.
Eomir’s speech to Eowen sounds an awful lot like Sharpe’s “Can you stand” Speach.
Andril is amazing.
Explaining elf marriage and how the elf follows their spouse into the afterlife.
Telling them about Elboron.
The return of Puppy Horse!
Eowen is Merry’s mom friend.
Mallorie still loves Gimli.
Mallorie is more scared of Bilbo than of the Army of the Dead
Gothmog looks like the CEO of Abacrombi and Finch.
Talk of how Young Ian McKellen would have ruined our lives.
(Carol brought up a picture of Young Ian with young Tim Curry and...I have no idea how to comprehend what I've seen.)
Mallorie’' she reason for why Frodo can't  turn back at Shelob’s: Sam’s down there and it would just be awkward because he just broke up with his boyfriend.
TEN MINUTES of Carol and Mallorie taking about Turtle Sex because they began to wonder where baby Orc come from...I'm scared for life.
Carol is SUPER ARACNIPHOBIC. I'm glad I asked before Shelob showed her face. She had to cling to my Haldir doll...I'm making her a spider repellent Sam doll...
Me:(to the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It) If you wanna adopt a hobbit and ya know it raise your hand!
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Everyone hates Denethor
Any time Witch King, Gothmog, or Lurtz does something Mallorie shouts, Dang it Lawerence, and I'm so proud of myself for corrupting her into a Lawerence fan.
Merry is Eowen’s emotional  support Hobbit! 😹
I'm making all my friends matching Hobbit dolls, because there are five of us, Mallorie gets Bilbo.
Oliffond poop problebly kills people.💩
I have stopped correcting Mallorie when she's calls the Oliffonds Eliphants.
Rohirm are REALLY uncreative whith naming their children...
Peter Jackson and his anatomically correct CGI animals.
Our new band, Panic in my Heart. With our new hit single, Don't kill my fave.
The girls thinking Merry is dead. (I didn't tell the man otherwise. Mwahahaha 😁)
Aragorn put Eowen in the Daughter Zone, not the friend zone.
🎤If you wanna be my lover,🎤
Sorry, i already adopted you. Also, I'm married to someon else.
The girls trying to figure where the ring is hidden, thinking it is on Frodo somewhere. ( Carol asked if it was up Fodo’s ass 😹)
Ring dick jokes. Curtesy of Carol
“Gondor has a king, Gondor needs its king!”
I quoted Aragorn’s Men of the West Speach and I have no shame!
I continue to quote Unusual Suspect threw the whole movie.
“There's no eagles, Lil! You said the Eagles would be there!”(Carol)
Eagles arrive.
“Oh”( Carol)
Us all singing Let it Go when Frodo is about to drop the ring.
More dirty ring jokes.
At this point, Mallorie and Carol just wanted the movie to end.
When are all I need agreement that Pippin needs a bath, a cuddle, and a nap.
Elrond is SO not read yet for his baby girl to get married.
We all just wanted the movie to be fucking over!
Galadriel scared Mallorie, apparently.
Carol crying when she realizes Frodo doesn't live Happily ever after with Sam and Rosie in Bag End.
“This was fun but we are never doing it again.”(Me)
And it's finnaly over! Carol an drew Mallorie have finnaly seen all three LOTR movies! Up next, either showing the movie to Caitlin, extended edition marathon, or Hobbit movies. We'll see. TTFN, ta ta for now.
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