#…what better thing to wear than a fully opaque hazmat suit?
huskies709 · 6 months
Been looking at a whole lot of That’s Not My Neighbor lately, and I’ve gotta say: as a horror game, the game is not scary at all.
What is scary, though? The fridge horror of it all.
Just imagine how society must function in this world. You have to match your ID near EXACTLY if you don’t want to get at best held for questioning and at worst ‘cleaned’ by the DDD, and some of these IDs expire 10, 20 years out into the future! Do you even look like your ID within one year of having it?
No dyeing your hair or cutting it, not without warning the DDD or your apartment or your workplace or anywhere else that people might need to be screened for doppelgängers. No nicking yourself while shaving- and if you took your ID photo when clean shaven, you have to do that till god knows how long- and if you do, how do you explain that cut to people? Do you need to have a DNA test done? Have a family member vouch for you? Even if the evidence is accepted by those in power and you are allowed to continue, what of the social stigma? Do people avoid each other when they look differently?
Getting sick, too. Sneezing and coughing can give you a red, irritated nose and a raspy voice- and if the doorman doesn’t trust you then, what do you do? No one would want to be near you, both because they don’t want to feel ill and also because that could mean having no place to sleep or worse.
Speaking of worse. Do you know how many doppelgängers there are? Some nights there are more doppelgängers trying to get into the apartment than there are real people! How does society function at all? Do the doppelgängers have jobs and go to work? Do they know instinctively who other doppelgängers are, or once the area is saturated with them, can they no longer tell? Is this why they don’t attack humans until they are in the safety of their own homes?
Are the apartment buildings the only private, human rich spaces left? How many people are left?
How many humans are left?
And despite all this, people are still having children and going to school and pursuing their passions. Nacha is a teacher- has she seen child doppelgängers get stopped at the front gates of the school before? We know they exist, there are plenty of her child trying to get into their apartment. What does she think about it? Godddd I need a story more to this game so badly. I have so many questions you have no idea
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