#⁰⁰⁸  ᜵ 𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸  closed starters.
heartsfirstmoved · 7 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸  closed starter.
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❛ all you can say are pretty lies. ❜ / @cardigaen
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enternecersarc · 2 years
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       she  leans  against  the  hospital  chair,  eyes  closed  for  just  a  second  as  she  waits  for  news.  it  is  almost  overwhelming,  how  often  na/ncy  finds  herself  in  this  exact  same  place.  the  hard  plastic  of  the  uncomfortable  chairs  does  not  hurt  her  anymore,  it  feels  like  an  awkward  embrace  as  she  welcomes  yet  another  wave  of  overwhelming  grief  into  her  life.  ba/rb,  chri/ssy,  heat/her,  tom,  janet,  bob,  bi/lly,  mrs.  driscoll,  fr/ed,  and  now...  this.  ed/die  and  m/ax  and  everyone  else  getting  hurt  because  of  the  gates.  they  had  not  been  fast  enough.  they  had  failed  to  kill  vec/na  in  time  and...  why  is  it  that  her  intentions  always  fail  everyone  around  her?  
       a  sigh  breaks  out  of  dry  lips,  cerulean  hues  drifting  in  the  door’s  direction.  they  have  been  waiting  on  news  about  ma/x  and  dust/in  for  a  while  now  /  rob/in  talking  to  eri/ca  by  her  side  as  luc/as  paced  back  and  forth.  funny  enough,  the  only  one  who  is  not  there  is  ste/ve.  the  hospital  had  believed  them  when  they  said  he  was  dus/tin’s  brother  so  he  was  inside  with  him.  watching  over  him,  making  sure  he  was  okay.  were  any  of  them  okay?  nan/cy  is  afraid  spiraling  about  that  is  the  path  of  no  return.  she  is  about  to  ask  rob/in  if  she  wants  some  coffee  when  she  catches  movement  on  the  corner  of  her  eye.  ste/ve.
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      within  seconds  she  is  on  her  feet,  standing  in  front  of  @videodingus​.  hand  reaches  forward  to  comfort  him,  settling  for  a  gentle  squeeze  to  his  arm.  ❝  hey,  how  are  you  feeling?  how’s  dus/tin?  ❞  a  beat.  ❝  ste/ve...  did  you  tell  the  doctors  about  your  stomach?  ❞
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whitesuited · 3 years
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tag drop.
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heartsfirstmoved · 8 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸  closed starter.
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ever since that night , there's been a shift in their relationship. they've gotten closer, spending more time together than is strictly necessary but no one has batted an eyelid. alonso is supposed to spend time with her, he's the head of her security team. the blonde moves a loose strand of hair over her shoulder as she wraps her hands around her glass of wine, glancing over at alonso. " last week of tour, you excited to be heading home ? " madeline asks softly , taking a sip from her glass. she wishes that she was more excited for this to be over , but the come down from tour was always hard and it was even harder when she had to do it alone. / @ofginjxints !
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heartsfirstmoved · 7 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸  closed starter.
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❛ i’ll be your dirty little secret, if that’s what you’re into. ❜ / @lineflats
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heartsfirstmoved · 6 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸ closed starter .
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cole rubs a hand along his jaw , tilting his head to the side before adjusting his jersey and leaning on the butt of his stick . " so , you never got back to me about that date . i mean , we don't have to if you don't want . no pressure , just -- didn't think you'd leave me on read . "
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heartsfirstmoved · 6 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸ closed starter .
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" you say that you love me , but you don't mean it. "
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heartsfirstmoved · 6 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸ closed starter .
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" i won't ask you to wait , if you don't ask me to stay. "
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heartsfirstmoved · 7 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸  closed starter.
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❛  if you need a shoulder to lean on or someone to listen, i'm here.  ❜ / @sakurapizza
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heartsfirstmoved · 8 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸  closed starter. ( plot )
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when alaia had moved to a small town in the middle of nowhere to have a fresh start this wasn’t exactly what she was expecting to happen . alaia crawls along the sofa , humming quietly as she wraps her arms around their neck ; pressing a kiss to their cheek. “ i’ve given you exactly an hour and a half to work on whatever you’re working on but now ? i demand attention , ” the brunette teases , resting her cheek against their shoulder as she squeezes them gently . / @diviinc !
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heartsfirstmoved · 8 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸  closed starter. ( plot )
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thea is here later than she usually is , there's been a few things she needed to get done before she headed home . she hums softly as she makes her way up to her bosses office , pushing the door open before pausing in the doorway. "oh i'm sorry, i didn't realise you were still here. i just - was getting some stuff done to be ahead of things tomorrow," she tells them , moving a loose strand of hair behind her ear before stepping into the room and setting the items down on the desk. "is there anything else you need from me?" / @fxcdboys !
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heartsfirstmoved · 6 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸ closed starter .
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" don't wanna talk - don't know what the use is . i'll only fall for all of your excuses . "
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heartsfirstmoved · 6 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸ closed starter .
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  bodhi smiles as she makes her way backstage after the show , waving at a couple of fans that notice her . she has seen the posts that go around , everyone convinced that she's dating one of robin's bandmates ; and honestly , that's fine by her . it gives them a cover , no one is ever looking at them . she gently knocks on the door , before slipping into the dressing room . " you looked incredible out there tonight , baby . "
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enternecersarc · 2 years
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         she  pushes  her  notebook  away,  a  frustrated  sigh  breaking  out  of  glossy  lips.  her  thoughts  a  mess  in  her  head  –  tangled,  overwhelming  &  suffocating.  cassie  cannot  stop  thinking  about  nate  or  why  he  cancelled  –  or  why  he  has  barely  paid  attention  to  her  all  week.  ❝  it’s  too  much,  ❞  the  blonde  whispers,  bottom  lip  trembling.  ❝  and  i  don’t  want  to  embrace  the  suck.  i  want  things  to  not  suck and  i  don’t  think  that’s  too  much  to  ask.  ❞
@unpreferred​  /  sc.
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enternecersarc · 2 years
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      fingertips  run  down  her  hair,  mocha  hues  attentive  to  her  reflection  in  the  mirror.  rachel  has  been  in  the  bathroom  for  several  minutes  now,  attempting  to  get  the  slushie  out  of  her  when  she  sees  quinn  walk  in.  a  sigh  breaks  out  of  her  instantly,  turning  around  to  focus  on  the  blonde.  ❝  what  do  you  want,  quinn?  ❞
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heartsfirstmoved · 6 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸ closed starter .
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  things have come full circle for them . she thinks about the year before , the party they had with friends for the holidays ; and now ? it's just them two . that's all that matters to her right now . she's been working hard, and now - she finally has some time to herself . some time to just focus on their relationship . amara makes her way over to them slowly , carefully lowering herself into their lap ; arms wrapping around their neck as she presses a soft kiss to her cheek . " and now , i'm all yours . no more auditions , no more phone calls . just me and you . "
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