julybloom · 8 months
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the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air, the room suffused with an unsettling tension as hanna mustered the courage to voice the plea that had been gnawing at her heart. her gaze, searching and desperate, bore into the eyes of the person before her, silently urging them to offer solace to the ache that gripped her. ''please, tell me i mattered to you," her voice wavered, each word laced with a vulnerability she couldn't conceal. the ache in her chest begged for reassurance, for a confirmation that the moments they shared held significance in the tapestry of their intertwined lives. "that i at least had some value to you," she continued, the plea lingering in the air like an unanswered question. the uncertainty of her place in their heart weighed heavily on her, and the need for validation tugged at the fraying edges of her composure. hanna held her breath, hoping against hope that the person before her would provide the affirmation she sought. the room echoed with the unspoken yearning, as if the admission held the power to mend the fractures in her heart. / @goldsrushes
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swtsours-archived · 8 months
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“   it   never   works   for   us   ,   and   it   never   will   .   ”
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grcveyacd · 8 months
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“ —- you mad at me or something? “ // @goldsrushes
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recklcssblues · 9 months
closed lyric starter for : @goldsrushes
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" when you said space was what you need , waited by my phone like a goddamn fool . "
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heartsfirstmoved · 10 months
𝚘𝚘𝚌  ¸ closed starter .
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" you say that you love me , but you don't mean it. "
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brckensocietyarch · 10 months
{ closed starter | @goldsrushes }
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landon looked down at the other who was sitting on the sidewalk outside his bar, the one he had just finished locking up. "should i be concerned that you're sitting out here by yourself when it's so late?"
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littlcfreaks-archive · 8 months
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he wished that he was someone easier, wished that he wasn't the type of person who would spill drunken secrets and then not be able to face the person who meant so much to him (even if he hadn't bean able to verbalize it). waking up the next morning cold and detached, "nah, i think this'll be the last time we see each other or whatever. remember all your shit." @goldsrushes
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glcwbitch · 9 months
                           for liking this , you get a starter !
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                          ' do you think that in some alternate universe , we're also a the same dynamic duo ? you know , kicking names and taking ass ? because i think we're splattered across every timeline. ' @goldsrushes
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swtsours-archived · 8 months
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“   it   wouldn’t   change   anything   to   tell   you   how   i   feel   .   ”
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swtsours-archived · 8 months
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“   i’m   so   sorry   i   fell   in   love   with   you   .   ”
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swtsours-archived · 8 months
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“   why   do   you   lie   to   me   ?   ”
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recklcssblues · 9 months
closed lyric starter for : @goldsrushes
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" i'm standing here with you just tryna be honest if honesty means telling you the truth well, i'm still in love with you . "
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julybloom · 9 months
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the news hit dominic like a sudden storm, unexpected and disorienting. as the reality sunk in, the weight of past decisions bore down on him. He hadn't envisioned crossing paths with them after the tumultuous end of their relationship. the scars left from that emotional wreckage were still tender, a constant reminder of the pain he'd caused. with a sigh, he braced himself for the inevitable encounter. the prospect of becoming workmates or classmates with them felt like a cruel twist of fate. he couldn't escape the memories of their intense connection, nor the guilt that lingered from the way he had shattered it. as the first day approached, the homme found himself plagued by a mix of anticipation and anxiety. he wondered how they would react, knowing that the wounds from their past were far from healed. the prospect of facing the consequences of his choices made the air thick with tension, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this new chapter would be anything but easy. ''well, well, well. looks like this is a damn small town after all, because i sure never expected to run into you here.'' / @goldsrushes
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julybloom · 9 months
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madison had always treasured the connection she shared with them. their friendship was a tapestry woven with the threads of shared secrets, inside jokes, and the unspoken understanding that bound them together. yet, lately, a subtle shift had taken root within her, like a dormant seed awakening to the realization that her feelings for them had evolved into something more profound. contemplating the idea of confessing her love felt like standing on the edge of a precipice, peering into the unknown. the fear of shattering the delicate balance they'd maintained for years gnawed at her resolve. what if laying bare her feelings jeopardized the foundation of their friendship? as the weight of her emotions grew heavier each day, the femme found solace in stolen glances and lingering touches, secretly yearning for something more. the internal struggle between preserving their existing bond and exploring the uncharted territory of romance left her in a state of perpetual unease. the impending decision loomed over madison like an ominous storm, casting a shadow over the sanctuary of their friendship. she couldn't shake the fear that confessing her love might irrevocably alter the landscape of their relationship, and the uncertainty clawed at her heart, creating a storm of emotions that threatened to consume her. ''hey. i know this may come a little out of the blue here but.. - is there any way we can revisit the idea of you being my fake date to this party? i already told everyone i'd have a date and well, i don't. please?''/ @goldsrushes
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julybloom · 8 months
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the pulsating bass of the music throbbed through the crowded space, drowning out wyatt's attempt to maintain composure. the agreement to arrive separately at the party seemed like a reasonable decision until they laid eyes on the scene unfolding before them. there they were, surrounded by the vibrant energy of the party, and he couldn't help but notice the presence of an unwelcome figure. some guy, with an arrogance that set his teeth on edge, was shamelessly flirting with them. it took every ounce of self-control not to march over and assert their claim. with a tight jaw, the homme navigated the crowd, concealing the storm of jealousy that raged within him. he didn't want to make a scene, but the sight of someone else encroaching on what felt like their territory was a torment they hadn't anticipated. his gaze locked onto them, a mix of longing and frustration coloring wyatt's expression. the smile they forced was strained, concealing the turmoil beneath the surface. he felt the knot of jealousy tightening with each passing moment, and the effort to hide it became increasingly challenging. as they approached, he couldn't shake the burning question in their mind. was this really a test of their mutual decision, or was it a precursor to a revelation that would redefine the boundaries they had set? the internal struggle mirrored the external façade, leaving himtorn between the desire to claim what was theirs and the need to respect the decision they had made. "i didn't expect this when we agreed to come separately," wyatt finally said, their voice tight with restraint as they attempted to gauge your reaction to the unwanted attention. / @goldsrushes
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julybloom · 8 months
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lainey's frustration bubbled beneath the surface as she listened to her friend enthusiastically explain the blind date they had set up for her. the insistence that it was time for her to move on and find love only fueled the fire of irritation within her. she wanted to refuse, to put her foot down and assert her independence, but the weight of her friend's expectations held her back. "look, i appreciate the thought, but i don't need you meddling in my love life," she finally snapped, unable to contain her frustration any longer. she felt the weight of the secret she had been keeping – the fact that she hadn't been single as long as her friend believed. the pressure to conform to their expectations clashed with her desire to live authentically. amidst the tension, a moment of truth emerged. words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of revelation. "i love you," she uttered, the admission slipping out in the midst of the emotional turmoil. the silence that followed was deafening, the weight of those three words lingering in the air, transforming the argument into a vulnerable confession. the unexpected declaration left her grappling with the realization that her feelings had surfaced in the midst of the chaos, adding a layer of complexity to the already tumultuous situation. / @goldsrushes
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