#โ† ๐Ÿ‡ ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐š ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐šŠ๐š—๐šœ๐š ๐šŽ๐š›๐šœ ( asks )
splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@pleasuretomeetme asked: Jonas grins. Thereโ€™s a thin lock of freshly-bleached hair dangling over his forehead. โ€œ I dare you to let me do a pink stripe in your hair. โ€ [ truth or dare time! ]
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MABEL'S FRECKLED NOSE CRINKLES, a reluctant sort of smile curling at the corners of their lips. it's so hard for them to resist indulging you, even when you're being a total idiot. they're sat upon the bathroom counter, watching you fuss with your hair, both of you unbothered by the heavy chemical smell. changing your appearances is something the two of you have enjoyed doing, creating your own unique styles that defy who you used to be, who they tried to make you be. they support your experimenting with your hair color โ€” their own hair felt different enough with a chop and its natural blonding, so they haven't really felt moved to do more.
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after a few moments of contemplation, the captain finds themself rather lacking in reasons to refuse you. it seems fun enough, after all, and they aren't exactly the type to back down from a challenge. they sift through their thick hair, pulling it forward, untucking it from their ears so that the strands hang in a way that's more available to you. "just don't fuck it up," is their answer, wry and knowing, already aware that you'll be careful but unable to keep their fingers off of your pulse. "if i end up looking ugly, i'll shave all of your hair off in your sleep."
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@rosetintedgunman asked: Wilford popped in with a grin. "Hey Hare. Got a dare fer ya. I got a basket here. Fill it with as many things as ya can hold in one go." [ truth or dare time! ]
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hare frowns at the offered basket, seemingly not catching the hidden meaning. the actor neglected all sorts of lessons, you see, not just the one causing the latest outrage. they lower it, peering down at the decently-sized vessel and struggling, briefly, to think of what in the world they might attempt to fill it with.
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eventually, the viewer seems to make a decision. you watch as they lower themself onto the ground, sitting down in the grass โ€” and using those small, talkative hands to scoop fistfuls of dirt into the basket until it is full.
they nudge it towards you once the task is complete.
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@pleasuretomeetme asked: Jonas sends a paper airplane zooming across the room to bounce off of Captainโ€™s back. The moment they turn to him with a raised brow, he grins, flopping down further onto the couch as he continues to regard them. โ€œ Youโ€™re the only person who really gets me, yโ€™know? All this pointless story bullshit, dragging everyone in circles. โ€
He spins a finger over his head. โ€œ Iโ€™d say youโ€™re the big pair of scissors that cut me out of it, but I guess we really gave each other a pair. Itโ€™s nice. Youโ€™re the only bastard Iโ€™d let beat me at twister for the rest of our lives. โ€ They put their hands on their hips and Jonasโ€™ grin widens. With air quotes, he repeats, โ€œโ€˜Letโ€™ beat me at twister. โ€
He lands on his back on the couch. โ€œ Just you fuckinโ€™ wait, Iโ€™ll find a game Iโ€™m better than you at. โ€
[ tell my muse why you care about them ]
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THE CAPTAIN had not taken apart the invincible piece by piece, life by life, in your name. to say such a thing would be not only discredit the captain, but the affect that the crew upon it ( some above others ) had on their state. however, to pretend that the actions of the person you were before did not leave a mark upon the person they were before โ€” that would be just as untrue. the shadows of who these two were, in tandem, cast light onto the people they are now.
if they were to be honest with themself, they did not imagine a life lived alongside someone else when they walked out of that shattered story and into the world beyond. but there you were. there you were. you were new. and so were they.
you are the only person that can mock them as they are now. the paper airplane is kicked away, towards the bin of other creations of a similar nature โ€” the two of you have filled up boxes with paper animals, many-sided shapes, tiny stars. they can't help but feel their annoyance ebb into fondness as you continue. they are capable of great anger. but this is not one of those times.
your words leave a mark on them that makes them feel vulnerable. while they are capable of feeling vulnerable around you, it still isn't an easy thing to do. every cell in their body resists the idea of being weak. it's reflexive, really, their attitude, as they reply with a dismissive, "maybe you'd have better luck making up a game of your own. that way, you could stack the odds. actually give yourself a chance."
there's a pause as you huff, clearly unhurt but ready to act grumpy for the sake of it. the captain watches you for a moment.
the sheaf of paper sitting upon your chest is discarded to make room. limbs tangle together as they nudge their head in underneath of your chin. you breathe in deeply, and you can smell the crisp scent of their favored shampoo. they weigh very little, despite the obvious musculature you can feel as you stroke your hand over their back, shifting to embrace them, keep them close.
"you're my favorite bastard, too, i guess." you can feel them smiling against your shirt.
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@pleasuretomeetme asked: โค๏ธ+๐Ÿ–ค [ โค๏ธ+๐Ÿ–ค positive & negative traits meme ]
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captain seems to ponder their answer for a moment, staring intently into your eyes. their gaze weighs heavily on most, but not you. in fact, they find themselves satisfied when their wide-eyed look finally cracks the serious face youโ€™ve put-upon, and you succumb to laughter.
they lean back in their seat. โ€œyou let me do whatever i want,โ€ captain says, cheekily, accepting the dig of your boot beneath the table. itโ€™s well-earned. โ€œfine, fine. youโ€™re pretty much the only person i can stand. and itโ€™s because youโ€™re special. we understand each other in ways everyone else could never.โ€
a pause, as they consider you. โ€œbut youโ€™re a fucking blanket-stealer.โ€
the chair is knocked out from beneath them as you tackle them to the floor for a wrestling match. captain lets you win, this once.
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@dreamingofmuses asked:ย โœจ [ send โœจ to get showered in complimentsย ]
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hello friend! i am so sorry for taking so long to get to this ask, frankly it got buried and i am a forgetful little thing sfdhbdsg. anyway! we haven't really roleplayed much but i really enjoy having your blogs on my feed! you have such an upbeat personality and you're very approachable. a very kind, giving person. my husband talks about you a lot kdsfhhdgf, it's clear that you've made a very good impression on him, too. we both love your characterizations! i wish we talked more but i still enjoy what i see of you! be well and thank you for your ask, i'm sorry again for taking so long to answer it!
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@pleasuretomeetme asked: โœจ [ send โœจ to get showered in compliments ]
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i am very biased as your spouse but here i go!! hello ily, you are legitimately my inspiration. you are such a brilliant writer. you are so creative, your ideas are always brilliant. your actor has truly shaped how i understand the character even beyond the page. our chemistry extends to our writing and so i never have a bad time with you, as we always play off of each other fabulously. i legitimately could answer this like a dissertation so im trying to keep it brief, but truly, honestly, you make me so happy, both on the blog and off of it. each and every character you take under your pen, you create something magical with them. you take them places that i didn't originally foresee but that i, once there, could never unsee. like??? villainois??? dad actor and baby star?? and oh GOD don't get me started on charlie. charlie is my baby and i will END anyone who hurts him. asfkjbdh i could go ON but i won't, not here. god, just. keep doing what you're doing. im so happy to be with you, each and every day. your mind is always so captivating to me. i could listen to you talk about your characters for hours and hours. mwah mwah big kisses!! so many smooches for u and your brilliant boys.
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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anonymous asked: Hello, Captain. Could I bother you for a truth? What is your favorite pastime, now that you're out of the loop? [ truth or dare time! ]
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THE CAPTAIN IS, INDEED, BOTHERED. they, quite literally, have no interest in entertaining questions like this. they feel pried at, overly seen. they don't appreciate having an audience. but here you are, and there is your question, and they suppose they need to answer it.
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"i really like food." mostly things with strong tastes, things that are exciting and flavorful. they love sour candies, they're not at all intimidated by spice. "watch a lot of movies, too. mostly the bad ones." they can get behind a good book, sometimes. but it depends on what it's about. they loathe a romance. "mostly, i just keep to myself. it's nice to be able to sit around and do nothing, for once. i'm taking it slow. i'm tired of fast-paced. i'm tired of always having to do something, always needing to be somewhere." their eyes travel over you, from the top of your head to the soles of your shoes. " ... always having to answer to someone."
their eyes narrow. you suspect it might be best to back off, now.
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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anonymous asked: captain, truth. did all of them really deserve it? [ truth or dare time! ]
warning: i normally wouldn't put these at the top for an ask but i feel like i have to for this one. please be advised that this ask discusses a pet being unalived. there is also a lot of aggressive + negative language directed at animals, specifically dogs, in general.
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THE CAPTAIN WATCHES AS YET ANOTHER HAPLESS, HOPELESS HUMAN COUPLE MARCHES PAST THE CAFE WINDOW. the tiny wooden stirrer they've dropped into their cup of tea threatens to snap between their fingers as the two pause before exiting their sight. what delays them, to the captain's visible distaste, is how eagerly their large, boorish dog is sniffing at the potted plants that decorate the cafe's stoop. they're laughing, clearly amused by their beast's stupidity.
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they try to ignore the way their stomach twists when the thing lifts its gaze and those black, thoughtless eyes meet theirs. the creature barks. it fucking barks, and the stirrer splits in two, the lower half disappearing beneath the surface of their earl grey. they feel the way their lips form a snarl, and the only thing that keeps them from losing this little staring contest of theirs is the fact that the owner of the dog tugs on its leash. the captain sees as the owner says something, though they cannot hear it through the window, and the mangy little shit is redirected.
even as the trio finally leave the captain's sight, the look on that dog's face seems burned into the backs of their eyelids. they pinch the bridge of their nose. a migraine is starting to develop. they knew they shouldn't've come here. not right now, not when they've been feeling like this. it was just a dumb fucking animal, why were they letting it bother them? they had far more important things to worry about than some pathetic, brainless little mutt.
they have to get out of here. they don't look too hard at the bill they leave on the table, uncaring if it's too hefty for their meager tab. their cup is trashed with shaking hands, the captain unrepentant as they elbow a stranger out of the way so they can get to the door.
every time they so much as blink, THEY SEE HER. it stabs like a knife between the ribs, whether they want it to or not. a few steps more, and they're out in the middle of a field, away from civilization. lost amongst fields of tall grasses and weeds, they collapse into the brush, clutching at the dirt with gloved hands and asking the space between them and the earth why, why, why?! they can find even an ounce of affection for a STUPID FUCKING DOG!
as the tears begin to sting at the corners of their eyes, they can't help but remember hers. they recall all other members of the crews' helpless, hapless looks so fondly. but hers? they would lie if you asked, but they'd made it quick. painless and swift in a way that none of the others had been. they would never tell you how it'd been a mercy, because sparing her would have meant slow and agonizing starvation, and keeping her would have meant dredging up a kind of affection they could not find themself capable of for any being on that ship, even her.
did they all deserve it, you ask? no, she didn't.
THE CAPTAIN SCREAMS AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS, to the point where they ache from the strain.
they do not regret what they did. they will never apologize. they will never wish that they could go back and alter the past. but to pretend that there was not even a single cost would be a lie, and you have forced the truth.
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@rosetintedgunman asked: Wilford sits down near Captain. "Hey. Got a truth fer ya. An' really, it's 'cause I'm nosy more than anythin' else. Ya were caught in stories an' loops fer so longโ€ฆ Do ya any sorta bucket list of things ya wanna do now that ya can?" [ truth or dare time! ]
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THE CAPTAIN'S SCOWL MAKES IT VERY CLEAR HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT YOUR PRESENCE. you nudge up close to them, and they immediately shift away, posture tightly-wound. shoulders drawn inward, muscles coiled as if to prepare to deliver a blow. their memories of you have not been lost, but much of their sentiment โ€” not just for you, so try not to be offended โ€” has been completely blown to smithereens. ( haha, good one. )
however, your question seems to somehow provoke their interest. perhaps it's the pandering nature of it, the way it plays right into their most pressing desires. maybe it's you grasping at the last remaining string that might tie you together and tugging on it, even if it might snap from the pressure. their lips purse, brow furrowed with both withheld aggression and thought.
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"alright, pinky pie. i'll bite." is that a warning, or a concession? they delight in the double entendre. "been trying a lot of food. that's up there. going to places i think look interesting, on my own terms. lots of games to play. lots of tech to try out."
a brief pause, as their eyes return to yours again. "mostly, i've just been keeping to myself. i never really got to be alone, before. there was always somebody watching. even when they wanted me to think there wasn't." they cock their head, looking you up and down. "even you. everybody treated me like i was the headliner at the fucking freakshow. best part is when they tried to pretend it was out of love."
they stand up, their heavy boots kicking up a bit of dirt as they do so. even at their small stature, they manage to appear firm as they tell you, "you're no different. you can lie to yourself all you want, if it makes you feel better. but i'm done dancing for all of you. i don't want your applause. i just want you to leave me alone."
before you have a chance to react, THE CAPTAIN IS GONE. if you take a moment to consider their departure, you realize they didn't so much walk away as they disappeared. might've had something to do with that flash of blue light, but who's to say?
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@lvckyflannel asked: โค๏ธ ! [ โค๏ธ+๐Ÿ–ค positive & negative traits meme ]
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[ YOU DONโ€™T GIVE UP, ] they say, simply, with very little delay. [ NO MATTER WHAT, YOU KEEP GOING. YOU KEEP SMILING. ]
even if they canโ€™t really understand such optimism, themself, they still manage to admire it in you. they would usually find such a sunny attitude endlessly annoying. you make it look good.
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@alwayshorrible asked: ( wash ) : for sender to wash blood off of receiver [ 20 action starters ]
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the overt intimacy of what the two of you are currently sharing is almost enough to scare hare off. certainly they could take care of this themself, after all, considering the most they need is a decent scrubbing with some water. in the face of sharing such a vulnerable moment with another person, of trusting them so fully with some of their weaker pieces โ€ฆ frankly, theyโ€™d rather jump into a lake to get this blood off.
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but they donโ€™t. they donโ€™t run, they donโ€™t resist. ( apart from some initial attempts to brush you off. ) perhaps itโ€™s because you arenโ€™t holding them like theyโ€™re made of glass. you arenโ€™t treating them like the damsel. your warm washcloth swipes over the patches splattered across their skin with a purpose, applying only the force necessary but not chickening out when a particular bit of ruddy brown didnโ€™t want to come loose. you donโ€™t apologize, you donโ€™t fret overly. hare may deserve to be handled gently, but they certainly do not accept it well. perhaps you realize that, somehow.
they make their gratitude known once you are finished, and accept your offer of a clean sweater to wear, even if itโ€™s rather oversized. [ NEXT TIME, ] they tell you, [ Iโ€™LL AVOID WEARING WHITE. ]
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
one review for splittinghareโ€™s blog reads:
โ€œ So good I might just marry it.
Hareโ€™s blog is a journey that takes twists and turns guaranteed to make you ache. Whether thatโ€™s because youโ€™re laughing too hard or crying too hard depends on the day.
Glows a very distracting shade of blue when perceived for too long. Thatโ€™s probably fine. โ€
rate my blog like it's a restaurant!
it's definitely fine, unless you look at it for too long. you are LEGITIMATELY insufferable and i will curbstomp you at the next given opportunity, i love you very much, thank you.
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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anonymous asked: meta + engineer mark
[ send meta + a word/words to inspire a meta ]
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most of us are aware that there is a reason that the head engineer is so drawn to the captain โ€” one etched into the narrative, sewn into the very fabric that makes the engineer a man. but did you know that the captain has their reasons for being so fond of him, too? the power of the pen has never been enough to make hare fall in love with their dashing counterpart, but there are more forces at work here than would be apparent upon the surface โ€” all of them within the captain's mind, scraps of humanity that prove most ... inconvenient.
to make a rather lengthy story short, hare is the victim of a kind of circumstance that makes them a bit of a lone wolf. even those who might attempt to understand their plight will inevitably be reset. yes, there are those around them that might remember the trials and tribulations they endure โ€” particularly a certain someone they could even empathize with โ€” but even those relationships do not come as easily. loving the head engineer is easy, even when it is not. even when hare would rather shut that part of themself off, to protect them further pain. he is someone that stands beside hare, that follows them through the agonies of a broken reality and each, and every, time, HE REMEMBERS.
this is why hare takes the head engineer's animosity, his blame, with more difficulty than most. their experience as the viewer has left them denying the possibility of companionship โ€” alongside denying most of their emotions, especially the kinds that might be seen as too weak, too human.
i haven't gotten the chance to discuss this as much. but i am beginning to work with a concept that i'll share more about when i have more substance to it. for now, i leave you with this โ€”
hare does not hesitate to HOLD ON to the head engineer, because to LET GO of someone that feels so integral to who they are would rend hare beyond repair.
but what would happen if the head engineer loosened his own grip just a little too much?
what if THE CAPTAIN felt they had no choice but to AฬดฬฬŽฬ‡ฬžฬซอ–ฬฅ Bฬดฬšฬ‚ฬŽออ‚อ•ฬฌฬฐฬฑอ‰ Aฬธอ›อ‰ฬช Nฬดฬ”อฬ†ฬ‰อ‰ฬฃฬ™ Dฬธอ›อ„อฬฝฬ”อ“ฬฉฬŸฬณ Oฬธฬพฬอ„ฬ“อŒฬฒฬฒฬช Nฬดฬ€ฬšฬŠฬ ฬฏฬช ฬตอ‘อƒฬ…อˆฬฆฬขฬฏฬฎ SฬดอŒอ‘ฬจฬกอ™ Hฬตฬฟออ‘อ•อ…อ–ฬฌ Iฬดอฬอœอˆฬฐฬซฬฉ Pฬตฬ€อ ฬ‹ฬŠอ‰ฬฑอ‰ ?
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@alwayshorrible asked: โœจ [ send โœจ to get showered in compliments ]
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ELLIOT MY FRIEND, we don't talk enough either!!! but honestly the kind of seamless chemistry that murdock and hare have is?? everything 2 me. i am not exaggerating when i say that these two stick with me in my mind. generally, your interpretation has left a lasting impression on me, bc i directly associate your writing with canon now? and ik that's like. a Lot but you legit took a one-off little dork and made him into someone i can truly care about, and like, that's seriously impressive. i love murdock so much, i love YOU so much. i also love ur ocs!! i haven't done much with them or your captain, or your viewer either, but like, i love them ALL and i love YOU, please keep doing u!!
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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@jumpinagain asked: โœจ [ send โœจ to get showered in compliments ]
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SUN!!!! your mind, beloved. you are legitimately such a SUNNY person. you make me so happy just by being around. you have an infectious kind of joy to you when you're really feeling yourself, and it's a wonder to watch. your spaceboi is legitimately all but canon for me, as i think you have legitimately BLED into this man. you learn more and more about him each day, fleshing out this multifaceted, rich, LIVING universe for him, and it's just a blessing to be a part of it, even if it's just as a spectator. you're always making me smile. you give me such RAW feelings, whether it's fluff or a heaping spoonful of angst. i care so much about every single piece of spaceboi you've shown to me, from the standard model to gin to star to sterling and beyond. you have such a delightful enthusiasm for markcu, for EVERYTHING, and i care so much about you ic and ooc. i wish life was kinder to you, and truly i am so grateful that i can even attempt to give you even an ounce of the contentment you bring me back to you, bc you deserve that and more. sjfhgd i am not nearly as articulate as you are, your answer was so well-crafted, but i hope this suffices eep! you deserve to know how special you are. hare && i both love you && your various space bbies so much!!
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splittinghares ยท 2 years
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anonymous asked: truth: hare, how do you feel about murdock? [ truth or dare time! ]
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when they sign the man's name, it's with the name sign they gave him: it's the sign for 'cross', but their hand forms an 'm' instead of the standard 'c'.
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