#↪ request: astrology ship
kpopstanships · 1 year
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This is a very overdue synastry ship for @sarcastichumansblog​ 
Thank you so much for your patience on this ship and I hope it was worth the wait. I am honestly not the most familiar with synastry and astrology so hopefully it is okay!
Synastry Compatibility: Sarcastic and Jungkook 
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Good Aspects:
Venus in 7th House
Love and appreciation for one another are expressed with ease and you are both likely to be very supportive of each other's long-term goals. In a romantic relationship, you both feel better with each other. This is a genuine love and like of each other. The relationship is highly beneficial for a long-term partnership if other aspects allow.
Sun trine Uranus
Things work best for your relationship when you encourage one another’s independence. There is an electric, spontaneous quality between you, and your sexual relationship is lively, uninhibited, and exciting as well.  There is an intriguing level of freedom in your relationship.
Moon sextile Neptune
You emotional connection runs deep and intimate. You might even have a psychic bond that allows you to communicate without speaking, or know what the other is going through even when you're not together and able to talk about what's going on in your hearts and minds. This bond is more spiritual than sexual.
Mars sextile Mars
There is an instinctive understanding of one another’s impulses, methods, and desire nature. Whether you’re working actively together towards a common goal or pursuing separate interests, you are supportive of one another.
Sun trine Neptune
The emotional connection between you was powerful and deep, right from the get-go. You may not even be aware of it as such; you simply feel connected, and that was true even when you didn't know one another well. There is a sense that your souls recognize one another, that you're bonded on a spiritual level.
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Neutral Aspects:
Sun sextile Pluto
The bond between you two is powerful and transformative. On a physical level, you respond to each other with a deep and compelling passion, one that is enhanced by a strong emotional sensuality. They're able to provide you with a lot of support, and they encourage you to pursue your ambitions. However, your partner  should take care to be open to your ideas. They have such a powerful effect on you that if they allow their responses to be negative or overly critical, this could actually hinder your growth
Mercury square Neptune
You might complain that your partner is vague and indefinite in his or her communications with you. Although you could find each other quite intriguing at first, mistrust could develop over time
Saturn sextile Saturn
You have very similar ideas of how to be a disciplined and responsible human being, and you cooperate with each other very well. The level of open communication between you helps you to stay informed and mutually supportive. This aspect shouldn't make you overly goal-oriented; it should just add the right amount of energy to allow you to work well and hard, and make real progress in your lives.
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Challenging Aspects:
Mercury opposition Saturn
Over time, there can be a subtle competitiveness between you on a mental level that can actually be quite destructive if not attended to. 
Venus square Pluto
Intense, and sometimes uncomfortable, attraction between these two can go either way fast. The expression “a fine line between love and hate” applies here. This connection is almost primal in nature. Sexual attraction is intense. This is not a relationship to take lightly. If the relationship were to break up, it would be unlikely that the two would be able to remain “just friends”, as the passion is hard to forget.
Mars square Neptune
You have to force yourselves to be completely honest and clear with each other; otherwise, the lines of communication become entirely too muddied. Passive-aggressiveness is likely a problem between you, especially on your partner's side; they might feel the urge to purposely mislead you when they're feeling angry or hurt, or even to leave out information just to watch you struggle without it.
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Sun in 12th House 
You have an intuitive connection, and much of your relationship might take place behind the scenes in secret or not very public. You may confide in each other, things you normally would not with others. You may have met in a unique way, you will both share very intimate details with one another. There is also likely a spiritual or unconscious connection that exists between the two of you even if you are apart. You may idealize one another, or see things in another that no one else can see. Be sure, to be honest with each other at all times.
Moon in 2nd House
You will likely be quite generous with each other. This is the house of Venus and Taurus, so there will also be some jealousy and protectiveness of each other as well. You will also find you share many of the same values, interests, and likes. 
Mercury in 1st House 
You will inspire easy communication with your partner. The two of you will be quite talkative with each other. You both think a like and have much in common. Communication will be very important in your relationship together and you will share many of the same ways of thinking, you both just get each other. You will enjoy local traveling and socializing with others together.
Venus in 11th House
The two of you get along famously. You will simply love hanging out, chatting and having fun together. You both have a lot in common and just simply like each other. However, if this is a love relationship the house person might treat the Venus person like a buddy, or best friend which isn't a bad thing it can either lessen or increase the romance between the two. It would help to have other more passionate aspects.
Mars in 3rd House
The Mars person will likely stimulate the house persons mind. This is a very talkative or chatty position for Mars so depending on how both people relate will depict how this truly plays out. It is possible that the house person may find the Mars person to aggressive when communicating.However, if both people are conscious or mindful then this can be a very stimulating aspect. Communication is very important between two people, and this indicates a lot in common or much to talk about.
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The outcome of this relationship will depend on your communication and if you two can be honest with each other. This is a very passionate relationship where you can understand and love the other fully but this can go wrong if you are not careful. There can be too much passion or communication can become aggressive if you two don’t stay open with each other. If you two are able to stay honest and support the others independence, this will be a very passionate relationship. A passion that will follow you even if the relationship ended.
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Thank you again for your patience and understanding! I hope you like the outcome of your ship.
At this time synastry ships are no longer offered, all upcoming synastry ships are me catching up on overdue requests. However, I do offer other astrology ships for those interested in compatibility. You can see the ships I offer by clicking this link here.
↪ Katt    
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kpopstanships · 1 year
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This is a very overdue synastry ship for @icywhatim​ 
Thank you so much for your patience on this ship and I hope it was worth the wait. I am honestly not the most familiar with synastry and astrology so hopefully it is okay!
Synastry Compatibility: Icy and Yeonjun
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Good Aspects: 
Sun trine Saturn
Saturn is very dedicated and loyal to Sun, with a strong desire to fulfill the responsibilities and demands of this relationship. Saturn is willing to go the extra mile and make sacrifices without complaining, for the benefit of Sun and the relationship. Sun is encouraging and supportive of Saturn, inspiring a sense of security and well-being. There is a deep sense of mutual commitment and dedication that holds your relationship together, even when you go through difficult times together.
Moon sextile Jupiter
There is a natural joy, generosity and good fortune that comes with this aspect. You tend to give freely of your feelings and are able to express gratitude openly and willingly. There are times when you are excessive or too effusive, but most of the time people love your infectious and vibrant energy. You tend to be fortunate in attaining and generous in giving of the resources you have.
Moon sextile Saturn
Your lover has a grounding influence on your emotions. When you're feeling upset or stressed out, they are able to step in with advice and comfort. When you're flying high and maybe getting a little bit unrealistic in your ideas or expectations, they are able to provide a more realistic view of the possibilities.
Mercury trine Jupiter
Conversations can be lively, positive, and inspiring. Communication is open and flowing. There can be a strong bond of friendship based upon enjoyment of sharing ideas and opinions.
Venus trine Mars
Romantic feelings are strong and you are very compatible sexually. It is unlikely that the feeling of being “in love” will ever fade completely, and it is likely that you will both see each other as someone very special and dear to you throughout your lives. Your relationship is definitely warm and romantic and very fulfilling for both of you.
Sun conjunct Mercury
Talking and sharing ideas is highlighted in your relationship. You enjoy learning new things together and exchanging points of view. You work well together in planning, organizing, theorizing, writing, or communicating ideas in any manner.
Venus trine Pluto
This is a very supportive interchart aspect that enhances sexual attraction and expression and the overall sense of emotional fulfillment derived from a relationship. The tendency to be consumed by one another and by the relationship is here. There is little chance of this relationship growing routine or stale. Both parties seem to enjoy moving forward and growing through the relationship, so that each feels a sense of relief and enlightenment after a relationship challenge or argument.
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Neutral Aspects:
Sun conjunct Sun
Your overall characteristics and energy levels are very similar. You strongly identify with each other and are very much alike in important ways. However, you share the same flaws and weaknesses as well as the positive qualities, and you may find it difficult to be with someone who so clearly exhibits the very things you like least about yourself. 
Venus square Jupiter
You have a tendency to risk with high stakes or expectations and your disappointments can be large. Essentially positive, expansive, generous and joyful, this aspect between your charts generates its share of exaggeration and excess if not handled carefully. This is the classic, “too much of a good thing”. The truth could be stretched or unnecessary risks taken with your resources or your affections. Guard against taking too much for granted, or you may easily lose something valuable to you.
Mars trine Saturn
There is a constancy and predictability in the Saturn person that Mars finds very attractive. At restless times in our lives, however, predictability can sometimes be equated with boredom. However, much of the time, Mars takes comfort in the knowledge that Saturn’s passions are really quite constant.
Jupiter trine Neptune
Your partner encourages your spiritual growth in a way that excites you beyond measure. You're interested in personal growth, but you usually tend to focus on mental or intellectual expansion. Your partner has a handle on the more emotional and spiritual side of human experience, and they love to have you enter into their world for the betterment of both of you.
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Challenging Aspects:
Moon square Moon
It is more difficult for the two of you to be in sync with each other because of this aspect. When one is up, the other may be down, or one of you is a night person while the other is an early bird. Timing can be tricky, and it will take some adjustment to find a way to relate and reduce frustrations.
Venus opposition Neptune
Venus needs to be aware that if he or she falls in love with a romantic ideal instead of his or her real partner, Neptune will most likely retreat. Venus may go through periods of excessive trusting of the partner and swing to excessive fear that the partner cannot be trusted. The emotional rollercoaster can be unbearable if Venus rides on it for too long. Neptune must be extra careful not to promise more than he or she can deliver, in an attempt to make Venus feel better, remembering that “errors of omission” count as misleading. Neptune might have a hard time dealing with Venus directly, especially because it doesn’t seem that Venus will listen to reason or even wants to see reality.
Sun conjunct Mars
The energy between you is unmistakable. Sometimes, you feel invigorated by each other, not unlike stepping out of an overdue shower. Other times, the urgency of the energy between the two of you may feel a little too intense for your mood.
Mars square Uranus
You two know almost instinctively how to get under each other's skin. You probably try to control this person even if that's not normally in your nature. Something about their insistence on independence makes you try to pin them down by force.
Sun square Pluto
It's difficult for both of you to fully be yourselves in this relationship, because there is so much deep-rooted conflict between you two. Even when you had only just met, you felt the effects of old, unconscious wounds rearing their heads. You may feel as if you've come to this relationship for a reason.
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The compatibility between the two of you is definitely desirable. You two have a mutual understanding of each other and can support the other. You two will likely experience a friends to lovers relationship and a very strong attraction to each other. However, your differences can lead to conflict and you need to be open with communication in order to keep this conflict from affecting you. Good communication and understanding of your differences will lead to a strong and very romantic relationship. 
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Thank you again for your patience and understanding! I hope you like the outcome of your ship. 
At this time synastry ships are no longer offered, all upcoming synastry ships are me catching up on overdue requests. However, I do offer other astrology ships for those interested in compatibility. You can see the ships I offer by clicking this link here.
↪ Katt  
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kpopstanships · 1 year
hii hope you're doing well! Can I get an astrology ship with nct127, wayv and enhypen please??
Sun: Scorpio / Moon: Taurus / ASC: Taurus
Mercury: Libra / Venus: Libra / Mars: Aquarius
Here you go dear
In NCT 127 I ship you with YUTA
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In WayV I ship you with WINWIN
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In Enhypen I ship you with SUNOO
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Thank you for your request and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again any time!
Requests for astrology ships are CLOSED! However all other ships are open. Please click this link here to see the guides for all the ships I offer.
↪ Katt
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kpopstanships · 1 year
hi, i see you still have slots for astrology mtl so can i ask for more? If not, that's okay, you've done well. and if yes, can i request astrology mtl ship with NCT 127 and The boyz? My sun and moon is libra, rising is taurus, venus is virgo, mercury is scopeio, mars is satt. Thank you so much.
Here you go dear!
NCT 127
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The Boyz
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Thank you for your request and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again any time!
Requests for astrology ships are CLOSED! However all other ships are open. Please click this link here to see the guides for all the ships I offer.
↪ Katt
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kpopstanships · 1 year
Hello. Can I request a BTS ship? I have Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, Capricorn rising, Capricorn Mercury and Venus, and Pisces Mars.
Of course dear here you go
Based on your chart I think you are most compatible with JUNGKOOK
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Thank you for your request and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again any time!
Requests for astrology ships are CLOSED! However all other ships are open. Please click this link here to see the guides for all the ships I offer.
↪ Katt
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kpopstanships · 1 year
Hi, can i request astrology mtl sjip with NCT 7dream and exo? My sun and moon is libra, rising is taurus, venus is virgo, mercury is scopeio, mars is satt. Thank you so much.
Of course darling here you go!
Based on your chart I ship you with 
NCT Dream 
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Thank you for your request and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again any time!
Requests for astrology mtl ships are OPEN! However slots are limited to batches of 10 (8 open slots remaining) Please click this link here to see the guides for all the ships I offer. 
↪ Katt 
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kpopstanships · 1 year
hii again<3 may I request a astrology ship with enhypen, nct 127, cix and ateez? with a bit of a description please? ty in advance 💘
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Hello again @haechnlovely​ here you go! I’ll be completely honest I am not the most experienced with astrology readings (hence why I still haven’t caught up on Angels leftover synastry) so I’m not sure I can do an accurate description but I’ll try. Hopefully this makes sense. 
Based on your chart, in Enhypen I ship you with HEESUNG
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Based on your Venus and Moon. 
In NCT 127 I ship you with MARK
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Based on your Sun and Venus 
In Cix I ship you with YONGHEE
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Based on your Sun, Moon and Venus (opposites attract) 
In Ateez I ship you with  WOOYOUNG
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Based on your Sun and Moon 
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Thank you for your request and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again any time!
Requests for astrology ships are OPEN! However slots are limited to batches of 10 (3 open slots remaining) Please click this link here to see the guides for all the ships I offer.
↪ Katt
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kpopstanships · 1 year
hii <3 I love your posts sm, I was wondering if I could get ships/mtl with txt and bts please?? thank you <3 
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Requested by @haechnlovely​ thank you so much for your patience! I should have your other ship done soon also but here you go!
Based on your charts I ship you with
1. Soobin 
2. Huening Kai  
3. Taehyun
4. Beomgyu
5. Yeonjun
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1. J-Hope
2. Jin 
3. Jimin
4. RM 
5. Suga
6. Jungkook
7.  V
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Thank you again for your patience and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again once my ships requests open.
Currently all ships are closed as I work to catch up on requests and renovate the blog. Thank you all for your understanding and support!
↪ Katt
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kpopstanships · 1 year
Hi darling, I wanted to request an astrology mtl with seventeen and exo. Thank you so much and have a great day 💜
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Hi @itmaypossiblybeakpopblog​ here you go!
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Thank you for your request and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again any time!
Requests for astro ships are CLOSED! Please click this link here to see the guides for all the ships I offer. 
↪ Katt 
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kpopstanships · 1 year
Omg!! This is the 🌷🌷 anon but i forgot to mention for the ship req i'd like a MTL as well😞 Sorry!!
Hello anon! No worries here you go!
Based on your chart I ship you with
Huening Kai
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Thank you for your request and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again any time!
Requests for astrology mtl ships are OPEN! However slots are limited to batches of 10 (8 open slots remaining) Please click this link here to see the guides for all the ships I offer. 
↪ Katt 
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kpopstanships · 1 year
hi! can i have an astrology ship with skz, bts, and seventeen pls? here are my placements:
sun: leo
moon: taurus
mercury: virgo
venus: cancer
mars: leo
asc: piscis
ty sm in advance <3
Hello anon! Here you go!
Based on your chart:
In Stray Kids I ship you with CHANGBIN
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In BTS I ship you with J HOPE
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In Seventeen I ship you with MINGYU
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Thank you again for your patience and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again once my ships requests open.
Currently all ships are closed as I work to catch up on requests and renovate the blog. Thank you all for your understanding and support!
↪ Katt
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kpopstanships · 1 year
Hi!! Could I get a SKZ astrology ship? Here are my signs: Cancer Sun (11H), ascendant in Leo, Moon + Mars in Aries (9H), Mercury + Venus in Leo (12H), thank you!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Hi darling, thank you so much for your patience and here you go!
Based on your chart I ship you with LEE KNOW
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Thank you again for your patience and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again once my ships requests open.
Currently all ships are closed as I work to catch up on requests and renovate the blog. Thank you all for your understanding and support!
↪ Katt 
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kpopstanships · 1 year
hi can i be astrology shipped w enhypen & n txt? <3
sun - virgo
rising - leo
moon - capricorn
mercury , mars , venus - libra
Of course hun here you go!
Based on your chart, in Enhypen I ship you with JAY
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In TXT I ship you with YEONJUN
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Thank you again for your patience and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again once my ships requests open.
Currently all ships are closed as I work to catch up on requests and renovate the blog. Thank you all for your understanding and support!
↪ Katt 
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kpopstanships · 1 year
Can I request a ship with these groups please :)
Stray kids
Sun- Leo
Moon- Virgo
Venus- libra
Rising - Sagittarius
Mercury - Virgo
Mars -Léo
Descendent - Gemini
Midheaven- Virgo
Of course, here you go!
In Stray Kids I think you are compatible with CHANGBIN
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In TXT I think you are compatible with HUENING KAI
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In NCT 127 I think you are compatible with JAEHYUN
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Thank you for your request and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again any time!
Requests for astrology ships are CLOSED! However all other ships are open. Please click this link here to see the guides for all the ships I offer.
↪ Katt
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kpopstanships · 1 year
hi💕i hope you’re doing well. may i have an astrology ship with ateez and bts? thank you <3
my placements: libra sun, leo moon, cap rising, sag venus, virgo mars, scorpio mercury
Of course here you go!
In BTS I think you are compatible with JIN
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In Ateez I think you are compatible with JONGHO
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Thank you for your request and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again any time!
Requests for astrology ships are CLOSED! However all other ships are open. Please click this link here to see the guides for all the ships I offer.
↪ Katt
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kpopstanships · 1 year
Hello¡ Can i request an Astrology ship with Ateez, please? tysm 🥰
My big 6
Sun: Taurus / Mercury: Taurus
Mars: Aries / Venus: Gemini
Rising: Sagittarius / Moon: Virgo
Hello! Of course here you go!
Based on your chart I ship you with SAN
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Thank you for your patience and I hope you like who you were shipped with. Feel free to request again once my ships requests open.
Currently all ships are closed as I work to catch up on requests and renovate the blog. Thank you all for your understanding and support!
↪ Katt 
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