#−−− ꧁ gadreel: the fallen guardian. ❨ self. ❩
dethtale · 1 year
gadreel is a grigori (as in spn lore, an elite group of angels, mostly warriors), to me it makes sense, as gadr.eel was tasked with guarding eden in this canon as well the reputation grigori have in biblical lore and stories of them mating with humans (gadr.eel lack of interfierence causing those angels to mingle around with humans once the garden was breached). and he was also, in my canon, michael's second in command who helped during the war in heaven against luci.fer (which also might be why he was targeted by him).
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johnellysmere · 7 years
The Ruling Hierarchy Of Hell
Below is given the Ruling Hierarchy Of Hell as worked with within The Ebon Book Of Satan, there have been varying Demonic Hierarchies put forth over the centuries by the likes of Wierus, Dukante and many others ~ but from many years of Communions with Satan and other Demons I am as certain as I can be that the one put forth here is one of great authenticity devoid of certain Spirits which I believe have been misunderstood and wrongly classified throughout history mostly due to the constant mistake of writers loyal to Abrahamic Religions considering anything not connected to their God being Demonic. Many will notice that the below Hierarchy does not contain Names of Spirits known well from the Texts of the Goetia, the reason for this is that I have a firm belief (one I know is shared by others) that the Goetic Spirits are not actually Demons but Djinn, Spirits of Smokeless Flame. Also omitted are Beings often included in Demonic Hierarchies such as Azazel, Azaziel, Raniel, Gadreel, Heramael etc . . . it will be noted that the Names of these Spirits all end in ‘el’ as do the Names of Angels such as Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and Michael. In Hebrew the ‘el’ means ‘of God’ and denotes that those Spirits bearing these Names are connected to or created by the Abrahamic God of Monotheistic Religions. While it is widely perceived that Demons were once Angels - now Fallen Angels - I refute this belief wholeheartedly offering forth the belief that Satan nor the Demons of Classical Demonology were never Fallen Angels but ancient primal forces in their own right adverse to the forces of God and the Angelic Hierarchy. Satan is the Anti-Thesis of God, the Anti-Force of the Abrahamic Deity representing chaos, creative will, liberation  and primal carnal evolution ~ the adverse of the confining, orthodox orderly stagnation of the creative current of God . . . the Demons are emanations and creations of Satan as the Angels are of Abrahamic Tyrant. Spirits such as Azazel, Raniel and Heramael are Angels, but Angels who have fallen from God’s favour due to an instinct to seek beyond the confines of the order in which they find themselves, but they are not Demons, merely Fallen Angels suffering castigation and punishment by a tyrannical God! The below Hierarchy has been forged from Communions with Satan and the Demons Agaliarept, Asmodeus and Sargatanas and is to my mind one of pure Unholy Darkness gestated from the primal sea of Chaos the current of which is the Leviathanic current. The Names of the Demons are given of this Hierarchy along with notification of their gender and areas of command concerning spheres of power.
SATAN (M) Governs Knowledge, Power, Occult Wisdom, Majesty, Black Arts, Seduction, Learning, Creation, Desire, Lust, Creative Will. LILITH (F) Governs Seduction Of Men, Infertility, Infant Death, Seership, Black Arts, Incubi, Succubi, Psychic Vampirism, Destruction Of The Pious. BEELZEBUB (M) Governs Power, Authority, Wisdom, Strength, Command, Rulership, Bravery, Conflict, Victory, Protection, Warfare, Military Strategy. ABADDON (M) Governs Death, Destruction, Misery, Hatred, Perversion, Torture, Violence, Violation, Fetishism, Sadness, Deviation. ASMODEUS (M) Governs Lust, Wisdom, Seduction, Sexual Possession, Protection, Ouija Conjuring, Magickal Knowledge, Infidelity, Desire. AGALIAREPT (M) Governs Gateways, Portals, Divination, Initiation, Knowledge, Study, Seership, Black Magick Teachings, Mysteries. ASHTAROT (A) Governs Love, Seduction, Friendship, Alliances, Reconciliation, Bonds, Pacts, Egregores, Psychogones, Homunculi, Golems. LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE (M) Governs Wealth, Finances, Promotion, Prosperity, Inheritance, Success, Employment, Riches. BELPHEGOR (A) Governs Love, Seduction, Love Bindings, Invention, Creativity, Inspiration. SATANACHIA (A) Governs Protection, Astral Protection, Magickal Protection, Seducing Women, Magick, Safe Travel, Astral Projection, Purification. SARGATANAS (A) Governs Psychic Self Defence, War Strategy, Protection, Banishings, Lust, Power, Safe Travel At Sea, Cleansing. NAAMAH (F) Governs Seducing Men, Fornication, Seduction, Fertility, Lust, Debauchery, Desire. ADRAMALECH (M) Plague, Sacrifice, Destruction, Discord, Disease, Catastrophe, Illness, Death, Bloodletting. MAMMON (M) Wealth, Avarice, Tyranny, Greed, Superiority, Money, Selfishness. BEHEMOTH (A) Greed, Sloth, Avarice, Obsession, Compulsion, Luxury, Immorality, Exhibitionism. EURYNOME (M) Death, Misery, Pain, Loss, Isolation, Melancholy, Depression, Defeat. MEPHISTO (M) Pacts, Death, Revenge, Empowerment, Magickal Knowledge, Protection, Conjuring, Justice. MELCHOM (M) Management, Finances, Savings, Rulership, Command, Riches, Position, Influence Over Authorities, Strength. ARIOCH (M) Revenge, Retribution, Wrath, Justice, Vengeance, Reprisals, Truth, Arbitration, Karma. ALASTOR (M) Death, Destruction, Assassination, Execution, Torture, Termination. UNSERE (F) Childbirth, Fertility, Beauty, Feminine Beauty, Nature, Healing, Child Protection. RIMMON (M) Healing, Medicine, Health, Pharmacists, Science, Vanquishing Disease. BALTHAZAR (M) Cruelty, Death, Punishment, Torture, Perversion, Sexual Deviation, Destruction Of Love Ones, Disruption, Discord. MULCIBER (M) Architecture, Invention, Creativity, Plans, Study, Mastery, Skill, Craftsmanship. ASAFOETIDA (F) Love, Lust, Compassion, Relationships, Peace, Reconciliation, Arbitration. BAAL (M) Wisdom, Knowledge, Power, Magickal Knowledge, Command, Authority, Learning. UKOBACH (A) Fire, Pyromancy, Death By Burning, Immunity To Burning, Destruction By Fire. MOLOCH (M) Wealth, Ambition, Power, Influencing Leadership, Machinations, Business, Pacts, Commerce, Defiance. LEONARD (M) Black Magick, Voodoo, Death, Hexes, Curses, Military Success. NYBASS (A) Nightmares, Insanity, Illusions, Spellcraft, Visions, Portents, Augury, Destroying Will, Hexes, Prophecy. PICOLLUS (A) Blood Sacrifice, Necromancy, Mediumship, Oracles, Death, Passing. RAHOVART (A) Miserliness, Hate, Immorality, Temptation, Communication, Trickery, Possession. RIBESAL (A) Storms, Lightning, Weather Manipulation, Snow, Defends Paupers, Guardian. XAPHAN (A) Destructive Fire, Catastrophe, Invention, Creativity, Inspiration, Rebellion. ABYZOU (F) Infertility, Infant Death, Possession, Psychic Attack, Vampirism, Altering Mindstates, Influence, Sin. VERDELET (M) Astral Projection, Pathworking, Insanity, Possession, Delirium, Illusions, Phantoms. PYTHIUS (A) Tortures, Deceit, Servitors, Cunning, Inlfuence, Control, Conspiracy. ARPHAXAT (A) Possession, Violation, Sexual Violation, Torture, Deviation. BAALZEPHON (A) Knowledge, Wisdom, Authority, Power, Dictatorship, Wealth. MERIHIM (M) Pestilence, Plague, Famine, Chaos, Poverty, Disease, Death. SHABIRI (A) Inflicts Blindness, Insanity, Mental Fatigue, Hexes. SUCCORBEMOTH (A) Jealousy, Envy, Possessions, Miserliness, Vendettas, Punishment. DELIPITORAE (F) Seducing Men, Adultery, Fascination, Enchantment, Temptation. LUITHIAN (M) Teaching, Learning, Study, Scholarship, Literary Skills, Literature, Occult Knowledge. VERRINE (F) Healing, Health, Medicine, Vanquishing Malady, Cures, Fertility. PROCULO (A) Sleep, Dreams, Rest, Comfort, Healing, Dream Prophecy, Divination, Seership. ROSIER (A) Obsession, Possessiveness, Fixation, Obsessive Love, Enchantment, Demands. CAMBION (A) Incubi, Succubi, Infernal Offspring, Psychogones, Paranormal Activity. CARNIVEAN (A) Obscenity, Shame, Depravity, Temptation, Decadence, Blasphemy, Sin. CRESSIL (A) Impurity, Laziness, Slovenliness, Sorcery, Sloth, Apathy, Luxury. VERRIER (F) Herbalism, Healing Others, Health, Vanquishing Disease, Healing. OLIVER (A) Pestilence, Pandemic, Disease, Imprisoning Souls, Torture. ANCITIF (M) Possession, Sin, Depravity, Decadence, Blasphemy, Inversion. SONNELLION (F) Hatred, Discord, War, Wrath, Division, Separation, Dividing Lovers, Wickedness. OEILLET (A) Cruelty, Temptation, Greed, Excess, Lust, Torture, Pain.
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dethtale · 1 year
on that note about gadree.l i need to make sense why his punishment was so severe, you feel me? why not let him fall like other angels or just snap him out of existence (like micha.el did with anna)? gadr.eel was locked away in heaven's, tortured and never to be seen or spoken by anyone. to me that makes sense if we sum up all the parts: he was michael's second in command, part of an elite group of warrior angels and the one chosen to guard the garden.
with him being tempted and allowing luci.fer into the garden he is a triple punch to heaven and michael (and by extension, chuck), to once again prove that angels weren't as perfect little soldiers as they seem to be.
plus it makes sense to me why gadreel didn't had an angel blade. because as part of the grigo.ri, he doesn't have one, they have swords.
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