#≼ ᴡɪʟʟᴏᴡ sᴄʜɴᴇᴇ ⋮ IC ⋟
ajuiciisms · 2 years
@restingonlarls​ said:
Willow, have you ever had an inappropriate crush? 
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“ A married woman’s eyes straying far is already quite inappropriate, but... one of Weiss’ friends... a possible boyfriend even... ”
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ajuiisms · 2 years
cont. from here / @teamlarl​
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“ You’re… good-looking. ”
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“ Winter, sweetheart, you can do better than that, ” Willow lightly admonished her daughter for the offense of not immediately giving Ren everything he wanted. “ This is Renatus we’re talking about. If it weren’t for him, I’d still be worried sick about you working yourself to death like a spinster! ”
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“ Mom, that’s— ” Ugh, no, she couldn’t even say that’s not true. But still…!
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“ Ren has so much love to give, to both of us, ” Willow nuzzled his shoulder appreciatively with a hum. Winter's lips pressed into a line, looking embarrassed by both her mother’s flagrant PDA, and what she was about to say.
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“ …You’re a good man, Renatus—and I don’t say that lightly, ” she sighed, feeling an odd weight come off her chest. Willow smiled encouragingly.
“ I-I… am attracted to you because I t-trust you. ”
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ajuiisms-a · 5 years
@teamlarl said:
"Are you standing in this corner alone by choice or...?" Renatus questioned as he walked up to the older woman, glass of wine in hand. "Not that I would blame you. As far as galas go... this is dreadfully dull, I hope you don't mind me saying."
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The woman was zoning out so hard she barely registered the young man approaching her, taking a solid 3 seconds to acknowledge him.
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“ Hm? Oh, I’m... fine, thank you. ” Willow spoke in a hushed tone, fatigue evident. Her baby blue eyes looked down at her near-empty glass, and she craved a refill, but... Weiss made her promise.
Willow sighed, tearing her gaze away and landing on the young man that was still at her side. Oh Gods, was he actually trying to speak to her? How long had she accidentally ignored him?
“ Sorry, I— I’m not really one for crowds... It’s probably evident I don’t want to be here... but my daughter wanted me to get out for once. ”
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ajuiciisms · 2 years
@restingonlarls​ said:
Renatus gently stroked Willow's hair as she sat between his knees, lovingly licking his cock up and down like it was a lollipop. "I love you, I want to marry you, and give you at least five more kids." Completely unprompted, he pulled out a large diamond ring from gods only knew where and held it out to her. "Now come and ride me so I can slip this on your finger." - For the wet dream meme
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Send my muse a wet dream and they will rate it on how they wake up:
    4. Very aroused
Regrettably, before Willow could happily accept her ridiculously opulent ring, her mind slipped from the dream and the darkness of her bedroom greeted her bleary eyes. Her stomach and chest were still tight with pleasure... a shifting of her thighs confirmed she was uncomfortably wet too. Willow softly moaned from the haunting arousal of her dream, so close, yet so far.
She paused, considering her options, before rolling to her side and reaching for the form beside her.
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“ ...Ren, ” Willow called his name, gently shaking him, “ Ren... I’m sorry baby, but I need you... ”
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
Yang loved teasing Willow. She loved it. She loved seeing how quick she was to CLAIM Ren like that, she loved hearing her gush about him, about how perfect they were together. As much as Yang wanted Ren on the menu she also agreed! She wanted those two together! If she was occasionally invited to share Mister Nicator then even better!
But Willow normally chased after her when she was angry, or tried to chase her off.
This time she was quiet, almost stalking away.
“… Fucking-”
Yang swore under her breath, for once actually feeling guilty. Apparently it took Willow shattering the edge of a hot spring.
“Willow, wait!” Yang stood up quickly, grabbing Willow’s wrist just along to slow her for a second.
“… It was before you got married.”
She said, bashfully. Not at what she was saying, but at why she had to say it. She didn’t say sorry much.
“I wasn’t- Ren doesn’t do me behind your back. He never has. Before you two married, when he hadn’t known you long… He called me Willow a few times in bed. More than a few. Usually when he was really-… After a while I actually suggested it- nothing got him wilder. That’s all. It was before you two were together.”
Yang looked away, then looked back.
“I’m sorry, Willow… I overstepped. I do that most of the time but… Sorry.”
She held her own arm.
“… And I didn’t ACTUALLY leave a note. I mean, I left one saying you’d be here. I was only going to stay long enough to get you mad at me… I didn’t think… I’m sorry."
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The tug on her wrist made Willow hiss in protest, and she whipped around to glare daggers into Yang. She didn’t want this, she didn’t need to talk to Yang, she needed to talk to Ren.
In the past, Ren had assured her if Yang ever became too much, she could tell him, and he’d cut off Yang, no question. At the time, Willow didn’t think she needed it—she was a grown woman that could take care of her problems and any competition that came her way. Yang meant nothing to him, while Willow meant everything. It’s what she clung to.
“ That’s your problem, Yang, ” the Schnee finally snapped, wrenching her hand away, “ you don’t think. You don’t think about anything but what you want. You don’t think about why I don’t want you around, and you don’t think about why Ren doesn’t either! ”
Willow heaved, and her eyes started to sting as the pain in her hand finally started to bloom.
“ You don’t know anything about how Ren and I got together, do you? What my life was like before him? ” Willow grit her teeth, too ashamed to let Yang look her in the face as tears started to stain her cheeks.
“ You wouldn’t know what it’s like to be married to someone who only ever wanted to use you for your name, who only ever touched you so you could give him heirs. You never sat in your room, wondering what you did to deserve this, what made you so stupid to believe for his lies for 15 years. ”
“ …And because I had kids I needed to look after, I couldn’t even just worry about myself. I was paralyzed by everything, by what would happen if I left, what he’d do to make sure I’d be seen as nothing but a selfish hysterical drunk to the courts, to the public! I was stuck. I could do nothing but sit under his thumb because I was just property. ”
“ But then Ren… Ren saw me. He saw me in the corner of a room, in a party I was only ever there for appearances. For once, someone saw me as a person, and he talked to me, not at a way to reach my husband, not even hear about my father, but talked to me, ” Willow choked out a sob at the mere memory.
“ 20 years, and I finally felt wanted. Do you know what that does to a woman? ” She finally turned to Yang with furious, heartbroken eyes. The blonde’s concerned expression did nothing to quell her anger—in fact, it only served to make things worse. Was she really so thick as to never catch on to how upset she was making Willow?
“And then you show up just to ruin everything! Always uninvited, never taking no for an answer, and always pushing me aside despite your claims of never coming between us! ” Willow borderline screamed, and were her wrist not sprained right now, she might've considered taking a swing.
“ I don't want your apology, ” the Schnee hissed, “ I want you out of my life. Permanently. ”
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
“Now Willow.”
Yang said, with a serious expression.
“I know our ‘thing’ is fighting over your husband, you summon Grimm, I hide behind him, we both suck his dick etc. and we get back to it soon.”
She steepled her fingers.
“But it’s his birthday. Can we put our differences behind our thicc asses long enough to give Renatus the wildest threesome of his dreams?”
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“ No. ”
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
Has Willow ever pulled a “oh no my clothes are all getting washed I have to walk around in lingerie” with Renatus around?
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“ Don’t be ridiculous, my wardrobe is far too big for that, especially when I have people that do my laundry for me. There’s simply no need to conduct an elaborate scheme to get Ren fired up when it happens naturally multiple times a day. ”
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“ But I do have a special set that I pull out sometimes... dark red lace and gold accents... Once he sees that, he knows to call out of work for the rest of the day. ”
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
Lmao Ajue tell Aeneas ‘Hey imagine if Willow was Ren’s age and Yang was Willow’s canon age’
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“ Darling, you say that as if anything would change. As hard as you may try to emulate me, nothing could satisfy him more than the real deal. ”
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
Yang’s arm almost hit Ren when she jerked around, surprised by the pillow to the face wakeup. The naked blonde reacted quickly when she realized who was pummeling her, she grabbed Ren’s shoulder with one hand, wrapped her long, thicc-thighed leg around the pyjama-clad (though shirtless of course) huntsman and rolled him mostly on top of her, squishing her giant, pale breasts around his head and getting a barrier between her and the worst of Willow’s hits. She grabbed a pillow and started swinging back at Ren’s wife.
“Come on Willow! Take a joke!”
Her free hand slid around Ren to feel up his chest and stomach in full view of Willow while her leg held him in place, then she started swinging her pillow two-handed. Willow would practically have to straddle him to fight Yang...
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An indignant gasp ripped from Willows throat when Yang stole Renatus to use as a meat shield, wrapping her whore legs around him for security.
With a viscous battle cry, Willow practically threw herself at the two to bash her pillow at Yang’s face.
“ THIS IS— NOT A JOKE! ” She growled fiercely on top of Ren, murder in her eyes.
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
@restingonlarls​ said:
"You know, if you moved in we wouldn't have to keep saying goodbye like this." - Ren to Willow, between V3 and V4
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morning after starters
A pained sigh.
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“ ...Ren, you know I can’t, ” her rebuttal was lame, and Willow knew it, but it wasn’t as if she was genuinely trying to convince him she was better off in Atlas. They both knew that was a lie.
If it was a matter of where she’d be happiest, she’d leap onto the next bullhead to Mistral with Ren, but that wasn’t something she could just do. Not without consequence. She was already risking a lot by staying the night at Ren’s hotel room.
Willow curled up sadly against him, hiding her face in his chest as they lay together.
“ I want to... but I can’t. ”
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
Yang smiled slightly, finishing her drink as she let Willow rage with all the seething anger of a possessive wife. As if Yang didn’t already know Ren had great taste.
When Willow finally finished she smirked at her again.
“Man I wish Ren had heard you say all that, he’d love it~”
The overly top heavy blonde laughed.
She forgot or decided not to address the seducing thing.
“Willow. Willow Willow Willow. Mrs Nicator. I don’t want to take Ren AWAY from you!”
She grinned and shifted closer.
“You’re PERFECT for each other! There’s no woman in the world who’d be a better wife for him and he’s PERFECT for you. You should hear him TALK about you! Man, the number of times he’s said your name instead of mine…”
She leaned on her hand.
“I know he only loves you, half of Remnant knows! I don’t want to get in the WAY of that, any more than your daughters do… But them being your daughters aside, you’re not threatened by Renatus railing them, any more than you’re threatened by what he got up to with Liane, and those two had more sex than a man with a rabbit faunus harem.”
She fluttered her eyelashes.
“So, do you REALLY think that Ren’s obsession with you is actually threatened by things like, say, me taking a turn under his desk, or the fact I left a message for Ren to join us up here?”
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Willow was too pissed to really listen to Yang as she, once more, completely brushed off her anger. The blonde’s voice faded into the background as Willow focused on her breathing to get her blood away from the boiling point. Yang was practically a risk to her beauty with how much stress she was causing her, and she really didn’t want the veins in her forehead to because any more pronounced.
She could handle this. Yang was just goading her, looking for a reaction. It was a dangerous game, but then again, Yang’s body was too busy circulating blood through her flabby tits to provide any to her brain—
Man, the number of times he’s said your name instead of mine…
Any attempt to get herself under control was swiftly undermined by that one sentence and the image it conjured.
A ringing sound started in her ears, made only worse as Yang continued to prattle on about her daughters and Liane again, her annoying voice reverberating in her mind.
Willow Schnee was seeing red.
Yang only avoided getting hit because she had moved so close, but the tile on the rim of the hot springs wasn’t so lucky. There was a loud CRACK, and the pain of her quickly bruising fist didn’t even register through all the adrenaline.
Willow pulled her legs from the water, turning away to get up because she couldn’t bear to look at Yang anymore. None of what she said was real. Ren would never go behind her back, and he didn’t want anything to do with Yang when he had Willow.
She had to keep telling herself that as she walked away from the temptation to wring Yang’s neck and have that be the end of her problems.
Right now, Willow needed Ren. And they needed to talk.
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
Yang seemed to perk up further at what Willow said.
“And I always thought Liane would bag him, you’re really hooked on him aren’t you?”
She sipped her drink again.
“I mean… She still COULD, if it’s true you’re sharing him with your daughters. I hear Liane’s like a daughter to you now…”
Yang side eyed Willow and winked as she drank.
“I’m playing! I’m playing. Liane isn’t hunting him anymore. Which… If you’d seen her back in the day, you’d know how changed she is.”
She sat up a bit, adjusting her bun, shivering a bit as her chest was exposed to cold air.
“I know how TOUCHY you get no matter how POLITELY I seduce him-”
It was unlikely Willow missed her saying ‘seduce’, without 'try to’.
“So let’s dodge that. Let’s forget fantasies. Let’s compare pasts…”
She sighed and sank into the water, her breasts floating proudly.
“Has he fucked you in the shower yet? The bath? Was he good~?”
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Willow’s eye twitched.
“ This isn’t about Liane. But you could learn a thing or two from her about knowing when to stop, ” she growled under her breath.
“ And you need to stop bringing up my daughters—they’re different. They’re my children, so of course I’d make exceptions for them! And they know when to listen to their mother, ” Willow stuck up her nose, unwilling to argue further.
But of course, Yang didn’t know where to stop. She always had to push Willow a little further than was generally advisable, and the older woman had to clench her fist to resist the urge to punch something.
“ …There is no ‘politely seducing’ my husband, Yang, ” Willow spoke with barely contained rage, “ there is no ‘seducing’, period. ”
Willow paused to take a deep breath, and fix her ponytail. Brothers, give her the strength to not hold this whore underwater.
“ It’s time you let go of these delusions that you have any chance of being with Renatus. Because you don’t, ” Willow tried to give a polite smile, but it only managed to come off as incredibly sinister.
“ Renatus only loves me. He only has eyes for me. He wants a wife, not some two-bit whore that desperately clings to the ghost of a shallow academy fling. Do you understand? ”
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
“Fantasies about- Exactly!”
Yang leaned on her palm and smiled brightly at Mrs Nicator.
“Tell me honestly that you could blame ANY girl for thinking about his hands on her thighs, pushing her legs back, spreading them, pinning her down in a perfect mating press~”
She licked her lips.
“Be honest.”
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Willow’s look told her not to assume she wouldn’t.
“ I’m well aware I can’t stop anyone from thinking such things. Just as I cannot stop him being so perfect and desirable... ” She sighed wistfully.
“ But I’d hope they’re sensible enough to know they will never have a chance, not even over my dead body. Continuing to lust after my husband is living in delusion, and you should be more than familiar with how I feel about the fools that try to make a pass at him. ”
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
Yang relaxed next to Willow, naked in a hot spring, hair slightly disheveled from fighting off a few of Willow’s beowolves moments before.
“You know Willow,”
She sipped her drink and smiled.
“I just thought of something we can actually agree on. Something you can’t find a way to argue with me about…”
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“ Try me, ” Willow grunted, only giving Yang a break because summoning had taken so much out of her. But once she recovered her strength...
“ I swear, if this is just more of your fantasies about my husband... ”
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ajuiciisms · 1 year
So in an au where Ren had concubines, would Willow actually find Liane a less insufferable harem girl for her husband than say Pyrrha or Yang? Cause Liane ships Willow x Ren, is very open rather than sneaky and wouldn't try to usurp her?
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“ Now hold on. I said I accepted Liane as Renatus’ friend and their sexual history together. History being the keyword—I am not giving her permission to sleep with him anymore, no matter how much I like her. ”
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ajuiciisms · 2 years
@restingonlarls​ said:
Willow, what’s your dirtiest sexual fantasy? 
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“ Pregnant sex. I know how much Ren loves the way my tattoo stretches across my stomach. ”
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