#⋆୨♡୧⋆ ysla: unfiltered answers
acosmicdisappointment · 2 months
ysla, what would you do if aliens arrived on earth and you were the first person to stumble across them?
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❝ If aliens arrived on Earth and I was the first person to stumble across them, I think my first reaction would be one of awe and curiosity. Also, I think it would be important to remain calm and open-minded, and to approach the situation with a sense of wonder and respect for these beings from another world. I would want to approach them peacefully and try to communicate with them. I would also try to document the encounter in some way…I could vlog it to share the experience with the world. I think that would be good content. ❞
ooc: youtube #1 trending vlog for sure if that happens.
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acosmicdisappointment · 2 months
ysla, how long do you think you'll stay in town?
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❝ I'm not entirely sure. Maybe a couple more weeks? I feel like I haven't explored Valparaíso enough. You're not sick of me yet, are you? Although if I'm being honest, I'm thinking about moving to the region...nothing set yet so we'll see how it goes. ❞
ooc: ysla has been to many places but for some reason she is most drawn to the region. maybe it's the people?
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acosmicdisappointment · 2 months
👪 🌱
ooc: last one and then my inbox is open again eek! ooc again for this last one
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[ 👪 ] what is your muse’s relationship with their parents like? was it always this way?
answered here
answered here
answered here
answered here
answered here
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[ 🌱 ] what themes are relevant to your muse?
❝ Aivryn's life is characterized by themes of resilience, longing for lost childhood, and the pursuit of meaningful connections. She embodies the journey of healing her inner child, seeking to reclaim a sense of innocence and playfulness while navigating the complexities of adulthood. Aivryn's story explores the impact of past experiences on her present life, highlighting the importance of self-discovery, growth, and finding balance between her adventurous spirit and the desire for stability and belonging. ❞
❝ The theme of Enzo's life seems to revolve around a struggle with commitment and emotional intimacy, stemming from a childhood lacking paternal care and affection. This has led to a fear of losing his independence and freedom in serious relationships, causing him to keep his emotions bottled up and leading to explosive outbursts. Despite this, he is drawn to people who show him attention, which can sometimes lead to toxic behavior in relationships. Overall, his story seems to center on the journey to overcome these fears and develop healthy relationships. ❞
answered here
❝ Wesley's story revolves around themes of abandonment, longing, and the search for belonging, stemming from his parents' early abandonment. Despite facing significant challenges, Wesley shows resilience and finds strength in his experiences. Family, both traditional and chosen, plays a crucial role in his life, highlighting the importance of connection and belonging. ❞
❝ Ysla's life is characterized by exploration and adventure, as she travels the world seeking new experiences and cultures. Her passion for travel reflects her adventurous spirit and curiosity about the world. Family and relationships are central to her life, grounding her in a sense of belonging and connection. She values her relationships deeply, cherishing the bonds she has with her loved ones. Grief and loss have also touched Ysla's life, teaching her to embrace life fully and live with purpose. Nature and the environment inspire her to promote sustainable practices and conservation. Creativity and expression are integral to Ysla's identity, as she shares her experiences through storytelling and advocacy. Overall, Ysla's life is a tapestry of meaningful relationships, personal growth, and a deep appreciation for the world around her. ❞
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acosmicdisappointment · 2 months
🤝🏽👨‍👩‍👦🧸 for every muse!!!
ooc: second to the last one i'm sorry! we're going ooc for this one for a lil more in depth explanation!
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[ 🤝🏽 ] how does your muse approach intimacy? are they hesitant, or do they like it? what types of intimacy do they like and dislike? (ex. physical intimacy, sexual intimacy, emotional intimacy, etc.)
❝ Aivryn approaches intimacy with a longing for connection and understanding. She values emotional intimacy, craving deep, meaningful connections with others. Aivryn is open to sharing her thoughts and feelings, seeking a partner who can reciprocate this level of emotional openness. In terms of physical and sexual intimacy, Aivryn may be more cautious. Given her childhood and the need to grow up quickly, she might approach physical intimacy with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. She values trust and comfort in these moments, wanting to feel safe and respected. Overall, Aivryn values all forms of intimacy but may approach each with a different level of comfort and readiness based on her past experiences and current emotional state. ❞
❝ Enzo approaches intimacy with a complex mix of feelings. While he craves deep connections and meaningful relationships, he is also afraid of emotional intimacy. He may struggle to fully open up and be vulnerable with others, fearing rejection or hurt. However, when it comes to physical or sexual intimacy, he is more comfortable and may use these forms of intimacy as a way to connect with others without fully exposing his emotions. He may prefer physical or sexual intimacy over emotional intimacy as a means of avoiding deeper emotional connections. ❞
❝ Mallory approaches intimacy with caution. She needs to be the first one to approach and may not feel particularly comfortable with physical intimacy. Additionally, she is afraid of emotional intimacy. However, she is okay with sexual intimacy and has no problem in that department. ❞
❝ Wesley approaches intimacy with a blend of curiosity and caution. He values emotional intimacy greatly, cherishing deep connections and meaningful conversations. He is drawn to people who can share their thoughts and feelings openly, and he reciprocates by being a good listener and offering support. When it comes to physical intimacy, Wesley is more reserved. While he enjoys physical closeness and affection, he prefers to take things slow and build trust before fully engaging in physical intimacy. He believes that physical intimacy should be an expression of a strong emotional bond and mutual respect. Wes views sexual intimacy as a natural progression of a deep emotional connection rather than a separate aspect of a relationship. (He's a virgin so please, treat him nice). He values intimacy in all its forms and believes that a healthy relationship should include a balance of emotional, physical, and sexual intimacy. ❞
❝ Ysla approaches intimacy with a mix of hesitation and openness. She values deep connections and is not afraid of emotional intimacy, often seeking it out in her relationships. However, she can be a bit hesitant when it comes to physical and sexual intimacy, preferring to take things slow and build trust before fully opening up in that way. She enjoys emotional intimacy the most, as it allows her to truly connect with others on a deep level. Ysla values open and honest communication and feels most fulfilled when she can share her thoughts and feelings with someone who listens and understands. While she may be hesitant towards physical and sexual intimacy initially, once she feels comfortable and trusts her partner, she can be very affectionate and loving. She values intimacy in all its forms and believes that it is an important part of any healthy relationship. ❞
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[ 👨‍👩‍👦 ] what is your muse’s relationship with their parents like? was it always this way?
answered here
answered here
❝ Mallory is pretty close with her parents, who are both part of the showbiz world. Although her parents are divorced, they remained friends with each other for Mallory's sake. It was a good split and not a scandalous one. She is a daddy's girl through and through. Her relationship with her father has always been close and loving, and they share a special bond that has remained strong despite her life choices. He calls her up once in a while, and they have father-daughter dates, a.k.a. gossiping. ❞
❝ Wesley and his parents literally have no relationship. Ever since they walked out on him and his sister, he had no contact with his parents. Surprisingly, he's fine with it. Instead, he looked up to his grandma, who played a significant role in his life. She was a source of love, guidance, and stability for him, filling the void left by his parents' absence. Wesley cherished the time he spent with her and carries her influence with him, even though she has passed away. ❞
❝ Ysla has a deeply loving and supportive relationship with her parents. They have always been there for her, offering guidance, encouragement, and unconditional love. Ysla values their advice and opinions highly, often turning to them for help and support in times of need. Her close relationship with her parents has had a profound influence on her life. It has instilled in her a strong sense of family values and a deep appreciation for the importance of nurturing relationships. Ysla strives to maintain the same level of love and support in her own relationships, cherishing the bond she has with her parents and the lessons they have taught her. ❞
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[ 🧸 ] does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
❝ Aivryn keeps several sentimental items, each holding a special meaning or memory. One of her most cherished items is a small, well-worn teddy bear that she has had since she was a child. It has been a source of comfort and security for her throughout her life. She collects items and others, creating a scrapbook filled with memories. This scrapbook is not only a collection of moments but also a way for her to preserve and cherish these sentimental items for years to come, allowing her to relive those special memories whenever she flips through its pages. ❞
answered here
❝ I'm not sure if Mallory keeps anything sentimental. If she does, it might be something that reminds her of her father or her childhood, as she is a daddy's girl. It could also be something related to her career in show business, perhaps a memento from a special performance or a gift from a fan that holds a special meaning to her. ❞
❝ Wesley keeps a few sentimental items that hold special meaning to him. One of the most precious items he keeps is a photo album filled with pictures of his grandmother and sister. These photos remind him of the love and guidance she provided and serve as a source of comfort and strength for him. He also keeps a journal where he writes down his thoughts, feelings, and memories. This journal is a way for Wes to process his emotions and reflect on his experiences, serving as a form of self-expression and introspection. Additionally, Wesley keeps a few items that belonged to his grandmother. The most important one is his grandmother's ring. He plans on using it when he eventually proposes to his special someone. These sentimental items are important to Wes because they connect him to his past and serve as reminders of the people and moments that have shaped him into who he is today. ❞
❝ Ysla keeps several sentimental items that hold special meaning to her. One of the most cherished items is a necklace that reminds her of Mirabel. It's a simple piece of jewelry, but it reminds her of the child she really loved. Ysla doesn't take it off, feeling a sense of comfort and connection to Mirabel whenever she does. She also keeps a collection of postcards from her travels. Each postcard is a reminder of a place she's been and the memories she's made there. They serve as a tangible reminder of the beauty and diversity of the world, inspiring her to keep exploring and experiencing new things. ❞
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acosmicdisappointment · 2 months
ooc: another long one sorry!
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🏹 BOW AND ARROW — if there's something from your past that you'd give anything to go back in time and redo, what is it?
answered here
❝ The whole relationship with Luna. Well, situationship or whatever you call it. I wish I had been more open and honest with her from the beginning, instead of playing around and not establishing boundaries. I regret not cherishing the moments we had together more, and not fighting harder to make things work between us. She deserved better from me, and I would give anything to have a second chance to make things right...but obviously that's never going to happen now. ❞
❝ If there's one thing I could redo, it would be being more careful about who I open my heart up to. I trusted someone, poured my heart out to them, and they ended up betraying me. It's made me more cautious about who I let in and who I share my feelings with. I'm never doing that again. ❞
❝ If there's something from my past that I'd give anything to go back in time and redo, it would be the moment my parents walked out on my sister and me. I often wonder if there was something I could have done or said to make them stay, to change the course of our lives. Of course, I know it isn't possible since I was barely a year old at that time. If I could go back, I would try to understand their reasons better, to communicate and express my feelings in a way that might have made a difference. ❞
❝ If I could go back, I would try and save Mirabel and her mother. If that's not an option, I guess I'd make sure to tell Mirabel how much she meant to me, how grateful I am for her presence in my life, and how deeply I love her. I would hold her close and treasure every second we had together, knowing that life is fragile and precious. I regret not being able to say a proper goodbye, not being able to thank her for all the joy and love she brought into my life. Her death taught me the importance of cherishing every moment with the people we love, of never leaving things unsaid or feelings unexpressed. ❞
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🌙 CRESCENT MOON — what would you say is your current biggest dream and/or career aspiration and why?
❝ I honestly don't know...I guess taking opportunities I didn't get to before. I want to live my life to the fullest. Of course, I also want my career as a photographer to flourish. I want to continue growing as a photographer, honing my skills, and sharing my vision with the world. It's not just about taking photos; it's about telling stories, evoking emotions, and creating lasting memories. I want my work to resonate with others and leave a positive impact. So, I guess my biggest dream is to live a life filled with adventure, creativity, and meaningful connections, both personally and professionally. ❞
❝ To be a better person. I want to find peace within myself and to learn how to let go of my past, to forgive myself for my mistakes, and to believe that I deserve to be loved. ❞
answered here
❝ I've been a ghostwriter for so long, but I'm thinking of stepping out from behind the scenes and sharing my own voice and stories with the world. Transitioning from a ghostwriter to an author allows me to express myself creatively and share my unique perspective with readers. It's a chance for me to take ownership of my work and connect with readers in a more personal way. While ghostwriting has been a fulfilling experience, I'm ready to embark on this new chapter and pursue my dream of becoming a published author. ❞
❝ Well, I do want to travel more. I feel like there's so much out there I haven't seen yet, and I would love to explore that. I want continue growing my presence as a travel vlogger. I want to inspire others to explore the world and experience new cultures through my videos and storytelling. However, I'm also considering going back to teaching. I miss the ability to impart knowledge and make a positive impact on young minds. Teaching was always fulfilling for me, and I believe it's where I can truly shine and make a difference. While I love travel and exploration, I also value the stability and fulfillment that a career in teaching can provide. Overall, my dream is to find a balance between my love for travel and my desire to educate and inspire others. And maybe eventually settle down to start a family. I want to create a home filled with love, adventure, and a deep appreciation for the world around us. ❞
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👻 GHOST — is there someone or something that you feel is missing from your life? do you know if there's any way to find it/them?
❝ I feel like I'm missing a sense of purpose or direction in my life. I want to feel like I'm making a meaningful impact, but sometimes I'm not sure what path to take or how to make that happen. I think finding this sense of purpose is about exploring my passions and values, and aligning them with opportunities that allow me to make a positive impact. It's about being open to new possibilities and trusting that the right path will reveal itself to me. ❞
❝ I feel that my life is missing a sense of stability. While I've enjoyed the freedom and adventure that comes with this lifestyle, I think deep down, I crave a sense of stability and belonging. I think finding this stability is going to require me to make some changes in my life, to commit to something and stick with it. It's a scary thought, but I think it's necessary for my own growth and happiness. On my road to becoming a better man, I guess. ❞
❝ I don't like thinking about what's missing from my life. I prefer to focus on what I have and what I can do with it. If there's something or someone out there for me, I'll find them when the time is right. ❞
❝ There is a sense of connection and belonging that I feel is missing from my life. Growing up without my parents and feeling like I never truly belonged anywhere has left a void that I yearn to fill. I think one way to find this connection is by continuing to build strong relationships with those around me. By being open to new experiences and allowing myself to be vulnerable, I hope to find the sense of belonging that has eluded me for so long. ❞
❝ Yes, I feel like I'm missing a deeper connection with someone special. Someone who understands me, supports me, and shares my values and interests. I believe that finding this connection is about being open and vulnerable, allowing myself to truly connect with others on a deeper level. It's also about being patient and open to new experiences, trusting that the right person will come into my life at the right time. ❞
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acosmicdisappointment · 2 months
🧑‍🧑‍🧒, 💍 for enzo, 😍, 🐱 for ysla, & 💛, ✨ for mallory from here
💔, 🧪 for wesley & ❤️‍🩹, 🪄 for aivryn from here
ooc: this is lengthy so buckle up!
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[ 👪 ] what is your muse’s relationship with their parents like? was it always this way?
❝ Well... if it isn't obvious, my relationship with my father is pretty shitty. He's the reason why I am the way I am. As for my mama...I'd say we were pretty close. But I think we've drifted apart as I've grown up. I can't help but feel like I remind her of my dad, and I know their relationship wasn't the best. So maybe she sees him in me and that's made things difficult between us. ❞
[ 💍 ] does your muse have a “type” of people that they prefer to enter relationships with? is their type generally compatible with them, or does the dynamic tend to be toxic?
❝ Can't really say I have a 'type'. If I find you attractive, that's it. Some of my relationships have been great while others have been toxic...I'm not gonna elaborate further. I think everyone knows. ❞
ooc: enzo is drawn to people who show him attention and affection, that's his type.
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[ 😍 ] does your muse believe in true love? why or why not?
❝ I believe in true love, but perhaps not in the way fairytales depict it. To me, true love is a deep, meaningful connection based on mutual respect, understanding, and support. It's about finding someone who accepts you for who you are, flaws and all, and who you can truly be yourself with. It may not always be romantic, true love may also be platonic. True love is a journey of growth and discovery, where both partners are committed to each other's happiness and well-being. ❞
[ 🐱 ]  does your muse have pets? did they have pets as a child? how do they feel about animals?
❝ I've always had a love for animals, but I don't currently have any pets. But my niece, Dana has one. Her name is Mashy (short for mashed potato) and I absolutely adore her. Whenever I'm home, I take Mashy on walks by the beach. I've always felt a deep connection with animals and believe they have a lot to teach us about love, loyalty, and compassion. While I don't have any pets at the moment due to my lifestyle as a travel vlogger, I hope to have a furry friend again in the future...Maybe when I settle down and start a family. ❞
ooc: no notes, ysla slays
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[ 💛] how empathetic is your muse? how compassionate are they? is this something people expect from them, or are people surprised when they find out how compassionate or empathetic they actually are?
❝ People are sometimes shocked when they find out how compassionate and empathetic I actually am. I guess it's because I come off as closed off. I have feelings too. I'm not a cold-hearted bitch, despite what others might assume. I may not always show it in an obvious way, but I'm always there for the people I care about. My empathy and compassion are a big part of who I am, and while some may be surprised by this side of me, it's something I hold dear. ❞
[ ✨ ] answered here
ooc: oh yeah tell 'em mally
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💔 BROKEN  HEART  —  is there anyone in your life you wish you had a better relationship with? if so, how come? what makes this person important to you?
❝ If there is someone in my life I wish I had a better relationship with, that would be my parents. I wish they could've explained to me and my sister why they left. I've always felt a sense of longing and loss because of this, wishing things could have been different. They are after all the ones who are the reason why I am here... ❞
🧪 TEST  TUBE  —  if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what is one thing you absolutely have to resolve and/or do before then?
❝ If I knew I was going to die tomorrow, the one thing I absolutely have to do is confess my feelings to someone I like. It's a moment of vulnerability and honesty that I don't want to miss out on. Life is too short for regrets, and I want to take that chance, to express how I feel and see where it leads. Even if the outcome isn't what I hope for, I know I'll find peace in knowing that I took that leap of faith and laid my heart on the line. ❞
ooc: hugs for my soft boy wes
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🪄 MAGIC WAND answered here
❤️‍🩹 MENDING HEART — how strongly do you experience your emotions? does it depend on who you're interacting with and/or the context of the situation?
❝ I would say I experience my emotions quite strongly. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and can be deeply affected by the people and situations around me. It's almost like my emotions are amplified, and I feel things very deeply. The intensity of my emotions can depend on who I'm interacting with and the context of the situation. I would say my emotions are a big part of who I am and how I navigate the world around me. ❞
ooc: oh baby aivee we know
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acosmicdisappointment · 2 months
ysla: ❌ (weirdlypersonalrpmemes), 🤷‍♀️, 🐺
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[ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
❝ One thing I struggle with that I fear I might never fully overcome is the grief of losing Mirabel. Her death was a profound loss that has left a lasting impact on me. I often find myself grappling with feelings of sadness that her absence has left behind from time to time. I'm working on healing from this loss by allowing myself to grieve and traveling just like she wanted us to do. I cherish the memories I have of Mirabel and to find comfort in the thought that she would want me to live my life fully, even in her absence. It's a painful journey, but I believe that with time, I can learn to carry this grief with me without letting it define me. ❞
[ 🤷‍♀️ ] how does your muse approach strangers? how does this compare to how they interact with close friends or lovers?
❝ I travel a lot so when I meet strangers, I tend to approach them with a warm and open demeanor. Although I can be a bit skeptical at first. I'm kind of wary of who I interact with. Once I get past that, I enjoy striking up conversations and learning about their lives and experiences. With close friends and lovers, my approach is even more intimate and affectionate. I value loyalty and care deeply for those I'm close to. Overall, whether it's with strangers, friends, or lovers, I try to approach relationships with kindness, warmth, and a genuine desire to connect with others, tempered by a healthy dose of skepticism. ❞
[ 🐺 ] does your muse like solitude? do they prefer it to being around others? how easily does your muse get lonely?
❝ I do enjoy solitude, especially when I need time to recharge and reflect. Being alone allows me to unwind and focus on my thoughts without distractions. However, I also value time spent with others, particularly with my close friends and loved ones. While I appreciate solitude, I don't necessarily prefer it to being around others. I think it's important to strike a balance between solitude and social interaction. Too much time alone can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness. That being said, I don't easily get lonely. I'm comfortable in my own company and have learned to enjoy the peace and quiet that solitude brings. However, I do recognize the importance of social connection and make an effort to nurture my relationships and seek out meaningful interactions with others. ❞
ooc: i can never get ysla to answer things in a few words
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acosmicdisappointment · 2 months
❌ CROSS MARK — how would your life be different if [name of person] had never been in it? would it be better or worse?
⚔️ CROSSED SWORDS — do you have any skills that you are absolutely grateful you have and that mean a lot to you? how do you usually use these skills? would they come in handy if someone you cared about was in trouble?
🔮 CRYSTAL BALL — what is a core memory from your childhood that you think defines you today?
for ysla!!
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❝ I'm going to assume I can choose whomever the person is so...If Mirabel had never been in my life, it would definitely be different. I wouldn't have experienced the joy and love she brought into my world, nor would I have felt the profound loss of her absence. In some ways, my life might have been easier without the pain of losing her, but it would also be lacking the depth and meaning that she gave to it. Mirabel taught me so much about love, resilience, and the preciousness of every moment. So, while it's hard to live a life without her, I think ultimately, she made it better... even with the pain of losing her. ❞
❝ I'm grateful for my skills in teaching and problem-solving. Teaching has always been a passion of mine, and being able to impart knowledge and help others learn brings me immense joy. Even though I'm not currently teaching, I still find ways to use this skill, like explaining things to friends and followers or finding creative solutions to problems. My problem-solving skills have also been invaluable. I love the challenge of figuring things out, whether it's a puzzle or a real-life problem. I often use these skills to help friends and family with various issues they may have. If someone I cared about was in trouble, I believe these skills would definitely come in handy. I would use my problem-solving abilities to assess the situation and find the best course of action. And my teaching skills would help me communicate effectively and support them through whatever challenges they were facing. ❞
❝ A core memory from my childhood that defines me today is the time my family hosted a gathering at our home. It was a celebration of life, filled with music, dancing, and the aroma of delicious food. I remember the excitement of preparing for it, helping my siblings decorate and my mom cook, and the joy of seeing our home filled with loved ones. This experience taught me the importance of family and community. It showed me the value of coming together to celebrate and support one another. I think this core memory is why I cherish the idea of family so much, and why I always strive to create warm and welcoming spaces for my own loved ones. ❞
ooc: well, if you can't tell, my girl ysla is very articulate. i'd like to point out that if she weren't on her current path right now, she would have become a beauty queen (i'm totally making that a headcanon)
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