#⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ v: vii tbt;
sylleblosscm · 8 months
@sanguinepeccatorum x
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Tenebrae has not hosted his ilk in an age. Not since the death of her mother. Now all who come through these lands do so with their purpose on their sleeve; they are for or against Tenebrae. Refugees, or Shinra spies bearing the pretense of reactor maintenance. This silent gentleman is a mystery unto himself. Lunafreya knows a turk when she sees one, but this man does not boast his mantle like a fox in the sheep pen. In fact, he says precious little at all as she pours their drinks. 
❝I suppose it would be a waste to pry,❞ she sighs, returning to her seat. ❝If I ask what brings you here, you shall surely meet me with cold silence or a friendly lie. So let us reject such formalities. As a courtesy, I will be straightforward.❞
She takes a sip from her cup, savoring the warmth of her tea. ❝You are in Tenebrae. I tell you this not to insult your intelligence, but to save your pride if you had merely been wandering. Now you need not ask. All are welcome here, save those who would do my people harm. You will find food, shelter, and medicine as you need it. Now I beg a courtesy in return. Honesty for honesty - are you here on behalf of Shinra?❞
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
The Tenebrae of this world is a small and sovereign nation, having retained its own government throughout Shinra's domination of the western continent. What independence it has is in no small part due to tense negotiations with Shinra itself at the hands of Queen Sylva. However, upon the occasion of her death during a mysterious and deeply unfortunate accident, the throne was inherited by her eldest and only daughter, as is the custom.
Lunafreya was but a teenager at the time, and Shinra used her age and inexperience to force concessions in the treaty to their favour. The years since, however, have seen her grow into a competent and strong leader who can stand her own against the President himself and fiercely defends her people. By and large they live happily, oblivious to the plight beyond their borders, and there is nothing their Queen would not do to ensure it remains that way.
Luna herself remains compassionate, but keeps that side of herself well-guarded until she feels she can trust somebody. She is a competent fighter, but bears a natural affinity towards healing and protective materia. Like her canon self, she finds peace in warm tea and tending her gardens.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
@poeticphoenix x
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Normally routine service would require little more than a maintenance crew, and perhaps a guard to two to keep errant monsters away. At least, that is Luna's understanding. But the reactor that lays within her borders is a special case; one false move, one unfortunate accident could see the end of an already tenuous truce.
That, she supposes, is the reason for the SOLDIER. It is certainly no less than she'd do; and while she had been there to greet them at the border, she does not accompany the crew to their destination. Indeed, she has not visited that place since the day it took her mother from her. Still, she is surprised to see she is not the only one who remained at the manor. Monsters are hardly seen in these parts, but she cannot imagine he'd rather spend the coming hours here instead of accompanying his own.
Unless it is a trick. Or a ploy to spy on her. Or, like herself, he finds matters of proper reactor maintenance painfully dull. ❝May I assist you with something?❞ she inquires evenly, setting her pen down. She levels Genesis with an even stare. For all her dealings with Shinra's people, his ilk are the most unpredictable. Not disloyal to their company by any means, but apt to place their own ends above all else. She'd best stay wary. ❝As I said earlier: you are quite welcome here. Perhaps a tour of our gardens will help pass the time.❞
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
I'm thinking about vii Luna again this morning on account of having been dragged back into vii hell and it's all my brother's fault. Anyway in deciding what to keep about her character and what to toss because it wouldn't work with the verse, I have a new list of headcanons now:
This version of Luna is far more worldly, far less sheltered and naive than her canon counterpart. The traditional, pure good girl image is a lot less relevant since she isn't vouching for any gods. That said, she's still borderline obsessive about remaining presentable to prying eyes.
As a result of no longer being the Oracle, this version of Luna is accountable only to her council - and she's smart enough to know how to work around that. Basically she's free to do as she wishes, so long as it isn't to the detriment of her people.
Also as a result, she has a far less fraught relationship with her brother, good for them.
Though she still answers to an authority higher than herself that would have her subdued and does not care for her wellbeing, she has absolutely no respect at all for them. Meaning there's just a lot more bite to her character overall.
That said, she's still open to making friends and welcoming refugees from M.idgar. Though she would be extremely wary of those who are loyal to S.hinra.
Any time a S.hinra employee is sent to maintain the reactor in her lands (there is one and only one) she will personally greet them and have them stay at her family's manor. Keep your enemies close and all that.
On that same note, it was during the construction of that very reactor that the 'accident' that killed her mother took place. Thus, she never visits the site herself and instead has guards watch any employees that come and go.
Obviously Luna thinks of it as no accident. Her suspicion is that it was purposefully orchestrated because she is younger and easier to manipulate than her mother, so having her in power was beneficial to S.hinra. Of course there's no proof of such a thing, and nothing she can do about it anyway.
Being in tune with nature and seeing first-hand how her lands were afflicted by the presence of a reactor, Luna is all for being rid of m.ako energy and would support alternate energy sources. Of course, such an exploration is explicitly forbidden within the treaty terms, but that's not to say no one in her nation is looking into it. What she doesn't know can't hurt them.
Finally for now: Luna does not actually want to be Queen. Sure it's what she was raised for, but it's something she does only for the good of her people. They are reasonably sheltered, they don't know how bad things really are in a lot of places. Maintaining their traditions and laws, and acting as a safeguard from an ever-crumbling world order, is her most solemn duty. This lends itself to several paths once the story is over: deciding to keep the crown, passing it on, or dissolving the monarchy altogether once she feels it has run its course.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
[ SOFTEN ]:          the sender rubs oils/conditioner into their hands, and begins to slowly massage it into the receiver’s hair.
Things Done With Hair [accepting]
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It is a little unnerving to be perceived in such a state - without the braid she so often wears; unkempt and imperfect. But thus far he has said nothing about it, which does put her at ease.
Of course it is hard to remain anxious with such gentle ministrations, so unbidden, her posture begins to relax. If only a little. ❝Are you not missed?❞ Luna asks, the barest hint of amusement in her voice. ❝But surely you are invaluable. If you remain unaccounted for, your command will begin to worry.❞
Of course, it is not in her to care too much what those at the top of Shinra's hierarchy worry about. She has her home to consider foremost; though the weight of that alone is enough to drown a person. The way the world is going, she shall be fortunate to keep her corner of the world together, much less contribute to any greater good. ❝...Read your poetry to me,❞ she encourages, if only for the desire to think of something else.
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