#⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ always try to be nice; never fail to be kind / ic
sylleblosscm · 2 years
“ in my arms. “
Hug Time [accepting]
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Luna's days within Insomnia are peaceful, but she is not blind to the state of things. Having the Shield for a guardian has put her in proximity to Insomnia's defenders; since childhood, she has watched them leave optimistic, and return haggard and fewer.
She loiters just beyond the doorway where the Glaives are readying themselves to return home, and though this is no place for a Princess, nobody calls her on it.
Nyx is amongst the last to leave. She cannot help her special fondness for this Glaive: she already has such a soft spot for the refugees, for she has far more in common with them than the city's sheltered citizenry; and Ulric has an especially unique way of managing her presence. He is always polite, as anyone would be to her - but he is honest, too. If she is sarcastic, he will be sarcastic. If she says something foolish, he will roll his eyes at her. It's a blessed relief from those who are so frightened of offending her, they can scarecely say anything at all.
Her excuses to cross paths with him have become weaker over time, as she's simply run through her best. But she keeps up the pretense, lest rumours spiral. She is a foreign Princess, a beloved Oracle - she would remain untarnished. It is him she fears for. She watches as Nyx readies himself to leave, only speaking up once they are the last two people in the room.
❝I have this tutor,❞ she begins quietly. ❝He tells me I am far too transparent for my own good. That my political discourse shall suffer, if I cannot learn to be a better liar. It's quite a cruel thing to say, right? I am--I'm quite devastated.❞
This actually happened three years ago. Luna wasn't upset then, and she isn't upset now. But she sounds it, staring just past Nyx so he cannot look in her eyes - because there is truth to be found here. She's an awful liar. And Nyx is a good solider. He will not tell of the horrors of war, or the nightmares that follow. Not even if she asked. He will smile at her, and wink, and make a pointed comment about how heroes never get scared, or something to that effect. And it will do little to ease her worry.
It is in seeking comfort that Luna hopes to give it. She settles on the worn lether sofa and puts her arms around him, a hand moving to rub his back. ❝You should say it too. That it's cruel, and pointless. And--and that nobody deserves to go through that.❞
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
[ written ] - for my muse to write something on their skin that will appear on your muses body.
Soulmate Starters [accepting]
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The prospect of having someone ordained for them had always been an intriguing idea to Oracles past. Be that person a lover, a friend, or as good as family - or some combination thereof - the Gods must surely know best.
Luna does not share their excitement. Not for any kind of doubt, of course - it would simply be quite inconvenient for her to become infatuated with another while the future of the world remains in her hands. So it is quite offputting indeed when the first words appear upon her arm one dull Sunday afternoon.
They are hastily scrawled - some sort of list with items that are mostly unfamiliar to her. So this person is not likely to be Tenebraean. She stares for a long moment before covering the mark. The soulmate of the Oracle would be quite the target of Imperial forces if they were discovered.
Dashing to her quarters, feigning illness, Luna locks herself away and looks back to her arm. She tries to smudge the words away but they will not go; not until her soulmate removes them. After intense deliberation, and strongly considering simply ignoring all this, Luna decides she is obligated to respond. If her soulmate were to inadvertently reveal themselves at an inopportune time, it would only serve to place them in danger.
「Your penmanship is splendid, but please be certain not to write anywhere too conspicuous.」
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
“Be brave. Live. For me.”
B/TVS Starters [accepting]
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With this, Luna’s duty is fulfilled at last. And what cruel irony that the light of dawn should shine on a world that is lesser for it. When there was night, there was hope. The promise of reunion. Now, there will be nothing. 
 She had kept to Noctis’ side on the walk up, clinging to these final moments they have together in reverent silence. The last time she’d walked these halls was on the occasion of King Regis’ death - now she would guide his son to that same fate. Like his father before him, Noctis shows no fury towards her, and it’s almost more than Luna can bear. It was she who championed the Draconian’s cause all these years, lured forth with the promise of a life with her Beloved. By the time she knew better, it was far too late and all her screaming and fighting would be for naught. 
 By morning light, Noctis will be dead. And yet it is he who chooses to comfort her. She would begrudge that tender, bleeding heart if it were not the very thing she fell for. 
 His touch is gentle. Calloused hands that were robbed of the chance to know her better. She meets them in her own, standing chest to chest and nose to nose, for there has been far too much distance between them for far too long. Savouring these small intricacies that cannot be shared on a page. The warmth of his breath on her face, the sound of his voice. Imploring her to have courage. To live on. For him. 
 Oh, Noctis. But that is all I have done these past ten years.
 She brings her hands to hold his face, his stubble tickling her palms. Would that she could freeze his moment, belay what must inevitably come to pass, and take what they were promised all those years go. 
 ❝Hush, my love. You needn’t worry.❞ That is what she says, but no comfort on Eos could stay her tears. ❝Your legacy lives on in all the people you will save, and in those who will love you forevermore. A part of me will leave this world with you today; and a part of you will remain with me always. I will not forsake it.❞
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
⛺ Build a blanket fort with your muse.
Mega Fluff [accepting]
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Luna places the final blanket atop the others. With her bed and Novus' emptied into their living room, the royal suite is in utter disarray - but she can confidently say it is worth the hassle it will be to put everything away. As her son seems so happy - to play this game specifically or to spend time with her, she cannot say. Nor does she mind. Luna would move heaven and Eos for that smile; what are a few blankets to that?
❝I believe it is time for the finishing touches,❞ she says, reaching for the pile of plush toys ready to join them in their little fortress. ❝Is there anything further you'd like to add? Also, do not forget to choose a password. Every good blanket fort has its own password.❞
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
19)  sender places their coat around receiver after realizing they’re cold. ( from jackson! :D )
Sof [accepting]
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Luna shivers against the night air. Her tea is still half-full and cold, sitting neglected before her. Her hands encircle the cup in a too-tight grip. From here she can see the Disc, shining in the moonlight.
Tomorrow, she meets the Archaean.
This is the very thing she has spent her life preparing for. If she fails tomorrow, there is truly no hope - not for her, not for Noctis. Not for anyone. She is so focused on the task ahead, she does not hear Jackson approach - she only knows he is here when something warm is draped over her shoulders. With a hint of a smile, she leans against him. ❝How would I do this without you?❞
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
“god– i wanna kiss you.”
Kissy Starters [accepting]
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Luna stills. Her mind goes hazy and her eyes widen, and heaven help her, all she can think about is disheveled she must look.
Vanity is a foolish vice to cling to, especially now with her destiny unfolding before her. Though there are far more important things that demand her attention, it is a habit long ingrained in her. So after an unpleasant run-in with Imperial forces saw them both knocked into a lake, it was not the run-in or the biting cold from being soaked through in the early evening air that had her sighing, but rather her soaked dress and ruined up-do. After trudging from the water, she'd spent several minutes wringing out her hair and skirts on the bank, but no amount of it could quite put her back together.
It is late evening now, and they have a fire to keep warm and an expanse of stars above them. So beautiful, Luna isn't thinking about her appearance at all. That is, until their casual discussion becomes something else apart.
Luna had been naming constellations at that moment, having to scoot closer to point them out. And while she ought to be used to Nyx's flirtations by now, he's never been quite this direct. Thus, she has no retort to give him, no proper response forthcoming. Only confusion, and the vague sense that she must appear utterly unkempt.
It takes a long time for her to find her voice. ❝O-oh, come now,❞ she mumbles, turning her face away so he can't tease her for how it heats up. ❝You should watch what you say, or someone is going to get the wrong idea.❞
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
“You never even got to grieve them, did you?” [ Nif General!Johanne bc it's time owo ]
Loss & Lost [accepting]
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Luna stands tall, her hands clasped neatly before her. Her expression unreadable as she stares at the portrait. What had once been the final immaculate image of her mother torn in two, with a clean gash through the canvas.
An accident - or more likely, purposefully malicious on the part of an Imperial player who knows she can do nothing about it. It ought not bother her, yet it does. A great deal. Enough that, were she not so accustomed to appearing calm, she would weep.
The voice comes from behind her, but Luna does not turn toward it. If for no other reason than for fear her composure will break. Besides, she does not need to; she knows every name and face that comes regularly through this manor. ❝Is there something I can help you with, General?❞
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
(Ardynzunia, Prince Arctus) ❝ Am I not what you expected? ❞
Arranged Marriage Starters [accepting] / @ardynzunia
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❝No. I mean - forgive me. I did not mean to stare.❞
The prospect of an arranged marriage has hung over Luna's head all her life. But to have her groom-to-be before her - no more than a perfect stranger at that - is something entirely apart.
She has heard conflicting accounts on the matter of Prince Arctus' true nature, but they hardly matter. For neither shall change her fate. She offers a polite bow, her hands folded neatly before her. ❝It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance at last, Prince Arctus. I hope our marriage shall be advantageous to us both.❞ At least, those are the words she was taught to say.
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
(ardynzunia, Ruby) ﹟ nicknames﹕ receiver uses a nickname when addressing sender
Tagged Appropriately [accepting] / @ardynzunia
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Luna comes to a stop in the doorway, quieting as soon as she sees them: both Ruby and Pryna fast asleep on one of the manor's plush sofas. She smiles warmly, adoring this peaceful moment they have found together.
But it is nearly dinner time, and if he sleeps too long now, he will be too wired to sleep tonight. She perches on the edge of the sofa, setting a gentle hand on his arm. ❝Rise and shine, my darling. You do not want to sleep through dinner, do you?❞
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
“The hardest thing in this world… is to live in it.“
B/TVS Starters [accpeting]
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It is a morose sentiment: one that can only come from the heart of a battle-weary solider. For most, simply living is the easiest thing there is. It is the job of certain others to ensure it remains so. A guelling fate for those with a tender enough heart to seek it. 
 The world can indeed be wicked, but that is all the more reason to be good. She kneels next to the tired solider, offering up her water. ❝Yet you are here. Is that not the hardest part behind you? Drink, then rest -- you will feel better.❞
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
✂ reverse
Symbol Starters [accepting]
✂ - for my muse to rescue yours from danger (+rev)
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Luna’s eyes open into a blueish blur. It is instinct alone that drives her to pick herself up from the ground, but she cannot manage anything more than a twitch of the fingers. 
 Leviathan is awoken and Noctis has doubtlessly received her blessing by now. But something...something went horribly wrong; that much, Luna can remember. Everything beyond that remains lost to her. She hasn’t any idea where she is - only that the ground is cold and hard; she hasn’t any idea what is happening to her - and nor does she wish to wonder. She should have met her end at Leviathan. Her flesh was failing, her duty to remain unfulfilled in life. Yet she can hardly imagine death to be quite so uncomfortable. 
 A reflection of light calls to her the image of a knife. The Chancellor - he was here too, right? The Empire had meant to disrupt the Blessing, but he’d had motivations all his own. And Noctis...Noctis was...
 ❝Noctis.❞ She must get the Ring to him, or all this will be for naught. Luna tries again to move, this time managing nominal success. She lifts a shaking hand, blinking several times, only now conscious enough to see the form standing over her. It is a silhouette she doesn’t recognise at first, but something in her heart of hearts tells her this person is a friend. She reaches out, not getting far before her hand drops again. 
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
(Ardynzunia, Ruby) ¿ - for my muse to ask yours a personal or uncomfortable question
Symbol Starters [accepting]
¿ - for my muse to ask yours a personal or uncomfortable question
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He is such a gentle child. It hardly makes sense: for one raised in a lab in a steel grip, it is beyond Luna how Caligo and his ilk have not wrung the boy dry of all that is good and pure within him. 
 They sit at the table with their lunch, Ruby’s stuffed bunny included, with a small plate of carrots. He is good to that toy, and to her beloved dogs. And to Luna herself; and everyone else they have come across in their lessons. She has long since accepted the Empire would show her only their worst face: a tactic to keep her in line, to fear defying them. She has tried to remain conscious that not all people who come from that place are evil. Yet to see it before her is another thing. Bred from the heart of their cruel operations; kind and salient all the same.
 ❝May I ask you a question?❞ Luna fills the comfortable silence with such trepidation. It is a topic she must broach eventually or she would never forgive herself - but goodness, it is hard. ❝Are you...? That is, I know you have said Caligo meets your needs, but -- does he truly care for you as he ought? Are the others within the Capital good to you? Are you really happy there?❞
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
Would you be surprised to learn that you've been on my mind?"
Reassuring Starters [accepting]
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The comment draws a laugh out of Luna, who is deftly fixing the collar of Noctis’ shirt. Her husband’s brand of affection is one she can never tire of - for as shy as he seems at times, he has always been so unabashed when they are alone. Not a bit afraid or ashamed of his feelings. It is a delight.
 ❝The city of Altissia has adorned herself in lights and colour to charm her visitors, and you manage to be equally as charming with a single sentence. Bravo, dear Noctis.❞
 This brief respite from their duty is well-earned, and to pass it up would have been downright criminal. Lunafreya had been hearing about this carnival ever since she was a child, but it never fell on a convenient day to visit. Until she mentioned it offhandedly to her husband - then suddenly, their schedules magically aligned to give them an entire week to themselves in Altissia. 
 It is like a second honeymoon, almost. Free from the neverending demands of their crown, to indulge one another without the threat of another emergency making itself known any second. And thus, when she utters with such sincerity, she is relaxed and unhurried, for she has all week to make her point. 
 ❝I cannot tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this. Oh, the carnival will be fun, I am sure - but it is your undivided attention I shall treasure most. Every time you look at me with those eyes, I feel I love you a little more.❞
 She punctuates her words with a gentle kiss, before grabbing his hand in a seemingly sudden burst of energy. ❝Now, let’s go! I hear they have those big cardboard pictures you put your face in - and some themed sweets, too!❞
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
"The only thing I want - the only thing I've ever wanted - was for you to be happy."
Reassuring Starters [accepting]
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Lunafreya closes her eyes and tilts her face toward the Tenebraean breeze. It is exactly how she remembers it - until she opens her eyes and sees her once-teeming field of blue reduced to a smattering of colour here and there, and otherwise upturned dirt. More than a hundred generations of work wiped out in a day - but her people endure. As rehabilitation began after the Long Night, this famed garden was lavished with all the attention it could need, their people seemingly eager to see it restored more than anything else. It is, after all, the lifeblood of their home. And though it is a long process, little by little, Tenebrae finds herself more with every passing day.
 If only their Princess had been here to see it. 
 Though it was once her destiny to inherit the crown, Lunafreya always knew it would never be her place. She and Ravus are two sides of the very same coin, with half their mother’s legacy apiece. Oracle, and Monarch. 
 Luna married shortly after the Dawn, to the surprise of no one. And though she writes Ravus every day, it is nothing like living under the same roof. Her visits were once frequent, but as her duties as Queen and eventually a mother mounted, it left her with less and less time to return home.
 Her children are sleeping now, and Luna has made herself quite at home on the old porch, just as she once did. It was here, when she and Ravus used to be at odds, that they could find peace. They’d share tea and sweets, and all talk of Gods and the Empire was banned. Those moments were sacred and fleeting and remain some of the most precious in her life. 
 Thus, Ravus’ words do not come out of the blue - not to her. It is as if they are continuing a conversation from more than a decade ago, picking up where they left off as only siblings can. 
 She reaches across the table between them, and takes his hand. The air around them is quiet, save for the odd stirring of the wind and twittering of birds. ❝I know. I have always known. And I am happy, Ravus. In no small part, thanks to you.❞ She looks to him, offering a warm but sad smile. ❝You know, you’re the reason I wanted a second child. There is something…ineffable about a sibling bond. It is a gift I couldn't bear to deny my family. Nobody else could vex me so, and still be as dear to me. You are my first love of this life. Sometimes I look at them, and find my only regret is that we were deprived of that all too soon.❞ 
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
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(Ardynzunia,ruby) “Ma’am, you will find that the word fear is not in my vocabulary!”  
PD2 Starters [accepting]
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❝That is a shame. Fear is a very useful word. And in measured amounts, it is good for the soul.❞
 She kneels in front of Ruby, taking the child’s hands into her own. ❝There are things even I am afraid of, you know. Though I do not languish in my fear - instead I remain motivated to ensure it never comes to pass. Fear shows us our limitations, and reveals what we truly care for.❞
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
@poeticphoenix x
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Normally routine service would require little more than a maintenance crew, and perhaps a guard to two to keep errant monsters away. At least, that is Luna's understanding. But the reactor that lays within her borders is a special case; one false move, one unfortunate accident could see the end of an already tenuous truce.
That, she supposes, is the reason for the SOLDIER. It is certainly no less than she'd do; and while she had been there to greet them at the border, she does not accompany the crew to their destination. Indeed, she has not visited that place since the day it took her mother from her. Still, she is surprised to see she is not the only one who remained at the manor. Monsters are hardly seen in these parts, but she cannot imagine he'd rather spend the coming hours here instead of accompanying his own.
Unless it is a trick. Or a ploy to spy on her. Or, like herself, he finds matters of proper reactor maintenance painfully dull. ❝May I assist you with something?❞ she inquires evenly, setting her pen down. She levels Genesis with an even stare. For all her dealings with Shinra's people, his ilk are the most unpredictable. Not disloyal to their company by any means, but apt to place their own ends above all else. She'd best stay wary. ❝As I said earlier: you are quite welcome here. Perhaps a tour of our gardens will help pass the time.❞
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