#⌇a sassy comedy ( 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙤 | historical verse )
distopea · 1 year
24 kissy kissy, Marlo and Hibiko
A kiss meme I forgot with a number I forgot too, so I kiss Hibiko the way I want!
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“Uff! See! Again!” 
Marlo pointed at Hibiko’s outstretched lips with his clawed index, the curl of his smirk growing even wider on his features as he didn’t even try to hide his mockery. How they had started bickering over the fact she didn’t have a kissable face was a mystery certainly provoked by the fox deity, but it had been more than twenty minutes. Then they were facing each other like two toddlers ready to battle. Again, she tried to push away his scolding finger, but he was quicker and showed his tongue in the most childish display possible. 
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“You look like a fish just showing your lips like that! I’m sure the Duck of Whatever finds it super cute, but it doesn’t compliment your cheeks nor your face. For Heavens Tails, it's not pretty...” He cocked his head aside, as he saw her visible anger blooming. It was always fun to tease her; he loved to do that. She was a lady with a certain temper, and he had developed a certain masochist taste for provoking her. Because yes, she had the power to make him cry and whimper when suddenly she was too harsh - and it was unfair! 
“Surely they need to show princesses how to be sensual whenever they want to kiss someone instead of those political lessons you’ll forget in five minutes. I’m not sure if I’m facing a creature ready to swallow my face or if it’s going to be pleasant…” He grabbed the little mirror by his side and exposed it in front of Hibiko. “Look at you!” He tried to show her, but the item was thrown away and he couldn’t help but giggle like a crazy fox. “Okay, okay, fine!” He sighed exaggeratedly and wiggled his ass to move closer. “I’ll teach you.” 
In his loooong life, he was able to kiss a lot of people. So far, he had never received complaints from his former lovers, but it was a gift he wanted to give her right now. After a few minutes of arguing, the atmosphere felt more comfortable for Marlo to eventually perform. Gently, he wrapped his fingers around her cheeks, observing her irises with passion.
"Ready to have your whole world rocked?" He was oozing with excitement, but he knew that she was potentially more the type of girl to prefer when boys were gentle. Nevertheless, he eventually pressed his lips onto hers, preventing his fox nature from claiming far more than what he had just earned right now. 
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distopea · 1 year
❛  stop being so stubborn. i'm trying to help you.  ❜ @Marlo
Pain. Pain and sorrow. Agony! Disappointment! 
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He was sitting on Hibiko’s boudoir, his fox ears picking through his red hair, his face expressing nothing but the biggest pout of history. He was losing his power for good, almost unable to take the look of an actual human, and he had - ALAS! - developed knots a bit everywhere in his fur. He was struggling with Hibiko’s hairbrush earlier, almost crying in despair when he saw that he couldn’t get rid of them. She had interrupted him in the middle of his tantrum. 
Sitting there, Marlo was looking at the ground, whining whenever she was pulling a bit too hard for his taste, his dramatic eyes falling back on her features. “It hurts!” He complained with a long sniff, quite exaggerating because he couldn’t help whenever he had her attention. She was careful, but the knots were simply too hard to undo. His fur was nothing like a real fox anyway, and its natural curves and knots were provoked by magic only. He could fight as much as he wanted, it only meant that he was about to turn back to his animal form. 
“Ouch! Ouch!” He voiced again and stared at her, before he tried to nib her wrist, which was immediately punished on Hibiko’s side. A stroke of the hairbrush right onto his nose was earned, and he folded his ears against his skull, like a scolded puppy. “I’m not stubborn!” He answered, even if he was right now profoundly immature AND horribly strong-headed. “You’re still brushing over and over in the same place, why are the knots still here?!” He stood back up and rushed in front of the mirror, before he stopped to observe his appearance. 
“Sweet nature, you made it worse!” He turned around and pointed his clawed finger at her, before he eventually folded it back against his chest, horrified by all the fur. He was used to losing his magic, but he was also helplessly scared to get back to his realm. It was the very first time in months, and he had just met her. He knew that perhaps he wouldn’t see her for years… Decades even! The princess would have forgotten about him, her life span dramatically reduced. It was only a matter of time before she would move on and it was breaking his heart in millions of pieces. 
“I hate this!” Marlo pouted again before he turned into a fox, feeling at least slightly better under that form. He rushed out of her room, trying to find a new shelter somewhere else, perhaps in the kitchen… At least there was food there…
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distopea · 2 years
A small fire burned in the princess' room in preparation for her eventual arrival. With her shoes already removed, Hibiko tossed her purse on the couch that caused a yelp came from fox accidentally being hit with the bag, and then one from the surprised princess. Rushing over to kneel on the floor in front of the couch, "Oooohh, I'm sorry!" She whined with a laugh under it, rubbing where she assumed the bag him. "I told you not to wait for me, I thought you would be gone." Hibiko made it clear she would be gone until late with friends, multiple of them, not a date.
She was ready to cuddle him back to health before "Wait wait wait- I need to change," and popped up to hide behind a screen. To put it gently, she was toasted. But to put it frankly, Hibiko was drunk. "I snuck you box of chocolates in my purse. But don't eat it as a fox! Foxes can't eat chocolate." It was tiny little box, unable to hold more than a few pieces.
Soon, with her hair still done and wearing makeup, but in sleepwear at least, Hibiko threw herself on the couch next to Marlo. "Now you may tell me about your day, darling. Do you like the chocolate? It's from," a pause, not long enough to properly think before rolling her eyes and waving a hand, "somewhere else, but I really liked them!"
A yap left his throat the moment he felt an object falling onto his fur. The sleepy fox’s head picked from the cushions and blanket, giving Hibiko a suspicious and annoyed look before he eventually understood that she was here to pamper him, and not demand the fox to leave her alone. With a yawn, he extrated himself out of his cocoon, extending his furry legs to get rid of the numbness. Of course he wouldn’t be gone! She was out with friends - she didn’t lie, right? - and she had left him all by himself, abandoned, cold and desperate! He was ready to be pampered in apologizes and other caresses, but before he could earn his well deserved hug, she giggled and disappeared behind her screen. 
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Marlo huffed and eventually used his magic to switch back to his human form, even if it meant using a lot of his power for that. When Hibiko was back, wearing her sleepwear even if she was still having her hair done and her makeup on. He squinted when she dropped by his side, the smell of booze and other expensive wine tickling his nose; he even sneezed. "Heavens, you’re completely wasted! I thought you forgot I was here!” He gasped but immediately laughed, finding amusement the way her guard was down and her attitude far less serious than usual. What a beautiful change!
He observed her with passion, love, and deep interest. 
He welcomed her by his side, sliding away even if he rolled his arm around her shoulder. She smelled funny but it wasn’t bad. He was more interested in the box of chocolates presented in front of his eyes. He couldn’t refrain the blush invading his features - because she thought of him, she was gifting him something, for him - while he placed a soft kiss right on the top of her hair. “Ah... Food…” He whispered with a content giggle and immediately opened the box. In two bites, all the chocolate was gone and his lips were tainted in shades of brown. 
“Mpf… I had better. It’s not very good.” He said while he tossed the box away and nuzzled against her side. It was actually decent, but he wasn't delighted she had received that gift from someone else. He slowly caressed her hair, as he felt so loved, so adored because she was giving him attention. “I napped and I waited for you… I might have stolen food from the kitchen, but I bet they didn't see it. Your mother required some duck and veggies for tonight's dinner... Then I wandered around and I picked flowers. I chased a few naughty chicken for fun... I came back here because you promised to be home early. But you weren't! Your date with friends was long and I was bored... But I’m happy because you had a good time, even if I wasn’t here…”
He opened his palm, a golden wind moving inside for a moment before more chocolate appeared out of nowhere, crafted by his magic, covered in a copper powder, along with almonds, nuts, and other dry fruits. “Here, when I traveled the world a long time ago, I ate these chocolates. It’s better and richer on the tongue.” 
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He sighed and felt comfortable enough. “I like you so much, sweet princess. So much I would let you break my heart.” Marlo purred lovingly.
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distopea · 2 years
Perhaps because it was later in the evening, and her lights along with the rest of the home are put out by now. Whatever it was that drew Marlo to the princess' room this time, she seemed prepared for it. "You ripped my dress?" Hibiko stepped out the closet once she heard him enter, quick to make the accusations known as she tossed the garment at him. Not that it made it very far, but it's presence was clear. There didn't seem to be care for the time from an ever cautious princess, her voice uncharacteristically raised. She was angry, confused, vexed.
"What, you saw it and thought if you sucked in your gut hard enough, you would fit?" Yelling at the taller man, far more animated with her speech than usual. "Do you know how embarrassing that was for me to see that when getting dressed? Maids talk, Marlo!" An almost crack in her voice, unused to the strain. "It only takes the two that come in the morning for it get back to my mother by the end of the day, insisting I should update my measurements. You shouldn't have put me in the position to have to lie for you! A doctor would be here in a matter of hours to treat me for poisoning or something if I had said that this stupid dog-man comes to bother me every so often and apparently tries on my clothes when I'm not looking."
If he stepped closer, she was just as reactionary and step back. Pointing a finger at him, as if he would dare try and pass the blame, "You owe me an apology: for abusing my trust," she started counting in her fingers, "for not telling me, for the embarrassment I created for having to ask the dress maker to fix your mistake." There was more, but she stopped; she couldn't think of any other reasons, just knew they existed.
A heavy sigh like she tired herself out, looking down at the victim of Marlo's carelessness still on the floor. Seeming to notice something, Hibiko's face softened, then morphed to sadness, a tonal shift in her voice taking a familiar whine. "Oh my god, you ruined the cute flowers at the neckline too?" ((you can't just put this in my head and expect nothing from it)
The moment he had heard the dramatic rip of the dress, he had understood that he was fucked. While he was so detached to material things in general, he knew that it wasn’t the case with most humans and especially not Hibiko. Sharing was truly not their nature, and the more they had money and privilege, and the less they were inclined to give what they could to those who might need it. Even for the basic things, they were so reluctant, watching with disgusted eyes those who couldn’t even have food or decent clothes. It was a notion that Marlo couldn’t understand, this lack of love and help for another being in need; weren’t they all from the same species? Why then, were they so attached to things that wouldn’t last?
Hibiko was furious, and Marlo could only listen to her plea with his ears flipped against his skull, each wave feeling like a stab in his heart. He only wanted to try out her dress! She had dozens of them in her wardrobe, and some of them she had worn just once! ONCE! How could she be so heartless? Marlo huffed and crossed his arms, vexed as well to be scolded for something so shallow. He was shallow himself, but still! That was unnecessary! All that drama! He felt that he wanted to cry, and surely, he was close enough to let a sudden waterfall of tears fall down his wet eyes.
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He gasped in front of the audacity of her plea!
“Heavens! Everyone talks all the time; you just have decided to make a fuss about it but it’s only a dress! You have so many of them! Do you know how many people outside of your precious castle can’t even see what you call a doctor?” Marlo eventually answered, as he didn’t want to apologize, AT ALL! She truly had never grasped the way she would be forever stalked and judged by them? She was the constant subject of their gossip, and yet, she was blaming him! She would be their target! He only wanted to protect her and love her! And well okay… Perhaps testing her clothes… “None of them wants your happiness anyway! Whether you decide to rip a dress, to gain weight, to dance the way you want, or to eat food, you would be despised nonetheless because they all want to control you! And you let them! You always let them crush what YOU want! It’s sad! I hate it!”
He was very much furious but he knew that he should have said something rather than trying to hide it. He had observed that she was very materialistic, but he had never tried to echo with that. She was sensitive, perhaps childish yes, but at least she was the only one he could rely on in this world. Marlo looked back at her, his heart squeezed within his chest when he saw how much she was disappointed.
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“I still have my magic…” Marlo said, moving his feet around like a scolded kid, but still in the mood to please her. Because if he didn’t have her anymore, then his heart would be forever broken. “I can fix it, if you want.” He observed her from the corner of his eyes, feeling those ugly tears slowly invading them. “Because… Because I don’t want to lose you!” He eventually whimpered and kneeled in front of her. 
“I don’t want to hurt you either…” He looked back at her and sniffed. “I’m sorry…”
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distopea · 2 years
@royaletiquette from here (x)
Of course, Marlo was very much aware that his lack of privacy was something quite annoying for the human beings he had encountered before – but the princess made it even harder. He could perceive a few cracks through her mask of disgust, something far more interesting than her usual spoiled attitude, but deeply, her nature was far too bonded to her traditions. The price of her freedom was hard to understand, and whether she would like it or not, it was for this very reason why Marlo was still obsessed.
He sensed that he had captivated her attention with his words. She was slightly upset when he mentioned her lack of dancing for the evening, but surely, he hoped a princess like her was good enough to prove she was the most graceful persona of the evening. Otherwise, well, the boredom he had experienced would be extended to that side of her personality. Ah… yes, yes, he was egocentric once again. But when things weren’t about him and his games, they were usually so dusty and dull. He was only there to polish their nature and reveal their most beautiful traits, according to the fox.
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“But I got you at some point.” Marlo pointed out, while he decided to focus only on the interesting words of her sentence. She was on his side, for a little while, and it was enough to fulfill his ego with a bit of satisfaction. It could also tickle his greedy generosity, but so far, he decided that she was too much of a spoiled little girl to earn his gifts.
“Bless your spirit, princess Hibiko!” He said while he extended his clawed fingers, and then, withdrew his hand quickly. “Oh, I beg your pardon. I must present myself at my best for a dance with the most coveted person in the room.” He almost wanted to say that he was talking about himself, but he thought that she wouldn’t appreciate the joke. Instead of that, Marlo morphed into his total human form, dressed properly, with his hair combed for once.
“Your Grace." He bent down politely and extended his fingers once more, any form of mischief totally gone from his attitude. “I’d like to waltz with you.” And for once, he waited for her approval. He only straightened himself back up when she would slide her fingers into the palm of his hand.
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distopea · 2 years
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❝ why should i trust you again ? ❞ (Hibiko/Marlo)
Prompt list - angst edition (accepting)
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The question Hibiko asked was full of resentment and mistrust, and surely, her goal was to probably hurt Marlo’s ego, but instead of that, there was a smile curling his lips. He rolled on his back, always in such a dramatic way, looking with his golden eyes to the face of the princess. For once, she asked the right question. She was widening her vision of this world, and Marlo, right there, was blessed by it. All that potential… 
He eventually rolled back on his feet; his canines exposed as he stepped closer from Hibiko. He loved to invade her personal space, probably because he had a lot of fun reading her emotions and the rhythm of her heart. How to blame her for her lack of trust in him? He was a god of many mischief after all, and his riddles were often quite misleading for anyone playing with them.
“Why should you, mmh~? That’s a good question.” He extended his fingers, brushed the length of her hair. Soft. He liked it. As much as he was growing fond of her. She could resent him for his attitude, yes, but at least, she didn’t try to outsmart him either. She was just curious… and wary. “Honestly, I have no answer to give you. Trusting me is quite a mistake. Didn’t you see how much of a manipulator I am, Hibiko darling? I’m faking my way to be a servant of this palace, while I’m here every day and night to pester the princess herself until she would ask me favors. Or more? Naughty, if our little secret ever reaches ill-intentioned ears.”
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He chuckled and then captured her hand, brushing the top of it with his lips. He then abandoned his grip – he sensed she was not happy with his attitude. Marlo smiled, and then cocked his head aside. “Hibiko, no one shall be trusted in the world you live in.” He said, slightly more serious than before. “You were born to carry the burden of the royal blood, and today, whether you wish to be free, whether you decide to trust those who surround your life, none of them will be trustworthy if you ever decide to stop playing their games.” He placed a hand on his chest. “But me, my darling, at least I don’t pretend that my intentions are only for your well-being. I’m quite honest in my deceiving attitude.”
He moved around and then sat back at the edge of the bed, almost alluring her. “Hibiko darling, it’s in mankind's nature to trust and betray. I have observed you long enough to know that it’s very much the fuel of humanity.” He rolled back on her bed, laid there, while he kicked his boots off his feet. “I should return the question. One day you might be the one betraying me, when you’d consider that it’s better for your own selfish design. I don’t blame you, princess. I embrace it.” He looked back up, licked his lips. 
“Come on… Right now, we’re having fun. Would you really want to spoil it when you act with me the way you have always desired? You’re free, around me.” He patted the bed, as if Hibiko would suddenly decide to join and cuddle. “This is my very first gift to you.”
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distopea · 2 years
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"You have the smell of an animal on you, or am I wrong?" Urogi's body was a meter away from the ground, his hawk-like wings spread and slowly flapped to keep his body up in the air. He didn't bother to hide his bird like features at all. "Are you a predator too? That would be so sweet if you are! We could hunt together, or see who catches one first!" Or maybe this guy was an animal loving human, who rubbed himself all over them, and Urogi was mistaken. He didn't care either way. //for Marlo
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A flap of the air had been enough to catch Marlo’s curiosity, definitely more when he was witnessing some sort of hybrid thing flying above his head. He seemed to be a part of the animal world too, but his smell was strange… just like the stranger was apparently experiencing from him too. He sniffed and cocked his head aside, wondering where he had been popping up this time.
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“A little bit.” Marlo smiled mysteriously, his ears and tails hidden, but not his claws and fangs. Where could he be? He had never seen humans like this before. He patted his chin and thought about the answer. Was he? Well, he was among the carnivorous for sure, and he loved to hunt for some meat… But usually, he was too lazy to run around his preys himself. He loved to trap them. That was far better.
“Ah, I do love having my meat for sure. Guess we could try having a race and see who’d be the winner.” He took a step closer, his golden eyes looking at those wings spread around the man’s body. “You have a strange smell yourself. I’m not sure that there are humans like you around here.” It was odd, indeed. There was also the lingering presence of blood. “Who are you?”
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distopea · 2 years
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Red Octopus making a splash in the sea, to get on the news so that that tasty fox can come running back again for round 8. //Akku
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Lazily sprawled on the pontoon near the ocean, Marlo was appreciating his afternoon nap, the sun delightfully brushing his relaxed features. He was there for a little while now, in the mood to enjoy the far away sounds of the town he had been visiting for a few days, rocked by the calm waves of the blue sea.
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Yet, his peaceful nap was soon disturbed by a few droplets of salty water splashed over his face, a hum of discomfort echoing within his throat. He nonchalantly rolled back onto his belly to peer at the sea, his cheek resting on his hand while he noticed the familiar patterns drawn beneath the sapphire stream. His annoyance quickly disappeared, his face soon displaying a large mischievous smile.
“Long time no see…” He purred, casually dropping his hand into the water as he began to make circles with the tip of his clawed index, perhaps to lure the crimson shape heading in his direction. “Disturbing my nap shall be forbidden, but for your tentacles and your wicked self, I might forgive you.” Marlo snarled, waiting for Akku to emerge from the water.
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distopea · 3 years
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tag dump for Marlo 🤲
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