#⌇headcanon ( 𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙖 )
distopea · 1 year
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Mika is capable of doing a lot of work for the mob, even if he doesn't know if he could ever put an end to this situation. 
It started only with underground fights. Since Mika lives in a rather shady neighborhood, and since he cruelly needs money, he heard from one of his pals from his dojo that there were free fights happening in dark clubs, but the pay was good if he was capable of winning. In debts and having trouble making ends meet, he was tempted in the end. 
Mika won numerous combats due to his Muay Thai skills and his impressive strength. He has truly a brutal force when he fights, trained enough to take down even men twice his size because he knows where to strike. With his innocent features, he was targeted as someone reliable for other work. 
For the mob, he has transported guns to different areas of the cities, he also supplied dealers with drugs (outside of the Cleaners' territory), and he has helped with various handy people to delocate several warehouses that were soon to be emptied by the police. He gained the reputation of being a rather capable man, who didn’t ask many questions, and seemed easily corruptible. 
Truth is, Mika knows he's not doing The good thing. But it's far more shameful on his side to ever ask for his brother's help. 
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distopea · 1 year
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Mika is fully aware that people are using his kindness against him.
In the end, he doesn't have lots of faith in humanity anyway. He believes that people surrounding him, except his brother, are interested and want something from him. He has never experienced genuine intentions, and most of his bonds have been through necessity and bargains. People have always found him interesting for what he could provide them, and that was it.
He has always been the kind of man to say yes; because somehow, there's a hard denial regarding his incapacity to settle limits. It mostly results from his father's mental and physical abuse, back in the day, and the fact that he wants to compensate for his brother's coldness and trauma. It's a coping mechanism; saying yes means he's a good man, the opposite of his father, and a helping hand to his brother. 
Yet, Mika suffers dramatically from that. He will always pretend that it's not a big deal when someone oversteps his boundaries, because he's strong enough to handle it; yet, he wishes to be treated as an equal by people. 
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distopea · 1 year
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Despite his brother Mads succeeding in a lawyer's life after coming back from the battlefield, Mika, on the other hand, doesn't want money help. 
He stopped going to school when he was nearly 17, while it was impossible to survive without having jobs for that, money running terribly low for those two brothers. Mads had never wanted his little brother to be a "drop out", but alone, and with his pay as a soldier, he couldn't ensure their future either. Mika is definitely built as a human bear, so physical jobs, lifting boxes, packages and so on, were an easy option. He was hired right away with his physical condition and his big smile of his, and in the end, while he had always wanted to graduate from high school, he had never come back to the school benches. 
More than once, Mads has tried to give him money or to buy him furniture, TV, phones, to pay for his bills and so on, but just as he is, his brother is equally stubborn. He refuses to rely on anyone's help when it comes to money and feels utterly shameful to ever ask. If he can't eat at night, he doesn't care and wouldn't pick up his phone to receive his brother's help. He will find another job the day after, or if he doesn't have any other option, he will fight in the underground. He believes that he has been helped enough in the past, and his life situation is only something that should be solved by him. 
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distopea · 1 year
Did Mads and Mika inherit their father's traits? Are there parts of them that they deny, ignore or fear because they can see their father reflected in their own actions or thoughts?
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Among these two, Mika is definitely the one who's closer to his mother, Selene, in terms of attitude and behavior, even physically. She was a sunny woman with a high positivity in general, very much inclined to help people. Her eyes were like Mika's, her hair and complexion too. 
From his father, he carries almost nothing, if perhaps a few traits here and there that give clues to his origins, and the blurry memory of a man of strong violence and abuse. He was blessed to somehow forget a bit who that man was, and he has never picked up on his attitude either, simply because he has always tried to help Mads carry on through his trauma. He's only stubborn and secretive in the end, a bit like his father Elys was... But other than that, Mika feels utterly different. 
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For Mads, it's much more complicated. He has the sensation of carrying all the flaws his father ever bore, and it's definitely hard to endure it. Since a very young age, everyone who has known his father had always claimed he was the spitting image of Elys. Same dark straight hair, same intense eyes, same nose, same shape of lips and same jaw... Physically, Elys was everything he is today. 
From his father, alas for Mads, he has the sensation of being forever tainted with his anger issues, his lack of trust, his guarded nature and his profound loneliness. He doesn't wish to be like him, but he finds a reflection of himself inside his memories, and it's quite increasing his trauma and his inability to move on. 
Elys could have been someone decent; a part of Mads knows it. He was a man who snapped and got broken inside for different issues, and more than once Mads felt like he was standing and walking on the same path. 
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distopea · 2 years
✂ – How does your muse handle a break-up? Have they ever been dumped before? How do they break-up with a partner? / again for Mika
shipping meme ooc (let’s say I don’t accept anymore, I have waaay too many to honor)
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He’s a sweet boy in every way possible. 
Mika is rarely the one stopping relationship unless he really has no choice, most of the time, people naturally gets tired of the fact that he doesn’t commit himself the way they expect him (getting more serious, living together, talking about family and such...) or they are somehow exhausted with his energy, his naive nature, and they can’t keep up. For many reasons, and despite his kind and respectful attitude, whether it’s because of the natural distance he keeps or his way of life, it never works. 
Though, Mika is not the kind of man to hold grudges against people, even less for former lovers. He understands quite well that they wish to part ways, and he will wish them well, there’s no need to have hard feelings about it. Sure, he might think about it for a few weeks, thinking about what he could have done better... but in the end, Mika is not seeking for hard romance. 
Unfortunately, his kindness has been somehow his weakness with people. While he wishes to have a face to face conversation in these moments, alas he has often been ghosted by his lovers instead of having real mature break-ups. It was hurtful, but he never grew bitter about it. It’s okay... It’s just about staying positive and moving on. 
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distopea · 2 years
META + brotherhood ( Mads & Mika )
send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!! (not accepting anymore)
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Mads and Mika brotherhood is probably the most unbreakable and important bond they have. 
Both of them have reached a level of trust, communication and loyalty due to their lives that can’t be matched. They have endured the violence of their father, the death of their mother, and for a long long time, they could only count on each other. They faced the world together, and I doubt their bond can ever find its limits. 
They complete each other in a way that makes them a whole whenever they are together. Mads is drowning under the pressure of his crimes, the memories of his actions, and his past recklessness. Mika was always there to be his balance, a cheerful man with an optimistic vision of life, but also capable of understanding the consequences of serious actions, the deepness of loneliness and the ghosts haunting his brother. 
The two of them are dependent on one another, yet, they are still able to exist and evolve without the influence of the other one. They are colliding stars from time to time, pushing each other to get back on track when they need to.
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distopea · 2 years
🍵 – Is your muse a gossip? Do they like to meddle in other people’s relationship business? Do they like to play matchmaker? Would they let someone match-make for them? / for Mika
shipping meme ooc (let's say I don't accept anymore, I have waaay too many to honor)
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If I take all of these one by one... First of all, Mika is not at all into gossip and wouldn’t surrender to his own heavy curiosity on that matter. Somehow, he’s a very discreet person by nature, and it extends to the people surrounding him. He doesn’t care about their secrets, what they have said or not, the rumors... He only focuses on their behaviors, the feeling he has of them and if he senses that he can trust them. His own perception is his only radar, even if it’s not always right on point... 
He doesn’t step in people’s business, even when it’s not fair towards him, but might if it actually can hurt someone he cares about. Then, he will try to make his possible to clarify or ease the situation, or simply to say that they are doing something stupid if they are the one directly involved in troubles. 
He would be terrible as a match-maker for real... Because he’s not the best at reading the room sometimes so it’s better he doesn’t try being between people either, he might interprets things that don’t exist or vice versa. However, if someones wishes to do that, and if he thinks he can trust them, then he’d try and let them... But he might be utterly flustered about it! 
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distopea · 2 years
Meta + honor (for Mika)
send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!! (not accepting anymore)
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Mika’s sense of honor is a very personal thing most of the time. 
Even if his life has always bonded with a certain sense of duty (their father pushed them to become soldiers for example), Mika’s sense of honor was truly tainted by his own experiences. 
Honor only follows his own scale in the end, because it varies depending on the situations, the people he meets, his own perception of the moment, his own principles and his own dreams. Most of the time, Mika will do his best to never hurt people, he’s a genuine character with good intentions and a very protective mindset. 
But honor as following codes and rules doesn’t work well with him. He’s too chaotic to follow a written pattern, he often breaks laws. If something honorable would be perceive as a betrayal from his peers and superiors, then he’s more than ready to suffer the consequences if he believes the cause is a fair one. 
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distopea · 1 year
Jackson offers Mika a pizza decorated like a skull , what does he do ? No but in honesty, what's Mika's favorite kind of pizza ? Does he like pizza or does he prefers something else, like calzones ? Does he have any allergies , food intolerance ? Does he go half-n-half or just full on something.
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"For me?! That's so cool, thanks!" 
To be honest, Mika wouldn't be picky in terms of pizza because he has learned the value of food through his background, and pizzas are a special item he couldn't get quite often. 
If he has to choose a type, he doesn't like overly complicated pizzas. He prefers traditional ones, so whenever he goes out, he would settle perhaps for Margheritas, Marinaras or Quattro Fromagi if he feels a bit more into having cheese. Meat or fish are rarely something he considers, but he likes pepperoni pizzas too, they are just more expensive most of the time. In terms of shape, he likes pizzas with a thick crust around because he enjoys the dough. But other than that, he wouldn't care much if they are round, square, folded... it's food after all! 
He's lucky because he doesn't suffer from any food intolerance or allergies, though, he's often tired and cramping because he actually lacks good nutrients. 
Mika is a tall and sportive baby, one pizza will disappear quite quickly and he's not even aware you can actually order two different halves... Another thing about this world he's absolutely unaware of. 
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distopea · 2 years
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The Scottish Bear
Despite his height and his rather impressive musculature, Mika is often described as someone with overly friendly vibes and harmless. He’s an absolute treasure, he cherishes his friends, he’s easy-going, joking around and he has a generous heart. 
However, Mika is well-known in the fighting underground area to be one of the most brutal and violent combatants. His strength is associated with an extreme power and precise motions, that grant him a very much aggressive combat style. People are often misled by his gentle nature and his soft features, but his violence lies in his fights. 
Mika then, is absolutely MONSTROUS. Ruthless. A beast punching and cracking bones in an arena.
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distopea · 2 years
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Despite his great abilities for fighting, and martial art, there’s actually quite a huge form of trauma within Mika whenever he needs to defend himself. 
Due to the physical abuse he had gone through during his entire childhood, Mika had developed a very bad habit of enduring sudden violence mixed with a certain authority towards him without being able to properly react. Back in the days, his father was often losing his mind because of his alcohol habits, beating both his sons and wife whenever he was out of control. Often Mika was too young and too scared to do something about it, and often it was his brother, Mads, who was defending him. 
Over the years, Mika grew up without noticing that he had developed a huge trauma response to these events. Whenever someone has the slightest authority upon him (whether it is his martial coach, his lover, his boss, or someone from the mafia world), Mika will suffer from their violent behavior if they ever share a toxic bond. He will be obedient, scared, and unable to defend himself, as he developed the habit to be only defended by his brother. 
Mika is strong, and very much unaware of this trauma response. This is often why he ends up with toxic people using his kindness and obedience. He’s legit unable to have a proper reaction.
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