#⌇magnus princeps ( 𝘼𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖 | IC )
distopea · 1 year
Jet lag was never an easy thing during business hours, but after a few days adjusting, Astra started to feel better. It was rare for him to leave his territory, but sometimes, for the sake of his own expansion, and the power of the Cleaners, he was willing to take risks. Investing in Japanese business to secure a line of transit between two countries and strengthen two mafias on an international level was not something he believed to be easy to settle, but it could be achievable with the right people by his side. Here, he was less powerful and more vulnerable, but after a few chess plays, he might be able to become even bigger without the world noticing. 
He had heard about a certain Han Joon-Gi through the information Zodiac and Gambit had managed to gather before his departure, looking for a potential new target to enter the Japanese  territory and build the first bricks of his coveted empire. Han was a charismatic man, oozing with confidence, and leading several businesses across the cities, close from what Astra had created overseas. If he might be simply a genuine business man, there was something tickling Astra’s radar. Good leaders of criminal organizations were often hiding behind a wall of pretenses, and potentially, that Han Joon-Gi was holding more facades than what was exposed and findable about him. 
As a man who was intrigued, courting in this line business was probably the best way to get in touch, and after greasing a few palms here and there since his arrival, the rumors of a new foreign investor had finally been heard by the one and only individual Astra wanted to approach. So of course, now was the time of the seduction dance. When he recognized the man approaching, he politely stood back up and made sure to rebutton his suit jacket. For any person in the lobby, Astra was looking like a casual, if not a bit classy, foreign businessman. 
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“Good morning.” He said while he hesitated for one second - should he bow? should he shake his hand? That awkwardness was at least working in his favor for his perfect cover. “Alexander Donnell, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” 
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distopea · 1 year
@nezumivc103221 continuation from here
He had a feeling that it was only a matter of time before she would perhaps abandon the mask of elegance to show her true colors. Everything was perfect in her behaviors; from the details of her crossed ankle, to the way she was politely answering to everything. She made sure to look like a fawn that couldn’t be harmful, soothing any man with her gentleness and her acting. He wasn’t even sure it was an act in the first place, but most likely, he was paranoid enough not to fall into a honey trap. Yoming and him weren’t necessarily enemies, but one toy could be the end of a mutual truce. 
He poured the required wine into her glass and slid the drink right in front of her silhouette, so she wouldn’t have to pat the air for too long before finding her glass. For a moment, he wondered if she would be confident enough to even drink the beverage, as he would, on his side, be wary of being poisoned. Maybe he was expecting her to flinch, even so slightly, but it was just for his own entertainment. On his side, he was patient like a wolf, as he poured himself a drink and pressed his back against deep into his chair. 
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“Yoming is very insistent when it comes to his Eve. He has bragged more than once that he had, indeed, the best source of entertainment.” He rolled the wine inside his glass, testing its quality before he gently hummed the top of the drink and eventually tried a first sip. “I agreed to let myself be tempted by his favorite toy, but I wasn’t truly in the mood to play with it, I must admit. At least not tonight.” He added with the same calm and warm voice, his golden eyes never leaving Eve’s silhouette. 
He tensed, just for a second, when she moved her fingers right on her blindfold. He always feared that there would be a trap, even in his own game, his eyes falling on the phone waiting by his side; Requiem was one text away from him, waiting in the room next door, just in case. He relaxed, though, when he noticed that she was only fixing it, still playing by his rules, but for how long though, he wondered. He appreciated the fact she was more inclined to chat rather than suddenly offering other kinds of services. 
“I can only indulge you.” He smiled, even if she couldn’t see him. “If you’re hungry, I don’t mind ordering from the room service. You’ll pick whatever you wish, but allow me first to know you better.” He cocked his head aside, then decided that it would be more interesting to see how far her smartness could go. “I think a little mind game could be funnier than the regular conversation. I know you’re trained to entertain fellows around daily topics, but I don’t wish you to divert me this way.” He drank a bit more of his wine, then settled it next to his phone.
“Would you believe me if I ever say that Eve is not supposed to leave this room tonight?” 
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distopea · 1 year
She knew she was going to be late the moment she got inside the limo. She should have expected that given the new security measures put in place, but she did not expect it would take that long. Perhaps the best solution would be to actually give up on the idea of attending that lecture. But she was too excited about it for days. She really wanted to listen to professor Anthony Queen’s open lecture; his lecture was recommended by a friend who was really interested in astronomy. The traffic was heavy and they reached the university even a bit earlier than expected. Her driver was really good at his job.
The room was not especially crowded but even though Nunnally should have probably sit in the back not to cause too much commotion. But she was simply not used to it. The girl did not intend to disturb the lecture on purpose; but did she really disturb? Nunnally was simply used to getting her own way in certain situations. She just walked to the very front of the room drawing some unnecessary attention to herself. She knew that was happening. It was happening all the time. It seemed she never fitted anywhere just right. Nunnally never considered herself beautiful, but she knew she was pretty enough to be considered attractive. Her clothes were expensive, well-tailored making her unique in the lecture room. Her hair was light and long, nicely combed giving her that vintage look. She made a pretty view. Perhaps more fitting into art than physics classes. She smiled apologetically to Professor Queen as she was sitting down. Only then she realized that moving to the front was unnecessary. She knew being late was impolite, and then she suddenly realized her behaviour could have been considered rude, and a faint red adorned her cheeks. But her father was almost always late, what made Nunnally learning to disregard time in a way.
The lecture was interesting. Just as she expected. Just as it finished, she simply approached the man as if that was the most natural thing to do. It was natural for her. She was hardly ever intimidated in public situations. But her perhaps a entitled way of being might have discouraged some others that were also interested to do so: --
“It was a lovely lecture, Professor Queen. I regret I was not able to get here in time. I hope my late appearance was not too much of a burden…” – she offered another apology; she meant it. Nunnally was honest about it – “But I assume now is just the right time to ask some questions I have. And please do forgive if you might have already answered some of them during that part that I have missed.” – she thought he was actually pretty handsome and had an interesting aura around him. She was glad she came.
“Would you mind signing your book for me?”
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As usual, the open lecture was interesting. Of course, a few latecomers had been disturbing the assembly, but it hadn’t bothered Astra as much as if they were their regular students. He was pleased to voice his theories regarding the nature of the stars. Potentially, a few new people would wish to sign in for his classes for the next start of the school year. He was always curious to find out if there were potential students that he would enjoy teaching in the future. It felt like a hobby; it was one. His mind, most of the time, wasn’t thinking about the beauty of the cosmos nor its mysteries. 
As he was packing his belongings, he braced himself and knew that a few people would come asking questions. It was always gambling; a few of them might have something interesting to discuss about, others would only want to spread their own agenda regarding the theories they had been reading on the internet and well… The last category would be for people who couldn’t pay enough attention or had missed enough of the conference to embarrass themselves asking again what they should have registered. 
He had shaken a few hands, had refused a photo, and had signed some magazines with Anthony Queen written at the bottom of the long essay he had co-written with his coworker from another state regarding the topic of the night. Astra felt exhausted when he noticed one last curious one coming closer. He had noticed that she had come late to the lecture, and her first sentence was enough to bring it back onto the table. There was a little smile curling his features, polite and charming. 
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“Yes, I noticed that you couldn’t attend the first part of the conference. I understand why it must have been complicated then, for you. The first ten minutes are crucial to properly grasp the topic.” He answered, with the same charming tone, despite the hidden attack underneath his words; if she wanted his attention, she would have to work better. She didn’t seem to realize that it was extremely rude to take more of his time, even more regarding something he might have already explained earlier. In front of her, he glanced at his watch, a frown crossing his features. 
“Alas, for the questions, I wouldn’t have much time to indulge you. You may find your answers in the essay, though.” He answered with a sigh, before he observed the way she casually slid the magazine in front of him. He perfectly hid the rictus on his lips, as he palpated she was different from regular people; evolving in another kind of environment, where her own rudeness and lack of civilian sense was truly showing. Was she someone important? He was more interested in that. It felt like the necessary little game he needed before the end of the day.
“But I’m always happy to scratch my awful signature at the bottom of this.” He chuckled and extended his fingers to grip the magazine. “Which name shall I sign for? And please, not only your first name. Like a star, I always need to have the full atoms and neutrons in front of me.” 
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distopea · 8 months
"My beautiful bitch, congrats. You do win everything in life, don't you?" (From Autumn to Astra)
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"Should I apologize for that?" Astra offered a soft smile. "I have to stay pragmatical though... By winning, I hope you're including yourself in the equation?"
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distopea · 1 year
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distopea · 2 years
“Hello Mr Astra, I heard you like astro—astrology? Or astronomy? Anyhow, same thing. So which zodiac sign are you? I’m a Leo. The best sign. We could be good friends if you’re a Gemini.”
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"Kaizen? Yes, it's me. Is Ezra with you? Perfect, he'll track the person I want. It happened again. They sent me another message. I feel it's more than time to let them have that one last ride to their final home. Make sure to find a spot somewhere nosy cops wouldn't find our little package." He paused.
"Also..." He thought and re-read the message. "Please make sure to have a piss on their grave for me."
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distopea · 2 years
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Sugar mommies... It's awakening something from his past....
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distopea · 2 years
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mirage softly sinks his teeth into astra's shoulder. a silent demand for attention from yours truly.
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The silent plea couldn’t be ignored - he felt his teeth sinking deep into his shoulder, the sudden frame of Mirage becoming quite oppressing behind his back. A low chuckle escaped Astra’s lips, while he was indeed, quite smaller when it came to this giant tree of a rival. 
“Surely... You always have such an animalistic way to ask for attention.” Astra folded his newspaper and threw it onto the nearest table. He patted his shoulder, felt that the skin was slightly damaged, but not quite enough to make him bleed. He pulled on Mirage’s tie, rolled his around his fingers, his own pearls scanning his neck while he inhaled his musk, before he returned the favor. Slightly deeper. 
“Now that you have it darling, what are you going to do about it?” 
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distopea · 1 year
It had been a long and exciting trip, full of inconvenience due to language barriers, having to run with suitcases around the airport, dealing with spiciness in food that shouldn't be spicy at all, fearing for their lives in the traffic, and Autumn paranoid about how close people would get to them. But, once in the hotel, with a traditional drink in their hands, they both agreed it had been the most fun they had had in a while. 
However, this was just the beginning of Autumn's plan. Now, the most challenging event of the day was in front of Autumn; to convince Astra to wear a blindfold in the crazy traffic they had just experienced. It was losing too much control on his end, but Autumn had plenty of tactics that included but did not limit to kisses, whispers, bites, and promises he would fulfill. Damn it, would Astra be taking advantage of the sweet attentions now? 
It didn't matter; it had worked. 
One of Autumn's promises was that he would not guide his lover by holding his hand but by being attached to him in a big hug. Of course, they weren't people of public displays of affection, but being so far from their area, hidden from the danger in a way, allowed them to explore this side. Besides, it was only the path from their room to the basement where they parked their rental car, nothing to worry about.
Autumn's second promise was that Astra could keep his hand on Autumn's thigh for as long as he wanted to; they would also play jazz and only jazz during the ride. He sort of regretted that part, but his regret went as far away as possible when he noticed Astra at ease in all of this. It was always lovely to catch how their trust in one another opened the door to places of them they hadn't shared with anyone else.
It's why Autumn had been planning this for months, researching, conversating with translators, making appointments, and keeping (for the first time) a secret from his boyfriend so they could arrive at this unique hideout Autumn had been in charge of its construction.
He parked by a small cabin with what they would need for the night: a small fridge, a comfy bed, and plenty of blankets. But, in fact, the real magic surrounded the cabin, a fire pit, and a Celestron telescope, to which Autumn conducted Astra's hands. 
When Autumn caught the surprise on Astra's lips, he revealed the sight to him. They were at Atacama's dessert in Chile, one of the best places to stargaze in the world, with 330 clear nights per year. Autumn needed February 14th to be one of them, and while his eyes weren't on the telescope, he could tell it felt like being out of the earth and orbiting space, next to this outstanding and tempting star standing by—with him.
"I heard you can observe nebulas and even galaxies here." Autumn was proud of himself. But what was filling him with joy was to be next to his love, appreciating him through his interest on the most beautiful starry night he had ever seen, and sure, they have stargazed a lot. "I figured you won't leave this place until the sun comes out, so we have a little tour of the ALMA observatory in two days." No wonder why the southern hemisphere built entire powerful civilizations through messages given by these Astros. Right now, Autumn wanted to know what messages were on Astra's head with everything he was glaring at, but they had all night to discuss that. What Autumn truly wanted was for Astra to give use of that telescope and begin exposing his enthusiasm for astronomy, speaking with that confidence of his knowledge that made him so attractive. "Tell me. Show me something that you haven't taught me about yet." 
Jumping in the unknown wasn’t something Astra was comfortable with, but he was also a risk taker. For Autumn, he had discovered that he was able to push deep and anchored limits, only because he was driven by a certain trust regarding the young man’s intentions. Through time, missions, and other crucial moments, they had both created a singular atmosphere where only the two of them could trust each other like this. Astra was still a dangerous individual, the secret phantom leading a criminal organization, and Autumn one of his best assets, cunning and violent enough to embrace their shared goal - yet, while they landed in this foreign country, they only looked like two normal individuals stepping out of the plane. 
He didn’t like to be the one blindfolded - such a strange reversed situation - but he trusted Autumn to know where his comfort might stop. He only relied on the warmth sensation of his hand, guiding him among a Spanish talking crowd, with an accent he wasn’t sure to grasp entirely. Well, he had calculated that these six hours of plane travel would lead them somewhere far from their usual home, and he was somehow appreciating the change of settings. Did Autumn know there was a rather critical transaction coming for the Cleaners? It was best for Astra to be away from the city during those times. 
“So, our adventure is clearly not done…” Astra said when he entered the car, a little frown crossed his features. Even though he was in a vulnerable position, he didn’t experience that usual rush of adrenaline pushing him to calculate every next step in order to survive; he trusted his partner to be genuine. Yet, old habits die hard, and he still registered the path they followed, mapping the road while they took numerous turns. The more they were driving, the more he understood they had left the city for a potential secluded place, his excitement peaking as he wondered if Autumn didn’t find quite a spot to observe the universe. 
Finally, the outcome of his mystery appeared in front of his eyes, while he understood with one glance the beauty of Autumn’s gift. He was in awe, for sure, observing the area with candy eyes, the immensity of the sky and the view from the cabin only a promise of the best observation. He chuckled, and looked back at Autumn, who seemed eager to describe everything, as if his actions only wouldn’t prove the deepness of his attachment towards Astra. The blond offered a tender smile, sliding both of his hands right onto his face. 
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“You may believe you’re not the romantic nor the generous type, but you prove twice today that you are both. Not only you were planning this little escapade for months, but you picked a hobby that might lead me to be too focused on the telescope rather than you. You’re selfless in every action.” He said, and eventually pressed his lips right onto Autumn’s. “But even if you’re tickling my scientist heart, I must say that you still steal my attention fully and entirely.” 
He kissed the tip of his nose, and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. “We’re in the southern part of the star map, and it’s February, a perfect winter sky. I’ll show you the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, which are the two nebula companions of the Milky Way. Plenty of nebulas composed the Milky Way itself so the night will be bright even without industrial light…” He paused, continued to smile and caressed Autumn’s hair. “The main dish might be the Scorpio constellation though, because it looks unique and so bright in this particular area of the world.” 
For a moment, to continue to elaborate more, before he eventually stopped. “My gift is far more humble, and I hope it wouldn’t look bland compared to your level of romanticism.” He extracted a black velvet box out his bag, placing it within Autumn’s fingers. Inside, he would find a particularly elegant watch, yet, it wasn’t a common one. “For your next missions. You have very sensitive data regarding the Cleaners, along with other details I asked Gambit to download.”
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He hugged Autumn, then he whispered. “I also asked him to let you know my real name.” 
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distopea · 1 year
He is safe. For once, I could close my eyes in a cliff and let my body fall because his arms would be waiting to catch me. Not only, kiss me, too.
It's nice to finally let go of the exhaustion of control because even when everything might look sloppy or dangerous, it's not chaos. Unless, he wants it that way, and he makes sure I know what will happen.
It's my privilege. He is safe to me. No one else. He'll hunt you down, and I'll make sure to deliver your corpse to his lap.
| anon meme
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It's the only side of his personality that he has never exposed. A forbidden weakness through the total control of his life. But it's a weakness he has chosen.
Whenever a vow is taken, surely he can be a man of his words. Betrayal is a foreign language when trust is earned, and he feels that he has achieved it here. To the others, he will remain manipulative, greedy, dangerous... But there's a part of him who can be different. A part he has never expected to show, and that he has never thought to be even there.
He felt even more ruthless as he wasn't alone.
"If you jump that cliff, I'll be there in your fall, and I'll be there in your landing."
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distopea · 2 years
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I can’t wait to serve his lack of moral and his profound egocentrism on the dash. I want him to unleash all his ugly nature. 
He’s a bastard. 
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distopea · 2 years
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Myles cursed softly under his breath as he hung up the phone, quiet for a few minutes as he seemed to mull over a multitude of things before finally glancing up at the other with a sense of defeat.
"I need to ask for a favor. From the Cleaners. Or from you, whichever." Myles' lips pursed in a quiet annoyance, frustration that he'd have to ask for any favor in this day and age, especially from Astra of all people, because giving him any sort of control or debt was a bad idea all around, but it was unavoidable. "It's a personal favor outside of work. One of the members of a project I'm running ran off with some intel that I need; so I would like the intel back, the man gone, and also his portion of the task completed which requires a portion of the east side docks burnt to the ground. I am open to negotiating any terms, but I need this done quickly...... please."
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Rare was that sight – he was aware of it. Usually, Myles preferred to fight and scratch, rather than asking for help when he needed it. It was a leverage of power given right to Astra, and of course, he knew he would use it carefully. He liked to be in this position. It was the best way to control things. He had no intentions to give the slightest hint to Myles regarding what he wanted, but he listened attentively. He put his cup of tea on the table, then slid his fingers within his coat pocket. He retrieved a different phone from the one already placed near his book.
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“Alright.” Astra quickly texted the best man in this situation to handle a quick disappearing: Requiem. He knew his commander would do a neat job, leaving no trace of the man, and would retrieve the sensitive intel before the end of the day. “We can handle it.” Astra said before he eventually placed the other phone onto the table, waiting for Kaizen to dial him. Myles would be free to give him all the necessary details, and the job could be done within the day. If Astra wanted to make a priority out of it.
“You’re well aware that I’ll require something from you as a payment.” Astra offered a smile, gazed up at Myles. “Since this is a favor required on your side and we know each other, I won’t ask any money from you. But.” Astra looked at his phone ringing. “Whenever I’ll require a service from you, I expect it to be free and quick, just like I did for you today. An eye for an eye, if you prefer.”
He slid the phone in front of Myles. “Pick up.”
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distopea · 2 years
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He had arrived first in the hotel room, booking a royal suite with one of his aliases, just to be certain that there would be no one going to the top floor except his guest. He appreciated the view over the city from there, his university campus shining at the end of the main road, where he would meet his students again the next morning, pretending that he had never schemed against the world in the shadows the night before. Nevertheless, Astra felt thrilled. He was always eager to play those dangerous games, quite self confident when it came to his deceiving skills.
He had agreed to meet Yoming’s favorite performer – a certain singer that had the magnificent power to entertain the toughest crowd and who would be present to an important meeting in the future. Something Astra had never wanted in the first place, as he was quite a nitpick regarding his identity. A new performer would mean a new risk for him, and surely, he didn’t wish for Eve to ever see his features for the first time during this future event. Having full control over these things was his way to be a ruthless ruler after all.
Yoming seemed pretty proud of his favorite pet, trying to shove it down the throats of every mafia boss, luring them all with her wicked beauty and her side activities. It was clear that he had hidden schemes with the skills of this artist, and while it was intriguing Astra, he also believed that Yoming had vicious intentions. It was just an everlasting unfair chess game in this shadow world. Moving pawns to earn a victory was the only possibility of survival. Astra's best strategy had always been to take someone else's pawn and make it his own. And while he had nothing against Yoming – not yet – he still felt the urge to protect himself and his empire.
His room phone rang, the receptionist letting him know that a certain Eve had arrived and was asking to meet him. Astra asked the maître d’hôtel to show her the way, before he hung up. He had specifically required Eve to wear a blindfold before entering the room, and Yoming had vouched she would follow his instructions. Astra was still prudent.
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He moved inside the large living room attached to the bedroom, and sat in a leather chair near the window, a large floor lamp placed behind his back. He settled his drink onto the coffee table, a bottle of wine waiting for Eve, if she wanted to have a drink. He quickly caught the electric line of the lamp, switching it on. If Eve didn’t follow his requirements, at least she would be blinded enough for Astra to move somewhere else. Another blindfold was waiting on the coffee table after all.
“Come in.” He spoke when he heard a gentle knock on his door. Golden eyes were staring at the entrance, a few of his blond strands brushing the bridge of his nose. Whatever game he was about to play right now, he hoped the opponent was worthy of his time. He hated to be bored, and he was already scheming to avenge himself over Yoming’s small business if he had to. A thin black-haired woman entered the room.
Astra smiled.
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distopea · 2 years
@hellhunted​ / Astra & Koharu 
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When he entered the club, his golden eyes were already scanning the area with interest. He had never been there in his life; it was the first time that he was dealing with Koharu Calloway. Her reputation was quite huge in the underground business, rumors following her path of course, but that was not something that could destabilize Astra in any ways. He knew that this visit should be nothing but friendly – perhaps a bit of verbal fights and such – but the matter was actually to work together rather than going through unwelcome problems.
He stepped into the club, deeper between the tables and the bar. Someone came to pick his coat, and he elegantly removed it from his shoulders. Of course, he somehow anticipated that Koharu wouldn’t be there. She was the mistress of this place, the one in charge. She would appear when all the lights and attention would be on her. It should be a religious experience – a brand of power, passion. Astra knew those assets by heart. He could only abandon the idea of being the one stealing the light when he was facing someone that he had eventually piqued his interest.
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He crossed the room and sat down in front of an empty stage. He wondered how and when Koharu would decide to show herself. He ordered a dry martini, patient as usual. The ashtray displayed on the table was an invitation for him to smoke and relax. He appreciated the atmosphere of the club after all. He crossed his legs, retrieved his pack of cigarettes and settled it down onto the wooden table. At some point, his irises were caught by motions on stage. Astra made himself comfortable. He pushed his back onto his comfortable chair and clipped one cigarette at the corner of his mouth.
After all, if Koharu and him shall be allies of circumstances, he would only desire for her to be able to mesmerize him.   
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distopea · 1 year
❛ i wanted to hurt them for the way they hurt you. ❜ (Astra. Autumn did some terrible things hehe)
&. 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
It wasn’t usual for Autumn to be that late after what was supposed to be a casual errand. Astra was aware that he had been up to something after the last meeting with the Ornelio’s family, but to which extent and how bad he would be involved, he had no idea. The main goal was of course to trust his lover, but a part of his heart couldn’t help but sink hard within his chest. He wouldn’t allow all those dark scenarios blooming inside his mind, announcing terrible events. He had to rely on Autumn’s capacities to handle complicated situations, as he had never been a man of fear before; for the sake of the Cleaners, he couldn’t start because of his love for another man. 
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Yet, while he was absentmindedly trying to work inside his office on a new chapter for his students the day after, he always glanced at the clock on the wall, time flying way too slowly tonight. When he finally heard the familiar click of the front door, he was prompted to close the astronomy book and straightened himself back up, leaving a rather unusual mess on his desk. He stepped out of the room, pacing his walk, even if he wanted to run and make sure that Autumn was back in one piece. 
Autumn was standing in the kitchen, abandoning on the floor a black sport bag, probably with soiled clothes and other guns inside. He had learnt over time how Astra was sensitive to germs and dirty things, forcing himself into a respectuous routine, for his comfort. He was selfless in many ways, even when he shouldn’t be involved; even when it meant to put his life at risk for the head of the Cleaners. He could tell that he had been through a fight, and yet, he had still managed to change and clean himself before coming home. 
For Astra’s sake. 
Astra silently crossed the distance between them, before he strongly embraced his lover. He felt relieved to see him alive, far more than he had ever experienced with anyone. He wouldn’t like to get back to this life of silence and ticking clock without arguing about food, music, clothes, and whatever casualty they had created in their dangerous gangsters’ lives. “Shit…” Astra cursed, while he heard those words coming out of Autumn’s lips. He stepped backward, cupping his cheeks just to be certain that he was not badly injured. 
“I know.” He said, as he wouldn’t ever scold him for his decisions. “Yet, giving me a heart attack was not in my early fourty’s plans, you know.” He eventually smiled, and dragged Autumn back against his chest, stealing a warm and welcoming kiss at the same time. 
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distopea · 2 years
When he entered the church, he inhaled lengthily. The cruel smile he had been bearing until now was fading – his whole features were slowly changing as if he was wearing a mask. From the cold and calculating head of the mob, he was now a man in need of a religious quest. A way to get what he wanted. The head of the priest he had heard about a few weeks ago – former member of the Cleaners, alive, because of one mistake. He had time to repair it, patient like a tiger waiting to strike. Zodiac had killed the ones responsible for this situation and who had lied regarding Elias, and for the last part, for the most important target, Astra had decided to play his favorite game.
Quietly, he walked through the large path created by the benches, watching at the opposite side of the entrance, the martyr crucified on his cross. Maybe one day someone else would end up pierced by nails for his sins, the very thought of a begging Elias quite entertaining for Astra, even if he wouldn’t be there to watch. The priest had never seen his face after all – Astra was a cloud for any men who weren’t one of his commanders. A shadow haunting their lives without having a face. The perfect strategy to always be ahead of his enemies.
Astra stopped when he reached the first rank of benches, his expression betraying a man going through a profound and deep pain. He moved to his right, sitting with a struggled sigh on the wooden dock. As the pure atheist he was, he intertwined his fingers together, clenched them until his knuckles turn pale, and then pressed his forehead there. Grieving. A foreign sensation for that impostor. But he had studied enough to be a good pretender. Heavily, those tears of pain began to fall against his cheeks. There were only a few hiccups, a lot of sniffing. A perfect performance.
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“Oh crap!” He jolted when he saw someone standing by his side. He looked up and immediately recognized the person he was looking for. Inside, he was viciously smiling. Outside, he tried to get rid of his tears with the sleeve of his coat, but it was a lost cause. “My apologies for cursing out loud Father, I didn’t see you coming.”
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