#⌈ʙᴀʀᴏɴ ᴀғᴀɴᴀs⌋ ➝ (interactions.)
lorelodge · 1 year
Esme Cullen // @mysfated // cont.
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Baron let out a breathy laugh. Typical. There were few better than Carlisle at deceiving others with half-truths and self-delusions "Brother? Is that what you Catholics call it these days?" He leaned in closer, absentmindedly tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Esme seemed closer to a fowl than a predator of the night. "Shall I show you what Carlisle finds so alluring?"
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lorelodge · 1 year
cont. // @therelentless
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He could see the wheels in the younger vampires head spin uncontrollably. A look of abject horror stricken across his face. Baron felt for Nandor. After all, keeping with the times became increasingly difficult after a few centuries. But if there was one thing his time being burnt to a crisp, half-dead, and buried six feet under their garden had taught him it was sometimes even superior creatures such as vampires must learn to evolve, or risk being left behind. "It's not such a bad thing, change. You faced far more frightening threats as ruler of Al Qolnidar, did you not?"
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lorelodge · 2 years
100  —  the chain  by  fleetwood mac - from @musecraft​ (carlisle) for baron
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    “ Go back to hiding in the shadows with your rats. Damn your lies. If you don’t love me now you have never loved me. ”
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lorelodge · 2 years
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     “ It’s better to be cruel than weak. ”
@witchaotics​ liked for a sentence starter  
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lorelodge · 2 years
❝ why are you dressed like a sad silk trader? ❞  — for baron from nadja sent by @musecraft​
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     IT HAD ONLY BEEN THREE HUNDRED YEARS AGO when Baron had been setting the latest fashion trends. But now, it seemed, time had gotten away from him. The world was becoming an ever stranger place--- the New World specifically was a very strange place. One where kings mingled with paupers and vampires assimilated rather than thrived. Baron shook his head incredulously, his fingers tracing tenderly over the finely embroidered silk. He already suspected the answer but felt compelled to ask anyway, “ Is this not what all the nobles are wearing? ”
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lorelodge · 2 years
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     “ The world is changing so rapidly and we with it. I fear the day will soon come when we will no longer recognize either. ”
@therelentless​ liked for a sentence starter
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lorelodge · 1 year
cont. // @harringtontm
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"You could simply leave," Baron said, resting his chin in his hand. There were few things in this world stronger than the bond between a sire and his newborn. Like an infant to its mothers teat, sired were drawn to their makers. The emotional and spiritual connection was often too potent for vampires leaving them no choice but to separate themselves. "Distance can be a simply solution to seemingly complex problems."
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lorelodge · 1 year
cont. // @musecraft
ONCE AGAIN CARLISLE CHOSE THE MOST NONSENSICAL PATH. He could have easily grabbed Carlisle by the scruff as if he were no more than a pup and forced him to reckon with the damage his fantastical ideals had caused. But instead he stood there numbly, like a wheel in muck, only able to watch as his companion rushed forward to save what was more corpse than man at this point. 
Carlisle bit into the boy's neck and then his own wrist. Then, with great care, he brought the boy's mouth to the steady stream of blood. “He’s as good as dead. Why waste your strength?” Baron didn’t expect an answer and Carlisle didn’t give him own. Instead, seeing that the boy was too weak to swallow he sat him up so he was cradled against him. With great determination Carlisle tilted his head back and allowed his blood to drip down the boy’s throat.
Too little too late. Baron hovered over the both of them as if he were the grim reaper himself waiting to drag the boy’s soul to hell. But, as weak as his heartbeat was, it never stopped completely. The mortal wound against his throat has stopped bleeding, although Baron wasn’t quite sure if this a sign of genuine healing or Carlisle turning himself into human life support. It was irrelevant. Even if Carlisle had managed to save the boy's life a horrendous three day ordeal lay ahead. What a waste. “It’ll never take.” This time his comment earned him a sharp look that clearly told him to shut it. With a shake of his head Baron obliged and moved his attention to the horizon. He wouldn’t waste his breath asking if Carlisle planned on taking his lost cause back to their convent. 
“If you don’t plan on dying with him we should get moving. The sun will be up soon.”
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lorelodge · 1 year
cont. // @musecraft
ACTIONS SPOKE LOUDER THAN WORDS. What else was Baron supposed to think in the absence of both? Whatever Carlisle had to say Baron was no longer in the mood to hear it- certainly it was just more of his esoteric moral philosophy. " Enough! " Baron swiped at the air causing one of Carlisle's books to go hurtling across the room. " If you're so dissatisfied with my company perhaps you can go crawling back to the Volturi. I'm sure Aro would be more than happy to make use of you again. " When Carlisle had first come back to him Baron had been overjoyed to see his old companion. But as time wore on old wounds had begun to resurface. The way Carlisle had come back simply hadn't sat right with Baron. He just knew that Carlisle had returned out of necessity. " Or can't you go back. "
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lorelodge · 2 years
“i want to assure you i remain as cold and heartless as the first day we met.” — nadja for baron
Baron's eyes widened in mock surprise. " Is that so? " His fiery Greek mistress had never been good at lying, least of all about her feelings. At this point he had to wonder why she even bothered to try. You would have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to not see how feverishly Nadja swooned over the mere sight of her newborn . Not that Baron blamed her. This Laszlo fellow was quite the scrumptious treat.
He cupped her face with both hands and stared intently into her eyes. " So if I were to tell you to dispose of him? " The look on her face said it all. Had her heart still beaten he was sure it would have ripped through her chest. With a look of amusement Baron's hands dropped back to his side. " Not to worry. You can keep him. " For now.
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lorelodge · 2 years
[ catch ] - for [baron] to catch [carlisle] as they stumble or collapse from exhaustion / sickness / refusing to feed on human blood 👀
THEY HAD BEEN HOLED UP in a newly vacated cottage for several days, their journey having been cut short by sheets of ice and snow making it nearly impossible to travel by foot. Typically this wouldn’t have been an issue. Most vampires simply flew long distances but Carlisle’s poor diet meant he couldn’t maintain his bat form. The Grand Sire had quickly grown tired of his pertinacious attitude and ordered the rest of the coven to abandon him to his own devises. Everyone except Baron, that was. On orders of his sire he had stayed behind to either fix the defective newborn or (more likely) put him out of his misery. Carlisle proved to be infuriatingly obstinate. It didn’t matter that Baron had done all the work for him (hypnotizing the husband and wife so they were oblivious of their fate), or that they hadn’t heard the beating heart of so much as a rat for days. He wouldn’t feed on so much as a drop of human blood. 
Baron had heard tale of this before; infants who fussed constantly and failed to suckle on their mothers teet until they shriveled away.  But they were mortals. So fragile that the gentlest gust of wind could kill them. Vampires were immune to such things, or at least that’s what Baron had always assumed. However, it appeared Carlisle was destined to prove him wrong. 
As he grew weaker, his companion had taken to sitting on a wooden bench as near to the fireplace as he could be. For hours he stared lifelessly into the flames, his skin taking on a greyish-blue tint as the days had passed. It was sad, really. Baron found himself growing quite fond of Carlisle. After hundreds of years most vampires eventually blurred into distant memory. But Carlisle’s self-destructive worldview had left its mark.
The sound of old wood creaking against Carlisle’s weight caught Baron’s attention. Carlisle struggled to his feet and then like an old man took several shuffling steps toward their stock of firewood. He didn’t make it far before his toe caught on a bulging floorboard causing him to lurch forward. Baron immediately jumped to his feet, catching Carlisle by the arm before he could hit the floor. Wrapping one arm around his waist to steady him and with gritted teeth he led Carlisle back to his seat. 
You poor ravaged thing. Baron leered down at him, repulsed by such a sorry sight.  “Enough.” He placed his hand over the place where Carlisle’s unbeating heart would be. Were Carlisle a dog he would have been put out of his misery long ago. It would be so easy to punch through his chest. Quick. Painless. Easy to handle. He raised his free hand, as if readying to strike. Carlisle looked at him, dulled eyes all too aware of what he thought was to happen next.
Baron had never allowed another vampire to feed off him before. Biting into your own wrist. Tasting your own blood. It was a strange sensation to say the least. He sat down next to Carlisle. With one hand resting one hand on the other's head Baron urged him toward his outstretched wrist. “Drink.”
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lorelodge · 2 years
9  —  dog days are over  by  florence + the machine - from @musecraft​ (nadja) for baron
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     “ They’ve sent the dogs. Come with me. Leave all your love and your longing behind. You can’t carry it with you if you want to survive. ”
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lorelodge · 2 years
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“ Will you come back with me, or will you stay here with your people? ”
@musecraft​ liked this for a starter
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