#⌜🍯⌟Helga Headcanon⌜⚖️⌟
22. which muse is most likely to make new friends?
Multimuses || @rebellicvs || Still Accepting
Hnn. Thinking of my friendliest muses… Patrick alienates a lot of people. so while he’s certainly outgoing, he’s likely to make enemies more than friends. Braith has struggled with making friends in the past so if you interact with her - she’ll likely adopt you almost instantly- but this isn’t necessarily reciprocal… Helga makes friends easily. Leandra and Gregory can both be quite charming when it suits them but this doesn’t work for everyone. Sirius has a similar problem to Patrick. Cedric is okay if a little dim and obviously that puts some people off - Lily is outgoing and vivacious and quite likeable. So I’d say maybe, Lily or Helga? Potentially Helga as her blood isn’t going to put people off without even speaking to her (not that Lily wants friends like that…) and her genuinely kind nature tends to warm people to her quickly. 
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Just a super fun reminder that I write Helga as a widow - and as a woman who despite her youth has resigned herself to a life where her only ‘children’ will be her students.
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Additional headcanon. Salazar only wanted to ban Muggleborns for the school because he’d met Helga, he knew Helga. He was fully aware and prepared for the fact that she would literally pick up any stray monster in her path and let them into the school. He’s just trying to draw a line somewhere
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Things I’d like to see more of??
Unconventional founder friendships, tbh. Like given that we know diddly fuck all about them why is it just widely accepted fanon that; Rowena and Helga are best buds, Salazar and Rowena are probably something-there-that-wasn’t-there-beforeing, Salazar and Godric were are like, blood brothers, until the whole chamber thing. Like, I think there’s probably more out there than that, but that seems to be the common feeling, right? And like, while I enjoy that...
Like, I want to play a Hegla who is introduced to Rowena by one of the men and finds her cold or aloof or intimidating or dismissive or arrogant or too moralistic and judgemental and dismissive. 
Let me be a Helga who was friends with Salazar first - he knows she brings harmony to places where there is discord and so when the idea of a school is being bandied about he brings her in. Who has known her since birth - who knows her secrets - who tells her his. The original Slytherpuff pairing. Let him enjoy debating with her because if it turns out she’s wrong she’ll actually back down, unlike others he could mention who will tell you it’s damn well raining while squinting in glaring sunlight if it means they can avoid admitting they were wrong. Let her argue the loudest against him when he wants to exclude muggleborns. Let her be heartbroken and guilty when he leaves. Let her miss him every day because it’s not home now if he’s not there.
Give me Godric - God just give me a Godric tbh (where the fuck are the OG Gryffindors??) - who is her best friend. The pair of them rooted in loyalty, chivalry and doing the right thing. Let them dance together and laugh the loudest at each other’s stupid jokes. Let her soften his edges, let her tend to his wounds, let their moral compasses align and make them unstoppable.
And then also because I’m a colossal tart - let her love them all - and I mean truly, romantically love them all (separately, or together).
And again - we know all four of them procreate at some point (leading to Harry, Tom, the Grey Lady - at least and the Smith family line) let me see them with their spouses???
Also - HELGA - Helga who has never met any of them before but Helga gets the idea, Helga who wants the school - Helga who sends owls to the most powerful witches and wizards she knows of - and these three are the ones who answer her call. Helga who has never met Lord Slytherin or Lady Gryffindor And could not tell you the names of Rowena’s brothers - but who knows they must be good and true because they share her vision and came to make it real.
Just - give me the founders???
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What is your character’s Patronus form? Can they cast a Patronus? [[ all muses]]
A majestic Ravclooo || Still Accepting || @somewhat-managed-mischief 
So, casually ignoring the very conflicting information JKR gives us about the Patronus charm (bc, I could go off - but I won’t - bc who has time for that??)Those who can’t:Credence - Simply due to a lack of training - Eventually he would be able to, and I love the idea of it being a gloster canary but I don’t think it would be. Helga & Wendelin - I’m going to pretend that, in their timeline, dementors are not nearly as prevalent and as such, the Patronus charm has not yet been created. Gadis.Obscurus.Incorporeal only.Timberly. (But it becomes a horse)Braith.Peter.
Those who can:Narcissa - it’s a cheetah and she uses memories of her son to conjure it.Percy - Fox.Patrick - A badger.Percival - Heron.Gellert - Phoenix. (Bonus crack answer - a bumblebee.)Leandra - Tiger.Severus - Doe.
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Birthdays & Wands
You can tell how long I’ve had a muse by the below, because obviously, I used to care a lot more (and I think some of them just got randomly generated ones). Someone who’s good at wand && birthday meanings should tell me what to give to them all lmao - Or I’ll just find out what months don’t have birthdays yet (February, March, April, June, July, September, October) and do it that way. I’ll potentially update these at some point? But I doubt it.
Tim - Fir, 12 ¾ inches, unicorn hair, whippy || September 1st
Narcissa - Rosewood, 11 inches, veela hair || December 12th
Helga - Pear wood, 14 inches, unicorn hair || ???
Severus -  Birch, 12 1/2" inches, unicorn hair  || January 9th 
Peter -  Chestnut, 8 2/3" inches, dragon heartstring (1st) && Chestnut ( 1.4″ inches, dragon heartstring (2nd) || ???
Patrick - ??? || ???
Obscurus - ??? || ???  Non-human - therefore doesn’t have a birthday, and cannot wield a wand of their own.
Gadis ??? || ???
Percy ??? || August 22nd
Percival - Ebony, 15 inches, white river monster spine || ???
Gellert - ??? (1st) && Elder, 15 inches, thestral tail hair core (2nd) || ???
Braith - Rosewood, 10 inches, phoenix feather || May 26th
Leandra - Rosewood, 11 inches, dragon heartstring || ???
Credence - ??? || ??? 
Wendelin -  Ebony, 10 inches, kelpie hair || ???
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[Headcanon Meme] Hornet (any muse)
Detailed Headcanons || @reportsduemonday || Still Accepting || Hornet: How patient is your muse? Are they easily perturbed? What sets them off the easiest?
Please allow me to take this opportunity to wax lyrical about my most patient babe, bc I don’t get to use Helga all that much…
“You might belong in Hufflepuff,Where they are just and loyal,Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,And unafraid of toil”
Helga Hufflepuff is an incredibly patient woman - so much so that is one of the traits that she and her house at Hogwarts are associated with (although due to her accepting nature, it is not a prerequisite for all ‘Puffs.) 
There is a lot to be said about patience and that does not mean that she is a pushover. While Helga can endure strife like a champ and knows that the prize at the end of hard work is often greater and more rewarding than something with a more instant gratification - she is also aware of her own worth and the limits of what she needs to tolerate, or the lengths she will go to in the face of ingratitude. Some foolish people confuse patience with laziness (although knowng Helga, how they could is questionable) but there is a distinct difference between approaching something with a slow and methodical process and procrastinating to the point of panic.
Difficult times are trying on people in different ways and while she attempts to maintain a chery disposition she also knows that twittering away merrily is not always the best method in the face of adversity. It also shows an unshakeable faith in herself, her abilities, her beliefs, her actions - and those of her companions - she will endure, she will survive and she will come out the other side, eventually.
Her patience means that in the rare situation where she is provoked into an argument - she does not get heated, and say things she ‘didn’t mean’ or will later regret. While her personality means she is more likely to apologise - she is least likely to actually have to. She is able to take criticism and even when harsh and unwarranted, she will at least attempt to listen to the other person and understand their view - rather than geting defensive, or reciprocal. 
She is very forgiving and has accepted the apologies of those that other people ight scoff at her for doing so. Some hurts cannot be nursed, and she can recognise those and while she may take steps to protect herself from them in the future, she is not angry and rueful, thinking of only revenge. Living well is the best revenge after all.  
It can sometimes be frustrating for other people as it can be quite difficult to rile her up - the ananolgy wouldn’t exist for her but I love it so - Helga is a bottle of water, not a bottle of soda. The bottle is her, what’s inside is her emotions and her reactions. The outside world and people might attach you and tattle / shake you from time to time. If you shake a botle of soda when you finally open it up, it will explode, but if you shake a water bottle  when you open it - it’s the same calm water it was before it got shook up. Its all about not letting other people and the wold distrubing your inner peace. 
The easiest way to ruffle her feathers is to insult or attack others in front of her, the lie, to slander, to act injustly, to abuse your power over those ‘beneath’ you. 
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