#━━ ˟ ⊰ * . ⊹ 𝑻𝑨𝑻𝑼𝑴 𝑾𝑬𝑰𝑺𝒁 ⋮ 【 intro 】
hauntedmeadcw · 1 month
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˚⋆𓇼˚⊹ 𖦹 ⁺。° e.r fightmaster, non-binary, they/them ˚⋆𓇼˚⊹ 𖦹 ⁺。° “ heads up ; if you hear MAGIC DANCE by DAVID BOWIE blaring, it’s most likely TATUM WEISZ making their way down the shore ! they’re 30 years old and celebrate their birthday on 02/10 - i knew they were an AQUARIUS ! especially since they’re very CREATIVE and UNPREDICTABLE. they are from CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, staying in ASBURY GRAND and are currently working as a MECHANIC AT HOT ROD AUTO SHOP & TWITCH STREAMER, here at asbury park. They always did remind me of spending all night on a discord call during a game, overalls tied around their waist, and humming random songs stuck in their head. “
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Full Name: Tatum Weisz
Nicknames: Tate, the kids in their life call them Taytay
Date of Birth: February 10th 1994
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: They/them
Sexuality: Queer
Languages: English
Family: Debbie Weisz (mom), Felix Weisz (father)
Occupation: Mechanic at Hot Rod Auto shop and Twitch streamer
Height: 1.85 m
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Mousey brown, straight, ends just at their shoulders. Tatum's hair is usually always down, unless they're working and it's tied up
Eyes: Blue/green
Detailed Physical Description: Tall, slim, they only have their ears pierced
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Tatum loves the androgynous look. While their fashion tends to lean more on the masculine side, they often like to sprinkle in a little femineity from time to time. Tatum enjoys dark, muted colors, no patterns, often oversized and hiding their body. While they aren't working, Tatum likes to dress smart with oversized shirts, and high waisted cargo pants. When at home, Tatum will opt for something a little more comfortable in sweats and old baggy band tees. At work, Tatum will wear overalls, however they are usually tied around their waist for a more casual look
Personality/Attitude: If you ever need a day planned out, then Tatum is not your person. Plans always seem to be their kryptonite as they always prefer to just go with the flow and see how they feel on the day. Tatum's spontaneity can often stress others out. This trait goes side by side with Tatum's laidback nature and whatever will be will be outlook on life. Tatum is a very creative person and has to surround themselves in music, art, gaming, anything that will inspire them and appease their creative brain. Tatum is a huge believer of nothing will change if you don't take action and because of this, they are a huge advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, often doing whatever they can to raise awareness and money for those in need. While they are extremely introverted, you wouldn't think it as soon as Tatum goes live on their Twitch stream, or when with friends. Sometimes, Tatum can find themselves detached from their emotions, which can come across as them being cold and unbothered. They often get unrealistic ideas, which can cause their mental health to spiral when their goals aren't easily reached
Skills/Talents: Baking, playing guitar, fixing vehicles, writing music
Favourites/Likes: Collecting art, gaming, staying up late, energy drinks, lego building, live music, oversized clothing, cars
Most Hated/Dislikes: Judgemental people, mornings, cold weather, tomatoes, closed spaces
Goals/Ambitions: Tatum just loves living their life day to day. Their main goal right now is to gain more of a platform on Twitch and to be involved in more activism
Strengths: Intelligent, visonary, creative, open minded
Weaknesses: Cold, unpredictable, overly idealistic, stubborn
Fears: Closed spaces, the dark
Hobbies/Interests: Sports, baking, gaming, playing music, writing music, lego building
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Tatum knew they were queer right from a young age. While they would say they don't have a preference when it comes to gender. They mainly lean towards women and feminine presenting people. Tatum has never really had a proper relationship and has yet to actually experience real love. Everything up to now has been casual or didn't go as planned
Education/Special Training: Tatum went to a public school in Chicago, deciding to skip college as they went straight to work as soon as they graduated
Place/Type of Residence: Tatum currently lives in a 3 bedroom condo in Asbury Grand, along with two other roommates and their black cat, Sir Isaac Mewton
Past Occupations: As soon as they finished school, Tatum took up an apprenticeship with their grandfather, working at his auto shop
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HEADCANONS: - tw: death
Tatum was born an only child to Debbie (a life coach) and Felix (a store owner) Weisz. Growing up, Tatum's maternal grandfather also lived with them, often looking after Tatum while their parents worked long hours. Due to this, Tatum was extremely close to their grandfather.
While Tatum was forced to wear dresses as a child, it was something they never felt comfortable in. They always preferred wearing shorts and going out to climb trees, rather than playing with dolls. They spent most of their free time learning how to play guitar with their grandfather, or all about restoring old cars.
School wasn't the easiest for Tatum, they often struggled to fit in and was seen as the outcast. It didn't help that they were extremely shy and introverted, only really sticking to the small group of friends they had. One thing that Tatum used as an outlet was gaming. The first game they got was Super Mario and they played it for hours and hours.
During high school was when Tatum decided to come out to their parents, who not only declared that they knew, but also that they still loved their child no matter what. Tatum had been more worried about their grandfather, who came from a more old school time when it was more frowned upon in the world. Luckily, the older man didn't seem to care as long as Tatum was happy.
After graduating high school, Tatum opted out of going to college. They weren't 100% sure on what they wanted to do with their lives and so didn't want to deal with the thousands of dollars of student debt if they weren't going to use the degree. While Tatum had worked with their grandfather since they were a kid, now they did it as a part time apprenticeship job. They instantly fell in love with it and learnt everything they now know because of the older man.
At around nineteen was when Tatum found out about the term non-binary, instantly feeling connected to the term and knowing it was what they wanted to identify as. Not long after, Tatum adopted the pronouns they/them.
At the age of twenty five, Tatum got their first serious girlfriend and after a year of dating, they followed her to Asbury. In this time, Tatum managed to get a job as a mechanic at the Hot Rod Auto shop.
Only a few months after moving to Asbury, Tatum got news that completely shook their entire world. Tatum's grandfather had died unexpectedly of a heart attack. Since they had been so close to the older man, his death took a major toll on Tatum, who for months went into self destruct mode. Because of this, Tatum ended the relationship with no reasoning, wasting no time in moving out and into a shared condo.
One day, at the age of twenty eight, Tatum was writing music and watching a game play through on Twitch. It was at that moment that Tatum decided to try out streaming themselves. While it took months to gain any views and traction, they now have a decent sized following. They go live most nights playing a whole variety of games with friends.
Because they're working at the auto shop during the day and streaming at night, Tatum barely ever sleeps. In fact, their friends often joke that they've never seen Tatum asleep. As a night owl, Tatum prefers being awake at night, which unfortunately just doesn't match up with their day job.
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MAYA BARRERA - roommate
JONESY DELMONT - co-worker
PENELOPE PHAN - unlikely friend
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