#━━ ✦ ft. Peter Parker { dasmirakel }
walkingthroughfire · 6 months
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She and Peter have been hanging out together a lot -- more than her father would deem appropriate as though this were Victorian England and she's to be courted until he gives his approval. Okay, so Jessa may have binged on Bridgerton the other day but the fact remains that she still feels like her father is keeping an eye out somehow as they walk through the park, hand in hand.
There is something about him that brings out the best in Jessa, makes her want to be everything everyone says she can be. But the conversation of what they are comes up. Truth is she has fallen for him at some point, but the way she gives him such a teasing smile at his question.
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❝ I'm not saying I'm in love. I'd admit it if I was. I'm just saying I believe you're beginning to get to me.❞
But the way she looks at him it's clear as day.  She's been in love with him for some time now.
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Send 🎶 for me to shuffle my muse's playlist and write a starter based on the song that plays! @dasmirakel ft. Peter Song: Beginning to Get To Me Artist: Clay Walker
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walkingthroughfire-a · 11 months
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“ oh my … how scary … ” — Parker to Carson @dasmirakel
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She'd like to think so as she adjusts her costume and makes sure everything is perfect. " I mean, tell me what you think is scarier.." she turns to face him with a smile.
"The weirdos you fight every now again, or a politician ? " She shows off her suit, her hair style but then she laughs and shakes her head. "Trust me, this isn't my costume." she walks over and pulls peter in as she kisses his cheek.
"This is for an interview I have, but you'll be seeing my costume later." she tells him, pulling him a little closer. "That being said ... don't plan on staying out too late." She gives him a wink.
"Though will I do spooky, sexy, funny? You'll only find out if you make it tonight."
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If they had a kid meme — Parker & Carson
Name: Ripley Parker Gender: Female General Appearance: Red hair like her mom, blue eyes that resemble that of her father. Somewhere on the petite side of things and slender. Personality: Infectious laughter, lover of pizza, loyal and kind and funny, but tends to get into a lot of trouble. Has a group of friends she keeps really close. Special Talents: Acrobatic, above average smart, amazing at coding and building lego cities. Who they like better: She loves both of her parents equally and they get along great. But her dad is spider man so there is a bias! Who they take after more: Carson Personal Head canon: She found out her dad was spiderman by listening on a conversation between him, her mom, and uncle Tony. She could have kept it to herself but she stormed into the room and yelled "You're Spiderman?!" and then tried to do the web thing , but she was disappointed. She was six. Face Claim: Kennedy McMann
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Things never simply go back to how they used to be when something catastrophic happens. Her parents know this because they're heroes to the city - even though once upon a time through not fault of her own her mom played a villainous part. One which Jessa would soon play by the same source. While she has no reason to carry her blame on her shoulders due to it's heavy weight she does every now and again. Tonight is one of those nights as she sits on top of the sanctuary under the moonlight with Peter watching as the city continues to move.
New York, even after mayhem doesn't know when to sleep. For a moment she wishes she could pause time and take in the silence but you don't get that here.
When Peter asks her what's on her mind she's pulled from her thoughts for a moment and she smiles seeming sadly enough.
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"I think back to it a lot -- I know I shouldn't but I do." she says as she then turns to the moon above their head. " If I had been stronger none of it would have happened. " Thoughts similar to those of her mother after her encounter with the serpent. She could be told a million and one times that fault is not her own, but Jessa sees things differently, from the perspective of a girl who hurt those she loves the most. The hell she put Tessa through. One soul paired off into two and she inflicted pain on the other half of her. It's like Jessa can see the scars though they were never physical. Despite being told she wonders if she's truly forgiven. Even if she is, could she ever forgive herself.
"I'm glad you didn't know me then." a saving grace, but he knows her after the fact with the burden she carries like boulders stacked up on each other like she's Atlas and her sins never get any lighter as time goes on.
"You might not like me now if you did." Her blue eyes turn to Peter. " I wonder if I'll ever get back to liking me..."
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❝ Tell me what is on your mind. ❞ Peter to Jessa @dasmirakel
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It's true that after the Serpent, Jessa lost confidence in herself. Being out with people was not something she enjoyed. She couldn't even look at herself in the mirror most days knowing the exact trauma she's placed on her family. It may not have been at her own will but it still happened and there isn't exactly a therapist to talk about these kinds of things with.
( Uncle Tony has suggested Bruce, but Bruce enforces once again he's not that kind of doctor. )
But being with Peter has helped Jessa find herself again, the girl she was meant to be if it hadn't been for the serpent venom in her blood. In his company she feels light, even a little playful. Something she hasn't felt since she was a child and she welcomes it with open arms.
Sitting with him on the roof top looking over the city, watching the lights dance as only they do in a place like this. Grinning, Jessa nudges Peter as she gives him a side glance. "You know, Peter...Something about you..." she looks him up and down slowly, even licks her lips before looking off into the distance. " Makes me feel like a dangerous woman." She takes her hair and pulls it to one side as she gives him that look again knowing that a few things will happen here.
One of them being he may get flustered. The other? He'll become worried about her father and what he'd do if Peter were to make any move or notion to this statement as she moves in closer, looking to him with fluttering eyes and that sweet yet almost seductive smile. If she moves any closer she'd be in his lap - she knows this, it's why she does it.
"Something about you makes me want to do things that I shouldn't."
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↳ Send me an ✘ and I'll put my music on shuffle, get the song, and post my favorite line as a starter. / @dasmirakel ft. Peter Parker
Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande >.>
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She knew she should have worn her rings if she was coming to this party on the grounds it would be an easy escape when she got too overwhelmed. It's not that Jessa doesn't like people, it's just that crowds are still something she's trying to get used to. But this crowd? Eh, she should have just gone to the zoo it would have been more tamed. But then again this is what happens when you get a bunch of young adults in one place, no supervision, and alcohol that they shouldn't have!
Is hiding in the closet cliché? Probably. Is she doing it anyway? Totally. But what she didn't expect was Peter to come in as well. She didn't even know he came! But she's thankful now that they're .. in a closet.
"We need an escape strategy ." she tells him. "I don't have my rings so I can't just portal us out ; and dad frowns on using magic for personal gain...But is this really personal gain?" she asks him. Out of everyone at the party she feels closer to Peter. After all she likes him, I mean likes him. So to say she's grateful is an understatement, but if they walk out of the closet together there will be talk. They could do so separately, but what if questions still rise. And she's speaking to him about them all hoping to hear is input on any of it, but it seems her plans are soon silenced.
Because Peter is kissing her, and Jessa is now silent. Looking at him with wide-eyes she's not sure how to take that. Was it to shut her up? Maybe...but she'll take it as she grabs Peter and pulls him back into it , shutting her eyes and smiling. That's certainly calming her brain down.
He has that effect on her and she's thankful for it.
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"  𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒  “  — Peter Parker to all
   𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃   "  𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒  “   𝐅𝐎𝐑   𝐌𝐘   𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   𝐓𝐎   𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑   𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘   𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓   𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒.   𝐍𝐎   𝐋𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆   𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐃  . for the ladies
Antonia : Ew, no. He's like my brother and I'm not about to pull a Selena and say that and then date him for a few years. He's family. Gross. Pass.
April : Hmm...Smash. He looks like the kind of guy I can take home and my sisters wouldn't insult me.
Esme : ... Pass. Too boyish.
Jessa : ... Don't tell my dad like..ever, but I'd smash. Instant smash.
Miranda : Pass.
Poe: He is a darling looking man, he looks sweet and fun. Smash. After a few dates, of course.
Raven: Hmm... I want to say 'pass' but I wouldn't dismiss him so easily. Possible smash.
Renfri : I'd smash on a Saturday night sober. Especially if he wears the suit. ... What? Don't judge me.
Wanda: Pass.
Yelena: Hmm...mmm... weighs the pros and cons in her head using her hand as reference to weights as she thinks on it. ... Smash. Why not? You only live once.
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Long before she knew of the endless possibilities of the what could be's, Poe lived a simple life and never wanted nor needed for anything. Then the world shifts and hers goes along with it. From dancing in the grasses of her home town to dancing on cold floors of a ship exploring the stars she now knows there is so much more beyond her front door. And it was all brought to her by the man known as Peter Quill, or by his moniker he tries to push Star Lord. Jokingly she'll call him that with the warmest of affections, but for her it is and always will be Peter. (Though Quill will come into play if they are in the room with the other Peter, that one known as Parker. )
He took her hand and brought her along on this adventure beyond the stars. And while they have met a danger or two along the way she knows with him she is safe. He keeps her protected and she will do the same for him. No questions asked, no strings, just love.
A love she never thought she'd find and she found it among the stars. A story doesn't get any more romantic than that, does it ? Standing with him in the dim lights aside from the stars outside of the view casting their soft glow on them, Poe's fingers interlock with his own as her head leans under his with a soft but loving smile. Words cannot express the way he makes her feel.
There is just so much she wants to say to him, how he managed to change her view. He took a simple woman, a mutant, and showed her that she is beyond the world's expectations. Now that she is with him, now that she loves him how does she go back to that?
She hopes and prays she never has to. That she can simply stay like this because this is home. He is home.
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↳ Send me an ✘ and I'll put my music on shuffle, get the song, and post my favorite line as a starter. / @dasmirakel ft. Peter Quill
I Need You - Leanne Rhymes
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