#━━ ✦ 001. / starter call.
secr3trings · 3 months
Inbox call ( bc starters never be working, I've realized bc my BRAIN NEVER HAS THE POWER FOR THEM - )
i’ll spin a wheel or you can specify ( much easier so I won't spin 10 million times for a good muse to send ) for something in your inbox ( if you have no meme tag or I can't find prompts I will use my own and or some I see around. )
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mastermicd · 2 months
little new blog starter call perhaps ?
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florencc · 3 months
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every time i sit down to write the motivation goes poof ! so give this a like and i'll toss ya a one liner to try and get the muse juice flowing <3
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ac1numa · 9 months
christmas, nye starter. if anyone want one ( as i only have energy for this and in the mood for early christmas and nye threads. ) like the post. mention the fandom or muse(s) you want the starter from and if multis, mention the muse(s) you want it for.
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ncrthernl1ghts · 15 days
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pympartic · 4 months
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:[ // Setting this up now as a Permanent Starter Call ; please simply specify which bug you'd like and if you're a multi let me know who to send the bug to! ]:
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clochanam · 4 months
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one would think she'd be used to it by now. the sweltering heat of manhattan's summer months. the way it feels like each inhale is a gulp of steam, incapable of reviving heat-weary souls in the slightest. after lengthy negotiations, laszlo agreed to serve frozen cocktails and mocktails. in partnership with a local company, thank god. his talents are... well, they require a brave counterpart to experience them first-hand.
now, she sits in the kitchen, windows open, fans on full blast, hair growing wilder and frizzier by the second as she tries to fix the air-conditioning unit for the diner. it's a valiant, yet ultimately wasted, effort. meaning that the smile that lights up her face when the familiar gait of @wnterslder approaches the front door is entirely sincere. " would i be a terrible person if i suggested slushies and ice-creams for dinner tonight? i can't bear the notion of a barbecue right now... i'm even tempted to tell you not to hug me. not that i've committed to that, but... yeah. manhattan could dial it down a touch! how was your day? "
( for the weather-based starter you requested! )
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morangcs · 6 months
STARTER CALL like this if you'd like a small starter from one or more of my muses !
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clochanamarc · 1 year
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" to be fair, you said if i needed anything, you'd only be a phone call away. and this is multi-tasking, anyway, so i'm not inclined to feel terribly guilty about taking advantage of that offer, mister! " she does feel bad, though. she won't admit it to him, but there's never been any true value in lying to herself. why else is there a stack of 23 wedding-planning magazines on the counter? or two big macs with extra cheese and fries? or the two milkshakes (chocolate for him, caramel-vanilla for her) crowned with whipped cream and sprinkles? guilt. that's what they reflect. her immense and unspeakable guilt.
" i hope arthur doesn't mind. i just need to get this place repainted and all the furniture taken out before stanley and richard get home. it's always much easier in the oul' dreams, isn't it? " for eames, at least. her contributions in any dream-related ventures are advisably brief and limited ever since the onion fiasco. painting the diner and getting the renovations underway is technically a far less risky task against that. pulling away a sheet of tarpaulin from over one of the booths, she replaces the food on the table, and gestures to one of the benches on her determined path back to the magazines. " grab a burger. no sense in doing this on an empty stomach! and you owe me one hell of an update, too; how are things on your end? how's arthur? "
@4ger liked THIS POST for a diner-based starter!
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verticordiia · 1 year
I'm on my way to see a friend to share my bday cake with her, but I'll be having time to actually write. Which means—starter/plotting call!
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hitorriii · 1 year
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secr3trings · 4 months
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one-liner starters with something in my playlist ...
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archaictold · 2 years
ZHILAN   sees himself in a chase. Wind has all but whisked his manuscripts into the air, parchments like tree leaves stirred into flight by a passing gust. And skittishly, he scampers about—body weaving between onlookers as he tries desperately again to collect them all, for after all that’s happened thus far it would be poor luck to lose some of the last of his belongings. In his hand is the book they originate from, the collected papers peeking out beneath its face. Whenever he succeeds in capturing another page, with the rest it goes. Before he knows it, he has most in his possession again. But one stray lies a little beyond him. Of course, his attention having waned on his surroundings, he makes a dive for it—— Only to nearly collide into someone else in the process.         ❝ Oh! ❞   Instantly, he shoots up and away from them. The book in his hands comes to his chin as if to hide behind it, but his sheepish smile—not to mention the timid, breathless laugh alongside it—is still well within view.
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        ❝ I apologize, that... Ah, that would be mine... actually. ❞ @kleinstar​   ——  s.c.!
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florencc · 4 months
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i'm doing memes and rlly finding flo's voice in different verses so perhaps give this a lil like and throw something at ya !
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kukulkahn · 2 years
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@rejectory​ sent: “I caught one back there.” attuma
         "---máasima', íitsʾin?"
         From his position cradled in the underwater current, K'uk'ulkan grins at Attuma, his expression wide open and relaxed with the laughter he doesn't voice.  The leader makes a show of looking where his companion indicates, twisting smoothly in the water and mock-shading his eyes to peer out into open sea, lips pursed and clicking bubbles. He rolls his gaze back to Attuma, leveling the younger Talokanil with an unimpressed look that belies the mirth still lingering in K'uk'ulkan's crinkled eyes. 
          "... Because from where I'm swimming, it looks like the prey has escaped, and your spear shaft is empty."
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butscrewmefirst · 1 year
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❝ tell me -- what's your most fond memory? surely you have at least one, given all of you life experience. ❞
@starludes gets a starter for ANY of the muses you listed!
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