#❛ verse 001 || … maybe this place is special.
butscrewmefirst · 8 months
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❝ is that the best you can do? ❞
open starter. mutuals only!
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compclling · 4 years
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𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙠 001. 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧
name  /  alias : sixx , a nickname I somehow got because my names nikki. gender  /  pronouns : cisfemale , she / her where  ya  from  ? : a terrible place i’d like to call america , al capone the  current  time :  3:52 am , might pause this to watch some jessica jones height :  5′9′‘ job  or  major :  retail , will be attending beauty school pet  (  s  ) :  four cats favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself :  my ability to remain optimistic and see best intentions any  special  talents  ? :  nothing that I wouldn’t assume others can’t do too
why  you  joined  hqclouds :  it’s an interesting concept and sort of reminds me of a show that I recently binge watched on amazon prime. it’s fresh , different , a breath of fresh air.
meaning  behind  url :  well , it’s simple really , based on tvd verse vampires.
last  thing  you  googled :  some actor who looked familiar in daredevil 
birthday  /  zodiac :  july 14th. cancer sun , capricorn moon , sagittarius rising in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : oh yeah , definitely. myers  -  briggs :  isfp moral  alignment :  neutral good hogwarts  house : ravenclaw
i  started  roleplaying : gosh , when I was about 9 years old maybe ? it all started in a chatroom and I somehow found my way to tumblr types  of  rps  i  enjoy :  fandom and supernatural based favorite  fcs  to  use :  chadwick boseman , claire holt , margot robbie fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : I have to think about this one , but i’d love to have an opportunity to write in all fandoms , not that it’s possible. I love exploring characters in general , but maybe star wars ? jane austen ? marvel characters fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about :  there are far too many to list and my thinking is on the less functional side right now.
favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : rebekah mikaelson , for sure. favorite  original  muse  (  s  )  to  play : from my own making ? there’s so many that I have come to love and adore but I can’t hand select one that sticks out. canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love :  katherine x stefan , steve x peggy , kevin x fangs , alice x fp , buffy x angel ... a lot trope  (  s  )  you  tend  to  be  guilty  of : enemies to lovers is a huge one
i  prefer  .  .  . angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff :  i’m a sucker for angst long  or  short  replies :  give me a happy medium , but I do like the detailed responses. pre  plotting  or  chemistry : chemistry  sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : sentence starters single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs :  multimuse gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : gif icons and medium gifs
grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it : “ I should have known what he meant. I did not. He had me mesmerized, enchanted. He was playing to me as he had when I was mortal; he was leading me. He was saying ‘your pain will end’ - interview with the vampire , a novel , anne rice
what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? :  “ happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. ” it is honestly a quote that has gotten be through many hardships , and one I always think about. 
top  current  celebrity  crushes :  I have crushes on characters not celebs , it’s a thing. last  movie  you  watched :  seven psychopaths ? I think that’s what it was called did  you  like  it  ? :  I mean , yeah , I made it through the whole movie favorite  movie  (  s  )    of  all  time : titanic , cruel intentions , moulin rouge , kiss me kate favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : favorite  tv  show  that  hasn’t  ended : lucifer !! favorite  series  of  books  /  novels  /  comics : harry potter , jane austen , and I love so many books please don’t make me list them all.  sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : yikes favorite  video  game  (  s  ) : again , yikes favorite  youtube  channels : I usually watch stargirls tarot readings hobbies :  binge watching shows , going out for mixed drinks ( is that a hobby ? ) , yoga , reading
put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? : not ur friend , jeremy zucker baby got back , sir mix-a-lot monster , mumford & sons d.r.e.a.m , miley cyrus she drives me crazy , fine young cannibals in too deep , sum 41
personal  aesthetic : vampire gothic , 80s grunge , pastel .. i’m a mess dream  vacation  ? : a trip around europe would be amazing dream  job  ? :  my dream is to have no job dream  car  ? :  impala , the winchester impala if  i  could  live  anywhere  ,  it’d  be : nowhere seems good right now , you know ? favorite  musical : wicked favorite  food  (  s  ) :  italian , mexican coffee  order :  i’m usually trying new things but a go to is caramel frapp unwatched  stuff  in  your  netflix  /  hulu  /  etc :  so many , so so many
what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : psychology is a subject i’m always down to discuss
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cinder-wulf · 4 years
Character Questionnaire: Cinder
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Player Task 001: Character Development. 
1. Height?
I'm 5'7".
2. Eye colour?
...green, though Haruhime called it forest green.
3. Do they need glasses?
I don't. I have a hunter's eyesight.
4. Scars and birthmark?
5. Tattoos and piercings?
None. I was thinking of getting the same tattoos as Haruhime, though. Hers were amazing.
6. Right or left handed?
Both. (He is ambidextrous.)
7. Any disabilities? Physical or mental.
8. Do they have any allergies?
I'm not sure. I got sick after eating crabs once but I did eat a lot of them that one time and I haven't gotten sick from eating crabs since.
9. Favourite colour?
Green. Sometimes red.
10. Typical outfits?
My kannushi clothes. My mentor Ryuki gifted them to me, so they're...nice.
11. Do they wear any makeup?
12. What weapon do they use, if any?
I use my ceremonial scimitar, which is basically just a normal scimitar but with the Sai family's special emblem. They're very traditional, you know.
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13. Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?
I'd say I'm both. (Nope, he's very pessimistic. He only gets optimistic for money.)
14. Are they introverted or extroverted?
Extroverted. (Nope. They were extroverted before but the Sai family tragedy has since turned them introverted. They do get extroverted for money or when drunk but by default they've since been introverted.)
15. What are their pet peeves?
...questions. Lots and lots of them. (Also, anything that smells bad. His senses are heightened somewhat.)
16. What bad habits do they have?
None...of your business. (They can be very moody and antisocial. Their habit of keeping secrets can be terrible as well, especially if it ends up to the detriment of their allies.)
17. Do they have any phobias?
I fear nothing. (He's afraid of spiders, well, getting surprised by them at least, and flying roaches.)
18. How do they display affection?
I don't. (He used to be very touchy and even wrote poetry for Haruhime before. These days, he rarely does, unless it's for money or when he's drunk.)
19. How competitive are they?
Eh, not very. (He is secretly super competitive but only with things like hunting, tracking, basically things that he associates he worth with.)
20. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
Nothing. I'm perfect the way I am. (He secretly wants to change his heritage. He sometimes believes that if he wasn't who he was born as, the Sais wouldn't have suffered their tragedy.)
21. Do they have any obscure hobbies or routines?
Nope. (He observes what can only be described as the equivalent of real-world Shinto worship to Melora. He also has a soft spot for incense, tea ceremonies, and for some strange reason, flower decoration.)
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22. What are the names and ages of their close family members? Parents, siblings, etc.
The Sais, master Ryuki and Haruhime, were my family. Master was old enough to be my father and Haruhime was around my age when we first met. (Cinder never met his real parents, as he was abandoned as a child. He does not know where his parents are if they are even still alive today or if he had any siblings.)
23. Is their family alive and are they still in contact with them?
...no. (The Sais passed away after suffering a tragedy, and his last contact with Ichi, Haruhime's cousin, was three years ago. He has no idea if his biological family is alive, having never met them.)
24. Where are they from? City, nation?
I'm from the far east, where cherry blossoms bloom and snow falls.
25. Did they have a childhood best friend?
Yes. Her name was Haruhime.
26. Have they had any pets?
No. I am usually the pet.
27. Did they grow up rich or poor? What were their living conditions like?
I had to fend for myself growing up when my family abandoned me as a child. That was, until I met the Sais who accepted me as their own. We lived simply, neither rich nor poor, in the service of the Sai family shrine.
28. What is their educational background?
I was mostly taught by the Sais. (He was tutored, basically home-schooled, by the Sais. He is surprisingly very literate and well-versed in magic, which he refers to as his "okurimono," and religion, specifically everything involving Melora.)
29. As a child, what did they want to be when they grew up?
I wanted for nothing but to live with the Sais until my last.
30. What advice would they give to their younger self?
...to never leave the Sais' side and protect them at all cost, even if it means your own life. There is nothing else past them, only sorrow and despair.
31. Growing up, were they ever bullied or were they the bully?
Neither. (He was most definitely bullied for being a homeless runt...until the beast within scared his bullies off. Then he was chased away by concerned parents.)
32. Who do they look up to/who is their role model?
Haruhime...and Ryuki. (Cinder didn't just love Haruhime. He actually looked up to her as a role model and saw her as his hero, being everything he wished he could have. Ryuki was more of a father figure to him, having taught him most of what he knows, than a role model, but he does admire his patience and commitment.)
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33. Do they currently have a place of residence?
...yes? (Technically, no. He does have a room at Lunacrest, sort of, but he's always scrambling to pay his rent. The only reason he still have it is because the owner takes pity on him after accidentally hearing his story from a drunk Cinder, extending his due date whenever he can. Cinder also often wakes up in random stables, sometimes right outside the gates, after nights of heavy drinking.)
34. What is their most treasured possession?
My kannushi clothes. My ceremonial scimitar. The things that remind me of home and the Sais.
35. What is their drink of choice?
...the Redheaded Harlot. (Deep amber red and thick like blood, this shot is supposed named after a tavern's best lady of the evening. Made from fermented berries, Tree Ent Root, and Deer's blood, the rim of its flagon or glass is usually also coated in honey and dipped in a red sweet powder that is to be licked before pounding down the drink. It is said that all who drink this become very charismatic towards the opposite sex for the entire time the drink is in their system.)
36. Which king/queen are they loyal to, if any?
Whoever will pay me the most, of course. My loyalty is for sale to the highest bidder.
37. Have they ever killed anyone?
... (He has, though he never speaks of such tragedies.)
38. What was their last promise and did they keep it?
... (He promised the dying Haruhime that he would live his life like she did hers, without bitterness and anger. Clearly, he has failed to keep it. He had tried before but he just couldn't keep to it.)
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39. What was their first kiss like, if they’ve had one?
It was...the best feeling I've ever had. (It was actually pretty brief, as it was an accidental kiss between him and Haruhime. She was trying to surprise him with a peck on the cheek but he turned to look at her, curious at what she was doing.)
40. Are they in a relationship/have a love interest?
... (Haruhime was the love of his life, and he believes he will never love another.)
41. Have they ever been in love?
42. Have they ever had their heart broken?
... (Haruhime's untimely passing broke not only his heart but also his spirit. He hasn't been the same since.)
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43. Do they follow a god, if so who?
I follow Melora, though the Sais know her by a different name. I used to know her by a different name as well, but names are less important than what they do.
44. What do they think happens to them after death?
I'll be reunited with the Sais again.
45. What is their spirit animal?
A wolf...or maybe a fox. Both?
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viknaerth · 5 years
Flash Points Challenge 001
what are some of your favorite tropes? -  400 POINTS
This one I had to think on for a minute because I think with my writing I was very anti-tropes for a while. For me I love historicity, so best friendships and pre-established connections that blur lines or develop into something more intense are particularly special. I think that’s because there a never-ending depth to the relationship, it can always be delved into and picked apart. Aside from that in character building, I have a terrible love of anti-heroes. Good in their heart but not necessarily in their actions, I think that it paves the way for more opportunistic and exciting writing.   
do you have a favorite character you’ve written, in or outside of shiver? if so, what makes them your fave?  -  550 POINTS
This is tough because I’m not about to get into the laundry list but I have love for all the characters I’ve written and me being an actual old person of tumblr means there are actually a heap of them. I have to give love to my two kiddos here because I’m having such a good time writing them. Elyse’s dim mind and super bright personality is a duality I find a lot of joy in trying to portray because as with all of my onion children there's so much more than that. She’ll do anything for anyone and the way that I write her really does mean anything so it’s been interesting to see the lengths she’d go to. My darling Vik is a consistent expression of what the experience of loss looks like. Somehow, even when you lose everything that you hold dear the world keeps turning even though it shouldn’t. I like his candid way of approaching romance and the fact that he’s more poetry than person. And then a final shoutout to one of the last characters I played outside of Shiver because they’re on my mind and that’s Sid James, a traveling tattoo artist. No wild supernatural AU, just a grand love of art, aesthetics and self-acceptance. There have been a couple of iterations of her and they all managed to carry the same energy, the muse is strong with that one. 
do you prefer writing with small casts of characters or large ones? what are some of the pros and cons?  -  400 POINTS
Yes and yes? In my world small is say under 10 and then large would be 20+ and for me I’ve had positive and negative experiences with both. I think that overall I would say you have an easier time writing with fewer people as it forces you to make meaningful connections when plotting. Not saying it isn’t possible in a bigger group, people just have more options and the ways in which characters are linked can get spread think depending on the setting. I think for me the smaller cast wins out and the pros are certainly as I’ve said above and you get a chance to meet and engage with people outside of the rping space more frequently. With bigger groups it can be harder to stake a claim or make yourself heard in amongst everyone else. The cons of a small group is that dedication is required to make sure that it isn’t just 5 out of 10 keeping the dash moving and people leaving can have a greater effect on the whole look and feel of the rp. In a bigger cast of characters 2 people leaving, while it is a shame, maybe not alter the whole balance of the rp. As with anything it is a balancing act, for me whether there’s 4 or 40 people involved I just prefer to write with dedicated and creative writers.
what’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done in the name of outlining/worldbuilding (timelines, research, maps, spreadsheets, etc.)? - 500 POINTS
Okay, listen, we’ve all been there: I could definitely admin an rp, in fact, I could definitely make an rp! 
It really isn’t as simple and shiny as everyone else makes it seem. I’ve made to completion 3 rps and plenty of others that never saw the light of day. That was mostly because the high concept was way outside my realm of knowledge or the intricacies grew to be too much. I know there’s little examples but I feel like I’ve done all of them. From a post-apocalypic rp that had it’s own barter systems, power hierarchy and fully scaled map that I made in PS. I recognised it was way too much way too late and I just didn’t do anything with it. Way too much research time spent on how society would societally and physically rebuild itself after a doomsday moment. 
share the last paragraph you wrote you’re most proud of. - 650 POINTS
Elyse had never looked anyone so deeply in the eye before, sure that she saw a whole world between her darkened iris’, unsure if she’d ever been so close to anyone. While ditzy she was never clumsy, too much restraint holding all of her muscles rigid to bump into someone like they did in the movies. Books would drop, both hunkering down, eyes meet and supposedly that was what attraction was. A succession of touches, glances and fumbled words. Neither of them had managed poetic verse, but they shared a glance that didn’t waver and their lips had brushed and could again according to Selene. Elyse’s doe eyes watched the woman in front of her so intently, just waiting for a cue or for her to make a move. She never believed she could be in control nor did it call to her. Her two sisters were the guiding forces, each had their own styles of giving direction. Elyse felt as though she’d been led to the center of the universe, stood in front of the only thing that mattered. The cracks in the pool tiles seemed to push themselves back together and the peeling paint on the motel’s rear curled back up into place. Everything was the most perfect version of itself and Elyse finally realized that while control wasn’t exactly her forte she did have to respond.
His cheek and his precious hair graced by delicate fingers who had played his strings before. Vik felt like an instrument in her hands, known and appreciated. Impossible to some and unscrutable to most she elicited the finest melody out of him. It echoed love and support, a song for her alone. Their relationship so unique, a musician and their chosen companion were inseparable until the lowly tool fell into disrepair. Vik was broken in ways he didn’t understand entirely, a mix of trauma, loss and nowhere to call home. Could he play the same melodies? Were they sharp, or worse, were they flat? If she stayed then he supposed time would tell. But with his forehead pressed against hers, he forgot his worry. Vik looked into her eyes and remembered his place, holding no ability to judge who he’d become. She would always be enchanting and he only hoped that there was something left in him to offer her.
describe your current muse’s physical appearance using only one, over the top sentence. - 400 POINTS
y’all can guess whos who ok:
A sunshine smile knitted to soft lips, arms crossed over chest by way of keeping her pieces held as one; swaying as the breeze takes her. 
Tousled locks framed her marble features, canines bared in a daring grin and her eyes honed like a predator to prey with no malintent, instead just to offer a sweet and empty promise of love. 
if you had to write a novel about one of the characters in or outside of shiver, which character would you choose and why? - 600 POINTS
Tuffy, real tuff. 
I think no matter who I picked there would be a whole load of infringement on other people’s writing. Though I think that’s rping, it’s the coming together of pairings to create magic scenes and capture moments in a way that a single perspective could never. Elyse is a funny little one and I’m actually (omg spoiler) currently writing her actual history out as we speak. Then with Vik his history and coming to be where he is right now makes for a very cohesive and readable tale. Paired with an ideal partner, but she couldn’t love him back, he sought something different, the something different kidnapped and tortured him, he was sent away from his home, and then his love very much accidentally found him again in a new space and as a very different person than the one she once knew. It writes itself really. It would hit a lot of beats that it has to and has very classical romance tropes while being both modern and entirely high fantasy. 
The last thing Vik needs to hear is that he’s getting a biography tho to be fair. 
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yukipri · 6 years
Dang someone already asked about Shorter, VicYu and Eiji lol XDDD for the ask: Phichit/Yuuri (can't recall their ship name at moment lmaooo), and Ash?
YESSS THANK YOU SO MUCH~!!!! Gonna split these up too bc apparently I always have too many HCs and talk too much ^ ^; So the ship first!
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: Phichit x Yuuri
When I started shipping it if I did:
Oh gosh. I was already super interested in Phichit from promo material alone before YOI aired bc he’s freakin’ adorable and also you don’t see many Thai characters so I was really interested? And the first time we see him in the anime is this tiny lil glimpse of him going “Yuuri!!” with happiness at seeing his video and I was like oh shit they’re friends, and then they have the skype chat and I’m like OH SHIT THEY’RE FRIENDS AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES, and they he turns up in Beijing and I’m like FUCK.
I’m a HUGE sucker for long term BFF relationships, friendly social types, and smart capable people, and the fact that he was Yuuri’s friend when he’s so hard to approach…yeah i fell HARD ahAHAHAHAHAH
I actually drew my first PhichiYuu comic VERY early on in my YOI art career which helped me process why I like them so much, and it’s honestly been one of my bias ships since Cup of China aired ^ ^;
My thoughts:
SO GOOD SO GOOD SO GOOD???? Defs one of my bias 2-people OTPs in YOI
What makes me happy about them:
A long-term mutually supportive and understanding friendship. Phichit’s Yuuri’s ONLY international skater friend prior to the canon timeline, and Yuuri’s clearly super special to Phichit too. I see Phichit as the type of person who would do anything for Yuuri and is fiercely protective of him, even if he doesn’t flaunt it, and he’ll always be protecting Yuuri from the shadows. Yuuri in turn understands all of Phichit’s hopes and dreams better than anyone, and knows how to encourage them.
I ship them SO dang much specifically BECAUSE they don’t need to be romantic at all to mean the world to each other.
What makes me sad about them:
When I think about how rough it must have been when Yuuri got depressed, and how absolutely heart broken Phichit must have been after Yuuri left Detroit to return to Hasetsu, and the very complicated mix of emotions that must have been going through at least Phichit up until he saw Yuuri in Beijing. Not gonna go into it in depth here, but I wrote a whole HC post describing how I personally headcanon pre-canon Yuuri & Phichit, and how Phichit probably also left Detroit to return to Bangkok after Yuuri left because he couldn’t stand to stay there….
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
When the importance of their bond, regardless of how you interpret it, is glossed over or brushed under that of other characters. *coughs*
Also I guess when Phichit’s portrayed as super vapid, since it clashes so much with my personal HC that he’s a freakin’ genius ^ ^;
Things I look for in fanfic:
When they very clearly care for and support each other, and when Yuuri goes to Phichit for advice, and more rare, but when Yuuri also supports Phichit in some way.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I mean, strongly, STRONGLY prefer each other, but Yuuri, any of the Future!Verse husbands, and Phichit…idk, maybe Seung-Gil? I wouldn’t be too interested personally ^ ^;;
My happily ever after for them:
To be self-promotional AGAIN, Future!Verse lmao. I’ve crammed a TON of my ideal PhichiYuu into that, as well as my personal ideal happily ever after for just Phichit and Yuuri as individuals too. Of course I want them to get together, but also while supporting their separate goals. For Phichit, I honestly see him as one of the characters with the strongest vision and most dreams outside of his immediate short-term professional skating career, and I just really, REALLY want to see him going to big places and not just as a skater. I could rant on about that forever but I’ll just link lil visual list thing here AHAHAHAHAH
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
If we’re taking this literally and not just a metaphor for topping/bottoming, then absolutely switch ;D Phichit likes trying to Big Spoon but in his case it turns into Jet Packing AHAHAHAHHA and Phichit is petite and I feel would be very comfy for Yuuri to big spoon for once and he’s happy to be lil spoon ^ ^
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Gosh I would honestly say anything? Phichit loves traveling and touristing with Yuuri, loves taking selfies with Yuuri, loves practice, loves shopping, loves partying, loves watching movies, loves studying, loves cooking and eating with Yuuri, literally anything.
But I think what makes them both the happiest are those quiet late night private convos, where they might talk about deeply personal things, or just anything silly that happened during the day. It reminds them of college roomie days, and I love imagining them decades down the line still doing the same thing
send me a ship and I will tell you/Give me a character & I will tell you/send me 5 characters and I will rank them in order of preference
Please send me more~!  
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velociranger-a · 4 years
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i’m just throwing some quick details about ripley’s verses below the cut. just something to peek over while i work on her doc.
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⌜ verse 001. arc 001 / clever girl (power rangers/main)⌟
set shortly after the loss of her ranger team
high key a broken babe
does not let people in
⌜ verse 001. arc 002 / be a fighter (power rangers/main)⌟
set after her new team has come together
more open, though it still takes time for her to warm up to people
generally in a better place mentally and emotionally
verse open to all but affiliated with @tmeranger​ (more to be added maybe)
⌜ verse 002. arc 001 / i’m terrifying (descendants)⌟
set any time before the barrier around the isle is removed
⌜ verse 002. arc 002 / different dna (descendants)⌟
this is the arc i’ll lean towards more for this verse
set after descendants 3 and the removal of the barrier
⌜ verse 003. arc 001 / born ready (marvel/dc)⌟
mutant/meta human
has the power to channel abilities of a and shapeshift into a velociraptor
⌜ verse 004. arc 001 / carry on (supernatural)⌟ 
supernaturally enhanced hunter since birth
also immortal for funsies
does not fuck around
⌜ verse 005. arc 001 / raptor chick (jurassic world)⌟
assistant raptor handler
set during jurassic world
⌜ verse 005. arc 001 / bite back (jurassic world)⌟
set during fallen kingdom
dino rights activist
⌜ verse 006. arc 001 / mystic misery (tvd/legacies)⌟ 
set during tvd
again an immortal, supernaturally enhanced hunter
abilities and immortality were granted to her by a powerful witch who took her in after the death of her parents (vamp attack)
attends mystic falls hs in order to keep an eye on certain vamps in town
⌜ verse 006. arc 002 / after school special (tvd/legacies)⌟ 
set during legacies
works as an archivist at the salvatore school
helps track down and recruit students
also helps with research
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nightskypoet · 7 years
001: How good is our God?
It was friday morning.
I used to do my usual before-going-to-office routines.
Some stretching, shower, brush my teeth(yes, no breakfast. I used to take it in the office to save some time), dress-up, look at the mirror, wear shoes, kiss my parents, and then go.
At the same time, checking on my viber to get some updates from my regular carpool buddies. Oh yah I would like to mention also that the car name is “Vader”, a black Honda Mobilio™, If you ask me why is that name? Well, I know you already knew the reason behind, right?
Moving on, It’s just another ordinary day the difference is just it’s TGIF and payday! Yey!
Walking from my place to the pick up area since tricycles are too choosy to accept ride from a single (literally and emotionally :P) passenger.
The sun started to show its hotness all over the place as if it was walking on the cat-walk like a model, prestigiously and boldly.
In short, “ANG INIT!”
Anyway, Vader came.
It was 7:10AM.
The usual to do things when I hop in the car. I saw.. I greet.. I phone.. (Hehehe)
The car owner is a very good driver. He can manage to drive fast but still in a safely manner. Maybe learned from his years of experience in driving.
We used to ply our usual route coming from C3 road via R-10 then Roxas boulevard going to BGC.
Then I already set my self to “phone mode”. It was past three days or so that I forgot or should I say “stopped” on posting one of my daily routines of sharing “Verse of the day” from my Bible App. Stopped in a sense that before, when I forgot to share some word of God for that day, I still share before the day ends even if it’s already 11:59 in the evening.
Well if asked me why I’m doing this? I just realized that if we can share some non-sense and fight-igniter posts and articles, why not share some Words of God? Right?
Words that can feed our soul and hunger in faith.
Just to make it clear guys, I am not doing this to look like a saint or a good person in the eyes of everyone. As I am a sinner in the eyes of man and in the eyes of my God.
Anyway, that morning, I just feel to read a verse of the day. I don’t know why but I feel that its my responsibility or something that I need to be done.
Then I open my Bible App and look for the verse of the day image.
It was Psalm 18:2 saying… “The Lord is My Rock, My Fortress, My Savior.”
I plugged in my earphone and listen to the bible verse while reading it at the same time while my buddies having their usual chats and listening to the daily radio music/spotify.
The ride is just plain and fine as usual until this accident happened to Vader.
I was shocked learning that we was hit by a 12-wheeler truck! Taking damage at the driver’s door side yet everyone inside the car were fine and having no injury specially our buddy who is the car owner and the one who’s driving.
Knowing that, I just realized, Is this how really good our God? That even I forgot my duties and responsibilities to Him, still He is always there and wanted to protect us!
Is this the reason why there’s some urge to me to read a verse from the bible and it exactly timed to that Psalm?
Lord God! You’re really the Great and Mighty One!
As the bible said, You are “Our Rock”, You are “Our Fortress” and mostly You are “Our Savior”!
And then we continue to our journey to office riding on an UBER™ based car, almost teary-eyes while smiling, continuously reading the whole chapter while realizing that our God is really good all the time.😂
Additional note: "With Jesus in our car, we can smile at the storm..🎶🎶🎶"
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butscrewmefirst · 1 year
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❝ was it something i did? ❞ it isnt like elizabeth to question herself like this, but she asks @baby-royalty, nonetheless.
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butscrewmefirst · 2 years
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❝ you come here for a reason, love? ❞ her voice is the only sound in the room as she looks upon the hotel's newest guest. she can tell he isn't here for... good reasons -- no one ever is -- and she's curious to learn more. having appeared seemingly out of nowhere and without announcing, the countess will approach the man, a brow lifted as she tilts her head while looking him over.
@hiveruled gets a starter!
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butscrewmefirst · 1 year
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❝ i seldom am well behaved. ❞ a smirk lifts the corners of crimson painted lips as she gazes upon @mxdam.
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butscrewmefirst · 1 year
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❝ you already know my answer is yes, ally. ❞
@astarborn gets a starter!
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butscrewmefirst · 2 years
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❝ i thought i'd told you to take care of them. ❞
@countarganan gets a starter!
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butscrewmefirst · 2 years
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❝ do i know you? ❞
@ravenskeeper gets a starter!
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butscrewmefirst · 2 years
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❝ you are -- beautiful. ❞
@chromatiica gets a starter!
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butscrewmefirst · 2 years
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❝ so that's all you're going to give me? ❞
@vampirecrack gets a starter!
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butscrewmefirst · 1 year
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❝ i guess i was wrong. ❞ it doesn't happen often, but even the countess makes mistakes. will @assilat-vojjor accept such an answer?
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