#╰ * KASPAR : writings . ⧽ i am the story that will read you real .
likestvrlight · 1 year
* OPEN ( @dihstarters )
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KASPAR LOVES AUTUMN . he prefers the cooler weather , especially since new york can get so humid in the summer . but he's the most excited for the leaves to change . at the moment , however , he is on his way to eataly for dinner after seeing a show with the girls . the decision was made mainly in response to kyra insisting . the unfortunate downside is that it's still a bit of a walk and it's also still crowded , so when he realises a group coming towards him is walking across the whole sidewalk with no intention of allowing him through , he lifts kyra up to carry her , careful not to jostle blair where she's resting in her wrap , and then simply shoves through when none of them change their paths and simply continue their conversations with each other . he turns , making a snide remark about them taking up the sidewalk when one of them shouts after him , rolling his eyes and watching as someone else slips through the gap he had left . “ are they expecting us to fly over them or something ? ”
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dusuessekartoffel · 5 years
Skam Austin Season 2 Review
Spoiler alert, obviously. 
Honestly? This season surprised me, a lot. What started out as my least favourite season 2 remake somehow ended up being one of the ones I was most invested in? But let’s do this more systematically:
The good parts:
Grace wasn’t my favourite Noora and she still isn’t, but she definitely grew on me. Kennedy Hermansen surprised me a lot with her acting. She really sold all of Grace’s scenes and turned her into a really interesting and complex character. 
I didn’t like Grace and Daniel together at all at first, but as soon as they started dating, I really enjoyed their scenes together? I think that scene of them eating fast food after their first kiss was the first scene of them together that I really liked. They seem like one of the healthiest versions of Noorhelm, which I would have never anticipated after season 1. 
I was honestly so positively surprised by how well sex as a topic was handled. I mean, I had to laugh a little when Grace told Daniel about her ex-boyfriend and kept calling sex “it” (American sexual repression at its finest, I guess), but other than that, it was all done so well? I love how Daniel just instantly accepted that Grace didn’t want to have sex and never pushed her. I loved that she got to tell him about her past experiences and he was so understanding. And wow to that sex scene at the end. I would never have expected that Skam Austin would give us the second best and realistic sex scene in all the remakes. It was a bit messy? There was actual communication? It wasn’t perfect but they clearly both enjoyed it? I applaud you for that, Skam Austin.
Shoutout to Daniel saying “So I don’t have to keep asking?” when Grace told him that she’s ready. I don’t know why, but I really liked that. It feels like a very nice way to show teenagers how to ask for consent in a casual and good way. (It also feels like a bit of a fuck you to og for the awful “I know I should ask you if you’re ready but I don’t care” line.)
I think out of all the remakes, Skam Austin handled the SA storyline the best (apart from Daniel’s reaction to it, which was terrible). It was never brushed off as “nothing” and even at the very end, Grace acknowledged that she is not over it and that there will still be bad days, even if she is doing much better. And wow, Kennedy blew me away with her acting in all those scenes post-SA. 
That storyline with Tyler. Wow. I love how they gave him depth and turned him into a really interesting and multidimensional character. (I’m so curious to see what we’ll think of him once we see him from Shay’s point of view.)
All the late clips. We love a remake that uses the real-life aspect cleverly. 
I haven’t kept up with the social media as closely, but the stuff I saw was really good. I love how they use it to build up storylines and characterisation. And I love how there’s random posts that are just there and then there’s really meaningful stuff. Also, Shay’s secret Instagram account? Hell yes to that. 
In general, I feel like Skam Austin really gets how teens act online? From that overheardbouldin account to Clout from Grandma’s Closet’s soundcloud, it’s just all so on point. 
Clout from Grandma’s Closet is without a doubt the best thing to have come out of Skam Austin. (Their songs are really growing on me and I don’t know how to feel about that.)
I love how Grace’s article was actually posted online and people can read it without even watching the show? I generally like what they did with that storyline and how they actually had Grace write the article herself and made it really meaningful. 
It was also a nice use of the “Be kind. Always” quote and I like how they made it mean something different to Grace than it meant to Noora. (It’s an overused quote, but Skam Austin sold it well.)
Kelsey’s character development was so good? She was pretty annoying at first, but I love how it all served a purpose and she really grew during the season. Please don’t fuck it up in season 4.
Zoya. She was far from my favourite Sana in season 1 (I couldn’t really place her as a character back then, if that makes sense), but wow, I loved her so much in this season. She really grew into her own, unique character. Before, I was mostly excited about Shay’s season, but now I really, really hope we get a Zoya season as well. She’s somehow so different from Sana but also so interesting? I feel like her story could bring so much to the show and to her character and it would be so different from Sana’s, but also so important. 
I really like that Zoya had her own romance and how the girls treated it like any other romance. I’m not sure what I think about the resolution of the romance, but still, I enjoyed it. And I like that Hunter’s wasn’t portrayed as just the villain in the story, but it was actually solved (or not solved) in a complex way. 
Jo. I love Jo so, so much. I think after Shay she’s my favourite character and I love how we got to see more of her this season. (Her Instagram content is fantastic, always.)
Jo and Damien are the cutest. What a glow up from Chris/Kaspar. 
The girl squad in general was really cute this season. That clip where Grace told them about what happened? Potentially my favourite clip of the entire season. That was powerful. 
While I absolutely hate that Shay suffered so much this season and that she was unhappy every single time we saw her, I don’t hate what they did with her? It does build up her season very nicely and I like that they recognised that the situation between her and Megan has to be different from all the other Eva/Isak situations. And I like that Shay called Megan out on her actions and just acted really mature about the situation in general. (I cannot stress enough how excited I am for Shay’s season. It’s gonna be good. It’s gonna be so good.)
The not so good parts:
I definitely think Daniel was one of the most manipulative Williams in the beginning and I didn’t like it at all. Comparing using Kelsey to get to Grace with Grace not going on a date with him after she told him she would? No, thanks. 
I also really hate that they kept in his shitty reaction to finding out what happened with his brother. And that they kept in that whole “going away” storyline. That scene where he drove away somehow seemed even more cruel than in og? So yeah, really hated that. 
While I enjoyed that it was clear from the very beginning that Grace was at least intrigued by Daniel, I would have liked if we’d seen why? I mean, it’s nice that she likes him back and doesn’t really hate going on a date with him, but you have to show your viewers why she likes him to make it believable. Grace just somehow liked Daniel without any indication of why she did. 
As much as I liked Kelsey’s character development, I disliked that her eating disorder was only skimmed over and was suddenly resolved out of nowhere. 
While I liked the prom queen storyline for the most part, I really hated that one scene with Abby? Was it really necessary to take away that one good thing from Zoya? Really?? I mean, I like that they’re already emphasising how she struggles in her everyday life (and hopefully, if she gets a season, the girls will be more supportive), but she deserves happiness as well. And having her win prom queen simply because she deserved it wouldn’t have made the storyline any less important. 
What the hell was that scene with Megan and Marlon in the last clip? Stay far, far away from him, Megan. (There’s a small part of me that hopes that it will be addressed how bad Marlon is for Megan, because I just can’t believe that it’s not intentional that she starts drinking again as soon as she’s back with him, but my hopes are very low.)
I don’t think Eve hitting on Shay was the most terrible thing Skam Austin has ever done (a lot of the Eskild characters made similar comments on the Isaks, so it’s not unique to this remake, and it doesn’t really mean anything), but I also definitely didn’t like it. I don’t think Eve is Even (please, please, don’t be), but yeah, I hope this weird dynamic will be gone in season 3. 
In general, the season definitely had it’s not so great parts, but it was quite a solid season 2 remake, I’d say. It had a lot of good and surprising parts and it improved so much in the second half. I hope that’s an indication of how good season 3 will be. (Which I’m not ready for, by the way. But I also can’t wait.)
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likestvrlight · 2 years
*  OPEN  (  @dihstarters​  )
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HE  SPINS  JINA  back  against  his  chest  to  nip  at  her  neck  again  as  they  slip  from  the  crowd  of  dancers  ,  not  paying  any  mind  to  the  fake  blood  that  smears  on  his  own  clothes  that  his  darkling  has  covered  herself  in  for  her  costume  —  carrie  white  .  the  vampire  adjusts  the  tiara  she’s  wearing  —  made  up  of  real  diamonds  and  silver  unlike  what  mundane  high  schools  give  out  to  their  prom  ‘  queens  ’  ,  just  like  the  rest  of  the  jewellery  the  girl  is  wearing  .  the  male  arranges  jina’s  hair  to  hide  the  bite  mark  on  her  collarbone  before  he  plucks  two  drinks  from  a  tray  and  then  wraps  an  arm  around  her  shoulders  once  he’s  handed  hers  over  .  before  he  arches  an  eyebrow  at  someone  near  them  ,  when  he  notices  them  watching  .  “  they  did  a  rather  good  job  putting  this  together  ,  hm  ?  ”  he  comments  .
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likestvrlight · 2 years
╰   *  KASPAR      :      tag dump .
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