#╰ ∞ 𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐒 ━━ two halves of one chaos. package deal.
shamsgoddess · 3 years
𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇  𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐂  𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄  𝐀𝐑𝐄  𝐘𝐎𝐔  ?    ft. @wangisking​
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𝐓𝐡𝐞  𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫. Someone  who'd  give  away  most  things,  perhaps  everything,  for  knowledge,  for  understanding,  for  meaning.  A  person  living  in  the  world  like  it's  an  experiment;  a  person  oddly  generous  when  others  least  expect  it. &; 𝐓𝐡𝐞  𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐭-𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲𝐫. Someone  representing  something  divine.  Eyes  fixed  above  everyone  else's,  on  something  too  great  for  words.  A  person  with  a  heart  aflame,  and  a  distant  sort  of  kindness  to  everyone,  a  person  who'd  trade  everything  simply  to  understand. tagged by: @arcadeblues ! tagging:  @undrowns,  @thereckoniing,  @ofgentleresolve,  @solhcir​,  @duskwolf, @fcngs,  and  @manticxre
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shamsgoddess · 3 years
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@undrowns: 📷  for   social  media   (  still  accepting  )
ft.  @wangisking 
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shamsgoddess · 3 years
@thereckoniing​:    i think ben franklin might have been involved in some weird sex parties (for both rora n gus)    from  here
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  The  unforeseeable  string  of  words  was  flung  out  of  nowhere  quite  like  a  football  descending  from  the  sky  menacingly  straight  onto  one’s  head.  You  never  see  it  coming,  and  gosh,  does  it  leave  a  scar.  Perhaps,  that  was  exactly  what  Taewon  had  done.  Nothing  short  of  a  curse.  Except,  it  did  not  garner  the  sort  of  attention  as  one  would  hope.  “ Finally,  someone  else  says  it  ! ” Aurora  sounded  relieved.   “ He  did  not  lay  it  bare  in  the amorous  congress  for  nothing.  ”
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  “ There  is  some  evidence  that  suggests  old  Benny  was  in  a  sex  cult  but  not  enough  to  be  sure, ”  Augustus’  voice  wafted  like  a  silent  ghost’s.  Not  Franklin’s,  thankfully.  The  too  long  limbs  were  outstretched  and  the  tall  frame  was  sprawled  across  a  couch  in  a  way  that  can’t  possibly  be  comfortable.  “ No  one  knows  for  sure.  But  did  they  use ...  items  ?  There  is  a  suggestion  of  reading  material  there.  Was  it  a  giant orgy  ?  I  hope  it  was  one.  Imagine  all  that  founding  father  glory  in  an  orgy,  ”
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  “ Thanks  Auggie,  I  despise  it, ”  Aurora  sounded  quieter.   “  Congratulations  you’ve  psychologically  scarred  me  yet  again.  ”   Curse  her  mind  and  the  vivid  imaginations  it  produced  !   His  smirk  illustrated  his  impish  joy,   “ love  you,  too.  And  you,  Taewon.  In  case  you  feel  I  don’t  love  you.  Which,  you  obviously  should  know  I  do.  You’re  my  favourite. ”  No  one  could  tell  if  this  was  a  lie  or  not.   “  Why  did  you  ask  though  ?   Are  you  thinking  of  throwing  one  ? ”  
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shamsgoddess · 3 years
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝟎𝟎𝟏:
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫
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  It  was  as  if  the  leaves  were  splattered  with  a  resplendent  orange,  fiery  glow.  Quite  the  same  color  as  her  hair.  It  was  something  Augustus  couldn’t  help  but  conclude  with  an  amused  smile.  The  crisp,  bitter  wind  was  announcing  the  onset  of  the  colder  months.  Of  the  time  when  the  garnet  leaves  would  be  gone  and  the  ground  would  be  covered  in  a  blanket  fashioned  from  petals  of  daisies  and  white  roses.  However,  that  was  tomorrow.  Today,  the  world  was  glowing  as  if  it  were  furnished  with  ambers  and  orange  diamonds.
  What  a  shame  this  girl  was  hell  bent  on  ruining  it.   What  had  it  been  ?   Two  hours  ?  One  could  tell  by  the  dwindling  crowd.  It  was  exciting  at  first,  seeing  a  law  major  and  a  physics  major  quarrel  about  history  on  the  fourth  day  of  the  first  semester.  Wasn’t  there  any  history  major  in  the  crowd  to  step  in  as  player  three  ?
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  “  If  that’s  what  you  think  was  the  reason  why  Caesar  was  successful  in  Alesia  then  have  you  ever  read  a  bit  of  history  ?  I’m  starting  to  think  you  only  like  to  talk  to  impress  people.   ”
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  “  Your  inkling  isn’t  wrong,  I  love  impressing  people.  But  your  stance  sure  is,  ”   Augustus  couldn’t  help  the  amused  smirk  that  sprawled  across  his  lips.   “  My  man  Julie  was  theatrical,  sure,  but  he  wasn't  the  best  politician  and  statesman.  And  I  think  it  really  was  because  of  his  dramatic  nature.  Are  you  fond  of  it  because  you  see  yourself  in  him  ?   Octavian  was  successful  because  he  wasn’t  executed.  On  his  retirement,  there  was  a  protest.  It  was  because  he  had  the  right  mind.  He  didn’t  make  any  mistakes,  quite  unlike  one-third  of  the  Triumvirate.  ”
  “  Ha,  ha.  ”   The  faux  laugh  didn’t  do  anything  to  help  the  frown  etched  on  her  cher  features.  The  lines  only  seemed  to  deepen  at  the  contemptuous  smirk.  He  reeked  of  arrogance  and  it  annoyed  her  ego.  Her  neck  arched  in  disdain.   “  Nothing  Octavian  did  amounted  to  what  Caesar  did  in  Alesia.  He  was  dramatic,  sure,  but  he  was  brilliant  in  the  way  he  defeated  the  Gauls  and  Vercingetorix  for  once  and  for  all.  His  military  career  is  unmatched.  Octavian  wouldn’t  have  a  career  at  all  if  it  weren’t  for  Julius,  you  egg-eyed  worm.  ”
  “  Egg-eyed  worm  ?   Whaa,  that’s  creative.  I  gotta  give  you  that,  Cherry,  ”   he  chuckled,  resting  his  back  against  a  marble  pillar,  his  arms  crossed.  Even  the  slouching  position  did  little  to  wane  that  obnoxious  height.  Amusement  seemed  to  glitter  in  his  deep  eyes.  “  You  can  call  me  Augustus.  ”
  A  terrible  mistake  and  an  unfortunate  event.  Augustus  couldn’t  say  he  hadn’t  foreseen  this.  Of  course,  burbles  of  her  laughter  echoed.  Well,  he  surely  didn’t  regret  it  either.  A  smile  slowly  crawling  across  thin  lips.  
  “  Augustus,  really  ?   Uncle  issues,  I  see. ”
  “  Perhaps.  ”   he  nodded,  accepting  defeat.  Though,  he  usually  didn’t.  This  time,  it  promised  more  amusement.   “  And  what’s  your  name,  Little  Mayhem  ?  ”
  Her  pride  was  evident  in  her  smirk.   “  I  don’t  want  to  tell  you.  See  you,  August.  ”
  He  knew  this  was  the  beginning  of  a  long,  beautiful  friendship.  
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shamsgoddess · 3 years
@undrowns​      ⤿    𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐀 continued  from  here
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  Only  a  dimly  lit  street  lamp  flickering  from  across  the  parking  lot  and  a  torch  clasped  in  Tate’s  hands  illuminated  the  darkness.  It’s  gleaming,  yellow  light  cast  shadows  that  crawled  across  the  panels  of  the  shabby  warehouse.  Aurora  could  distinguish  shapes  out  of  them  that  seemed  to  illustrate  a  vivid  story.  If  Tate  would  shuffle  just  a  smidge  to  the  right,  the  dinosaur  could  have  its  party  hat.  It  was  another  method  to  distract  herself  from  the  dire  present.
  It  was  dark  and  silent,  except  for  the  distant  sounds  of  crickets  chirping.  The  boredom  was  almost  perilous.  It  allowed  her  ample  room  for  various  ‘what  if’  questions.  What  if  there  were  demon  eggs  inside  as  per  the  intelligence  Taewon  had  forwarded  them  ?  What  if  the  demon  eggs  hatch  and  all  chaos,  not  the  good  kind,  would  unleash  on  the  ill-fated  humanity  ?   That  was  a  lot  of  pressure  on  her  fragile  shoulders  !
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  “  And  here  I  thought  I  had  the  key  to  your  heart,  Tida,  ”    Augustus’  deep  drawl  fractured  the  silence  that  had  fallen  upon  them.  He  was  standing  with  his  back  against  the  warehouse,  towering  over  everyone  else.  Aurora  could  perfectly  discern  the  characteristic  smirk  tugging  across  his  lips  even  if  she  could  barely  see  his  face.  Sometimes  she  wondered  if  he  was  born  with  it.
  “  Die  mad,  Auggie,  ”    Aurora  quipped.    “  He’s  mine.  ”    She  liked  saying  that.  Turning  to  Tida,  she  attempted  a  reassuring  grin  with  a  squeeze  of  his  hand,  thumb  caressing  his  silky  skin.
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  “  Why  are  we  breaking  into  a  warehouse,  anyway,  Tida  ?  It’s  two  in  the  goddamn  morning  !   Are  there  really  demon  eggs  in  there  ?   If  Taewon  really  thought  there  were  giant  arachnid  demon  eggs  in  there  he  would’ve  been  here  ! ”    Echoed  Jack’s  groan  from  his  seat  on  the  ground.
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 “  Demon  nests  sound  awesome  !   But  what  are  arachnids  ? ”    Tate  muttered,  fidgeting  with  his  brilliantly  yellow  backpack  that  was  adorned  with  a  smiley  face.  Did  its  eyes  follow  her  around  ?
  “  Spiders,  Tate,  ”    Aurora  explained,    “  And  he’s  infiltrating  a  vampire  meeting  right  now.  He  sent  a  picture,  he  made  a  beat  up  vamp  show  bunny  ears.  ”
  With  Tida’s  suggestion,  Aurora  jabbed  her  thumb  in  Tate’s  direction.    “  Are  we  really  gonna  sacrifice  poor  Tate’s  shoulders  for  this  mission  when  I  can  float  ? ”    And  she  did,  levitating  a  good  few  inches  above  the  ground  as  a  reminder.
  Augustus  seemed  to  stir  with  that.    “  Yeah,  Tida,  if  anyone  is  being  sacrificed  tonight,  I  vote  that  we  toss  Aana  at  any  demons.  She’d  scare  them  off.  They  never  thought  they’d  be  hit  by  something  that  looks  like  a  five  year  old’s  birthday  cake  vomited  on  it.  ”    A  smile  tugged  at  his  lips  at  the  middle  finger  Aurora  pointed  towards  him.
  “  You  know,  I  can  take  it,  Tida  is  barely  heavy,  ”    Tate  mumbled  in  between,  a  petulant  pout  curling  his  lips.   Aurora  seemed  to ��ignore  him,    “  and  how  about  we  get  Auggie  to  run  in  there  ?   He  may  combust,  but  I  think  that’s  a  win  for  humanity,  ”
  “  And  how  about  you  two  shut  it  ? ”    It  was  Jack’s  low  admonishment.    “  Tida  get  on  top  of  Tate  then,  ”
  “  That’s  what  she  said,  ”    Augustus  finger-gunned  towards  Aurora.    “  Ouch,  ”    he  should  have  expected  that  forehead  flick.
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shamsgoddess · 3 years
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Aurora:  5′8″ 1⁄2  or 174cm Jack:  5′11″ or 180 cm Tate:  6′4″ or 193 cm Augustus: 6′5″ or 195 cm 
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shamsgoddess · 3 years
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