#╰ ☆   ❛   I'll reach this tainted hand up to the sky.   「 ATSUSHI ┆ IC. 」
★  ༺ @protectheweak​​ ( Kunikida ) ||   X   ༻ ★
「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━ There was silence; nothing more than a glance back at the office. Surely, EVERYONE ( … well, everyone but Dazai - san ) was working their hardest to make up for the lack of their co - worker. Yet, even then, Kunikida - san STILL insisted on working. The boy didn’t expect any LESS of the studious man but … that work ethic of his was what led them to this very moment.
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                ‘ Kunikida - san, I’m pretty sure that’s against doctor’s orders. even if you’re doing your work in bed, it’s still WORK ! Yosano - san wouldn’t be very happy ! ‘
                But Kunikida - san … DID have a point. There was a LOT more paperwork than usual to fill out and the cases the Agency had to go out on only took away from their time … AND added more paperwork. What could HE do ?
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                ‘ Kunikida - san ! If you’re that worried about us getting all the work done then I’LL do it all ! I’ll stay up DAY and NIGHT if that’s what it takes ! ‘
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setsunanoai-archive · 5 years
✦ . ˚  @tainted-flcwer asked:  
˗ˏˋ       Aku stabs Atsushi. That’s is. He just stabs him in the leg.          ˎˊ˗
★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★   •
「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━     Have   you   learned   NOTHING,   Akutagawa   ?   Weren’t   the   Port   Mafia   and   the   Armed   Detective   Agency   supposed   to   be   at   a   TRUCE   ?   !
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                 ‘   What’d   you   do   THAT   for   ?   !   ‘  
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setsunanoais · 5 years
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chicalemonbar · 5 years
a/tsu tags
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@diverse-hearts​: asked:   "Grab your coat. I'm taking you out" - Chu to Atsushi (/o/ welcome to pain :) )
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「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━ He BARELY knows the red - head; never even talked to the man in person. All he knew were two things; the guy was in the mafia and the guy had SOME kind of history with Dazai - san. The Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency were supposed to be at a TRUCE … so the sudden appearance of the other shocked him.
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               ‘ Wait … OUT ? Like … take me out as in you’re going to FIGHT ME ? ‘
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@rapthearts​   asked:   “ been a while since i dressed for the kill. ” / for atsu, love gin ( kirushiin )
All Time Low - Future Hearts 
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「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━   DREAD   fills   the   boy’s   being   as   that   unfamiliar   voice   fills   the   air   and   enters   his   hearing.   Slowly,   he   turns   around,   daring   to   allow   his   multicolored   eyes   to   stare   up   at   a   woman   SEVERAL   inches   taller   than   him.   She   …   does   look   like   she’s   dressed   up   to   try   and   KILL   someone.
                 But   …   you   know   what   ?   Maybe   …   just   maybe   he   shouldn’t   be   judging   a   BOOK   by   its   cover.   The   Port   Mafia   didn’t   exactly   wear   clothes   that’d   he’d   associate   with   killing.   Maybe   she   was   dressed   up   for   some   party   or   something   …
                (   Really,   he’s   trying   to   convince   himself   he’s   NOT   about   to   be   attacked   right   now.   )
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                ‘   Uh   …   the   look   SUITS   you,   Miss   ?   ‘
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@protectheweak​ asked: "Happy Valentine!" Regulus said as he gave Atsushi chocolates. He was giving out chocolates to all of his friends.
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               ‘ Thanks, Regulus - san ! ‘ 
「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━ The boy accepts the chocolates happily before handing off a CUTELY decorated baggie all wrapped up in ribbon. Inside were COOKIES in all sorts of endearing shapes !
              ‘ Happy Valentine’s to you too ! ‘ 
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@antigifted​   asked:    “ you really shouldn’t be here . this isn’t safe for you . ” ( for atsushi ! )
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「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━   Cautionary   words   force   worry   unto   the   boy’s   face   as   he   makes   eye   contact   with   his   mentor.   Dazai   -   san   often   told   him   to   be   CAREFUL   on   missions;   anything   reckless   could   put   their   lives   in   DANGER.   But   to   be   told   that   he   SHOULDN’T   have   come   ?   Those   warnings   never   came   often   and   he   couldn’t   help   but   wonder   why   the   man   felt   compelled   to   SAY   such   things.
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                 ‘   Dazai   -   san   …   aren’t   I   a   MEMBER   of   the   Agency   too   ?   I’m   just   as   capable   as   everyone   else.   I’m   not   just   LEAVING   you   there   to   go   out   on   your   own.   ‘
                Funny   …   in   the   past,   he   would   have   been   COWERING   at   the   idea   of   jumping   out   into   harm’s   way.
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setsunanoai-archive · 5 years
✦ . ˚  @tainted-flcwer​ asked:  
˗ˏˋ       “Vibe check.” Aku smashes a chair over Atsushi’s head.          ˎˊ˗
★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★   •
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          ‘   VIBE   CHECK   !   ‘
「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━   Pulls   out   his   TIGER   CLAWS,   grabs   another   chair,   and   SMASHES   it   over   Akutagawa’s   head   with   all   the   force   of   an   ANGRY   TIGER.
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setsunanoai-archive · 5 years
Your Dating Service
Date with Nakajima Atsushi. Date Fee: $2 Customer Comments: "I was more than happy to be by their side... (Person in late 20s)"
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setsunanoai-archive · 5 years
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          ‘   I’m   BABY   !   ‘
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setsunanoai-archive · 5 years
✦ . ˚  Anonymous asked:  
˗ˏˋ       for atsushi: kidz bop starts blaring in the office with no discernible point of origin          ˎˊ˗
★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★   •
「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━      It’s   not   even   NOON.   It’s   literally   only   9AM.   And   yet   …   the   entire   office   has   basically   COLLAPSED   around   him   as   Kunikida   and   Kenji   are   literally   FLIPPING   entire   desks   and   screaming   and   several   other   pieces   of   furniture   have   met   the   wrath   of   Yosano’s   CHAINSAW.   All   because   NO   ONE   can   find   the   source   of   the   WORST   music   he’s   ever   heard.   Not   even   RANPO   could   figure   out   where   the   music   was   coming   from   and   that   was   TERRIFYING   in   itself.
                He   could   only   stand   there   and   hold   a   desk   OVER   his   head   with   his   tiger   claws   while   the   rest   of   the   Agency   is   literally   SCREAMING.   
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                  WHO   COULD   HAVE   DONE   THIS   ?   !
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setsunanoai-archive · 5 years
★   ༺  @pursuingideals   /   Plotted   ||   Starter   Call   ༻   ★
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               '   Kunikida   -   san   ...   are   you   really   confident   in   that   lead   ?   It   might   have   been   a   PRANK   ...   '
「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━    The   tone   was   a   questioning   one   as   he   adjusts   the   RIDICULOUS   hat   atop   of   his   ivory   locks.   He'd   gotten   that   hat   months   ago   when   he   first   joined   the   Agency;   after   Dazai   -   san   convinced   him   to.   That   hat   was   something   that   Atsushi   would   have   NEVER   bought   unless   he   was   told   ...   but   it   was   only   after   his   purchase   and   the   first   paycheck   he   ever   owned   slipping   from   his   grasps   did   he   realize   it   was   a   prank.   That   hat   had   laid   in   the   closet   for   months   collecting   DUST   until   Kunikida   -   san   told   him   to   pull   it   back   out.
              But   ...   a   HAT   FESTIVAL   ?   But   why   ?   Why   a   HAT   FESTIVAL   ?  
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setsunanoai-archive · 5 years
★   ༺  @goldsaintleoregulus   ||   Starter   Call   ༻   ★
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                '   Are   you   SURE   this   is   the   right   way,   Regulus   -   san   ?   '
「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━    He   didn't   MEAN   to   question   his   fellow   co   -   worker.   In   fact,   he   felt   BAD   for   doing   so   !   But   ...   the   surroundings   really   didn't   match   up   to   where   Kunikida   -   san   told   them   to   go   ...
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setsunanoai-archive · 5 years
★   ༺  @thestraydcgs  /   Dazai   ||   Starter   Call   ༻   ★
「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━    Another   peaceful   day   at   the   Agency;   days   he's   learned   to   treasure   after   VARIOUS   INCIDENTS   involving   Yokohama's   near   destruction.   Like   the   good   employee   he   was,   he'd   been   sorting   through   his   share   of   paperwork.   Through   the   months   though,   his   pen   had   grown   worn   and   old.   One   last   stroke   and   the   ink   ran   DRY.   A   blink;   a   few   scribbles   on   scrap   paper   ...   yeah,   it   was   dead.   He   reaches   for   another   pen   without   even   looking   ...   but   his   hand   grabs   something   far   WIDER   than   a   pen.
                 ...   Eh   ?   
                Slowly,   he   turns   ...   only   to   find   himself   holding   a   CRAB.
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                '   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH   !   '
                He   ALMOST   throws   the   crab   but   he   stops   himself   short.   Though,   he   does   turn   to   the   nearest   co   -   worker   with   a   look   of   pure   HORROR   on   his   face.
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                '   Why   is   there   a   CRAB   on   my   desk,   Dazai   -   san   ?   !   '
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setsunanoai-archive · 5 years
★   ༺  @vxgxbcnd   ||   Starter   Call   ༻   ★
「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━   The   very   sight   was   MORE   than   enough   to   send   the   teen   into   a   fit   of   worry.   Before   him   was   what   seemed   to   be   a   kid   (   or   at   least,   a   young   teenager   );   one   that   seemed   to   be   quite   worn   and   scruffy   looking.   The   backpack   upon   the   other's   shoulders   was   also   an   eerie   reminder   of   the   bag   the   orphanage   sent   him   off   with   (   only   for   him   to   lose   as   he   fled   from   the   tiger   ...   that   wound   up   being   himself   ).   Was   this   boy   ...
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                '   Hey,   uh   ...   are   you   okay   ?   If   you   need   any   help,   I’d   be   glad   to   !   '  
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