eternalstarlights · 8 months
@demon-blood-youths continued from here.
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“I am well aware. It would make sense that he is active at night. It is a good thing he hunts at night and not during daytime. But there will be some people who go out at night. If they are unlucky to be in the wrong location at the wrong time…” Kunikida trailed off, not finishing the sentence. He was sure the boy would understand. “Using the night and darkness to hunt down criminals would create the perfect image of a vengeful spirit or a demon.”
It was quite clear that the boy admired Phantom Slasher as some sort of hero. It was a little concerning. He only hoped this didn’t push the boy into more reckless actions. In fact, he still remembered the boy’s earlier reaction when he was stabbed. He didn’t react like a normal civilian would react almost as if this had happened before.
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“Are you sure? Promise me that you won’t do anything reckless like this again.” Unless… was it possible if the boy and Phantom Slasher were related in some way? “Are there other anti-heroes like Phantom Slasher back in New York? Or is he the only one?”  
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nycttophilic-a · 5 years
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She hadn’t said a word. 
Yet another attack on Yokohama’s peace and the Port Mafia and Armed Detective Agency had to team up. It was direct orders from Mori himself for Jezilia to go and assist the Agency in this plight. She worked so much better on her own or with her squad... Mori knew that. So why was she forced to work with the ADA?
Back to her strange silence.
Jezilia had been partnered up with Doppo Kunikida for and hour now and she had said no words to the man. An infiltration of the enemy organization’s headquarters. They weren’t even inside yet, as the mission was proving itself to be harder than anticipated. The building was heavily guarded... and they had yet to find a way inside.
If they could find a heavily shadowed area... Violet eyes darted around from their spot in the bushes before finding where the sun was blocked by the building. Not nearly as good as it would be if they had waited till night, but it may work...
The woman beckoned for him to follow as she suddenly moved. 
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talesofmuses · 5 years
Continue Here
Minerva heard her name being called and she looked directly towards the tall man. Kunikida is already there all of sudden, she can feel her face heated and her heart fluttered for a brief moment when Kunikida stared at her.
She was also staring at him for a long time. She didn’t know how long she has been idling like an idiot while staring a him. They both have been standing and staring at each other like an idiot but they breaks it almost immediately after realizing what they have been doing.
So weird, didn’t she meet and see him almost every day?
Minerva looked away for a moment as well. “Thank you. I..I tried. So, what’s for the plan?” She knows Kunikida probably have some plans for both of them and she wanted to make sure he have the freedom to carry it out.
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corruptedsorrows · 5 years
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   Now... just to reiterate, Chuuya didn’t like the Armed Detective Agency. He didn’t like anyone in the Armed Detective Agency. That being said, having been on the rescue helicopter when their boss had called in a favour, Chuuya had been a firsthand witness to Kunikida’s sacrifice to escape the Hunting Dogs. That at least, earned him some credit with Chuuya personally. In their world it was very rare to see someone willing to sacrifice themselves to a greater good. Most often they would put someone else in the position to take the fall for them. Chuuya was not one of those people. So, seeing someone else willing to throw themselves to such an unpromising end to defend their comrades, their mission, their morals, their ideals--it tickled him a bit. Never mind the fact it made Chuuya’s job easier; that was just an add-on.
   Chuuya honestly never thought he’d be standing in front of one of the apartments that housed the agency members. It was a dingy, cramped unit that rather turned Chuuya’s nose up at the sight of it. The bottle of gifted wine held in his hand would probably cover rent here for a month easily. Revolting... The task itself was simple; knock on the door, if Kunikida was home answer it and gift the drink without further comment, if Kunikida was not present the wine would be left at the door with a note, unsigned, and with a simple message of gratitude:
    ---‘You’re not as stupid as the rest of them.’
   Ok, well it was ‘Chuuya-gratitude’ what did you actually expect? Truthfully, Chuuya hoped the man wasn’t at home to avoid an awkward conversation explaining in more detail why he was here; and how if Kunikida were to spill this to anyone (especially a bandage wasting machine or the prick with the glasses and ungodly sweet tooth) he’d smash the blonde’s face into the curb. Again, see aforementioned ‘Chuuya-gratitude’.
   Reaching his hand to press the buzzer for the door alarm, Chuuya waited to see if Kunikida would answer the call. He shouldn’t be home... Chuuya had chosen to do this in the middle of the day for two reasons; 1) most people were at work in the middle of the day, 2) it was Chuuya’s off time so no one from the mafia would see him in ADA territory either. ┈✥
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💕 - for our muses to go on a chirstmas date (Kunikida)
Winter Holiday 
Minerva seems to be tying her hair to a neat bun, long skirted coat, black thighs and a pair of mid-length booties to complete her wear that day. She wasn’t so sure if Kunikida likes it, but she loved the way she dressed that day. “I have to go early. I really want to make sure I’m punctual!” Minerva arrived at the promised place and she looked at her wrist watch. Yes, three minutes early!
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errantscriptor · 5 years
SC | @pursuingideals​
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               “Woof, trained dog reporting for duty. They tell me you needed a hand on this case.”
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diverse-hearts-a · 5 years
@pursuingideals​ continued from [X]
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“I’m here with the Boss - Elise wanted to see Santa”, he tipped his head towards the line of children, near the middle stood the mafia boss in his more casual clothing, Elise talking away in an excited manner by his side, “I realised just who Santa happened to be and I just needed a few pictures”. He grinned as he took his phone out, snapping a few pictures of Kunikida in his full Santa outfit, “Good blackmail material if you ever begin to date”, he chuckled lightly as she saved the few pictures to have been taken. “So, how’d you get roped into something like this?”
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kxramczov · 5 years
Plotted starter for @pursuingideals​.
It came as only a mild surprise and disappointment when Moby Dick failed, so it was only natural that he promptly took what he could from the Guild before disappearing while they scrambled like headless chickens.
That was how he ended up pretending to wonder around a particular strip of stores as if he were lost. The only hint that could reveal his intentions was how he suddenly changed his direction even as he maintained the same clueless look on the face until he ‘accidentally’ bumped into someone.
Faking a yelp he looked up at the man he bumped into before sputtering out, “ah, I- nyet, my apologies. I did not see you there, sir.”
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He gave a short pause before continuing, “My apologies again, I come from another country, could you please help me?”
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durkhankes-archived · 5 years
Luke and Dei geared up for their next mission. Wearing a fitting padded suit, covering their entire body before they approach the Quantum Tunnel. As soon the Artificial Intelligence open the gateway for the Quantum Tunnel, there was a glowing sign above the gate that indicate that the tunnel is for Universe D 3667Z. It’s their destination.
"I feel proud that we actually found our 3667th Universe, Luke. When you think there's nothing else outside there but there they are! Have you ever think Earth ever tired of having different verses?" Dei said with a wide smile towards Luke.
Luke was glancing away, with a discontent expression spread all over his face. "Earth? Tired? I'm the one that's tired."
"Oh come on, as soon we are able hunt that book, we can seal it and the universe's dimension will go back to normal, right?"
Luke sighed. "....You make it sounded so easy. Alright, Quantum Tunneling Section 7, firing up sequences!!" With his command, the gateway immediately harvest the power available, thrusting immense power in few seconds before Luke and Dei disappeared.
A portal just opened and the two young man arrived in a matter of second. They supposedly arrived in Yokohama Japan but they seems to be in the middle of a very quiet road. Luke noticed there are some destruction and black smokes arises from the burning metals. He only could assume the casualties must have been less than an hour. Luke's eyes were observing the surrounding until he spotted someone nearby.
"...Dei." He simply called his name for a responses. Dei understood what he wants and he checked the details on the device.
“We are in the right dimension. Just that we might have not expected to arrive at a quiet road like this.."
"No. That's not it..!" He pointed something in the nearby. Perhaps a man. He sounded almost horrified as he immediately approached the dying man. Dei checked the man's heartbeat and his details.
"...Luke, he is one of the ability user.."
Luke looked around then looked back at Dei. "It will be dangerous if someone sees us right now. I can feel dangers lurking around. Let’s take his body to somewhere else. I think he can be saved if we bring him home now." Dei at first kind of hesitated but since it is Luke's order, he will follow it. So they head back to their own universe bringing Kunikida with them.
Upon arriving back to the universe, a group of medics quickly took the man for emergency treatment. Isolated him in the private patient room. Few doctors were assigned to monitor his progress as they continuously treat him. They even able to fix up the wound in short amount of time. 
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dcdbtc · 5 years
|| @pursuingideals | øøø || _____________________________ ø _____________________________
Did his eyes mess with him or was it someone from ADA? Well, they’re more free to wander around than Port Mafia, so actually it wouldn’t be that suprising. That also meant there was someone bit more interesting to mess with, as they’re always having more interesting jobs than anyone else in that city, besides mafia, but that’s bit diffrent story. Isao clapped his hands and with chuckle he started to talk, with brightest smile possible.
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“Whoa, you’re from Armed Detective Agency, right? That’s incredible! Are you working on something? Is it a murder case? Are you hunting someone down? Can I help you? Please~! You won’t regret it, I promise~” _____________________________ ø _____________________________
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foolslcve · 5 years
@pursuingideals \\ liked this for a starter!
       ❝   kunikida - san, do you have a minute? i need some help with my math homework --   ❞
            naomi had developed a habit over her few years with the agency to bring her homework with her to the office so that when she had a bit of down - time, she could get it completed in a timely manner and keep up with her high school studies. she normally didn't need to ask for any assistance, but math turned out to be one of her worst subjects and most concepts just didn't stick in her mind. so she braved some apprehension about interrupting kunikida's meticulously created schedule to ask for some help, especially when knowing kunikida used to be a math teacher.
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                  ❝    only if you have a minute --- i don't want to bother you if you're working on a case,   ❞   naomi added, holding a few pieces of paper in her hands.
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eternalstarlights · 8 months
@featherchan continued from here.
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This was a longer spar than Regulus thought it would be. Usually, he would defeat his opponent fairly quickly, however, this spar was harder than it was. Observing his opponent while exchanging blows, he found this spar more fun and interesting than his previous spars with other trainees. He could also see that she was having fun as well as she was taunting him. He only taunted her back with a huge grin.
Unfortunately, the fun did not last forever as a familiar saint stepped in.
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“Kunikida? Why did you do that? We were sparing!”
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“Sparing for too long. There is a limit. I understand that you are having fun sparring each other but there are still other trainees that need to spar too.” Kunikida glanced at the other trainees that were watching them. “Stop standing there and go back to your training now!”
The trainees immediately flee back to their training spots. They didn’t want to stand around and get lectured by Kunikida. After all the trainees were gone, Kunikida turned back to them.
“Are you two doing okay?”
He was a little worried for Kanako as he knew she was having a hard time fitting in. Not only that her opponent was Sisyphus’ nephew and he had already heard rumours about how skilled the boy was. He was what people called a prodigy.
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setsunanoai-archive · 5 years
★   ༺  @pursuingideals   /   Plotted   ||   Starter   Call   ༻   ★
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               '   Kunikida   -   san   ...   are   you   really   confident   in   that   lead   ?   It   might   have   been   a   PRANK   ...   '
「 ★ 」   ⋮    W E R E T I G E R.    ⋮  ━━    The   tone   was   a   questioning   one   as   he   adjusts   the   RIDICULOUS   hat   atop   of   his   ivory   locks.   He'd   gotten   that   hat   months   ago   when   he   first   joined   the   Agency;   after   Dazai   -   san   convinced   him   to.   That   hat   was   something   that   Atsushi   would   have   NEVER   bought   unless   he   was   told   ...   but   it   was   only   after   his   purchase   and   the   first   paycheck   he   ever   owned   slipping   from   his   grasps   did   he   realize   it   was   a   prank.   That   hat   had   laid   in   the   closet   for   months   collecting   DUST   until   Kunikida   -   san   told   him   to   pull   it   back   out.
              But   ...   a   HAT   FESTIVAL   ?   But   why   ?   Why   a   HAT   FESTIVAL   ?  
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talesofmuses · 5 years
Lumina finally came back to the busy city, Yokohama. Different dimension, different time, but she have been here before. She was equipped with necessities, her own credentials, provided by the Gatekeepers Organization. After settling down few boxes inside her apartment, she took a break by going outside to the balcony. She take a look on the city while standing there, observing the life beneath. While her stares become out of focus, her mind drifted.
“...Mom. It feels like you are here. It feels like I’m coming home to a nonexistent family.” 
Lumina shook her head in effort to get rid of the negative feeling then went inside to get her coat. Maybe walking around the city for a while would make her feel happy. She let herself walk aimlessly throughout the streets and then she stops when she saw a familiar building. 
The Detective Agency building, and the cafe beneath it. It has been a while! 
It feels like a childhood memories! She went straight to the cafe and looked around with a smile. She went to the bar and ordered herself a latte before she looked back when she heard a familiar voice. Is that.. Kunikida and his colleagues..?
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She wondered.. If he remember her at all? It has been few weeks after their last mission together. She sat quietly, taking small glances of the occupied table while waiting for her order to come.
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pxrtalmxster · 5 years
@pursuingideals Liked for a starter!
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“Y’know, despite this world being full of abilities and all, you’d think there would be more interesting things in this city. Which makes me think anything worthwhile is where you’ve supposedly banned.” she sighed. “I mean, even the libraries here don’t have anything interesting. That pretty much never happens!”
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Continue from here (X)
Minerva looked at his reaction and she remain calm and composed. She doesn’t feel like she’s going to panic like how she expect before instead she was feeling a little bit relief.
“We have been through a lot of things together. I’m used to rely on you and somehow you have become someone that I’m familiar and get to know with. Time flies and I’m used to the feeling of having you beside me. I realized there’s moment I’m starting to miss you when you are not around. I got wary seconds you left the agency for missions. I’m afraid that I will never see you again after that. My heart aches so mad when you are hurt. I silently struggled to ignore that feeling because the moment I thought I could do it, the feeling I have for you would come back every single day.”
Minerva looked down and fixed her stares on the ground. “Tell me what should I do? I want to leave but it feels so hard to decide for myself. Maybe if you tell me I should leave, at least it’s clear for me that I shouldn’t having this kind of feeling anymore. If I must leave then.. I want you to remember that..-”
She mustered all of her bravery and looked him directly in the eyes. “..I really, really love you, Kunikida Doppo.”
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