#โ–ˆ โ–Œ ๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™š๐™ฉ ๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™š. / ic.
etcnnante ยท 3 months
* / @jukudoku. / starter for bruno & elliott !
THE BEACH beside old cabin was quite a hot spot destination - elliott's own home hardly secluded from those that visit the beach for a day of respite. from the residents of pelican town to wandering tourist , the shore surely saw it's fair share of activity. many of which leaving behind abundant amount of litter in their wake , meaning such waste was left scattered across sandy shore and more importantly - in front of his own home. the task of cleaning up often left to elliott or willy - considering the pair shared the same shoreline. though , one such frequent visitor would come and clean up remaining debris ; elliott has seen him from worn windows whilst he worked rigorously on writing lengthy novel , peering out every now and then to satiate sore eyes as they focused on one paper after another. it was quite a sight to see for him - someone with a bit of humanity ? cleaning up after others from the goodness of their own heart ? it was a rare sight - who would've known someone beside him and willy cared so deeply for the beach and his home. EYE'S DREW themselves to the window , noting how the man was out there once again - picking up one piece of trash after the other. perhaps it was from the guilt that he felt from slacking on clean up duty , but elliott felt compelled to help and introduce himself ; a simple hello and a thank you for helping keep his home clean. pen was placed upon papers before elliott stood from his desk and grabbed a trash bag , locking door behind him and heading to the other. it seemed like they had been out here for awhile before elliott took notice - seeing how he already had the trash can quite filled up already. ' hello , ' his voice was soft , careful to not startle the visitor. ' i see you out here cleaning up the beach whenever you come and visit ---- -- ' out loud - it didn't sound as pleasing ... ' because i live in that little cabin over there ! and i wanted to say thank you for helping keep my home clean. ' a smile shows as he properly opened plastic bag within hand. ' would it be okay if i helped ? i feel like a trash bag might do you some good , too. '
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hauntsdestruction ยท 2 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย ย โ€˜ย  iย  feelย  likeย  iโ€™veย  beenย  workingย  forย  sixย  daysย  straightย  nowย  ...ย  iย  eitherย  needย  toย  sleepย  forย  aย  weekย  straightย  ,ย  orย  chugย  aย  monthsย  worthย  ofย  coffee.ย  pleaseย  tellย  meย  weย  haveย  coffee.ย  โ€˜ย ย 
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etcnnante ยท 3 months
can you stop being silly for one second please
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' what i am if not for my silliness ? this is what you signed up for when you married me ! '
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etcnnante ยท 11 months
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' this strange celebration that humans engage in ---- -- halloween , seems like a waste of time. but ... it is the only time we pillarmen can walk amongst them without so much as a bat of an eye. though ... they are insistent of taking ' photographs ' with me. and they keep mentioning something called ' bdsm ' , which i have yet to learn the nature of. humans , once again , never fail to surprise me. '
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etcnnante ยท 6 months
hey รŸro how's it going - mista to mista
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' sup รŸro just reading this รŸook about รŸartending รŸecause it seems like fun since you can drink on the joรŸ. i think at least idk tho. '
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etcnnante ยท 6 months
how bigโ€™s that dick
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' GINORMOUS . now leave me alone hamon user. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
โ› i wasnโ€™t a person to you. i was a weapon, and you needed me to work. โœ TO KEICHOโ€ฆ.
๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐จ ๐ฑ ๐ฏ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š๐ข๐ง ๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ. / accepting !
THE DAY keicho was graced with the arrow was also a day when he began to shoulder an unspoken burden - an internal vow to rid paternal figure that brought him and younger sibling in the world. fingertips spent days endlessly tracing the sharpened edge that never dulled despite near religious usage , prayers hopelessly leaving lips to finally end this arduous task. it's hard for him to fully conceive what has become of his once loving life - reduced down to just him , a younger brother to support , and a leech of a father that cowards away within the shell of their former home. to call it home would be too much of a stretch now , but it keeps a roof over okuyasu's head. TO THINK this is the path led him - in front of another whom piqued his curiosity quite some time ago. they both harbor a deep lamenting feel ; yukako clearly mourning the loss of her previous life - as keicho mourned the fact she was presented with such a futile ability , hoping for a stand more beneficial to his situation. but - love deluxe was still impressive nonetheless , having sought her out for more malfeasant expeditions to find a suitable stand user for his father. all of which - having failed. ' none of you were. i didn't choose you out of sympathy ---- -- i chose you in the hopes you'd have an ability worthy enough to kill my father. but you didn't. ' VOICE GROVELED as eyes pierced the woman's figure beside him , brows furrowed as arrowhead is pointed towards her direction - mere inches from visage to incite trepidation. chest huffed as he lowered it back atop weathered desk , wooden splinters brushing against coarse skin as fingertips grazed it. piercing gaze sways from the woman to the enigmatic arrow they still somehow shined despite sparse lighting within decrepit house. staring at it is enough to elicit a heavy - almost nauseating sensation deep within chest. ' you've all been worthless , it'd be an insult to even call you a weapon. countless people i've pierced and still ---- nothing. you're hardly a weapon , more like an accessory used to help advance my plans. i wouldn't dwell on it too much. '
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etcnnante ยท 6 months
โ€œ she cried for you all day. โ€
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WHILEย  WORKย  wasnโ€™tย  exactlyย  tiringย  -ย  theย  constantย  needย  toย  upkeepย  cheerfulย  dispositionย  andย  oversellย  propertiesย  thatย  didย  notย  exactlyย  deserveย  suchย  niceย  wordsย  ,ย  wellย  โ€ฆย  josephย  couldย  stillย  feel himself wear thin , especially as he began to struggleย  toย  keepย  moreย  hurtfulย  wordsย  atย  bay from incompetent buyers.ย  there was always a need to try and remain level headedย  nonethelessย  -ย  knowingย  howย  suchย  outburstsย  canย  causeย  lingeringย  emotionsย  thatย  canโ€™tย  beย  easilyย  remedied.ย  andย  ,ย  atย  suchย  pointย  duringย  theย  dayย  -ย  onlyย  aย  fewย  thingsย  canย  setย  such a roughย  dayย  straightย  again.ย  LIPSย  COULDNโ€™Tย  helpย  butย  widenย  asย  hisย  eyesย  focusedย  onย  theย  smallย  babyย  withinย  theย  blondeโ€™sย  arms as door opened wideย  ,ย  petiteย  handsย  alreadyย  reachingย  outย  beforeย  josephย  hadย  aย  chanceย  toย  evenย  takeย  offย  hisย  shoes.ย  he could feel heartย  swell withย  love and admirationย  asย  theย  stressย  ofย  theย  dayย  washedย  awayย  whenย  heย  excitedly tookย  aย  smallย  hollyย  withinย  hisย  arms.ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  โ€˜ย  sheย  didย  ?ย  hmm ... maybeย  iย  shouldย  callย  intoย  workย  tomorrowย  soย  youย  canย  getย  some neededย  rest , then.ย  โ€˜ย  heย  turnedย  fromย  dearlyย  belovedย  backย  towardsย  tinyย  babyย  withinย  armsย  ,ย  herย  softย  cooingย  enoughย  toย  sootheย  tenseย  muscleย  andย  lowerย  cortisolย  levels.ย  โ€˜ย  andย  thenย  thatย  wayย  lilโ€™ย  hollyย  andย  iย  canย  spendย  allllllllllllย  dayย  togetherย  !ย  iย  betย  youโ€™dย  loveย  thatย  ,ย  wouldnโ€™tย  youย  sweetieย  ?ย  โ€˜ย  vocalย  toneย  heightenedย  asย  heย  broughtย  hollyย  closerย  ,ย  eagerly pressingย  aย  quickย  kissย  toย  theย  tipย  ofย  herย  noseย  !ย  quick to press another to her cheek beforeย  leaningย  overย  toย  giveย  oneย  toย  caesarย  asย  well.ย 
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etcnnante ยท 10 months
did you name Santana and Wamuu yourself Kars, or did you keep their birth names from their birth parents?
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THEY DON'T deserve such an answer - though , it was certainly amusing to entertain a peculiar question. of course they'd be intrigued by the pillar men naming culture and how one goes about choosing such an important facet of their life. ' does it really matter ? their namesakes never mattered to begin with. all that mattered is that they were raised by esidsi and i to become profound warriors. some , more proficient than others. but , nonetheless , the origins of their names do not matter. it all comes down to their capabilities and endurance. '
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etcnnante ยท 10 months
weather report has to eat oysters
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' i ... have to eat them ? ' the remark left his brain quite rattled. he doesn't even remember eating one before. perhaps , he could make it rain an oyster or two , just to test one. ' what if i don't like them ? i heard they're slimy. and i don't like slimy things. i don't really like seafood in general. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@determinazione asked ! : โ€œ are you sure i should give it a try? โ€
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WORN BOX of cheap cigarettes rattled with the few sticks still left inside , taking out one and letting it sit between lips. lavender hues locked with iconic turquoise eyes as fingers fumbled to get another one out from tattered cardboard. ' i'm not pressurin' ya' , but it won't kill ya' to try. you seem like you could use one , though. ' HANDS ALREADY smelled heavily of tobacco before he even handed a cigarette to the blonde , stained with the scent from prior ' smoke break ' he had indulged in earlier in the day. fingers held it between their tips - presenting it before companion with an air of interest. ' they can help with stress ---- -- which i can tell you have been recently. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@quirofiliac asked ! : โ€œi changed him, you know. some might say, ahโ€ฆ for the better too.โ€ @ okuyasu ๐Ÿซถ
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' sh - shut UP ! ' AGGRESSION WAS his instinctual response when it came to the condesending blonde that taunted okuyasu with haunting accusations and even harsh truths. what else could be said ? trying to mend any inkling of their frayed dynamic is enough to cause stomach to turn ... and even throwing a threat towards the elder blonde's way could end up souring his relationship with their shared counterpart ---- -- having to merely compromise with insufferable notions such as this. ' y - you don't do nothin' besides infect people's lives like a parasite ... and soon enough giorno will see that ! then you'll be sorry ... ' SUPPRESSING THE boiling emotions that festered deep within chest was enough to cause teeth to grit and grind , trying to avoid an over - blown altercation that delinquent teen seemingly wanted to egg on despite dire consequences. it couldn't be helped ---- -- the whole ordeal reminiscent of poking a bear for him , tempted to see if he could truly be victorious against barbaric yet intellectual rival.
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etcnnante ยท 10 months
Weather... I am sad to say Bill Overbeck wouldn't like you much
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' well , i can assuredly say that i wouldn't like him , either ... whoever that may be. but , why wouldn't he like me ? i've never even met this man. '
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etcnnante ยท 10 months
Mista. Would you fuck Abbacchio
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' wh - wh - what kind of question is THIS ?! how do i even respond to this ?! ' TO SAY he was left stunned by such a inquiry was an understatement. it's ... a rather delicate subject , to say the least. how could he approach this without causing a rift ? ' i - i don't know what you want me to say ... i won't beat around the bush and say i don't admire the mans looks and strength ... and he is impressively tall. he also already looks quite a bit like a woman , especially from the back ... b - but , no ! '
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etcnnante ยท 10 months
Narancia... would you smoge weed
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' wh - what ...? smoge weed ...? i'm sure you mean SMOKE ---- -- and ... ' VIOLET EYES look around , making sure none of the other members can hear his honest answer. especially ... giorno. ' personally , yeah ! it can't be that bad , right ? it's not like that ... synthesized stuff that's floating around nowadays. that stuff can't be trusted. but ... weed seems pretty tame in comparison. '
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etcnnante ยท 11 months
"-- greetings grandfather of mine, it is i, your grandson. " totally not OINGO pretending to be JOTARO.
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EYES EXAMINED the man before him , wondering why dear grandson opted for an ... oddly formal introduction. gaze can't help but eye him down - giving a rather distasteful look as he examined rather flamboyant outfit. he can't help but raise an eyebrow at the attire chosen. ' uh , hello ... grandson. how was your little trip ? it seems like you got some new ... questionable , clothing. i thought we were trying to not draw attention to us but , whatever makes you happy. '
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