#โ–ˆ โ–Œ ๐™™๐™ž๐™–๐™ข๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™—๐™ง๐™š๐™–๐™ ๐™–๐™—๐™ก๐™š. / v . part 4.
etcnnante ยท 1 year
โ› i wasnโ€™t a person to you. i was a weapon, and you needed me to work. โœ TO KEICHOโ€ฆ.
๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐จ ๐ฑ ๐ฏ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š๐ข๐ง ๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ. / accepting !
THE DAY keicho was graced with the arrow was also a day when he began to shoulder an unspoken burden - an internal vow to rid paternal figure that brought him and younger sibling in the world. fingertips spent days endlessly tracing the sharpened edge that never dulled despite near religious usage , prayers hopelessly leaving lips to finally end this arduous task. it's hard for him to fully conceive what has become of his once loving life - reduced down to just him , a younger brother to support , and a leech of a father that cowards away within the shell of their former home. to call it home would be too much of a stretch now , but it keeps a roof over okuyasu's head. TO THINK this is the path led him - in front of another whom piqued his curiosity quite some time ago. they both harbor a deep lamenting feel ; yukako clearly mourning the loss of her previous life - as keicho mourned the fact she was presented with such a futile ability , hoping for a stand more beneficial to his situation. but - love deluxe was still impressive nonetheless , having sought her out for more malfeasant expeditions to find a suitable stand user for his father. all of which - having failed. ' none of you were. i didn't choose you out of sympathy ---- -- i chose you in the hopes you'd have an ability worthy enough to kill my father. but you didn't. ' VOICE GROVELED as eyes pierced the woman's figure beside him , brows furrowed as arrowhead is pointed towards her direction - mere inches from visage to incite trepidation. chest huffed as he lowered it back atop weathered desk , wooden splinters brushing against coarse skin as fingertips grazed it. piercing gaze sways from the woman to the enigmatic arrow they still somehow shined despite sparse lighting within decrepit house. staring at it is enough to elicit a heavy - almost nauseating sensation deep within chest. ' you've all been worthless , it'd be an insult to even call you a weapon. countless people i've pierced and still ---- nothing. you're hardly a weapon , more like an accessory used to help advance my plans. i wouldn't dwell on it too much. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@determinazione asked ! : โ€œ are you sure i should give it a try? โ€
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WORN BOX of cheap cigarettes rattled with the few sticks still left inside , taking out one and letting it sit between lips. lavender hues locked with iconic turquoise eyes as fingers fumbled to get another one out from tattered cardboard. ' i'm not pressurin' ya' , but it won't kill ya' to try. you seem like you could use one , though. ' HANDS ALREADY smelled heavily of tobacco before he even handed a cigarette to the blonde , stained with the scent from prior ' smoke break ' he had indulged in earlier in the day. fingers held it between their tips - presenting it before companion with an air of interest. ' they can help with stress ---- -- which i can tell you have been recently. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@quirofiliac asked ! : โ€œi changed him, you know. some might say, ahโ€ฆ for the better too.โ€ @ okuyasu ๐Ÿซถ
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' sh - shut UP ! ' AGGRESSION WAS his instinctual response when it came to the condesending blonde that taunted okuyasu with haunting accusations and even harsh truths. what else could be said ? trying to mend any inkling of their frayed dynamic is enough to cause stomach to turn ... and even throwing a threat towards the elder blonde's way could end up souring his relationship with their shared counterpart ---- -- having to merely compromise with insufferable notions such as this. ' y - you don't do nothin' besides infect people's lives like a parasite ... and soon enough giorno will see that ! then you'll be sorry ... ' SUPPRESSING THE boiling emotions that festered deep within chest was enough to cause teeth to grit and grind , trying to avoid an over - blown altercation that delinquent teen seemingly wanted to egg on despite dire consequences. it couldn't be helped ---- -- the whole ordeal reminiscent of poking a bear for him , tempted to see if he could truly be victorious against barbaric yet intellectual rival.
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@standbowed asked ! : โ› iโ€™ve seen you before, walking by. โœ @ okuyasu ! ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ ๐‘๐€๐๐ƒ๐Ž๐Œ ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐€๐‹๐Ž๐†๐”๐„ ๐๐‘๐Ž๐Œ๐๐“๐’ / not accepting !
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EYES DARTED around surroundings , gaze trying to fixate of where voice came from before locking onto a young woman that stood beside him. was ... was she talking to me ? he thought , glancing around once more just to be sure. come to think of it , the woman did seem striking enough to warrant okuyasu to dig through memories to try to pinpoint where he has seen her before - perchance they were a student ? ' ya' 'ave ? i don't think i've ever seen ya' before ... i'm sure i'd remember someone like you. wait ---- -- you're not tryin' to sell me somethin' , right ? i don't have the money to buy anythin' , so don't even try. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@determinazione asked ! : โ€œ i missed you today, โ€ an outsider amidst a crowd, giorno felt the judgemental eyes of his new classmates drill into him, amplifying the loneliness already present โ€”- few understood him, but at least okuyasu would. arms wrapped tightly around okuyasuโ€™s physique, burying his face into the fabric of his school uniform, hiding away. โ€œ iโ€™m... so lonely without you. โ€ / hi girl i love you girl <3
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HOW ARMS CLASPED themselves around broad frame with a sense of admiration , the male already anticipating such an embrace when he picked out striking blonde hair amongst the crowd. muscular arms engulf the other within tight grasp , a cheek pressed softly to luxuriously maintained curls ... sweet and inviting scent of fruity conditioner lulling him into a sense of security as arms gave the young male a slight squeeze ! ' don't worry , i'm never too far from you ! and i'm ... lonely without you , too. we should walk home together today ! so we can spend more time together. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@fiiorire asked ! : i don't care that your house is in shambles. i just want to be with you.
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' i - i know ! but ... ya deserve somethin' better than my ruined home. ' THOUGH THE house had already seen quite a bit of renovation and home improvement - it was still far from completion. despite the many manhours poured into it , it still resembled something more akin to ... a haunted house , on most days. through some sense - in a way of testing of fate , he felt bound to decrepit house , a fitting home for a man at wits end. seemingly trying to repair one of the last few things within the nijimura name - hopelessly piecing together parts that have already been long gone. ' doesn't it ... scare ya ? havin' to come here ? it's nothin' like josuke's , it's hardly a home , to tell ya the truth. '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@fiiorire asked ! : blows okuyasu a kiss ๐Ÿ’‹
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HAND OUTREACHES to grab at imaginable smooch ! bringing fist close to lips , kissing knuckles before blowing back a reciprocated kiss. he can't help but feel a ting of nervousness as okuyasu felt his cheek heat up - flushing to a darker red hue with a smile that could be seen for miles !
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@henkou / * continued from here !
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' what , you've never had pizza before ?! we're changin' that TODAY ! ' NO TIME was wasted as okuyasu wrapped a hand around the other's wrist - dragging along supposed extraterrestrial with excitable demeanor. it always intrigued him to introduce mikitaka to new , yet average everyday things - such as pizza ! an italian wonder graced to the people of japan ... a part of him is exhilarated to be the first to show him that he deems so perfect - the pinnacle of good fast food ! ' it's a delicacy , nothin' quite like an authentic italian pizza ! but , we're not goin' to tonio's. no no no , there's a lil' mom 'n pop shop that has some of the best pizza. they're italian , too ! so , ya' know it's the real deal. ' OKUYASU SPOKE quickly - voice eager with excitement as he kept the other close behind , navigating endless streets and corridors with ease before finding the pair before tiny business. okuyasu gestured a ' wait here ' as he went inside , coming back out after brief period with an ear to ear grin and two small trays. each contained a simple slice of pizza - homemade sauce , some mozzarella , pepperoni , and basil to garnish. he offered out a tray for the other , hoping he'd find it equally decadent as okuyasu did. ' here , and , you can consider this payment for all the ice cream i've asked for. tell me what'cha think of it ! '
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etcnnante ยท 1 year
@fiiorire asked ! : " i love you. " oh u know. <3
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HOW SUCH affection still seem unfamiliar - the simple string of words echoing in his mind as lulling words of comforts. an almost foreign concept to him - love ... something that had gone unrealized for so long , having forgone such comforting feeling in place of spite and guilt once father turned into a fraction of the man he once was. heart almost couldn't handle the love giorno poured into their relationship , always wondering if the love he gave in return would ever be enough. it never felt like enough - but that had yet to deter him. IT WAS impossible to hide the almost ridiculous smile that showed up , as if this was the first time they had confessed their admiration for one another. it was subconscious - the way he smiled and felt flattery from three simple words as hand coiled itself around the other's , bringing it up as lips left loving kiss upon the back of giorno's hand. ' i love you , too. '
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